/** * Copy constructor * @param orig The object to copy */ public RtfParserState(RtfParserState orig) { this.properties = orig.properties; this.parserState = orig.parserState; this.tokeniserState = orig.tokeniserState; this.groupHandler = null; this.destination = orig.destination; this.text = new StringBuilder(); this.ctrlWordHandlers = new Stack(); this.destination = orig.destination; this.newGroup = false; }
/** * Handles close group tokens. (}) * * @return errOK if ok, other if an error occurred. */ public int HandleCloseGroup() { int result = errOK; this.closeGroupCount++; // stats if (this.GetTokeniserState() != TOKENISER_SKIP_GROUP) { if (debugParser) { RtfParser.OutputDebug(this.rtfDoc, groupLevel, "DEBUG: HandleCloseGroup()"); if (this.lastCtrlWordParam != null) RtfParser.OutputDebug(this.rtfDoc, groupLevel, "DEBUG: LastCtrlWord=" + this.lastCtrlWordParam.ctrlWord); RtfParser.OutputDebug(this.rtfDoc, groupLevel, "DEBUG: grouplevel=" + groupLevel.ToString()); RtfParser.OutputDebug(this.rtfDoc, groupLevel, "DEBUG: destination=" + this.GetCurrentDestination().ToString()); RtfParser.OutputDebug(this.rtfDoc, groupLevel, ""); } RtfDestination dest = this.GetCurrentDestination(); bool handled = false; if (dest != null) { handled = dest.HandleCloseGroup(); } if (debugParser) { RtfParser.OutputDebug(this.rtfDoc, groupLevel, "DEBUG: After dest.HandleCloseGroup(); handled = " + handled.ToString()); RtfParser.OutputDebug(this.rtfDoc, groupLevel, ""); } } if (this.stackState.Count >0 ) { this.currentState = (RtfParserState)this.stackState.Pop(); } else { result = errStackUnderflow; } this.docGroupLevel--; this.groupLevel--; if (this.GetTokeniserState() == TOKENISER_SKIP_GROUP && this.groupLevel < this.skipGroupLevel) { this.SetTokeniserState(TOKENISER_NORMAL); } return result; }
/* ***************************************** * DOCUMENT CONTROL METHODS * * Handles - * handleOpenGroup: Open groups - '{' * handleCloseGroup: Close groups - '}' * handleCtrlWord: Ctrl Words - '\...' * handleCharacter: Characters - Plain Text, etc. * */ /** * Handles open group tokens. ({) * * @return errOK if ok, other if an error occurred. */ public int HandleOpenGroup() { int result = errOK; this.openGroupCount++; // stats this.groupLevel++; // current group level in tokeniser this.docGroupLevel++; // current group level in document if (this.GetTokeniserState() == TOKENISER_SKIP_GROUP) { this.groupSkippedCount++; } RtfDestination dest = this.GetCurrentDestination(); bool handled = false; if (dest != null) { if (debugParser) { RtfParser.OutputDebug(this.rtfDoc, groupLevel, "DEBUG: before dest.HandleOpeningSubGroup()"); RtfParser.OutputDebug(this.rtfDoc, groupLevel, "DEBUG: destination=" + dest.ToString()); } handled = dest.HandleOpeningSubGroup(); if (debugParser) { RtfParser.OutputDebug(this.rtfDoc, groupLevel, "DEBUG: after dest.HandleOpeningSubGroup()"); } } this.stackState.Push(this.currentState); this.currentState = new RtfParserState(this.currentState); // do not set this true until after the state is pushed // otherwise it inserts a { where one does not belong. this.currentState.newGroup = true; dest = this.GetCurrentDestination(); if (debugParser) { RtfParser.OutputDebug(this.rtfDoc, groupLevel, "DEBUG: HandleOpenGroup()"); if (this.lastCtrlWordParam != null) RtfParser.OutputDebug(this.rtfDoc, groupLevel, "DEBUG: LastCtrlWord=" + this.lastCtrlWordParam.ctrlWord); RtfParser.OutputDebug(this.rtfDoc, groupLevel, "DEBUG: grouplevel=" + groupLevel.ToString()); RtfParser.OutputDebug(this.rtfDoc, groupLevel, "DEBUG: destination=" + dest.ToString()); } if (dest != null) { handled = dest.HandleOpenGroup(); } if (debugParser) { RtfParser.OutputDebug(this.rtfDoc, groupLevel, "DEBUG: after dest.HandleOpenGroup(); handled=" + handled.ToString()); } return result; }
/** * Initialize the parser object values. * * @param type Type of conversion or import * @param rtfDoc The <code>RtfDocument</code> * @param readerIn The input stream * @param doc The iText <code>Document</code> */ private void Init(int type, RtfDocument rtfDoc, Stream readerIn, Legacy.Text.Document doc, IElement elem) { Init_stats(); // initialize reader to a PushbackReader this.pbReader = Init_Reader(readerIn); this.conversionType = type; this.rtfDoc = rtfDoc; this.document = doc; this.elem = elem; this.currentState = new RtfParserState(); this.stackState = new Stack(); this.SetParserState(PARSER_STARTSTOP); this.importMgr = new RtfImportMgr(this.rtfDoc, this.document); // get destination Mgr this.destinationMgr = RtfDestinationMgr.GetInstance(this); // set the parser RtfDestinationMgr.SetParser(this); // DEBUG INFO for timing and memory usage of RtfCtrlWordMgr object // create multiple new RtfCtrlWordMgr objects to check timing and memory usage // System.Gc(); // long endTime = 0; // Date endDate = null; // long endFree = 0; // DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#,##0"); // Date startDate = new Date(); // long startTime = System.CurrentTimeMillis(); // long startFree = Runtime.GetRuntime().FreeMemory(); // System.out.Println("1:"); this.rtfKeywordMgr = new RtfCtrlWordMgr(this, this.pbReader);/////////DO NOT COMMENT OUT THIS LINE /////////// foreach (object listener in listeners) { if (listener is IRtfCtrlWordListener) { this.rtfKeywordMgr.AddRtfCtrlWordListener((IRtfCtrlWordListener)listener); } } // endFree = Runtime.GetRuntime().FreeMemory(); // endTime = System.CurrentTimeMillis(); // endDate = new Date(); // System.out.Println("RtfCtrlWordMgr start date: " + startDate.ToLocaleString()); // System.out.Println("RtfCtrlWordMgr end date : " + endDate.ToLocaleString()); // System.out.Println(" Elapsed time : " + Long.ToString(endTime - startTime) + " milliseconds."); // System.out.Println("Begin Constructor RtfCtrlWordMgr , free mem is " + df.Format(startFree / 1024) + "k"); // System.out.Println("End Constructor RtfCtrlWordMgr , free mem is " + df.Format(endFree / 1024) + "k"); // System.out.Println("RtfCtrlWordMgr used approximately " + df.Format((startFree - endFree) / 1024) + "k"); // // System.Gc(); // System.out.Println("2:"); // startDate = new Date(); // startTime = System.CurrentTimeMillis(); // startFree = Runtime.GetRuntime().FreeMemory(); // RtfCtrlWordMgr rtfKeywordMgr2 = new RtfCtrlWordMgr(this, this.pbReader); // endFree = Runtime.GetRuntime().FreeMemory(); // endTime = System.CurrentTimeMillis(); // endDate = new Date(); // System.out.Println("RtfCtrlWordMgr start date: " + startDate.ToLocaleString()); // System.out.Println("RtfCtrlWordMgr end date : " + endDate.ToLocaleString()); // System.out.Println(" Elapsed time : " + Long.ToString(endTime - startTime) + " milliseconds."); // System.out.Println("Begin Constructor RtfCtrlWordMgr , free mem is " + df.Format(startFree / 1024) + "k"); // System.out.Println("End Constructor RtfCtrlWordMgr , free mem is " + df.Format(endFree / 1024) + "k"); // System.out.Println("RtfCtrlWordMgr used approximately " + df.Format((startFree - endFree) / 1024) + "k"); // // System.Gc(); // System.out.Println("3:"); // startDate = new Date(); // startTime = System.CurrentTimeMillis(); // startFree = Runtime.GetRuntime().FreeMemory(); // RtfCtrlWordMgr rtfKeywordMgr3 = new RtfCtrlWordMgr(this, this.pbReader); // endFree = Runtime.GetRuntime().FreeMemory(); // endTime = System.CurrentTimeMillis(); // endDate = new Date(); // System.out.Println("RtfCtrlWordMgr start date: " + startDate.ToLocaleString()); // System.out.Println("RtfCtrlWordMgr end date : " + endDate.ToLocaleString()); // System.out.Println(" Elapsed time : " + Long.ToString(endTime - startTime) + " milliseconds."); // System.out.Println("Begin Constructor RtfCtrlWordMgr , free mem is " + df.Format(startFree / 1024) + "k"); // System.out.Println("End Constructor RtfCtrlWordMgr , free mem is " + df.Format(endFree / 1024) + "k"); // System.out.Println("RtfCtrlWordMgr used approximately " + df.Format((startFree - endFree) / 1024) + "k"); // // System.Gc(); // System.out.Println("4:"); // startDate = new Date(); // startTime = System.CurrentTimeMillis(); // startFree = Runtime.GetRuntime().FreeMemory(); // RtfCtrlWordMgr rtfKeywordMgr4 = new RtfCtrlWordMgr(this, this.pbReader); // endFree = Runtime.GetRuntime().FreeMemory(); // endTime = System.CurrentTimeMillis(); // endDate = new Date(); // System.out.Println("RtfCtrlWordMgr start date: " + startDate.ToLocaleString()); // System.out.Println("RtfCtrlWordMgr end date : " + endDate.ToLocaleString()); // System.out.Println(" Elapsed time : " + Long.ToString(endTime - startTime) + " milliseconds."); // System.out.Println("Begin Constructor RtfCtrlWordMgr , free mem is " + df.Format(startFree / 1024) + "k"); // System.out.Println("End Constructor RtfCtrlWordMgr , free mem is " + df.Format(endFree / 1024) + "k"); // System.out.Println("RtfCtrlWordMgr used approximately " + df.Format((startFree - endFree) / 1024) + "k"); // // System.Gc(); // System.out.Println("5:"); // startDate = new Date(); // startTime = System.CurrentTimeMillis(); // startFree = Runtime.GetRuntime().FreeMemory(); // RtfCtrlWordMgr rtfKeywordMgr5 = new RtfCtrlWordMgr(this, this.pbReader); // endFree = Runtime.GetRuntime().FreeMemory(); // endTime = System.CurrentTimeMillis(); // endDate = new Date(); // System.out.Println("RtfCtrlWordMgr start date: " + startDate.ToLocaleString()); // System.out.Println("RtfCtrlWordMgr end date : " + endDate.ToLocaleString()); // System.out.Println(" Elapsed time : " + Long.ToString(endTime - startTime) + " milliseconds."); // System.out.Println("Begin Constructor RtfCtrlWordMgr , free mem is " + df.Format(startFree / 1024) + "k"); // System.out.Println("End Constructor RtfCtrlWordMgr , free mem is " + df.Format(endFree / 1024) + "k"); // System.out.Println("RtfCtrlWordMgr used approximately " + df.Format((startFree - endFree) / 1024) + "k"); // System.Gc(); // System.out.Println("At ed:"); // startDate = new Date(); // startTime = System.CurrentTimeMillis(); // startFree = Runtime.GetRuntime().FreeMemory(); // //RtfCtrlWordMgr rtfKeywordMgr6 = new RtfCtrlWordMgr(this, this.pbReader); // endFree = Runtime.GetRuntime().FreeMemory(); // endTime = System.CurrentTimeMillis(); // endDate = new Date(); // System.out.Println("RtfCtrlWordMgr start date: " + startDate.ToLocaleString()); // System.out.Println("RtfCtrlWordMgr end date : " + endDate.ToLocaleString()); // System.out.Println(" Elapsed time : " + Long.ToString(endTime - startTime) + " milliseconds."); // System.out.Println("Begin Constructor RtfCtrlWordMgr , free mem is " + df.Format(startFree / 1024) + "k"); // System.out.Println("End Constructor RtfCtrlWordMgr , free mem is " + df.Format(endFree / 1024) + "k"); // System.out.Println("RtfCtrlWordMgr used approximately " + df.Format((startFree - endFree) / 1024) + "k"); }