public void Start() { try { var nodePort = _launcherDataProvider.GetFirstAvailablePort(Type.Node); if (nodePort == default(int)) { _progress.Report("Could not start node due to non-availability of free ports. Please try again later when at least one instance is shut down."); } var ieVersion = SysOperations.GetIeVersion(); var defaultNodeCommand = _GetDefaultNodeCommand(_hubPort.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), nodePort.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); var nodeBrowsers = _BuildBrowsersNodeCommand(_nodeOptions, ieVersion); string nodeCommand = String.Format("{0}{1}", defaultNodeCommand, nodeBrowsers); _nodeProcess = ProcessHelper.StartProcess(String.Format(@"{0}\java.exe", SysOperations.GetJavaPath(_progress)), _progress, nodeCommand, false); Thread.Sleep(1000); if (_nodeProcess != null && _nodeProcess.HasExited == false) { _progress.Report( string.Concat( "Node started. Please check the opened command window and/or browser window to ensure it started successfully. For logs look in C:\\Selenium\\_Logs folder.", Environment.NewLine)); //remove double quotes from _nodeLog before storing _launcherDataProvider.AddProcess(Type.Node, _nodeLog.Trim('\"'), _nodeProcess.Id, nodePort); } else { _progress.Report( string.Concat( "There was a problem starting the node. Please check that all required files exist in C:\\Selenium folder, expecially 'selenium-server-standalone.jar'", Environment.NewLine)); } } catch (Exception e) { _progress.Report(string.Format("Could not start node. {0}{1}", e, Environment.NewLine)); } }
public int Start() { var port = default(int); try { port = _launcherDataProvider.GetFirstAvailablePort(Type.Hub); if (port == default(int)) { _progress.Report("Could not start hub due to non-availability of free ports. Please try again later when at least one instance is shut down."); return(port); } var hubCommand = _GetDefaultHubCommand(port.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); _hubProcess = ProcessHelper.StartProcess(String.Format(@"{0}\java.exe", SysOperations.GetJavaPath(_progress)), _progress, hubCommand, false); Thread.Sleep(1000); if (_hubProcess != null && _hubProcess.HasExited == false) { _progress.Report(string.Concat( "Hub started. Please check the opened command window and/or browser window to ensure it started successfully. For logs look in C:\\Selenium\\_Logs folder.", Environment.NewLine)); //remove double quotes from _hubLog before storing _launcherDataProvider.AddProcess(Type.Hub, _hubLog.Trim('\"'), _hubProcess.Id, port); return(port); } _progress.Report( string.Concat( "There was a problem starting the hub. Please check that all required files exist in C:\\Selenium folder, expecially 'selenium-server-standalone.jar'", Environment.NewLine)); } catch (Exception e) { _progress.Report(string.Format("Could not start hub. {0}{1}", e, Environment.NewLine)); } return(port); }