private void SimulateBorderScrolling(POINT origin) { POINT point = origin; ScreenToClient(LatestRa3.MainWindowHandle, ref point); Size size = WindowInvocation.GetClientSize(LatestRa3); if (!size.IsPointInArea(origin.X, origin.Y)) { return; } // I wanted to make it cool but it somewhat looks not so cool. :( void Check(bool condition, Keys key, ref bool keyNeedsUp) { uint scanCode = MapVirtualKeyEx((uint)key, MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC, IntPtr.Zero); uint goodScanCode = scanCode << 16; // scancode is from 16-23, byte uint extendedMessage = goodScanCode | 1 // Key repeating | 1 << 24; // is extended key = true if (condition) { Pinvokes.PostMessage(LatestRa3.MainWindowHandle, (int)WM.KeyDown, 0, extendedMessage); keyNeedsUp = true; } else { if (keyNeedsUp) { Pinvokes.PostMessage(LatestRa3.MainWindowHandle, (int)WM.KeyUp, 0, extendedMessage); keyNeedsUp = false; } } /* * Inputs.SendMessage(LatestRa3.MainWindowHandle, (int)WM.KeyDown, 0x25, 0x14b0001); * Inputs.SendMessage(LatestRa3.MainWindowHandle, (int)WM.KeyUp, 0x25, 0xc14b0001); * //Messaging.InvokeKeyPress(LatestRa3.MainWindowHandle, (uint) Keys.Left); * Console.WriteLine("Invoked keypress");*/ } // Left Check(point.X <= Constants.Ra3InnerScrollBorderSize, Keys.Left, ref needsKeyUp1); // Right Check(size.Width - point.X <= Constants.Ra3InnerScrollBorderSize, Keys.Right, ref needsKeyUp2); // Up Check(point.Y <= Constants.Ra3InnerScrollBorderSize, Keys.Up, ref needsKeyUp3); // Down Check(size.Height - point.Y <= Constants.Ra3InnerScrollBorderSize, Keys.Down, ref needsKeyUp4); }
private void ForegroundWatcher_ForegroundChanged(object sender, ForegroundArgs e) { if (e.Process.ProcessName != "") { return; } Log("RA3 Window found"); latestRa3 = e.Process; if (settings.RemoveBorder) { if (!WindowInvocation.DropBorder(e.Process)) { Log("Remove Window Border failed."); } if (!WindowInvocation.ResizeWindow(e.Process)) { Log("Resize Window failed."); } } if (settings.LockCursor) { WindowInvocation.ClipCursor(e.Process); } if (settings.InvokeAltUp) { Task.Delay(100).ContinueWith(_ => { Messaging.SimulateAltKeyPress(e.Process.MainWindowHandle); // Messaging.InvokeSysKeyPress(e.Process.MainWindowHandle, (uint) Keys.Menu); // Messaging.InvokeSysKeyPress(e.Process.MainWindowHandle, (int)Keys.Menu); // ALT key }); } if (settings.RefreshPathToRa3) { try { // Dirty? string manualPath = Path.Combine( Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(e.Process.MainModule.FileName)) , "RA3.exe" ); txtRa3Path.Text = manualPath; }catch (Exception err) { err = err; } } }
private void SystemWatcherSystemChanged(object sender, ProcessArgs e) { if (e.Process.ProcessName != Constants.Ra3ProcessName) { return; } if (LatestRa3 == null || LatestRa3.HasExited) { LatestRa3 = e.Process; } if (settings.LaunchRa3Windowed) { _mouseWatcher.WatchCursor(settings.SleepTime); } if (settings.RemoveBorder) { WindowInvocation.DropBorder(e.Process); WindowInvocation.ResizeWindow(e.Process); Logger.Info("OK.. drop border and resize"); } if (settings.LockCursor) { bool success = WindowInvocation.LockToProcess(e.Process); Logger.Info($"OK.. lock cursor to ra3 window. success: {success}"); } if (settings.InvokeAltUp) { Task.Delay(100).ContinueWith(_ => { Inputs.SimulateAltKeyPress(e.Process.MainWindowHandle); // Messaging.InvokeSysKeyPress(e.Process.MainWindowHandle, (uint) Keys.Menu); // Messaging.InvokeSysKeyPress(e.Process.MainWindowHandle, (int)Keys.Menu); // ALT key Logger.Info("OK.. invoke alt keypress after ra3 has gained focus"); }); } }
private void SwapWinKeyState(bool disableKey) { if (disableKey) { _keyboardWatcher.DisableKey(() => { Process foregroundProcess = WindowInvocation.GetForegroundProcess(); if (foregroundProcess == null) { return(false); } return(foregroundProcess.ProcessName == Constants.Ra3ProcessName); }, Keys.LWin, Keys.RWin); } else { _keyboardWatcher.EnableKey(Keys.LWin, Keys.RWin); } }