        public void GenAllPathPosition(UIElementCollection children)
            IEnumerable <PathPointNode> PathPointNodes = FindVisualChildren <PathPointNode>(this);

            foreach (FrameworkElement control in children)
                if (control is Panel)
                    GenAllPathPosition((control as Panel).Children);

                if (control is ListBox)
                    GenAllPathPosition(FindVisualChildren <PathPointNode>(control));

                if (control is PathPointNode)
                    PathPointNode node = control as PathPointNode;
                    if (node.MyPath != null)
                        Point relativeLocation = node.TranslatePoint(new Point(5, 5), LayoutRoot);
                        PathReDrawing(relativeLocation, node.MyPath.EndPathPosition, node.MyPath);
                        node.MyPath.StartPosition = relativeLocation;
                    if (node.ComePath != null)
                        Point relativeLocation = node.TranslatePoint(new Point(5, 5), LayoutRoot);
                        PathReDrawing(node.ComePath.StartPosition, relativeLocation, node.ComePath);
                        node.ComePath.EndPathPosition = relativeLocation;
        public void StartPath(RakunModuleViewModel Start, ref PathPointNode node)
            //UIElement container = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(control) as UIElement;
            Point relativeLocation = node.TranslatePoint(new Point(5, 5), LayoutRoot);

            node.MyPath.StartPosition   = relativeLocation;
            node.MyPath.EndPathPosition = relativeLocation;

            node.MyPath.Path.Stroke = node.Foreground;

            isConnected   = false;
            MovingPath    = node;
            BeginnerPoint = Start;

            MovingPath.MyPath.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
            if (node.NextPoint != null)
                node.NextPoint.ComePath = null;
                if (MovingPath.NextPoint != null)
                node.NextPoint = null;
 private void GenAllPathPosition(System.Collections.IEnumerable enumerable)
     System.Collections.IEnumerator e = enumerable.GetEnumerator();
     while (e.MoveNext())
         if (e.Current is PathPointNode)
             PathPointNode node = e.Current as PathPointNode;
             if (node.MyPath != null)
                 Point relativeLocation = node.TranslatePoint(new Point(5, 5), LayoutRoot);
                 PathReDrawing(relativeLocation, node.MyPath.EndPathPosition, node.MyPath);
                 node.MyPath.StartPosition = relativeLocation;
             if (node.ComePath != null)
                 Point relativeLocation = node.TranslatePoint(new Point(5, 5), LayoutRoot);
                 PathReDrawing(node.ComePath.StartPosition, relativeLocation, node.ComePath);
                 node.ComePath.EndPathPosition = relativeLocation;
        private void ObjectMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
             * In this event, at first we check the mouse left button state. If it is pressed and
             * event sender object is similar with our moving object, we can move our control with
             * some effects.
            if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
                if (MovingObject == null)
                    if (MovingPath != null)
                        Point NowActualPostion = e.GetPosition((MovingPath.MyPath.Path as FrameworkElement).Parent as FrameworkElement);

                        if (isConnected)
                            if (DestinationPoint != null)
                                Point relativeLocation = DestinationPoint.TranslatePoint(new Point(5, 5), LayoutRoot);

                                if (relativeLocation.X < NowActualPostion.X + 15 &&
                                    relativeLocation.X > NowActualPostion.X - 15 &&
                                    relativeLocation.Y < NowActualPostion.Y + 15 &&
                                    relativeLocation.Y > NowActualPostion.Y - 15)
                                    PathReDrawing(MovingPath.MyPath.StartPosition, relativeLocation, MovingPath.MyPath);
                                    MovingPath.MyPath.EndPathPosition = relativeLocation;

                            isConnected      = false;
                            DestinationPoint = null;
                        PathReDrawing(MovingPath.MyPath.StartPosition, NowActualPostion, MovingPath.MyPath);
                        MovingPath.MyPath.EndPathPosition = NowActualPostion;

                // We start to moving objects with setting the lines positions.
                Path1.X1 = FirstArrowXPos;
                Path1.Y1 = FirstArrowYPos;
                Path1.X2 = e.GetPosition((MovingObject as FrameworkElement).Parent as FrameworkElement).X - FirstXPos;
                Path1.Y2 = e.GetPosition((MovingObject as FrameworkElement).Parent as FrameworkElement).Y - FirstYPos;

                Path2.X1 = Path1.X1 + (MovingObject as FrameworkElement).ActualWidth;
                Path2.Y1 = Path1.Y1;
                Path2.X2 = Path1.X2 + (MovingObject as FrameworkElement).ActualWidth;
                Path2.Y2 = Path1.Y2;

                Path3.X1 = Path1.X1;
                Path3.Y1 = Path1.Y1 + (MovingObject as FrameworkElement).ActualHeight;
                Path3.X2 = Path1.X2;
                Path3.Y2 = Path1.Y2 + (MovingObject as FrameworkElement).ActualHeight;

                Path4.X1 = Path1.X1 + (MovingObject as FrameworkElement).ActualWidth;
                Path4.Y1 = Path1.Y1 + (MovingObject as FrameworkElement).ActualHeight;
                Path4.X2 = Path1.X2 + (MovingObject as FrameworkElement).ActualWidth;
                Path4.Y2 = Path1.Y2 + (MovingObject as FrameworkElement).ActualHeight;

                FirstPosition.Width  = (MovingObject as FrameworkElement).ActualWidth;
                FirstPosition.Height = (MovingObject as FrameworkElement).ActualHeight;
                FirstPosition.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, FirstArrowXPos);
                FirstPosition.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, FirstArrowYPos);

                CurrentPosition.Width  = (MovingObject as FrameworkElement).ActualWidth;
                CurrentPosition.Height = (MovingObject as FrameworkElement).ActualHeight;
                CurrentPosition.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, Path1.X2);
                CurrentPosition.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, Path1.Y2);

                Path1.Visibility           = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
                Path2.Visibility           = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
                Path3.Visibility           = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
                Path4.Visibility           = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
                FirstPosition.Visibility   = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
                CurrentPosition.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;

                 * For changing the position of a control, we should use the SetValue method to setting
                 * the Canvas.LeftProperty and Canvas.TopProperty dependencies.
                 * For calculating the currect position of the control, we should do :
                 *      Current position of the mouse cursor on the object parent -
                 *      Mouse position on the control at the start of moving -
                 *      position of the control's parent.
                (MovingObject as FrameworkElement).SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty,
                                                            e.GetPosition((MovingObject as FrameworkElement).Parent as FrameworkElement).X - FirstXPos);

                (MovingObject as FrameworkElement).SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty,
                                                            e.GetPosition((MovingObject as FrameworkElement).Parent as FrameworkElement).Y - FirstYPos);

                if (MovingObject is ModuleView)
                    GenAllPathPosition((MovingObject as ModuleView).LayoutRoot.Children);