 /// <summary>
 /// The Page_Load event handler on this User Control is used to
 /// obtain a DataReader of Article information from the Articles
 /// table, and then databind the results to a templated DataList
 /// server control.  It uses the Rainbow.ArticleDB()
 /// data component to encapsulate all data functionality.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     if (!IsPostBack)
         // Obtain Articles information from the Articles table
         // and bind to the datalist control
         ArticlesDB Articles = new ArticlesDB();
         myDataList.DataSource = Articles.GetArticles(ModuleID);
 /// <summary>
 /// The DeleteBtn_Click event handler on this Page is used to delete an
 /// a Article.  It  uses the Rainbow.ArticlesDB()
 /// data component to encapsulate all data functionality.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 override protected void OnDelete(EventArgs e)
     // Only attempt to delete the item if it is an existing item
     // (new items will have "ItemID" of 0)
     if (ItemID != 0)
         ArticlesDB Articles = new ArticlesDB();
        /// <summary>
        /// The BindData method is used to obtain details of a message
        /// from the Articles table, and update the page with
        /// the message content.
        /// </summary>
        void BindData()
            // Obtain the selected item from the Articles table
            ArticlesDB    Article = new ArticlesDB();
            SqlDataReader dr      = Article.GetSingleArticle(ItemID);

                // Load first row from database
                if (dr.Read())
                    // Update labels with message contents
                    Title.Text = (string)dr["Title"].ToString();

                    //[email protected]  5/24/04 added subtitle to ArticlesView.
                    if (dr["Subtitle"].ToString().Length > 0)
                        Subtitle.Text = "(" + (string)dr["Subtitle"].ToString() + ")";
                    StartDate.Text   = ((DateTime)dr["StartDate"]).ToShortDateString();
                    Description.Text = Server.HtmlDecode((string)dr["Description"].ToString());
                    CreatedDate.Text = ((DateTime)dr["CreatedDate"]).ToShortDateString();
                    CreatedBy.Text   = (string)dr["CreatedByUser"].ToString();
                    // 15/7/2004 added localization by Mario Endara [email protected]
                    if (CreatedBy.Text == "unknown")
                        CreatedBy.Text = Esperantus.Localize.GetString("UNKNOWN", "unknown");

                    //Chris Farrell, [email protected], 5/24/2004
                    if (!bool.Parse(moduleSettings["MODULESETTINGS_SHOW_MODIFIED_BY"].ToString()))
                        CreatedLabel.Visible = false;
                        CreatedDate.Visible  = false;
                        OnLabel.Visible      = false;
                        CreatedBy.Visible    = false;
                // close the datareader
        /// <summary>
        /// Is used to either create or update an Article.
        /// It uses the Rainbow.ArticlesDB()
        /// data component to encapsulate all data functionality.
        /// </summary>
        override protected void OnUpdate(EventArgs e)

            // Only Update if Input Data is Valid
            if (Page.IsValid == true)
                ArticlesDB Articles = new ArticlesDB();

                if (AbstractField.Text == string.Empty)
                    AbstractField.Text = ((HTMLText)DesktopText.Text).GetAbstractText(100);
                if (ItemID == 0)
                    Articles.AddArticle(ModuleID, PortalSettings.CurrentUser.Identity.Email, ((HTMLText)TitleField.Text).InnerText, ((HTMLText)SubtitleField.Text).InnerText, AbstractField.Text, Server.HtmlEncode(DesktopText.Text), DateTime.Parse(StartField.Text), DateTime.Parse(ExpireField.Text), true, string.Empty);
                    Articles.UpdateArticle(ModuleID, ItemID, PortalSettings.CurrentUser.Identity.Email, ((HTMLText)TitleField.Text).InnerText, ((HTMLText)SubtitleField.Text).InnerText, AbstractField.Text, Server.HtmlEncode(DesktopText.Text), DateTime.Parse(StartField.Text), DateTime.Parse(ExpireField.Text), true, string.Empty);
        /// <summary>
        /// The Page_Load event on this Page is used to obtain the ModuleID
        /// and ItemID of the Article to edit.
        /// It then uses the Rainbow.ArticlesDB() data component
        /// to populate the page's edit controls with the Article details.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // Add the setting
            HtmlEditorDataType h = new HtmlEditorDataType();

            h.Value     = moduleSettings["Editor"].ToString();
            DesktopText = h.GetEditor(PlaceHolderHTMLEditor, ModuleID, bool.Parse(moduleSettings["ShowUpload"].ToString()), portalSettings);
            // Construct the page
            DesktopText.Width  = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit(moduleSettings["Width"].ToString());
            DesktopText.Height = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit(moduleSettings["Height"].ToString());

            // Construct the page
            // Added css Styles by Mario Endara <*****@*****.**> (2004/10/26)
            updateButton.CssClass = "CommandButton";
            PlaceHolderButtons.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("&#160;"));
            cancelButton.CssClass = "CommandButton";
            PlaceHolderButtons.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("&#160;"));
            deleteButton.CssClass = "CommandButton";
            // If the page is being requested the first time, determine if an
            // Article itemID value is specified, and if so populate page
            // contents with the Article details
            if (Page.IsPostBack == false)
                if (ItemID != 0)
                    // Obtain a single row of Article information
                    ArticlesDB    Articles = new ArticlesDB();
                    SqlDataReader dr       = Articles.GetSingleArticle(ItemID);
                        // Load first row into Datareader
                        if (dr.Read())
                            StartField.Text    = ((DateTime)dr["StartDate"]).ToShortDateString();
                            ExpireField.Text   = ((DateTime)dr["ExpireDate"]).ToShortDateString();
                            TitleField.Text    = (string)dr["Title"].ToString();
                            SubtitleField.Text = (string)dr["Subtitle"].ToString();
                            AbstractField.Text = (string)dr["Abstract"].ToString();
                            DesktopText.Text   = Server.HtmlDecode(dr["Description"].ToString());
                            CreatedBy.Text     = (string)dr["CreatedByUser"].ToString();
                            CreatedDate.Text   = ((DateTime)dr["CreatedDate"]).ToString();
                            // 15/7/2004 added localization by Mario Endara [email protected]
                            if (CreatedBy.Text == "unknown")
                                CreatedBy.Text = Esperantus.Localize.GetString("UNKNOWN", "unknown");
                    //New article - set defaults
                    StartField.Text  = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
                    ExpireField.Text = DateTime.Now.AddDays(int.Parse(moduleSettings["DefaultVisibleDays"].ToString())).ToShortDateString();
                    CreatedBy.Text   = PortalSettings.CurrentUser.Identity.Email;
                    CreatedDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();