public List <RepPos> getPos(int repType) { List <RepPos> list = new List <RepPos>(); string query = ""; switch (repType) { case 1: query = String.Format( "select s.id_stat,, " + "(case when vo.id_gruz=6 then 0 when vo.id_gruz is null then -1 else 1 end) as is_loaded, " + "o.abr as details, count(vo.id_vagon) as amount " + "from STATIONS s " + "left join VAGON_OPERATIONS vo on s.id_stat=vo.id_stat and vo.is_present=1 and vo.is_hist=0 " + "left join VAGONS v on vo.id_vagon=v.id_vag " + "left join OWNERS o on v.id_owner = o.id_owner " + "where s.is_uz = 0 " + "group by s.id_stat,, case when vo.id_gruz=6 then 0 when vo.id_gruz is null then -1 else 1 end, o.abr" ); break; case 2: query = String.Format( "select s.id_stat,, " + "(case when vo.id_gruz=6 then 0 when vo.id_gruz is null then -1 else 1 end) as is_loaded, " + " as details, count(vo.id_vagon) as amount " + "from STATIONS s " + "left join VAGON_OPERATIONS vo on s.id_stat=vo.id_stat and vo.is_present=1 and vo.is_hist=0 " + "left join GRUZS g on vo.id_gruz = g.id_gruz " + "where s.is_uz = 0 " + "group by s.id_stat,, case when vo.id_gruz=6 then 0 when vo.id_gruz is null then -1 else 1 end, " ); break; case 3: query = String.Format( "select s.id_stat,, " + "(case when vo.id_gruz=6 then 0 when vo.id_gruz is null then -1 else 1 end) as is_loaded, " + " as details, count(vo.id_vagon) as amount " + "from STATIONS s " + "left join VAGON_OPERATIONS vo on s.id_stat=vo.id_stat and vo.is_present=1 and vo.is_hist=0 " + "left join SHOPS sh on vo.id_shop_gruz_for = sh.id_shop " + "where s.is_uz = 0 " + "group by s.id_stat,, case when vo.id_gruz=6 then 0 when vo.id_gruz is null then -1 else 1 end, " ); break; case 4: query = String.Format( "select s.id_stat,, " + "(case when vo.id_gruz=6 then 0 when vo.id_gruz is null then -1 else 1 end) as is_loaded, " + " as details, count(vo.id_vagon) as amount " + "from STATIONS s " + "left join VAGON_OPERATIONS vo on s.id_stat=vo.id_stat and vo.is_present=1 and vo.is_hist=0 " + "left join VAG_CONDITIONS2 c on vo.id_cond2 = c.id_cond " + "where s.is_uz = 0 " + "group by s.id_stat,, case when vo.id_gruz=6 then 0 when vo.id_gruz is null then -1 else 1 end, " ); break; } DataTable table = Conn.executeSelectQuery(query, new SqlParameter[0]).Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { RepPos repPos = new RepPos(); repPos.WayOrStatId = Int32.Parse(row["id_stat"].ToString()); repPos.WayOrStatName = row["name"].ToString().Trim(); repPos.IsLoaded = Int32.Parse(row["is_loaded"].ToString()); repPos.DetailsName = row["details"].ToString().Trim(); repPos.Amount = Int32.Parse(row["amount"].ToString()); list.Add(repPos); } return(list); }
public List <RepPos> getPos(Station station, int repType) { List <RepPos> list = new List <RepPos>(); string query = ""; switch (repType) { case 1: query = String.Format( "select w.id_way, w.num as num_way, " + "(case when vo.id_gruz=6 then 0 when vo.id_gruz is null then -1 else 1 end) as is_loaded, " + "o.abr as details, count(vo.id_vagon) as amount " + "from WAYS w " + "left join VAGON_OPERATIONS vo on w.id_way=vo.id_way and vo.is_present=1 and vo.is_hist=0 " + "inner join STATIONS s on w.id_stat=s.id_stat " + "left join VAGONS v on vo.id_vagon=v.id_vag " + "left join OWNERS o on v.id_owner = o.id_owner " + "where w.id_stat=@id_stat " + "group by w.id_way, w.num,, case when vo.id_gruz=6 then 0 when vo.id_gruz is null then -1 else 1 end, o.abr, w.[order] " + "order by w.[order]" ); break; case 2: query = String.Format( "select w.id_way, w.num as num_way, " + "(case when vo.id_gruz=6 then 0 when vo.id_gruz is null then -1 else 1 end) as is_loaded, " + " as details, count(vo.id_vagon) as amount " + "from WAYS w " + "left join VAGON_OPERATIONS vo on w.id_way=vo.id_way and vo.is_present=1 and vo.is_hist=0 " + "inner join STATIONS s on w.id_stat=s.id_stat " + "left join GRUZS g on vo.id_gruz = g.id_gruz " + "where w.id_stat=@id_stat " + "group by w.id_way, w.num,, case when vo.id_gruz=6 then 0 when vo.id_gruz is null then -1 else 1 end,, w.[order] " + "order by w.[order]" ); break; case 3: query = String.Format( "select w.id_way, w.num as num_way, " + "(case when vo.id_gruz=6 then 0 when vo.id_gruz is null then -1 else 1 end) as is_loaded, " + " as details, count(vo.id_vagon) as amount " + "from WAYS w " + "left join VAGON_OPERATIONS vo on w.id_way=vo.id_way and vo.is_present=1 and vo.is_hist=0 " + "inner join STATIONS s on w.id_stat=s.id_stat " + "left join SHOPS sh on vo.id_shop_gruz_for = sh.id_shop " + "where w.id_stat=@id_stat " + "group by w.id_way, w.num,, case when vo.id_gruz=6 then 0 when vo.id_gruz is null then -1 else 1 end,, w.[order] " + "order by w.[order] " ); break; case 4: query = String.Format( "select w.id_way, w.num as num_way, " + "(case when vo.id_gruz=6 then 0 when vo.id_gruz is null then -1 else 1 end) as is_loaded, " + " as details, count(vo.id_vagon) as amount " + "from WAYS w " + "left join VAGON_OPERATIONS vo on w.id_way=vo.id_way and vo.is_present=1 and vo.is_hist=0 " + "inner join STATIONS s on w.id_stat=s.id_stat " + "left join VAG_CONDITIONS2 c on vo.id_cond2 = c.id_cond " + "where w.id_stat=@id_stat " + "group by w.id_way, w.num,, case when vo.id_gruz=6 then 0 when vo.id_gruz is null then -1 else 1 end,, w.[order] " + "order by w.[order] " ); break; } SqlParameter[] sqlParameters = new SqlParameter[1]; sqlParameters[0] = new SqlParameter("@id_stat", station.ID); DataTable table = Conn.executeSelectQuery(query, sqlParameters).Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { RepPos repPos = new RepPos(); repPos.WayOrStatId = Int32.Parse(row["id_way"].ToString()); repPos.WayOrStatName = row["num_way"].ToString().Trim(); repPos.IsLoaded = Int32.Parse(row["is_loaded"].ToString()); repPos.DetailsName = row["details"].ToString().Trim(); repPos.Amount = Int32.Parse(row["amount"].ToString()); list.Add(repPos); } return(list); }