public Control GetView(RageLib.FileSystem.Common.File file) { var data = file.GetData(); ScriptFile scriptFile = new ScriptFile(); //try { scriptFile.Open(new MemoryStream(data)); } /*catch { return null; }*/ ScriptView view = new ScriptView(); view.ScriptFile = scriptFile; return view; }
static int Main(string[] args) { string gtaPath = KeyUtil.FindGTADirectory(); while (gtaPath == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR"); Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not find GTAIV directory. Please install GTAIV or copy EFLC.exe\n" + "to the same path as Scruff."); return 1; } byte[] key = KeyUtil.FindKey(gtaPath); if (key == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR"); Console.Error.WriteLine("Your EFLC.exe seems to be modified or is a newer version than this tool\n" + "supports. If it is a newer version, please check for an update of Scruff.\n" + "Scruff can not run without a supported EFLC.exe file."); return 1; } KeyStore.SetKeyLoader(() => key); CodeFormatOptions[] formats = { new CodeFormatOptions("d", CodeFormat.ScruffDecompile, "Default Scruff disassembly format"), new CodeFormatOptions("h", CodeFormat.ScruffHeader, "Default Scruff header/local varibles/etc format"), new CodeFormatOptions("hl", CodeFormat.FullDecompile, "High level C-like format"), new CodeFormatOptions("hla", CodeFormat.FullDecompileAnnotate, "High level C-like format (annotated)"), new CodeFormatOptions("ll", CodeFormat.Disassemble, "Low level raw assembly format"), new CodeFormatOptions("cp", CodeFormat.CodePath, "Code path for the control-flow-analyzer (for debugging)"), }; CodeFormat customFormat = CodeFormat.ScruffDecompile; bool defaultMode = true; string filename = null; string outputFilename = null; if (args.Length > 0) { var argsQueue = new Queue<string>(args); while (argsQueue.Count > 0) { var arg = argsQueue.Dequeue(); if (arg.StartsWith("-")) { if (arg == "-o") { defaultMode = false; outputFilename = argsQueue.Dequeue(); } else { foreach (var format in formats) { if (arg == "-" + format.Param) { defaultMode = false; customFormat = format.Format; break; } } } } else { if (argsQueue.Count > 0) { break; } filename = arg; } } } if (filename == null) { var formatParams = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var format in formats) { if (formatParams.Length > 0) { formatParams.Append("|"); } formatParams.Append("-"); formatParams.Append(format.Param); } Console.Error.WriteLine("Scruff - A RAGE Script File Decompiler/Disassembler"); Console.Error.WriteLine("v" + Version + " -- (c) 2008-2009, Aru <oneforaru at gmail dot com>"); Console.Error.WriteLine(); Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("Usage: scruff [{0}] [-o] filename.sco", formatParams)); Console.Error.WriteLine(); Console.Error.WriteLine("By default, will generate (-d) and filename.sch (-h)"); Console.Error.WriteLine("If output file is specified, only will be generated."); Console.Error.WriteLine("If format specified without output filename, will dump to console (stdout)."); Console.Error.WriteLine(); Console.Error.WriteLine("For custom options, use:"); Console.Error.WriteLine(" -{0,-5} {1}", "o", "Saves the result to a specified file."); foreach (var format in formats) { Console.Error.WriteLine(" -{0,-5} {1}", format.Param, format.Description); } Console.Error.WriteLine(); /* Console.Error.WriteLine("Press any key to exit"); Console.ReadKey(); */ return 1; } var file = new ScriptFile(); try { file.Open(filename); } catch { Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid input file -- not a valid script."); /* Console.ReadKey(); */ return 1; } if (defaultMode) { using (var fs = File.OpenWrite(Path.ChangeExtension(filename, "sca"))) { var sw = new StreamWriter(fs); OutputCode(file, CodeFormat.ScruffDecompile, sw); sw.Flush(); } using (var fs = File.OpenWrite(Path.ChangeExtension(filename, "sch"))) { var sw = new StreamWriter(fs); OutputCode(file, CodeFormat.ScruffHeader, sw); sw.Flush(); } } else { if (outputFilename != null) { using(var fs = File.OpenWrite(outputFilename)) { var sw = new StreamWriter(fs); OutputCode(file, customFormat, sw); sw.Flush(); } } else { OutputCode(file, customFormat, Console.Out); } } #if DEBUG Console.ReadLine(); #endif return 0; }
private static void OutputCode(ScriptFile file, CodeFormat format, TextWriter writer) { writer.WriteLine("// Generated by Scruff v" + Version + ", (c) 2008, aru."); writer.WriteLine("// This disassembly/decompilation is licensed for research purposes only."); writer.WriteLine(); file.GetCode(format, writer); }