        public string Read()
            _currentContext = new SQLAzureDataContext();

            var  elementId = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "elementId").Value;
            var  start     = DateTimeOffset.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "start").Value);
            var  end       = DateTimeOffset.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "end").Value);
            long timestep  = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.Count(kvp => kvp.Key == "timeStep") > 0 ?
                             int.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "timeStep").Value) : -1;

            var allResults = _currentContext.GetTankData(start, end, elementId).ToList();

            if (timestep != -1 && allResults.Any())
                const long multiplier    = 10000000;
                long       timestepTicks = timestep * multiplier;
                long       numberOfTicksBetweenStartAndEnd = (long)(end.Ticks - start.Ticks);
                int        numberOfBlock = (int)(numberOfTicksBetweenStartAndEnd / timestepTicks);

                // Create a collection of fixed blocks in time from supplied Start to End
                List <DateTimeBlock> dateTimeBlockSet = new List <DateTimeBlock>();
                for (var BlockIndex = 0; BlockIndex < numberOfBlock; BlockIndex++)
                    var newDateTimeBlock = new DateTimeBlock
                        From = start.AddTicks(BlockIndex * timestepTicks),
                        To   = start.AddTicks((BlockIndex + 1) * timestepTicks)


                var subResults = new List <GetTankDataResult>();

                // loop through each block and and find any records that span that block, trimming those on the edges
                foreach (var thisBlock in dateTimeBlockSet)
                    var firstRecordkInSet = allResults.Where(x => x.From <thisBlock.To && x.To> thisBlock.From).OrderBy(x => x.From).FirstOrDefault();
                    var lastRecordInSet   = allResults.Where(x => x.From <thisBlock.To && x.To> thisBlock.From).OrderBy(x => x.From).Reverse().LastOrDefault();

                    if (firstRecordkInSet != null && lastRecordInSet != null)
                        var recordsSpanningBlock = allResults.Where(x => x.From >= firstRecordkInSet.From && x.To <= lastRecordInSet.To);

                        var getTankDataResults = recordsSpanningBlock as GetTankDataResult[] ?? recordsSpanningBlock.ToArray();
                        if (getTankDataResults.Any())
                            var trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock = new List <GetTankDataResult>();
                            foreach (var record in getTankDataResults)
                                double percentageToTrim = 0;

                                if (record.From < thisBlock.From)
                                    long currentBlockTicks = record.To.Ticks - record.From.Ticks;
                                    long ticksToTrim       = thisBlock.From.Ticks - record.From.Ticks;

                                    percentageToTrim += (double)(((double)100.0 / (double)currentBlockTicks) * (double)ticksToTrim);
                                if (record.To > thisBlock.To)
                                    long currentBlockTicks = record.To.Ticks - record.From.Ticks;
                                    long ticksToTrim       = record.To.Ticks - thisBlock.To.Ticks;

                                    percentageToTrim = (double)(((double)100.0 / (double)currentBlockTicks) * (double)ticksToTrim);

                                if (record.Inflow != null)
                                    record.Inflow = record.Inflow - ((record.Inflow / 100) * percentageToTrim);

                            double?inflow = null;

                            foreach (var reading in trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock)
                                if (reading.Inflow != null)
                                    if (inflow == null)
                                        inflow = reading.Inflow;
                                        inflow += reading.Inflow;

                            var modifiedReading = trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock.FirstOrDefault();

                            if (inflow != null)
                                if (modifiedReading != null)
                                    modifiedReading.Inflow = inflow / trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock.Count();

                            if (modifiedReading != null)
                                modifiedReading.From = thisBlock.From;
                                modifiedReading.To   = thisBlock.To;


                allResults = subResults;

            var resultTxt = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var thisReading in allResults)
                var volumeValue = thisReading.Volume != null ?
                                  "<variable name=\"volume\">" + $"<value>{thisReading.Volume}</value>" + "</variable>"
                    : null;

                var levelValue = thisReading.Outflow != null ?
                                 "<variable name=\"outflow\">" + $"<value>{thisReading.Outflow}</value>" + "</variable>"
                    : null;

                var inflowValue = thisReading.Inflow != null ?
                                  "<variable name=\"inflow\">" + $"<value>{thisReading.Inflow}</value>" + "</variable>"
                    : null;

                resultTxt.Append("<record>" + $"<from>{thisReading?.From.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ssK")}</from>" +

            var tankName = string.Empty;

            if (resultTxt.Length > 0)
                tankName = _currentContext.Tanks.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Identifier == elementId)?.Name;

            return("<response>" + "<recordSet>" + $"<elementId>{elementId}</elementId>" +
                   $"<name>{tankName}</name>{resultTxt}</recordSet>" + "</response>");
        public string Read()
            _currentContext = new SQLAzureDataContext();

            var elementId = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "elementId").Value;
            var start     = DateTimeOffset.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "start").Value);
            var end       = DateTimeOffset.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "end").Value);

            long timestep = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.Count(kvp => kvp.Key == "timeStep") > 0 ?
                            int.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "timeStep").Value) : -1;

            var allResults = _currentContext.GetWeatherPredictionData(start, end, elementId).ToList();

            if (timestep != -1 && allResults.Any())
                const long multiplier    = 10000000;
                long       timestepTicks = timestep * multiplier;
                long       numberOfTicksBetweenStartAndEnd = (long)(end.Ticks - start.Ticks);
                int        numberOfBlock = (int)(numberOfTicksBetweenStartAndEnd / timestepTicks);

                // Create a collection of fixed blocks in time from supplied Start to End
                var dateTimeBlockSet = new List <DateTimeBlock>();
                for (var blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < numberOfBlock; blockIndex++)
                    var newDateTimeBlock = new DateTimeBlock
                        From = start.AddTicks(blockIndex * timestepTicks),
                        To   = start.AddTicks((blockIndex + 1) * timestepTicks)


                var subResults = new List <GetWeatherPredictionDataResult>();

                // loop through each block and and find any records that span that block, trimming those on the edges
                foreach (var thisBlock in dateTimeBlockSet)
                    var firstRecordkInSet = allResults.Where(x => x.From <thisBlock.To && x.To> thisBlock.From).OrderBy(x => x.From).FirstOrDefault();
                    var lastRecordInSet   = allResults.Where(x => x.From <thisBlock.To && x.To> thisBlock.From).OrderBy(x => x.From).LastOrDefault();

                    if (firstRecordkInSet != null && lastRecordInSet != null)
                        var recordsSpanningBlock = allResults.Where(x => x.From >= firstRecordkInSet.From && x.To <= lastRecordInSet.To);

                        if (recordsSpanningBlock.Any())
                            var trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock = new List <GetWeatherPredictionDataResult>();
                            foreach (var record in recordsSpanningBlock)
                                double percentageToTrim = 0;

                                if (record.From < thisBlock.From)
                                    long currentBlockTicks = record.To.Ticks - record.From.Ticks;
                                    long ticksToTrim       = thisBlock.From.Ticks - record.From.Ticks;

                                    percentageToTrim += (double)(((long)100.0 / currentBlockTicks) * ticksToTrim);
                                if (record.To > thisBlock.To)
                                    long currentBlockTicks = record.To.Ticks - record.From.Ticks;
                                    long ticksToTrim       = record.To.Ticks - thisBlock.To.Ticks;

                                    percentageToTrim = (double)(((double)100.0 / (double)currentBlockTicks) * (double)ticksToTrim);

                                if (record.Precipitation != null)
                                    record.Precipitation = record.Precipitation - ((record.Precipitation / 100) * percentageToTrim);

                            int?   humidity       = null;
                            double?precipitation  = null;
                            int?   pressure       = null;
                            double?solarRadiation = null;
                            double?temperature    = null;
                            string windDirection  = null;
                            double?windVelocity   = null;

                            foreach (var reading in trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock)
                                if (reading.Humidity != null)
                                    if (humidity == null)
                                        humidity = reading.Humidity;
                                    else if (reading.Humidity != -1)
                                        humidity += reading.Humidity;
                                if (reading.Precipitation != null)
                                    if (precipitation == null)
                                        precipitation = reading.Precipitation;
                                    else if (reading.Precipitation != -1)
                                        precipitation += reading.Precipitation;
                                if (reading.Pressure != null)
                                    if (pressure == null)
                                        pressure = reading.Pressure;
                                    else if (reading.Pressure != -1)
                                        pressure += reading.Pressure;
                                if (reading.Solar_radiation != null)
                                    if (solarRadiation == null)
                                        solarRadiation = reading.Solar_radiation;
                                    else if (reading.Solar_radiation != -1)
                                        solarRadiation += reading.Solar_radiation;
                                if (reading.Temperature != null)
                                    if (temperature == null)
                                        temperature = reading.Temperature;
                                    else if (reading.Temperature != -1)
                                        temperature += reading.Temperature;
                                windDirection = reading.Wind_direction;
                                if (reading.Wind_velocity != null)
                                    if (windVelocity == null)
                                        windVelocity = reading.Wind_velocity;
                                    else if (reading.Wind_velocity != -1)
                                        windVelocity += reading.Wind_velocity;

                            var modifiedReading = trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock.FirstOrDefault();

                            if (humidity != null)
                                modifiedReading.Humidity = humidity / trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock.Count();
                            if (precipitation != null)
                                modifiedReading.Precipitation = precipitation;
                            if (pressure != null)
                                modifiedReading.Pressure = pressure / trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock.Count();
                            if (solarRadiation != null)
                                modifiedReading.Solar_radiation = solarRadiation / trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock.Count();
                            if (temperature != null)
                                modifiedReading.Temperature = temperature / trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock.Count();
                            modifiedReading.Wind_direction = windDirection;
                            if (windVelocity != null)
                                modifiedReading.Wind_velocity = windVelocity / trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock.Count();

                            modifiedReading.From = thisBlock.From;
                            modifiedReading.To   = thisBlock.To;


                allResults = subResults;

            var resultTxt = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var thisReading in allResults)
                var precipitationValue = thisReading.Precipitation != null ?
                                         "<variable name=\"precipitation\">" + $"<value>{thisReading.Precipitation}</value>" + "</variable>"
                    : null;

                var temperatureValue = thisReading.Temperature != null ?
                                       "<variable name=\"temperature\">" + $"<value>{thisReading.Temperature}</value>" + "</variable>"
                    : null;

                var humidityValue = thisReading.Humidity != null ?
                                    "<variable name=\"humidity\">" + $"<value>{thisReading.Humidity}</value>" + "</variable>"
                    : null;

                var pressureValue = thisReading.Pressure != null ?
                                    "<variable name=\"pressure\">" + $"<value>{thisReading.Pressure}</value>" + "</variable>"
                    : null;

                var windDirectionValue = thisReading.Wind_direction != null ?
                                         "<variable name=\"wind_direction\">" + $"<value>{thisReading.Wind_direction}</value>" +
                    : null;

                var windVelocityValue = thisReading.Wind_velocity != null ?
                                        "<variable name=\"wind_velocity\">" + $"<value>{thisReading.Wind_velocity}</value>" + "</variable>"
                    : null;

                var solarRadiationValue = thisReading.Solar_radiation != null ?
                                          "<variable name=\"solar_radiation\">" + $"<value>{thisReading.Solar_radiation}</value>" +
                    : null;

                var metadata = "<metadata baseTime=\"" + thisReading.BaseTime.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ssK") + "\" creationTime=\"" + thisReading.CreationTime.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ssK") + "\" generatedBy=\"" + thisReading.Identifier + "\" comment=\"" + thisReading.Comment + "\" />";

                    $"<record>{metadata}<from>{thisReading?.From.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ssK")}</from>" +

            return("<response><recordSet>" + $"<elementId>{elementId}</elementId>{resultTxt}</recordSet></response>");
        public string Read()
            _currentContext = new SQLAzureDataContext();

            var elementId  = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "elementId").Value;
            var start      = DateTimeOffset.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "start").Value);
            var end        = DateTimeOffset.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "end").Value);
            var simulation = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == "simulation") ?
                             DateTimeOffset.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "simulation").Value) : DateTimeOffset.Now;
            long timestep = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.Count(kvp => kvp.Key == "timeStep") > 0 ?
                            int.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "timeStep").Value) : -1;

            var allResults = _currentContext.GetPricingData(start, end, elementId, simulation).ToList();

            if (timestep != -1 && allResults.Any())
                const long multiplier    = 10000000;
                long       timestepTicks = timestep * multiplier;
                long       numberOfTicksBetweenStartAndEnd = (long)(end.Ticks - start.Ticks);
                int        numberOfBlock = (int)(numberOfTicksBetweenStartAndEnd / timestepTicks);

                // Create a collection of fixed blocks in time from supplied Start to End
                var dateTimeBlockSet = new List <DateTimeBlock>();
                for (var blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < numberOfBlock; blockIndex++)
                    var newDateTimeBlock = new DateTimeBlock
                        From = start.AddTicks(blockIndex * timestepTicks),
                        To   = start.AddTicks((blockIndex + 1) * timestepTicks)


                var subResults = new List <GetPricingDataResult>();

                // loop through each block and and find any records that span that block, trimming those on the edges
                foreach (DateTimeBlock thisBlock in dateTimeBlockSet)
                    var firstRecordkInSet = allResults.Where(x => x.From <thisBlock.To && x.To> thisBlock.From).OrderBy(x => x.From).FirstOrDefault();
                    var lastRecordInSet   = allResults.Where(x => x.From <thisBlock.To && x.To> thisBlock.From).OrderBy(x => x.From).LastOrDefault();

                    if (firstRecordkInSet != null && lastRecordInSet != null)
                        var recordsSpanningBlock = allResults.Where(x => x.From >= firstRecordkInSet.From && x.To <= lastRecordInSet.To);

                        var getPricingDataResults = recordsSpanningBlock as GetPricingDataResult[] ?? recordsSpanningBlock.ToArray();
                        if (getPricingDataResults.Any())
                            decimal Price = getPricingDataResults.Sum(reading => reading.Price);

                            var modifiedReading = getPricingDataResults.FirstOrDefault();

                            if (modifiedReading != null)
                                modifiedReading.Price = Price / getPricingDataResults.Count();

                                modifiedReading.From = thisBlock.From;
                                modifiedReading.To   = thisBlock.To;


                allResults = subResults;

            var resultTxt    = new StringBuilder();
            var baseTime     = string.Empty;
            var creationTime = string.Empty;
            var generatedBy  = string.Empty;

            foreach (var thisReading in allResults)
                if (baseTime == string.Empty)
                    baseTime     = thisReading.BaseTime.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ssK");
                    creationTime = thisReading.CreationTime.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ssK");

                generatedBy = thisReading.Identifier;

                resultTxt.Append("<record>" + $"<from>{thisReading.From.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ssK")}</from>" +
                                 $"<to>{thisReading.To.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ssK")}</to>" +
                                 "<variable name=\"price\">" + $"<value>{thisReading.Price}</value>" + "</variable>" +

            var dmaName = string.Empty;

            if (resultTxt.Length > 0)
                resultTxt.Insert(0, $"<elementId>{elementId}</elementId>{Environment.NewLine}<name>{dmaName}</name>{Environment.NewLine}" +
                                 $"<metadata baseTime=\"{baseTime}\" creationTime=\"{creationTime}\" generatedBy=\"{generatedBy}\" />{Environment.NewLine}");

            return("<response>" + $"<recordSet>{resultTxt}</recordSet>" + "</response>");
        public string ReadSpecificProperty(List <int> indices)
            _currentContext = new SQLAzureDataContext();
            var elementId = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "elementId").Value;
            var start     = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == "start") ?
                            DateTimeOffset.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "start").Value) : DateTimeOffset.MinValue;
            var end = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == "end") ?
                      DateTimeOffset.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "end").Value) : DateTimeOffset.MaxValue;
            long timestep = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.Count(kvp => kvp.Key == "timeStep") > 0 ?
                            int.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "timeStep").Value) : -1;

            var resultTxt  = new StringBuilder();
            var allResults = _currentContext.GetDMAData(start, end, elementId).ToList();

            if (allResults.Any())
                if (timestep != -1 && allResults.Any())
                    const long multiplier    = 10000000;
                    long       timestepTicks = timestep * multiplier;
                    long       numberOfTicksBetweenStartAndEnd = (long)(end.Ticks - start.Ticks);
                    int        numberOfBlock = (int)(numberOfTicksBetweenStartAndEnd / timestepTicks);

                    // Create a collection of fixed blocks in time from supplied Start to End
                    var dateTimeBlockSet = new List <DateTimeBlock>();
                    for (var blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < numberOfBlock; blockIndex++)
                        var newDateTimeBlock = new DateTimeBlock
                            From = start.AddTicks(blockIndex * timestepTicks),
                            To   = start.AddTicks((blockIndex + 1) * timestepTicks)


                    var subResults = new List <GetDMADataResult>();

                    // loop through each block and and find any records that span that block, trimming those on the edges
                    foreach (var thisBlock in dateTimeBlockSet)
                        var recordsSpanningBlock =
                            allResults.Where(x => x.Time > thisBlock.From && x.Time <= thisBlock.To);

                        var getDmaDataResults = recordsSpanningBlock as GetDMADataResult[] ??
                        if (getDmaDataResults.Any())
                            double?flow     = null;
                            double?pressure = null;
                            double?Volume   = null;

                            foreach (var reading in getDmaDataResults)
                                if (reading.Flow != null)
                                    if (flow == null)
                                        flow = reading.Flow;
                                        flow += reading.Flow;

                                if (reading.Pressure != null)
                                    if (pressure == null)
                                        pressure = reading.Pressure;
                                        pressure += reading.Pressure;

                                if (reading.Volume != null)
                                    if (Volume == null)
                                        Volume = reading.Volume;
                                        Volume += reading.Volume;

                            var modifiedReading = getDmaDataResults.FirstOrDefault();

                            if (flow != null)
                                if (modifiedReading != null)
                                    modifiedReading.Flow = flow;
                            if (pressure != null)
                                if (modifiedReading != null)
                                    modifiedReading.Pressure = pressure / getDmaDataResults.Count(x => x.Pressure != null);
                            if (Volume != null)
                                if (modifiedReading != null)
                                    modifiedReading.Volume = Volume;

                            if (modifiedReading != null)
                                modifiedReading.Time = thisBlock.From;


                    allResults = subResults;

                foreach (var thisReading in allResults)
                    var flowValue     = string.Empty;
                    var pressureValue = string.Empty;
                    var volumeValue   = string.Empty;

                    if (indices.Contains(16) && thisReading.Flow != null)
                        flowValue = "<variable name=\"flow\">" + $"<value>{thisReading.Flow}</value>" + "</variable>";
                    if (indices.Contains(17) && thisReading.Pressure != null)
                        pressureValue = "<variable name=\"pressure\">" + $"<value>{thisReading.Pressure}</value>" +
                    if (indices.Contains(18) && thisReading.Volume != null)
                        volumeValue = "<variable name=\"volume\">" + $"<value>{thisReading.Volume}</value>" +

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(flowValue) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pressureValue) ||

        public string ReadSpecificProperty(List <int> indices)
            _currentContext = new SQLAzureDataContext();
            var elementId = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "elementId").Value;
            var start     = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == "start") ?
                            DateTimeOffset.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "start").Value) : DateTimeOffset.MinValue;
            var end = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == "end") ?
                      DateTimeOffset.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "end").Value) : DateTimeOffset.MaxValue;
            long timestep = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.Count(kvp => kvp.Key == "timeStep") > 0 ?
                            int.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "timeStep").Value) : -1;

            var resultTxt  = new StringBuilder();
            var allResults = _currentContext.GetWeatherData(start, end, elementId).ToList();

            if (allResults.Any())
                //          start = allResults.Aggregate((acc, c) => acc.From < c.From ? acc : c).From;
                //          end = allResults.Aggregate((acc, c) => acc.To > c.To ? acc : c).To;
                if (timestep != -1 && allResults.Any())
                    const long multiplier    = 10000000;
                    long       timestepTicks = timestep * multiplier;
                    long       numberOfTicksBetweenStartAndEnd = (long)(end.Ticks - start.Ticks);
                    int        numberOfBlock = (int)(numberOfTicksBetweenStartAndEnd / timestepTicks);

                    // Create a collection of fixed blocks in time from supplied Start to End
                    var dateTimeBlockSet = new List <DateTimeBlock>();
                    for (var blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < numberOfBlock; blockIndex++)
                        var newDateTimeBlock = new DateTimeBlock
                            From = start.AddTicks(blockIndex * timestepTicks),
                            To   = start.AddTicks((blockIndex + 1) * timestepTicks)


                    var subResults = new List <GetWeatherDataResult>();

                    // loop through each block and and find any records that span that block, trimming those on the edges
                    foreach (var thisBlock in dateTimeBlockSet)
                        var firstRecordkInSet =
                            allResults.Where(x => x.From <thisBlock.To && x.To> thisBlock.From)
                            .OrderBy(x => x.From)
                        var lastRecordInSet =
                            allResults.Where(x => x.From <thisBlock.To && x.To> thisBlock.From)
                            .OrderBy(x => x.From)

                        if (firstRecordkInSet != null && lastRecordInSet != null)
                            var recordsSpanningBlock =
                                allResults.Where(x => x.From >= firstRecordkInSet.From && x.To <= lastRecordInSet.To);

                            var getWeatherDataResults = recordsSpanningBlock as GetWeatherDataResult[] ??
                            if (getWeatherDataResults.Any())
                                var trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock = new List <GetWeatherDataResult>();
                                foreach (var record in getWeatherDataResults)
                                    double percentageToTrim = 0;

                                    if (record.From < thisBlock.From)
                                        long currentBlockTicks = record.To.Ticks - record.From.Ticks;
                                        long ticksToTrim       = thisBlock.From.Ticks - record.From.Ticks;

                                        percentageToTrim +=
                                            (double)(((double)100.0 / (double)currentBlockTicks) * (double)ticksToTrim);
                                    if (record.To > thisBlock.To)
                                        long currentBlockTicks = record.To.Ticks - record.From.Ticks;
                                        long ticksToTrim       = record.To.Ticks - thisBlock.To.Ticks;

                                        percentageToTrim =
                                            (double)(((double)100.0 / (double)currentBlockTicks) * (double)ticksToTrim);

                                    if (record.Precipitation != null)
                                        record.Precipitation = record.Precipitation -
                                                               ((record.Precipitation / 100) * percentageToTrim);

                                int?   humidity       = null;
                                double?precipitation  = null;
                                int?   pressure       = null;
                                double?solarRadiation = null;
                                double?temperature    = null;
                                string windDirection  = null;
                                double?windVelocity   = null;

                                foreach (var reading in trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock)
                                    if (reading.Humidity != null)
                                        if (humidity == null)
                                            humidity = reading.Humidity;
                                            humidity += reading.Humidity;
                                    if (reading.Precipitation != null)
                                        if (precipitation == null)
                                            precipitation = reading.Precipitation;
                                            precipitation += reading.Precipitation;
                                    if (reading.Pressure != null)
                                        if (pressure == null)
                                            pressure = reading.Pressure;
                                            pressure += reading.Pressure;
                                    if (reading.Solar_radiation != null)
                                        if (solarRadiation == null)
                                            solarRadiation = reading.Solar_radiation;
                                            solarRadiation += reading.Solar_radiation;
                                    if (reading.Temperature != null)
                                        if (temperature == null)
                                            temperature = reading.Temperature;
                                            temperature += reading.Temperature;
                                    windDirection = reading.Wind_direction;
                                    if (reading.Wind_velocity != null)
                                        if (windVelocity == null)
                                            windVelocity = reading.Wind_velocity;
                                            windVelocity += reading.Wind_velocity;

                                var modifiedReading = trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock.FirstOrDefault();

                                if (humidity != null)
                                    modifiedReading.Humidity = humidity / trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock.Count();
                                if (precipitation != null)
                                    modifiedReading.Precipitation = precipitation;
                                if (pressure != null)
                                    modifiedReading.Pressure = pressure / trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock.Count();
                                if (solarRadiation != null)
                                    modifiedReading.Solar_radiation = solarRadiation / trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock.Count();
                                if (temperature != null)
                                    modifiedReading.Temperature = temperature / trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock.Count();
                                modifiedReading.Wind_direction = windDirection;
                                if (windVelocity != null)
                                    modifiedReading.Wind_velocity = windVelocity / trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock.Count();

                                modifiedReading.From = thisBlock.From;
                                modifiedReading.To   = thisBlock.To;


                    allResults = subResults;

                foreach (var thisReading in allResults)
                    var precipitationValue  = string.Empty;
                    var temperatureValue    = string.Empty;
                    var humidityValue       = string.Empty;
                    var pressureValue       = string.Empty;
                    var windVelocityValue   = string.Empty;
                    var windDirectionValue  = string.Empty;
                    var solarRadiationValue = string.Empty;

                    if (indices.Contains(2) && thisReading.Precipitation != null)
                        precipitationValue = "<variable name=\"precipitation\">" +
                    if (indices.Contains(3) && thisReading.Temperature != null)
                        temperatureValue = "<variable name=\"temperature\">" +
                    if (indices.Contains(4) && thisReading.Humidity != null)
                        humidityValue = "<variable name=\"humidity\">" +
                    if (indices.Contains(5) && thisReading.Pressure != null)
                        pressureValue = "<variable name=\"pressure\">" +
                    if (indices.Contains(6) && thisReading.Wind_velocity != null)
                        windVelocityValue = "<variable name=\"wind_velocity\">" +
                    if (indices.Contains(7) && thisReading.Wind_direction != null)
                        windDirectionValue = "<variable name=\"wind_direction\">" +
                    if (indices.Contains(8) && thisReading.Solar_radiation != null)
                        solarRadiationValue = "<variable name=\"solar_radiation\">" +

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(precipitationValue) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(temperatureValue) ||
                        !string.IsNullOrEmpty(humidityValue) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pressureValue) ||
                        !string.IsNullOrEmpty(windVelocityValue) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(windDirectionValue) ||
                        resultTxt.Append("<record>" + $"<from>{thisReading?.From}</from>" +
        public string Read(bool bWrap)
            _currentContext = new SQLAzureDataContext();

            var meterId = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.Count(kvp => kvp.Key == "elementId") != 0 ?
                          _currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "elementId").Value : string.Empty;
            var start = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == "start") ?
                        DateTime.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "start").Value) : DateTime.MinValue;
            var end = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == "end") ?
                      DateTime.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "end").Value) : DateTime.MaxValue;
            long timestep = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == "timeStep") ?
                            Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "timeStep").Value) : -1;

            var resultTxt   = new StringBuilder();
            var elementText = "<elementId>" + meterId + "</elementId>";

            var site = _currentContext.Meters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MeterIdentity == meterId)?.DMA.Site;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(meterId) && site != null)
                var thisContext = new MeterReadingTableStorageContext(site.TableName);

                if (timestep == -1)
                    var finalFilter = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, meterId);

                    if (start != DateTime.MinValue)
                        var date1 = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.GreaterThanOrEqual, start.Ticks.ToString());
                        finalFilter = TableQuery.CombineFilters(finalFilter, TableOperators.And, date1);

                    if (end != DateTime.MaxValue)
                        var date2 = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.LessThanOrEqual, end.Ticks.ToString());
                        finalFilter = TableQuery.CombineFilters(finalFilter, TableOperators.And, date2);

                    var allRecords = thisContext.MeterReadingsFiltered(finalFilter);

                    foreach (var record in allRecords)
                        resultTxt.Append("<record>" + $"<time>{record.CreatedOn.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz")}</time><variable name=\"flow\">" + $"<value>{record.Reading}</value></variable>" + $"</record>{Environment.NewLine}");
                    const long multiplier    = 10000000;
                    long       timestepTicks = timestep * multiplier;
                    long       numberOfTicksBetweenStartAndEnd = (long)(end.Ticks - start.Ticks);
                    int        numberOfBlock = (int)(numberOfTicksBetweenStartAndEnd / timestepTicks);

                    // Create a collection of fixed blocks in time from supplied Start to End
                    var dateTimeBlockSet = new List <DateTimeBlock>();
                    for (var blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < numberOfBlock; blockIndex++)
                        var newDateTimeBlock = new DateTimeBlock
                            From = start.AddTicks(blockIndex * timestepTicks),
                            To   = start.AddTicks((blockIndex + 1) * timestepTicks)


                    // loop through each block and and find any records that span that block, trimming those on the edges
                    foreach (var thisBlock in dateTimeBlockSet)
                        var recordsSpanningBlock = new List <MeterReadingEntity>();

                        var finalFilter = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, meterId);

                        if (start != DateTime.MinValue)
                            var date1 = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.GreaterThanOrEqual, thisBlock.From.Ticks.ToString());
                            finalFilter = TableQuery.CombineFilters(finalFilter, TableOperators.And, date1);

                        if (end != DateTime.MaxValue)
                            var date2 = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.LessThanOrEqual, thisBlock.To.Ticks.ToString());
                            finalFilter = TableQuery.CombineFilters(finalFilter, TableOperators.And, date2);


                        if (recordsSpanningBlock.Any())
                            //    var minResult = recordsSpanningBlock.Min(x => x.Reading);
                            //    var maxResult = recordsSpanningBlock.Max(x => x.Reading);
                            var minResult = float.Parse(recordsSpanningBlock.Min(x => x.Reading));
                            var maxResult = float.Parse(recordsSpanningBlock.Max(x => x.Reading));

                            var averageValue = (minResult + maxResult) / 2;

                            //                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(minResult) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(maxResult))
                                //                          var flow = Int32.Parse(maxResult) - Int32.Parse(minResult);
                                resultTxt.Append("<record>" +
                                                 $"<time>{thisBlock.From.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz")}</time><variable name=\"flow\">" + $"<value>{averageValue}</value></variable>" + $"</record>{Environment.NewLine}");

            if (bWrap)
                return("<response>" + $"<recordSet>{elementText}{resultTxt}</recordSet>" + "</response>");
        public string Read()
            _currentContext = new SQLAzureDataContext();

            var  elementId = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "elementId").Value;
            var  start     = DateTimeOffset.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "start").Value);
            var  end       = DateTimeOffset.Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "end").Value);
            long timestep  = _currentRequestManager.RootElements.Count(kvp => kvp.Key == "timeStep") > 0 ?
                             Parse(_currentRequestManager.RootElements.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "timeStep").Value) : -1;

            var allResults = _currentContext.GetDemandPredictionData(start, end, elementId).ToList();

            if (timestep != -1 && allResults.Any())
                const long multiplier    = 10000000;
                long       timestepTicks = timestep * multiplier;
                long       numberOfTicksBetweenStartAndEnd = (long)(end.Ticks - start.Ticks);
                int        numberOfBlock = (int)(numberOfTicksBetweenStartAndEnd / timestepTicks);

                // Create a collection of fixed blocks in time from supplied Start to End
                var dateTimeBlockSet = new List <DateTimeBlock>();
                for (var blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < numberOfBlock; blockIndex++)
                    var newDateTimeBlock = new DateTimeBlock
                        From = start.AddTicks(blockIndex * timestepTicks),
                        To   = start.AddTicks((blockIndex + 1) * timestepTicks)


                var subResults = new List <GetDemandPredictionDataResult>();

                // loop through each block and and find any records that span that block, trimming those on the edges
                foreach (var thisBlock in dateTimeBlockSet)
                    var firstRecordkInSet = allResults.Where(x => x.From <thisBlock.To && x.To> thisBlock.From).OrderBy(x => x.From).FirstOrDefault();
                    var lastRecordInSet   = allResults.Where(x => x.From <thisBlock.To && x.To> thisBlock.From).OrderBy(x => x.From).LastOrDefault();

                    if (firstRecordkInSet != null && lastRecordInSet != null)
                        var recordsSpanningBlock = allResults.Where(x => x.From >= firstRecordkInSet.From && x.To <= lastRecordInSet.To);

                        var getDemandPredictionDataResults = recordsSpanningBlock as GetDemandPredictionDataResult[] ?? recordsSpanningBlock.ToArray();
                        if (getDemandPredictionDataResults.Any())
                            var trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock = new List <GetDemandPredictionDataResult>();
                            foreach (var record in getDemandPredictionDataResults)
                                double percentageToTrim = 0;

                                if (record.From < thisBlock.From)
                                    var currentBlockTicks = record.To.Ticks - record.From.Ticks;
                                    var ticksToTrim       = thisBlock.From.Ticks - record.From.Ticks;

                                    percentageToTrim += (double)(((double)100.0 / (double)currentBlockTicks) * (double)ticksToTrim);
                                if (record.To > thisBlock.To)
                                    var currentBlockTicks = record.To.Ticks - record.From.Ticks;
                                    var ticksToTrim       = record.To.Ticks - thisBlock.To.Ticks;

                                    percentageToTrim = (double)(((double)100.0 / (double)currentBlockTicks) * (double)ticksToTrim);

                                record.Demand = record.Demand - ((record.Demand / 100) * percentageToTrim);

                                if (record.Uncertainty != null)
                                    record.Uncertainty = record.Uncertainty - ((record.Uncertainty / 100) * percentageToTrim);


                            var    demand      = 0.0;
                            double?uncertainty = null;

                            foreach (var reading in trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock)
                                demand += reading.Demand;

                                if (reading.Uncertainty != null)
                                    if (uncertainty == null)
                                        uncertainty = reading.Uncertainty;
                                    else if (reading.Uncertainty != -1)
                                        uncertainty += reading.Uncertainty;

                            var modifiedReading = trimmedrecordsSpanningBlock.FirstOrDefault();

                            if (modifiedReading != null)
                                modifiedReading.Demand = demand;
                                if (uncertainty != null)
                                    modifiedReading.Uncertainty = uncertainty;

                                modifiedReading.From = thisBlock.From;
                                modifiedReading.To   = thisBlock.To;

                allResults = subResults;

            var resultTxt    = new StringBuilder();
            var baseTime     = string.Empty;
            var creationTime = string.Empty;
            var generatedBy  = string.Empty;
            var comment      = string.Empty;

            foreach (var thisReading in allResults)
                if (baseTime == string.Empty)
                    baseTime     = thisReading.BaseTime.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ssK");
                    creationTime = thisReading.CreationTime.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ssK");

                generatedBy = thisReading.Identifier;

                var demandValue = "<variable name=\"demand\">" + $"<value>{thisReading.Demand}</value>" + "</variable>";

                var uncertaintyValue = thisReading.Uncertainty != null ?
                                       "<variable name=\"uncertainty\">" + $"<value>{thisReading.Uncertainty}</value>" + "</variable>"
                    : null;

                resultTxt.Append("<record>" + $"<from>{thisReading?.From.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ssK")}</from>" +

            var dmaName = string.Empty;

            if (resultTxt.Length > 0)
                var firstOrDefault = _currentContext.DMAs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Identifier == elementId);
                if (firstOrDefault != null)
                    dmaName = firstOrDefault.Name;
            return("<response>" + "<recordSet>" + $"<elementId>{elementId}</elementId>" +
                   $"<name>{dmaName}</name>" +
                   $"<metadata baseTime=\"{baseTime}\" creationTime=\"{creationTime}\" generatedBy=\"{generatedBy}\" comment=\"{comment}\" />{resultTxt}</recordSet>" +