        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and activates a NPCUnitRegulator instance for a unit prefab.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="unit">The <c>Unit</c> prefab for which NPCUnitRegulator instance will be created.</param>
        /// <returns>The created and active NPCUnitRegulator instance.</returns>
        public NPCUnitRegulator ActivateUnitRegulator(Unit unit)
            NPCUnitRegulatorData data = unit.GetRegulatorData(factionMgr.Slot.GetTypeInfo(), npcMgr.NPCType.GetCode()); //get the regulator data

            if (data == null)                                                                                           //invalid regulator data?
                return(null);                                                                                           //do not proceed
            //see if the unit regulator is already active or not
            NPCUnitRegulator activeInstance = GetActiveUnitRegulator(unit.GetCode());

            if (activeInstance != null) //if it is
                return(activeInstance); //return the already active instance.
            ActiveUnitRegulator newUnitRegulator = new ActiveUnitRegulator()
                //create new instance
                instance = new NPCUnitRegulator(data, unit, gameMgr, npcMgr, this),
                //initial spawning timer: regular spawn reload + start creating after value
                spawnTimer = data.GetCreationDelayTime()

            //add it to the active unit regulators list:
            activeUnitRegulators.Add(unit.GetCode(), newUnitRegulator);

            //whenever a new regulator is added to the active regulators list, then move the unit creator into the active state
        //a method to add a new instance of a unit regulator
        public NPCUnitRegulator ActivateUnitRegulator(NPCUnitRegulator unitRegulator)
            //see if the unit regulator is already active or not
            ActiveUnitRegulator aue = IsUnitRegulatorActive(unitRegulator);

            if (aue != null)          //if it is
                return(aue.instance); //return the already active instance.
            ActiveUnitRegulator newUnitRegulator = new ActiveUnitRegulator()
                //create new instance
                instance = Instantiate(unitRegulator),
                source   = unitRegulator, //set the prefab/resource
                //initial spawning timer: regular spawn reload + start creating after value
                spawnTimer = unitRegulator.spawnReloadRange.getRandomValue() + unitRegulator.startCreatingAfter.getRandomValue()

            //add it to the active unit regulators list:

            newUnitRegulator.instance.Init(npcMgr, this); //initialize the unit regulator.

            //whenever a new regulator is added to the active regulators list, then move the unit creator into the active state
            isActive = true;

        //method that attempts to create the unit from a regulator
        public void OnCreateUnitRequest(NPCUnitRegulator instance, bool auto, int maxAmount)
            //if this attempt is done automatically (from the NPC Unit Creator itself) and the regulator doesn't allow it
            if (auto == true && instance.autoCreate == false)
                return; //do not proceed.

            //if this has been requested from another NPC component and the regulator doesn't allow it
            if (auto == false && instance.createOnDemand == false)
                return; //do not proceed.

            int createAmount = maxAmount;                            //this will be the amount that we aim to spawn

            if (!instance.HasReachedMaxAmount() && createAmount > 0) //as long as we haven't reached the max amount
                if (instance.GetUnitCreatorList().Count > 0)         //if there are task launchers assigned to this regulator:
                    //go through the task launchers that this unit regulator uses:
                    foreach (NPCUnitRegulator.UnitCreatorInfo uci in instance.GetUnitCreatorList())
                        TaskManager.AddTaskMsg addTaskMsg = TaskManager.AddTaskMsg.Success;
                        //as long as launching the unit creation task is successful and we still have units to create
                        while (addTaskMsg == TaskManager.AddTaskMsg.Success && createAmount > 0)
                            addTaskMsg = taskMgr.AddTask(uci.taskLauncher, uci.taskID, TaskManager.TaskTypes.CreateUnit);
                            //handle cases:
                            switch (addTaskMsg)
                            case TaskManager.AddTaskMsg.Success: //in case of success
                                createAmount--;                  //decrease amount required

                            case TaskManager.AddTaskMsg.MaxPopulationReached:     //in case of failure due to max population reach.
                                //ask the NPC population manager to add a new population building and stop the whole process:

                                break;     //FUTURE FEATURE: HANLDE OTHER FAILURE MESSAGES SUCH AS: sending builders to fix low health buildings,
                                //... or asking resource manager to collect resource in case of missing resource.

                        //as soon we create all the required units then stop this whole thing:
                        if (createAmount == 0)
                    //FUTURE FEATURE: Communicate with the NPC Building Creator in order to ask to spawn one of the task launchers.
        public bool isActive = true;        //is this component active?

        void Start()
            //activate the collector unit regulator:
            collectorRegulatorIns = npcMgr.unitCreator_NPC.ActivateUnitRegulator(collectorRegulator);

            //start collection timer:
            collectionTimer = collectionTimerRange.getRandomValue();

            //add event listeners:
            CustomEvents.UnitStopCollecting  += OnUnitStopCollecting;
            CustomEvents.UnitStartCollecting += OnUnitStartCollecting;
            CustomEvents.ResourceEmpty       += OnResourceEmpty;
            CustomEvents.UnitCreated         += OnUnitCreated;
        //a method to check if a unit regulator is already active or not.
        public ActiveUnitRegulator IsUnitRegulatorActive(NPCUnitRegulator unitRegulator)
            //go through all active unit regulators:
            foreach (ActiveUnitRegulator aur in activeUnitRegulators)
                if (aur.source == unitRegulator) //if the source matches the input unit regulator
                    //then return this active unit regulator.

 //activates the collector regulator
 public void ActivateCollectorRegulator()
     //Go ahead and add the builder regulator (if there's one)..
     if (collectorRegulator != null)
         //.. to the NPC Unit Creator component
         collectorRegulatorIns = npcMgr.unitCreator_NPC.ActivateUnitRegulator(collectorRegulator);
         //Error to user, because builder regulator hasn't been assigned and it is required:
         Debug.LogError("[NPC Resource Collector] NPC Faction ID: " + factionMgr.FactionID + " NPC Resource Collector component doesn't have a collector regulator assigned!");
 //a method that removes one active instance by providing its source/prefab regulator:
 public void DestroyActiveRegulator(NPCUnitRegulator nur)
     //go through the active regulators
     for (int i = 0; i < activeUnitRegulators.Count; i++)
         //if this is the building regulator we're looking for:
         ActiveUnitRegulator aur = activeUnitRegulators[i];
         if (nur == aur.source)
             //destroy the active instance:
             //remove from list:
             break; //leave loop
        //a method called that configures NPC faction components in case of a unit upgrade:
        private void LaunchNPCUnitUpgrade(NPCManager npcMgrIns, Unit source, Unit target)
            //we need access to the NPC Unit Creator in order to find the active regulator instance that manages the unit type to be upgraded:
            NPCUnitCreator unitCreator_NPC = npcMgrIns.unitCreator_NPC;

            NPCUnitRegulator unitRegulator       = npcMgrIns.GetUnitRegulatorAsset(source);  //will hold the unit's regulator that is supposed to be upgraded.
            NPCUnitRegulator targetUnitRegulator = npcMgrIns.GetUnitRegulatorAsset(target);; //will hold the target unit's regulator

            //we expect both above regulators to be valid:
            if (unitRegulator == null)
                Debug.LogError("[Upgrade Manager] Can not find a valid NPC Unit Regulator for the upgrade source.");
            if (targetUnitRegulator == null)
                Debug.LogError("[Upgrade Manager] Can not find a valid NPC Unit Regulator for the upgrade target.");

            //destroy the old building regulator

            //if the unit to be upgraded was either, the main builder, collector or one of the army units
            //then we'll update that as well.
            if (unitRegulator == npcMgrIns.buildingConstructor_NPC.builderRegulator)
                npcMgrIns.buildingConstructor_NPC.builderRegulator = unitRegulator;
                npcMgrIns.buildingConstructor_NPC.ActivateBuilderRegulator(); //activate the new unit regulator
            if (unitRegulator == npcMgrIns.resourceCollector_NPC.collectorRegulator)
                npcMgrIns.resourceCollector_NPC.collectorRegulator = unitRegulator;
                npcMgrIns.resourceCollector_NPC.ActivateCollectorRegulator();          //activate the new unit regulator
            if (npcMgrIns.armyCreator_NPC.armyUnitRegulators.Contains(unitRegulator))  //is the unit to upgrade an army unit?
                npcMgrIns.armyCreator_NPC.armyUnitRegulators.Remove(unitRegulator);    //remove old regulator from list
                npcMgrIns.armyCreator_NPC.armyUnitRegulators.Add(targetUnitRegulator); //add new regulator asset
                npcMgrIns.armyCreator_NPC.ActivateArmyUnitRegulators();                //activate army regulators.

            //activate the new regulator:
        void Start()
            //Go ahead and add the builder regulator (if there's one)..
            if (builderRegulator != null)
                //.. to the NPC Unit Creator component
                builderRegulatorIns = npcMgr.unitCreator_NPC.ActivateUnitRegulator(builderRegulator);
                //Error to user, because builder regulator hasn't been assigned and it is required:
                Debug.LogError("NPC Faction ID: " + factionMgr.FactionID + " NPC Building Constructor component doesn't have a builder regulator assigned!");

            //add event listeners for following delegate events:
            CustomEvents.BuildingPlaced        += OnBuildingPlaced;
            CustomEvents.BuildingHealthUpdated += OnBuildingHealthUpdated;
        /// <summary>
        /// Activates the main NPCUnitRegulator instance for the main builder unit.
        /// </summary>
        private void ActivateBuilderRegulator()

            //Go ahead and add the builder regulator (if there's one)..
            foreach (Builder builder in builders)
                                 $"[NPCBuildingConstructor] NPC Faction ID: {factionMgr.FactionID} 'Builders' list has some unassigned elements.");

                NPCUnitRegulator nextRegulator = null;
                //as soon a builder prefab produces a valid builder regulator instance (matches the faction type and faction npc manager), add it to be monitored:
                if ((nextRegulator = npcMgr.GetNPCComp <NPCUnitCreator>().ActivateUnitRegulator(builder.GetComponent <Unit>())) != null)
                    builderMonitor.Replace("", nextRegulator.Code);

            Assert.IsTrue(builderMonitor.GetCount() > 0,
                          $"[NPCBuildingConstructor] NPC Faction ID: {factionMgr.FactionID} doesn't have a builder regulator assigned!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Activates the NPCUnitRegulator instances for the NPC faction's army units.
        /// </summary>
        public void ActivateArmyUnitRegulators()

            //Go ahead and add the army units regulators (if there are valid ones)
            foreach (UnitAttack armyUnit in armyUnits)
                                 $"[NPCArmyCreator] NPC Faction ID: {factionMgr.FactionID} 'Army Unit' list has some unassigned elements.");

                NPCUnitRegulator nextRegulator = null;
                //only add the army unit regulators that match this NPC faction's type
                if ((nextRegulator = npcMgr.GetNPCComp <NPCUnitCreator>().ActivateUnitRegulator(armyUnit.GetComponent <Unit>())) != null)
                    armyUnitsMonitor.Replace("", nextRegulator.Code);

            Assert.IsTrue(armyUnitsMonitor.GetCount() > 0,
                          $"[NPCArmyCreator] NPC Faction ID: {factionMgr.FactionID} doesn't have any active NPCUnitRegulator instance for army units!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Activates the main NPCUnitRegulator instance for the main resource collector unit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resourceType"></param>
        /// <param name="collectorMonitor"></param>
        private void ActivateCollectorRegulator(ResourceTypeInfo resourceType, NPCActiveRegulatorMonitor collectorMonitor)

            //Go ahead and add the resource collector regulator (if there's one)..
            foreach (ResourceCollector collector in collectors)
                                 $"[NPCResourceCollector] NPC Faction ID: {factionMgr.FactionID} 'Collectors' list has some unassigned elements.");

                NPCUnitRegulator nextRegulator = null;
                //as soon a collector prefab produces a valid unit regulator instance (matches the faction type and faction npc manager), add it to monitor component
                if (collector.CanCollectResourceType(resourceType, false) && //also make sure the resource collector can collect this resource type.
                    (nextRegulator = npcMgr.GetNPCComp <NPCUnitCreator>().ActivateUnitRegulator(collector.GetComponent <Unit>())) != null)
                    collectorMonitor.Replace("", nextRegulator.Code);

            Assert.IsTrue(collectorMonitor.GetCount() > 0,
                          $"[NPCBuildingConstructor] NPC Faction ID: {factionMgr.FactionID} doesn't have a resource collector regulator assigned for resource type: {resourceType.GetName()}!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Actively monitors forced army units creation.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnActiveUpdate()


            //go through the active instances of the army unit regulators:
            foreach (string unitCode in armyUnitsMonitor.GetAll())
                NPCUnitRegulator unitRegulator = npcMgr.GetNPCComp <NPCUnitCreator>().GetActiveUnitRegulator(unitCode); //get the regulator instance for the unit code
                if (unitRegulator == null)

                //if the minimum amount hasn't hit the actual max amount
                if (unitRegulator.MaxAmount > unitRegulator.MinAmount)
                    Activate(); //keep component active.
                    //increment the minimum amount to put pressure on creating a new instance for the army unit.
        /// <summary>
        /// Launches the next unit creation task if all requirements are met.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instance">The NPCUnitRegulator instance that will be creating the next unit.</param>
        /// <param name="auto">True if this has been called from the NPCUnitCreator component, false if called from another NPC component.</param>
        /// <param name="requestedAmount">The amount of unit instances requested to create.</param>
        public void OnCreateUnitRequest(NPCUnitRegulator instance, bool auto, int requestedAmount)
            if (instance == null //if the instance is invalid
                                 //if this has been requested from another NPC component and the regulator doesn't allow it
                || (!auto && !instance.Data.CanCreateOnDemand())
                //or if this attempt is done automatically (from the NPC Unit Creator itself) and the regulator doesn't allow it
                || (auto && !instance.Data.CanAutoCreate())
                //if we have raeched the maximum allowed amount or the requested amount is invalid
                || instance.HasReachedMaxAmount() || requestedAmount <= 0)
                return;                               //do not proceed.
            if (instance.GetTaskLauncherCount() == 0) //if there are no task launchers assigned to this regulator:
                //FUTURE FEATURE: Communicate with the NPC Building Creator in order to ask to spawn one of the task launchers.

            //enough task launchers that can create this unit? go through the task launchers that this unit regulator uses:
            foreach (TaskLauncher taskLauncher in instance.GetTaskLaunchers())
                foreach (int taskID in instance.GetUnitCreationTasks(taskLauncher))
                    ErrorMessage addTaskMsg = ErrorMessage.none;

                    //as long as launching the unit creation task is successful and we still have units to create
                    while (addTaskMsg == ErrorMessage.none && requestedAmount > 0)
                        //attempt to add new unit creation task
                        addTaskMsg = gameMgr.TaskMgr.AddTask(new TaskUIAttributes
                            taskLauncher = taskLauncher,
                            ID           = taskID,
                            type         = TaskTypes.createUnit

                        //handle cases:
                        switch (addTaskMsg)
                        case ErrorMessage.none:    //in case of success
                            requestedAmount--;     //decrease amount required

                        case ErrorMessage.maxPopulationReached:     //in case of failure due to max population reach.
                            //ask the NPC population manager to add a new population building and stop the whole process:
                            npcMgr.GetNPCComp <NPCPopulationManager>().OnAddPopulationRequest(false);

                            break;     //FUTURE FEATURE: HANLDE OTHER FAILURE MESSAGES SUCH AS: sending builders to fix low health buildings,
                            //... or asking resource manager to collect resource in case of missing resource.

                    //as soon we create all the required units then stop this whole thing:
                    if (requestedAmount == 0)