        /// <summary>
        /// Import all the files given in the array.
        /// This will open the file.  Read in all the data
        /// and pass the data to the codec.  It will then
        /// close the file and move to the next file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filenames">Array of file names.</param>
        /// <returns>List of all the ensembles found in the file.</returns>
        public List <FilePlayback.EnsembleData> ImportFiles(string[] filenames)
                // Read in all the information from the file
                using (FilePlayback playback = new FilePlayback())
                    Task.Run(() => playback.FindEnsembles(filenames));

                    // Send an event when complete

                    // Return all the ensemble data found
            catch (Exception e)
                log.Error(string.Format("Error Importing the files: {0}", filenames), e);
                return(new List <FilePlayback.EnsembleData>());
        /// <summary>
        /// Import all the files given in the array.
        /// This will open the file.  Read in all the data
        /// and pass the data to the codec.  It will then
        /// close the file and move to the next file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filenames">Array of file names.</param>
        /// <returns>List of all the ensembles found in the file.</returns>
        public List<FilePlayback.EnsembleData> ImportFiles(string[] filenames)
                // Read in all the information from the file
                using (FilePlayback playback = new FilePlayback())
                    Task.Run(() => playback.FindEnsembles(filenames));

                    // Send an event when complete

                    // Return all the ensemble data found
                    return playback.GetEnsembleDataList();
            catch (Exception e)
                log.Error(string.Format("Error Importing the files: {0}", filenames), e);
                return new List<FilePlayback.EnsembleData>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Import the RoweTech binary files.
        /// This is optimized for RoweTech Binary files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="files">Files to import to a project.</param>
        private async void ImportRTB(string[] files)
            // If the project does not exist in the list, create it now
            if (!IsProjectExist(_importProjectName))
                // Create the new project based off
                // the project name and project directory
                Project prj = new Project(_importProjectName, RTI.Pulse.Commons.GetProjectDefaultFolderPath(), null);

                // Create the new project based off
                // the project name and project directory
                //System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new System.Action(() => AddProject(prj)));
                await AddProject(prj);


            //// Create the importer and an eventhandler to handle the imported data
            //AdcpImportBinaryFile importer = new AdcpImportBinaryFile();
            ////importer.ReceiveBinaryDataEvent += new AdcpImportBinaryFile.ReceiveBinaryDataEventHandler(importer_ReceiveBinaryDataEvent);
            //importer.CompleteEvent += new AdcpImportBinaryFile.CompleteEventHandler(importer_CompleteEvent);

            // Set flag to turn on recording and importing
            // This will tell the recorder to record but since we
            // are importing, do not update all the playback displays
            IsProjectLoading            = true;
            _adcpConnection.IsRecording = true;
            _adcpConnection.IsImporting = true;
            IoC.Get <PlaybackViewModel>().IsRecordEnabled = true;        // Call this to update the display

            // Create the file playback based off the selected file
            List <RTI.FilePlayback.EnsembleData> ensList = new List <FilePlayback.EnsembleData>();

            using (FilePlayback fp = new FilePlayback())
                ensList = fp.GetEnsembleDataList();

            // Publish all the ensembles found from the importer
            //foreach(var ens in list)
            foreach (var ens in ensList)
                //_adcpConnection.PublishEnsembleData(ens.RawData, ens.Ensemble);
                // Check if the serial number is set for the project
                if (_pm.SelectedProject.SerialNumber.IsEmpty())
                    if (ens.Ensemble.IsEnsembleAvail)
                        _pm.SelectedProject.SerialNumber = ens.Ensemble.EnsembleData.SysSerialNumber;

                // Record the data
                _pm.SelectedProject.RecordDbEnsemble(ens.Ensemble, AdcpCodec.CodecEnum.Binary);

            // Set the Project Image
            if (_SelectedProjectVM != null)
                await System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new System.Action(() =>
                    this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.ProjectList);

            // Turn off recording and importing
            _adcpConnection.IsRecording = false;
            _adcpConnection.IsImporting = false;
            IoC.Get <PlaybackViewModel>().IsRecordEnabled = false;        // Call this to update the display
            IsProjectLoading = false;