public void TestNewlineNormalizerStream8bitWriting() { var newlinePermutations = new byte[][] { "\n".ToUtf8(), "\r".ToUtf8(), "\r\n".ToUtf8() }.Permutations(); foreach (var permutation in newlinePermutations) { var permutationArr = permutation.ToArray(); var bytes = "Line 1".ToUtf8().Concat(permutationArr[0]) .Concat("Line 2".ToUtf8()).Concat(permutationArr[1]) .Concat("Line 3".ToUtf8()).Concat(permutationArr[2]) .Concat("Line 4".ToUtf8()).ToArray(); for (int chunkSize1 = 1; chunkSize1 <= bytes.Length; chunkSize1++) { for (int chunkSize2 = 1; chunkSize2 < chunkSize1; chunkSize2++) { using (var str = new MemoryStream()) { using (var slowMaker1 = new SlowStream(str, chunkSize1)) using (var normaliser = new NewlineNormalizerStream8bit(slowMaker1, "<NL>".ToUtf8())) using (var slowMaker2 = new SlowStream(normaliser, chunkSize2)) slowMaker2.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); Assert.AreEqual("Line 1<NL>Line 2<NL>Line 3<NL>Line 4", str.ToArray().FromUtf8()); } } } } }
public void TestNewlineNormalizerStream16bitLittleEndianRead() { var newlinePermutations = new byte[][] { "\n".ToUtf16(), "\r".ToUtf16(), "\r\n".ToUtf16() }.Permutations(); foreach (var permutation in newlinePermutations) { var permutationArr = permutation.ToArray(); var bytes = "Line 1".ToUtf16().Concat(permutationArr[0]) .Concat("Line 2".ToUtf16()).Concat(permutationArr[1]) .Concat("Line 3".ToUtf16()).Concat(permutationArr[2]) .Concat("Line 4".ToUtf16()).ToArray(); for (int chunkSize1 = 1; chunkSize1 <= bytes.Length; chunkSize1++) { for (int chunkSize2 = 1; chunkSize2 < chunkSize1; chunkSize2++) { using (var str = new MemoryStream(bytes)) using (var slowMaker1 = new SlowStream(str, chunkSize1)) using (var normaliser = new NewlineNormalizerStream16bit(slowMaker1, "<NL>".ToUtf16())) using (var slowMaker2 = new SlowStream(normaliser, chunkSize2)) { var text = slowMaker2.ReadAllText(Encoding.Unicode); Assert.AreEqual("Line 1<NL>Line 2<NL>Line 3<NL>Line 4", text); } } } } }
public void TestControlCodedStream() { byte[] buffer; using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) using (var peekable = new PeekableStream(memoryStream)) using (var ccs = new ControlCodedStream(peekable)) using (var binary = new BinaryStream(ccs)) { binary.WriteString("← ↔ →"); ccs.WriteControlCode(47); binary.WriteChar((char) 255); ccs.WriteControlCode(48); binary.WriteVarInt(0x1FF); ccs.WriteControlCode(49); binary.WriteFloat(float.NaN); binary.WriteFloat(float.PositiveInfinity); binary.WriteFloat(float.NegativeInfinity); ccs.WriteControlCode(50); Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => ccs.WriteControlCode(255)); binary.Close(); ccs.Close(); peekable.Close(); memoryStream.Close(); buffer = memoryStream.ToArray(); } for (int i = 1; i < buffer.Length; i++) { using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(buffer)) using (var slowStream = new SlowStream(memoryStream, i)) using (var peekable = new PeekableStream(slowStream)) using (var ccs = new ControlCodedStream(peekable)) using (var binary = new BinaryStream(ccs)) { Assert.AreEqual("← ↔ →", binary.ReadString()); Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => ccs.Read(new byte[1], 0, 1)); Assert.AreEqual(47, ccs.ReadControlCode()); Assert.AreEqual((char) 255, binary.ReadChar()); Assert.AreEqual(48, ccs.ReadControlCode()); Assert.AreEqual(0x1FF, binary.ReadVarInt()); Assert.AreEqual(49, ccs.ReadControlCode()); Assert.IsNaN(binary.ReadFloat()); Assert.AreEqual(-1, ccs.ReadControlCode()); Assert.AreEqual(float.PositiveInfinity, binary.ReadFloat()); Assert.AreEqual(float.NegativeInfinity, binary.ReadFloat()); Assert.AreEqual(50, ccs.ReadControlCode()); Assert.AreEqual(-1, ccs.ReadControlCode()); Assert.AreEqual(0, ccs.Read(new byte[1], 0, 1)); } } }
public void TestPeekableStreamRead() { var inputStr = "← ↔ →"; var buffer = inputStr.ToUtf8(); for (int i = 1; i <= buffer.Length; i++) { using (var mem = new MemoryStream(buffer)) using (var slow = new SlowStream(mem, i)) using (var peekable = new PeekableStream(slow)) { using (var peek = peekable.GetPeekStream()) { var buf = peek.Read(11); Assert.AreEqual(inputStr, buf.FromUtf8()); Assert.AreEqual(0, peek.Read(buf, 0, 1)); } var buf2 = peekable.Read(11); Assert.AreEqual(inputStr, buf2.FromUtf8()); Assert.AreEqual(0, peekable.Read(buf2, 0, 1)); using (var peek = peekable.GetPeekStream()) Assert.AreEqual(0, peek.Read(buf2, 0, 1)); } } }
public void TestParsePost() { string inputStr = @"-----------------------------265001916915724 Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""y"" This is what should be found in ""y"" at the end of the test. -----------------------------265001916915724 Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""What a wonderful day it is today; so wonderful in fact, that I'm inclined to go out and meet friends"" <CRLF>(this)<CRLF> -----------------------------265001916915724 Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""documentfile""; filename=""temp.htm"" Content-Type: text/html <html> <head> </head> <body> <form action='http://*****:*****@"C:\serverstests"; int i = 1; while (Directory.Exists(directoryNotToBeCreated)) { i++; directoryNotToBeCreated = @"C:\serverstests_" + i; } for (int cs = 1; cs < testCase.Length; cs++) { HttpRequest r = new HttpRequest { Url = new HttpUrl("", "/"), Headers = new HttpRequestHeaders { ContentLength = inputStr.Length, ContentMultipartBoundary = "---------------------------265001916915724", ContentType = HttpPostContentType.MultipartFormData }, Method = HttpMethod.Post }; using (Stream f = new SlowStream(new MemoryStream(testCase), cs)) { r.ParsePostBody(f, directoryNotToBeCreated); var gets = r.Url.Query.ToList(); var posts = r.Post; var files = r.FileUploads; Assert.IsTrue(files.ContainsKey("documentfile")); Assert.AreEqual("temp.htm", files["documentfile"].Filename); Assert.AreEqual("text/html", files["documentfile"].ContentType); using (var stream = files["documentfile"].GetStream()) { string fileContent = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ReadAllBytes()); Assert.AreEqual(@"<html> <head> </head> <body> <form action='http://*****:*****@"This is what should be found in ""y"" at the end of the test.", posts["y"].Value); Assert.IsTrue(posts.ContainsKey("What a wonderful day it is today; so wonderful in fact, that I'm inclined to go out and meet friends")); Assert.AreEqual("\r\n<CRLF>(this)<CRLF>\r\n", posts["What a wonderful day it is today; so wonderful in fact, that I'm inclined to go out and meet friends"].Value); } } Assert.IsFalse(Directory.Exists(directoryNotToBeCreated)); }