public frmOptions()

            cOptions = new CollectionOptions();
            txtZipPath.Text = cOptions.ZipFolderPath;
        public string CollectFiles(CollectionOptions cOptions)

                //Set up the log folder and make sure it exists
                string logFileCollectionPath = Path.GetTempPath() + "Revit_Server_Diagnostics_" + Name;
                Logging.RsiLog("logFileCollectionPath: " + logFileCollectionPath);
                string zipFilePath = cOptions.ZipFolderPath + "\\Revit_Server_Diagnostics_" + Name + ".zip";
                Logging.RsiLog("zipFilePath: " + zipFilePath);

                if (cOptions.AnyOption())
                    if (Directory.Exists(logFileCollectionPath))
                        Directory.Delete(logFileCollectionPath, true);
                    Logging.RsiLog("Creating: " + logFileCollectionPath);

                // collect the files
                    if (cOptions.ServerInfo)
                        Logging.RsiLog("Collecting RS info...");
                    if (cOptions.RSLogs)
                        Logging.RsiLog("Collecting RS Server logs...");
                        CollectLogs(logFileCollectionPath, cOptions.Version);
                    if (cOptions.RsnIni)
                        Logging.RsiLog("Collecting RSN.ini files...");
                        CollectRsnIni(logFileCollectionPath, cOptions.Version);
                    if (cOptions.EventLogs)
                        Logging.RsiLog("Collecting Windows event logs...");
                    if (cOptions.MsInfo)
                        Logging.RsiLog("Collecting Windows System Information...");
                    if (cOptions.WebConfig)
                        Logging.RsiLog("Collecting ApplicationHost.config and web.config files...");
                        CollectWebConfig(logFileCollectionPath, cOptions.Version);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logging.RsiLog(ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace);
                    throw new Exception("Unable to collect some information.  Check the " + logFileCollectionPath + " folder for unzipped files and delete them.", ex);

                if (cOptions.AnyOption())
                    // Zip the files together

                    Console.WriteLine("Zip File Location: " + zipFilePath);
                        Logging.RsiLog("Zipping files to " + zipFilePath);
                        if (File.Exists(zipFilePath))
                            Logging.RsiLog("Deleting previous zip file: " + zipFilePath);
                        ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(logFileCollectionPath, zipFilePath);
                        Logging.RsiLog("Files zipped.");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception("Unable to zip the files.  Check the " + logFileCollectionPath + " folder for unzipped files.", ex);

                    // Delete the temp folder
                        Logging.RsiLog("Deleting unzipped files.");
                        Directory.Delete(logFileCollectionPath, true);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception("Unable to delete the files after zipping them.  Check the " + logFileCollectionPath + " folder for unzipped files and delete them.", ex);


                return zipFilePath;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Unable to complete the collection of all information.  Check the inner exception message for more information.", ex);
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // options for information to collect
                CollectionOptions cOptions = new CollectionOptions();
                // if the user doesn't provide options, then don't run collection
                bool startCollection = false;

                //start logging;
                Logging.RsiLog("Starting log...");
                Logging.RsiLog("Number of Command Line Arguments: " + args.Length);
                int count = 0;
                foreach (string arg in args)
                    Logging.RsiLog("Argument " + count + ": " + arg);

                //set some defaults, get everything if no arguments are provided.
                if (args.Length != 0)
                    startCollection = true;
                    foreach (string arg in args)
                        if (arg.ToUpper().Contains("/S"))
                            cOptions.ServerInfo = true;
                        if (arg.ToUpper().Contains("/R"))
                            cOptions.RsnIni = true;
                        if (arg.ToUpper().Contains("/L"))
                            cOptions.RSLogs = true;
                        if (arg.ToUpper().Contains("/E"))
                            cOptions.EventLogs = true;
                        if (arg.ToUpper().Contains("/P"))
                            cOptions.ZipFolderPath = arg.Substring(3);
                        if (arg.ToUpper().Contains("/V"))
                            cOptions.Version = arg.Substring(3);
                        if (arg.ToUpper().Contains("/W"))
                            cOptions.WebConfig = true;
                        if (arg.ToUpper().Contains("/M"))
                            cOptions.MsInfo = true;
                        if (arg.ToUpper().Contains("/?"))
                            frmHelp h = new frmHelp();
                            //global::System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Command Line Parameters:\r\n" +
                            //    "/S  :  Gets basic server configuration information and writes that to a text file.\r\n" +
                            //    "/R  :  Collects RSN.ini files.\r\n" +
                            //    "/L  :  Collects all Revit Server Log files.\r\n" +
                            //    "/E  :  Collects the Windows System and Application Event Logs.\r\n" +
                            //    "/W  :  Collects the web.config file and IIS Application Host Configuration file.\r\n" +
                            //    "/M  :  Collects information from msinfo.exe in a .nfo file.\r\n" +
                            //    "/P  :  Path to place the contents of the zip file containing the collected files.\r\n" +
                            //    "       The zip file will be placed on your Desktop if this is not specified.\r\n" +
                            //    @"       Usage: 'RevitServerInfo.exe /P:C:\Temp'  Enclose paths with spaces in double-quotes.\r\n" +
                            //    "/V  :  The Revit Server version you want information for.  All versions will be collected by default.\r\n" +
                            //    "       Usage: 'RevitServerInfo.exe /V:2016'");
                            startCollection = false;
                else //no arguments provided, show a dialog...
                    frmOptions options = new frmOptions();
                    if (options.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) {
                        cOptions = options.GetOptions();
                        startCollection = true;

                if (startCollection)

                    //BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();
                    //bw.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
                    //bw.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;

                    //frmProgress pr = new frmProgress();
                    //pr.Canceled += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(pr.btnCancel_Click);

                    RS.Models.WindowsServer ws = new RS.Models.WindowsServer();
                    Logging.RsiLog("Finishing log.\r\n\r\n");
                    Logging.RsiLog("No options provided via command line or options dialog.  Exiting.\r\n\r\n");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.RsiLog(ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace + "\r\n\r\n");