static void Main(string[] args) { // Lists to hold the game data List <Player> players = new List <Player>(); List <Game> games = new List <Game>(); List <Round> rounds = new List <Round>(); int choice;//this is be out variable choice of the player to 1 (play) or 2 (quit) Player computer = new Player() { Name = "Computer" }; //instantiate a Player and give a value to the Name all at once. players.Add(computer); //add the computer to List<Player> players int gameCounter = 1; //to keep track of how many games have been played so far in this compilation do //game loop { choice = RpsGameMethods.GetUsersIntent(); //get a choice from the user (play or quit) if (choice == 2) { break; } //if the user chose 2, break out of the game. System.Console.WriteLine($"\n\t\tThis is game #{gameCounter++}\n"); string playerName = RpsGameMethods.GetPlayerName();//get the player name. this is a place to make sure the user isn't using forbidden words or symbols Player p1 = RpsGameMethods.VerifyPlayer(players, playerName); Game game = new Game(); // create a game game.Player1 = p1; // game.Computer = computer; // //play rounds till one player has 2 wins //assign the winner to the game and check that property to break out of the loop. while (game.winner.Name == "null") { Round round = new Round(); //declare a round for this iteration = game; // add the game to this round round.player1 = p1; // add user (p1) to this round round.Computer = computer; // add computer to this round //get the choices for the 2 players //insert the players choices directly into the round round.p1Choice = RpsGameMethods.GetRandomChoice();//this will give a random number starting at 0 to arg-1; round.ComputerChoice = RpsGameMethods.GetRandomChoice(); RpsGameMethods.GetRoundWinner(round); //check the choices to see who won. game.rounds.Add(round); //add this round to the games List of rounds //search the game.rounds List<> to see if one player has 2 wins //if not loop to another round System.Console.WriteLine($"\tFor this Game so far:\n\t\tp1wins => {game.rounds.Count(x => x.Outcome == 1)} \n\t\tcomputer wins {game.rounds.Count(x => x.Outcome == 2)}"); int whoWon = RpsGameMethods.GetWinner(game); //assign the winner to the game and increment wins and losses for both if (whoWon == 1) { game.winner = p1; p1.record["wins"]++; //increments wins and losses. computer.record["losses"]++; //increments wins and losses. System.Console.WriteLine($"The winner of this game was Player1\n"); } else if (whoWon == 2) { game.winner = computer; p1.record["losses"]++; //increments wins and losses. computer.record["wins"]++; //increments wins and losses. System.Console.WriteLine($"The winner of this game was the computer\n"); } }//end of rounds loop games.Add(game); } while (choice != 2);//end of game loop RpsGameMethods.PrintAllCurrentData(games, players, rounds); } //end of main
static void Main(string[] args) { using (var context = new DbContextClass()) { Console.WriteLine("This game still needs to be refactored to insert the GameId into the Round before .SaveChanges();."); string userInput = Console.ReadLine(); int usersNumber; int choice;//this is be out variable choice of the player to 1 (play) or 2 (quit) Player computer = new Player(); //{ Name = "Computer" };//instantiate a Player and give a value to the Name all at once. //try to find an existing player names "computer" if (context.Players.Any(x => x.Name == "Computer")) { computer = context.Players.Where(x => x.Name == "Computer").FirstOrDefault(); } else { computer.Name = "Computer"; context.Players.Add(computer);//add the computer to List<Player> players context.SaveChanges(); } int gameCounter = 1; //to keep track of how many games have been played so far in this compilation do //game loop { choice = RpsGameMethods.GetUsersIntent(); //get a choice from the user (play or quit) if (choice == 2) { break; } //if the user chose 2, break out of the game. Console.WriteLine($"\n\t\tThis is game #{gameCounter++}"); string playerName = RpsGameMethods.GetPlayerName();//get the player name. this is a place to make sure the user isn't using forbidden words or symbols // if the player name is not already in the Db, add him Player p1 = new Player(); if (!RpsGameMethods.VerifyPlayer(context.Players.ToList(), playerName)) { p1.Name = playerName; context.Add(p1); context.SaveChanges(); } else { p1 = context.Players.Where(x => x.Name == playerName).FirstOrDefault(); } Game game = new Game(); // create a game game.Player1 = p1; // game.Computer = computer; // //play rounds till one player has 2 wins //assign the winner to the game and check that property to break out of the loop. while (game.winner.Name == "null") { Round round = new Round(); //declare a round for this iteration round.player1 = p1; // add user (p1) to this round round.Computer = computer; // add computer to this round //get the choices for the 2 players and insert the players choices directly into the round round.p1Choice = RpsGameMethods.GetRandomChoice(); //this will give a random number starting at 0 to arg-1; round.ComputerChoice = RpsGameMethods.GetRandomChoice(); round.Outcome = RpsGameMethods.GetRoundWinner(round); //check the choices to see who won. context.Add(round); context.SaveChanges(); game.rounds.Add(round);//add this round to the games' List of rounds Console.WriteLine($"\tFor this Game so far:\n\t\tp1wins => {game.rounds.Count(x => x.Outcome == 1)} \n\t\tcomputer wins {game.rounds.Count(x => x.Outcome == 2)}"); int gameWinner = RpsGameMethods.GetWinner(game);//get a number ot say is p1(1) or computer(2) won //assign the winner to the game and increment wins and losses for both if (gameWinner == 1) { game.winner = p1; p1.Wins++; //increments wins and losses. computer.Losses++; //increments wins and losses. Console.WriteLine($"The winner of this game was Player1\n"); } else if (gameWinner == 2) { game.winner = computer; p1.Losses++; //increments wins and losses. computer.Wins++; //increments wins and losses. Console.WriteLine($"The winner of this game was the computer\n"); } }//end of rounds loop context.Add(game);//save the game context.SaveChanges(); } while (choice != 2);//end of game loop RpsGameMethods.PrintAllCurrentData(context.Games.ToList(), context.Players.ToList(), context.Rounds.ToList()); } } //end of main