        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <Player> players  = new List <Player>();
            List <Game>   games    = new List <Game>();
            List <Round>  rounds   = new List <Round>();
            Player        computer = new Player()
                Name = "Computer"
            };                                                   //instantiate a Player and give a value to the Name all at once.

            int choice;
            int gameCounter = 1;

            do//game loop
                //get a choice from the user (play or quit)
                choice = PlayOrQuit(gameCounter);

                if (choice == 2)//if the user chose 2, break out of the game.

                Player p1   = Player.CheckPlayer(players);
                Game   game = new Game(); // create a game
                game.Player1  = p1;       //
                game.Computer = computer; //

                Random rand = new Random();

                int roundCounter = 1;
                //play rounds till one player has 2 wins
                //assign the winner to the game and check that property to break out of the loop.
                while (game.winner.Name == "null")
                    Round round = new Round(); //declare a round for this iteration
                    System.Console.WriteLine($"\n\t\tThis is round #{roundCounter++}\n");
                    round.game     = game;     // add the game to this round
                    round.player1  = p1;       // add user (p1) to this round
                    round.Computer = computer; // add computer to this round

                    //play a single round and set the round outcome
                    round.Outcome = Round.PlayRound(round, roundCounter, game);

                    game.rounds.Add(round);//add this round to the games List of rounds

                    //see if anyone has won the game
                }//end of rounds loop


                //play rounds till one player has 2 wins
                //record each round into the game

                //record the game

                //increment wins/losses for each player

                //print out the game results - rounds data
            } while (choice != 2);//end of game loop

            PrintAllCurrentData(games, players, rounds);

            //on quitting....
            //print out the win.loss record for all players
        }//end of main