static void Main(string[] args) { //storeInventory class instance storeInventory Menu = new storeInventory(); //playerInventory class instance playerInventory Player = new playerInventory(); //Players input string _Choice = ""; //Ask the player if they wish to enter the shop Console.WriteLine("You stand before the shop, will you enter? (Y/N)"); //Check for players choice _Choice = Console.ReadLine(); //Checks that the players choice is valid _Choice = _Choice.ToUpper(); while (_Choice != "Y" && _Choice != "N") { Console.WriteLine("Invalid"); _Choice = Console.ReadLine(); _Choice = _Choice.ToUpper(); } //Display shop menu //Moves the player inside the store if (_Choice == "Y") { Menu.EnterStore(Player); Menu.ShopMenu(); } //Exits the program else if (_Choice == "N") { Console.WriteLine("You decided to go home."); Console.ReadLine(); } }
//Super user speaks to the stores inventory public SuperUser(storeInventory Shop) { _Shop = Shop; }