public void ajouterAcces(Accessoires Acc) { PointsVie = PointsVie + Acc.BonusPointsVie; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("=========================="); Console.WriteLine("===== Welcome to RPG ====="); Console.WriteLine("=========================="); Console.WriteLine("Press 1 to Play. Press 2 to Quit"); int Play; int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out Play); bool choix = true; if (Play == 1) { choix = true; } else if (Play == 2) { choix = false; } else { Console.WriteLine("Press 1 to Play. Press 2 to Quit. Any other key will start the game."); int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out Play); } while (choix) { Console.WriteLine("Veuillez choisir un nom pour votre Personnage: "); string NOM = Console.ReadLine(); Perso Pers = new Perso(NOM); Accessoires Pacc = new Accessoires(); Pers.ajouterAcces(Pacc); Console.WriteLine("\n" + NOM + " has received a starting accesory which adds " + Pacc.BonusPointsVie + " points to his life force."); Console.WriteLine("Status life force: " + Pers.PointsVie + "\n"); bool newRoom = true; while (newRoom) { Accessoires Eacc = new Accessoires(); Pieces p1 = new Pieces(); p1.Enemi = new Enemy("Monster"); p1.Enemi.ajouterAcces(Eacc); p1.Access = new Accessoires(); Pieces p2 = new Pieces(); p2.Access = new Accessoires(); Pieces P = new Pieces(); Console.WriteLine("===== New Room ====="); int ChoixPiece = R.Next(0, 2); if (ChoixPiece == 0) { P = p1; } else { P = p2; } if (P == p1) { Console.WriteLine("This room contains an accessory guarded by a monster." + "\n" + "Status life force Monster: " + P.Enemi.PointsVie); int ProbAttack = R.Next(0, 2); if (ProbAttack == 0) { Console.WriteLine("The monster didn't see you. What do you want to do?" + "\n" + "Press 1 if you want to attack" + "\n" + "Press 2 if you want to try another room (you will loose 2 points life force)"); int room; int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out room); if (room == 1) { while (Pers.PointsVie >= 0 && p1.Enemi.PointsVie >= 0) { Console.WriteLine("\n" + "Status life force Monster: " + P.Enemi.PointsVie + "\n" + "Status life force " + NOM + " : " + Pers.PointsVie); Console.WriteLine("Your turn. What do you want to do? Press 1 to heal. Press any other key to attack."); int attackheal; int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out attackheal); if (attackheal == 1) { Pers.heal(); } else { Pers.attack(); p1.Enemi.damage(); } Console.WriteLine("\n" + "Status life force Monster: " + P.Enemi.PointsVie + "\n" + "Status life force " + NOM + " : " + Pers.PointsVie); Console.WriteLine("The monster attacks"); if (p1.Enemi.PointsVie > 0) { p1.Enemi.attack(); Pers.damage(); } } if (Pers.PointsVie <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("\n" + NOM + " has no points of life force left. You lost. Game over"); choix = false; } else if (p1.Enemi.PointsVie <= 0) { Pers.ajouterAcces(P.Access); Console.WriteLine("\n" + NOM + " has defeated the monster and received a new accessory. New status life force: " + Pers.PointsVie); Console.WriteLine("What do you want to do? Press 1 to Continue. Press 2 to Quit" + "\n"); int continua; int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out continua); if (continua == 1) { newRoom = true; } else if (continua == 2) { newRoom = false; choix = false; } else { Console.WriteLine("Press 1 to Continue. Press 2 to Quit."); } } } else if (room == 2) { Pers.PointsVie = Pers.PointsVie - 2; newRoom = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Press 1 if you want to attack. Press 2 if you want to try another room (you will loose 2 points life force)."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("The monster saw you and attacked."); while (Pers.PointsVie >= 0 && p1.Enemi.PointsVie >= 0) { Console.WriteLine("\n" + "Status life force Monster: " + P.Enemi.PointsVie + "\n" + "Status life force " + NOM + " : " + Pers.PointsVie); Console.WriteLine("The monster attacks"); if (p1.Enemi.PointsVie > 0) { p1.Enemi.attack(); Pers.damage(); } Console.WriteLine("\n" + "Status life force Monster: " + P.Enemi.PointsVie + "\n" + "Status life force " + NOM + " : " + Pers.PointsVie); Console.WriteLine("Your turn. What do you want to do? Press 1 to heal. Press any other key to attack."); int attackheal; int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out attackheal); if (attackheal == 1) { Pers.heal(); } else { Pers.attack(); p1.Enemi.damage(); } } if (p1.Enemi.PointsVie <= 0) { Pers.ajouterAcces(P.Access); Console.WriteLine("\n" + NOM + " has defeated the monster and received a new accessory. New status life force: " + Pers.PointsVie); Console.WriteLine("What do you want to do? Press 1 to Continue. Press 2 to Quit"); int continua; int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out continua); if (continua == 1) { newRoom = true; } else if (continua == 2) { newRoom = false; choix = false; } else { Console.WriteLine("Press 1 to Continue. Press 2 to Quit."); } } else if (Pers.PointsVie <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("\n" + NOM + " has no points of life force left. You lost. Game over"); choix = false; } } } else if (P == p2) { Pers.ajouterAcces(P.Access); Console.WriteLine("This room contains an unguardeed accessory which gives you " + p2.Access.BonusPointsVie + " life force points." + "\n" + "Status life force " + NOM + " : " + Pers.PointsVie); Console.WriteLine("What do you want to do? Press 1 to continue in a new room. Press 2 to quit."); int continua; int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out continua); if (continua == 1) { newRoom = true; } else if (continua == 2) { choix = false; } else { Console.WriteLine("Press 1 to continue in a new room. Press 2 to quit."); } } } } }