public virtual void Read(BinaryReader br, List <RvDat> parentDirDats) { Name = br.ReadString(); FileName = br.ReadString(); TimeStamp = br.ReadInt64(); bool foundDat = br.ReadBoolean(); if (foundDat) { int index = br.ReadInt32(); if (index == -1) { ReportError.SendAndShow(Resources.RvBase_Read_Dat_found_without_an_index); } else { Dat = parentDirDats[index]; } } else { Dat = null; } _datStatus = (DatStatus)br.ReadByte(); _gotStatus = (GotStatus)br.ReadByte(); RepStatusReset(); }
private static bool LoadHeaderFromDat(ref RvDir tDir, ref XmlDocument doc) { XmlNodeList head = doc.SelectNodes("softwarelist"); if (head == null) return false; if (head.Count == 0) return false; if (head[0].Attributes == null) return false; RvDat tDat = new RvDat(); tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.DatName, VarFix.CleanFileName(head[0].Attributes.GetNamedItem("name"))); tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.Description, VarFix.String(head[0].Attributes.GetNamedItem("description"))); string val = VarFix.String(head[0].Attributes.GetNamedItem("forcemerging")).ToLower(); switch (val.ToLower()) { case "split": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.MergeType, "split"); break; case "full": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.MergeType, "full"); break; default: tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.MergeType, "split"); break; } tDir.Dat = tDat; return true; }
public void DirDatAdd(RvDat dat) { int index; DirDatSearch(dat, out index); _dirDats.Insert(index, dat); for (int i = 0; i < _dirDats.Count; i++) { _dirDats[i].DatIndex = i; } }
public static int DatCompare(RvDat var1, RvDat var2) { int retv = Math.Sign(string.Compare(var1.GetData(RvDat.DatData.DatFullName), var2.GetData(RvDat.DatData.DatFullName), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); if (retv != 0) return retv; retv = Math.Sign(var1.TimeStamp.CompareTo(var2.TimeStamp)); if (retv != 0) return retv; retv = Math.Sign(var1.AutoAddDirectory.CompareTo(var2.AutoAddDirectory)); if (retv != 0) return retv; return 0; }
public virtual EFile DatRemove() { Dat = null; if (GotStatus == GotStatus.NotGot) { return(EFile.Delete); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FileName)) { Name = FileName; FileName = null; } DatStatus = DatStatus.NotInDat; return(EFile.Keep); }
private string SuperDatFileName(RvDat dat) { if (dat.AutoAddDirectory) { if (Parent == null || Parent.Parent == null || Parent.Parent.Dat != dat) { return(Name); } } else { if (Parent == null || Parent.Dat != dat) { return(Name); } } return(IO.Path.Combine(Parent.SuperDatFileName(dat), Name)); }
private static bool LoadHeaderFromDat(ref RvDir tDir, ref FileType thisFileType) { if (DatFileLoader.Next != "(") { DatUpdate.SendAndShowDat(Resources.DatCmpReader_LoadHeaderFromDat_not_found_after_clrmamepro, DatFileLoader.Filename); return false; } DatFileLoader.Gn(); RvDat tDat = new RvDat(); while (DatFileLoader.Next != ")") { string nextstr = DatFileLoader.Next.ToLower(); if (nextstr.Length > 5 && nextstr.Substring(0, 5) == "name:") { tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.DatName, VarFix.CleanFileName(DatFileLoader.Next.Substring(5) + " " + DatFileLoader.GnRest()).Trim()); DatFileLoader.Gn(); } else { switch (nextstr) { case "name:": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.DatName, VarFix.CleanFileName(DatFileLoader.GnRest())); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "description:": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.Description , DatFileLoader.GnRest()); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "version:": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.Version , DatFileLoader.GnRest()); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "date:": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.Date , DatFileLoader.GnRest()); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "author:": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.Author , DatFileLoader.GnRest()); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "homepage:": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.HomePage , DatFileLoader.GnRest()); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "comment:": DatFileLoader.GnRest(); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; default: DatUpdate.SendAndShowDat(Resources.DatCmpReader_ReadDat_Error_keyword + DatFileLoader.Next + Resources.DatCmpReader_LoadHeaderFromDat_not_known_in_clrmamepro, DatFileLoader.Filename); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; } } } thisFileType = FileType.ZipFile; tDir.Dat = tDat; return true; }
private void DirDatSearch(RvDat dat, out int index) { int intBottom = 0; int intTop = _dirDats.Count; int intMid = 0; int intRes = -1; //Binary chop to find the closest match while ((intBottom < intTop) && (intRes != 0)) { intMid = (intBottom + intTop) / 2; intRes = DBHelper.DatCompare(dat, _dirDats[intMid]); if (intRes < 0) { intTop = intMid; } else if (intRes > 0) { intBottom = intMid + 1; } } index = intMid; // if match was found check up the list for the first match if (intRes == 0) { int intRes1 = 0; while ((index > 0) && (intRes1 == 0)) { intRes1 = DBHelper.DatCompare(dat, _dirDats[index - 1]); if (intRes1 == 0) { index--; } } } // if the search is greater than the closest match move one up the list else if (intRes > 0) { index++; } }
public virtual void Read(BinaryReader br, List<RvDat> parentDirDats) { Name = br.ReadString(); FileName = br.ReadString(); TimeStamp = br.ReadInt64(); bool foundDat = br.ReadBoolean(); if (foundDat) { int index = br.ReadInt32(); if (index == -1) ReportError.SendAndShow(Resources.RvBase_Read_Dat_found_without_an_index); else Dat = parentDirDats[index]; } else { Dat = null; } _datStatus = (DatStatus)br.ReadByte(); _gotStatus = (GotStatus)br.ReadByte(); RepStatusReset(); }
public virtual void DatAdd(RvBase b) { // Parent , TimeStamp Should already be correct. if (GotStatus == GotStatus.NotGot) { ReportError.SendAndShow("Error Adding DAT to NotGot File " + b.GotStatus); } SetStatus(b.DatStatus, GotStatus.Got); if (Name == b.Name) // case match so all is good { FileName = null; } else { FileName = Name; Name = b.Name; } Dat = b.Dat; }
public static void MakeFixFiles() { _tDat = null; _ts = null; FolderBrowserDialog browse = new FolderBrowserDialog { ShowNewFolderButton = true, Description = @"Please select a folder for Dats", RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.MyComputer, SelectedPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"Reports") }; if (browse.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; _outdir = browse.SelectedPath; _tDat = null; MakeFixFilesRecurse(DB.DirTree.Child(0), true); if (_ts == null) return; _ts.WriteLine("</datafile>"); _ts.Close(); }
/* private static void SetInDat(RvDir tDir) { tDir.DatStatus = DatStatus.InDatCollect; if (tDir.Parent != null) SetInDat(tDir.Parent); } */ private static Boolean MergeInDat(RvDir dbDat, RvDir newDat, out RvDat conflict, bool checkOnly) { conflict = null; int dbIndex = 0; int newIndex = 0; while (dbIndex < dbDat.ChildCount || newIndex < newDat.ChildCount) { RvBase dbChild = null; RvBase newDatChild = null; int res = 0; if (dbIndex < dbDat.ChildCount && newIndex < newDat.ChildCount) { dbChild = dbDat.Child(dbIndex); // are files newDatChild = newDat.Child(newIndex); // is from a dat item res = DBHelper.CompareName(dbChild, newDatChild); } else if (newIndex < newDat.ChildCount) { newDatChild = newDat.Child(newIndex); res = 1; } else if (dbIndex < dbDat.ChildCount) { dbChild = dbDat.Child(dbIndex); res = -1; } if (res == 0) { if (dbChild == null || newDatChild == null) { SendAndShowDat(Resources.DatUpdate_MergeInDat_Error_in_Logic, dbDat.FullName); break; } List<RvBase> dbDats = new List<RvBase>(); List<RvBase> newDats = new List<RvBase>(); int dbDatsCount = 1; int newDatsCount = 1; dbDats.Add(dbChild); newDats.Add(newDatChild); while (dbIndex + dbDatsCount < dbDat.ChildCount && DBHelper.CompareName(dbChild, dbDat.Child(dbIndex + dbDatsCount)) == 0) { dbDats.Add(dbDat.Child(dbIndex + dbDatsCount)); dbDatsCount += 1; } while (newIndex + newDatsCount < newDat.ChildCount && DBHelper.CompareName(newDatChild, newDat.Child(newIndex + newDatsCount)) == 0) { newDats.Add(newDat.Child(newIndex + newDatsCount)); newDatsCount += 1; } if (dbDatsCount > 1 || newDatsCount > 1) { ReportError.SendAndShow("Double Name Found"); } for (int indexdb = 0; indexdb < dbDatsCount; indexdb++) { if (dbDats[indexdb].DatStatus == DatStatus.NotInDat) continue; if (checkOnly) { conflict = dbChild.Dat; return true; } SendAndShowDat(Resources.DatUpdate_MergeInDat_Unkown_Update_Dat_Status + dbChild.DatStatus, dbDat.FullName); break; } if (!checkOnly) { for (int indexNewDats = 0; indexNewDats < newDatsCount; indexNewDats++) { if (newDats[indexNewDats].SearchFound) continue; for (int indexDbDats = 0; indexDbDats < dbDatsCount; indexDbDats++) { if (dbDats[indexDbDats].SearchFound) continue; bool matched = FullCompare(dbDats[indexDbDats], newDats[indexNewDats]); if (!matched) continue; dbDats[indexDbDats].DatAdd(newDats[indexNewDats]); FileType ft = dbChild.FileType; if (ft == FileType.Zip || ft == FileType.Dir) { RvDir dChild = (RvDir)dbChild; RvDir dNewChild = (RvDir)newDatChild; MergeInDat(dChild, dNewChild, out conflict, checkOnly); } dbDats[indexDbDats].SearchFound = true; newDats[indexNewDats].SearchFound = true; } } for (int indexNewDats = 0; indexNewDats < newDatsCount; indexNewDats++) { if (newDats[indexNewDats].SearchFound) continue; dbDat.ChildAdd(newDats[indexNewDats], dbIndex); dbChild = dbDat.Child(dbIndex); SetMissingStatus(dbChild); dbIndex++; } } dbIndex += dbDatsCount; newIndex += newDatsCount; } if (res == 1) { if (!checkOnly) { dbDat.ChildAdd(newDatChild, dbIndex); dbChild = dbDat.Child(dbIndex); SetMissingStatus(dbChild); dbIndex++; } newIndex++; } if (res == -1) { dbIndex++; } } return false; }
public override void Read(BinaryReader br, List <RvDat> parentDirDats) { base.Read(br, parentDirDats); bool foundTree = br.ReadBoolean(); if (foundTree) { Tree = new RvTreeRow(); Tree.Read(br); } else { Tree = null; } bool foundGame = br.ReadBoolean(); if (foundGame) { Game = new RvGame(); Game.Read(br); } else { Game = null; } int count = br.ReadInt32(); _dirDats.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { RvDat dat = new RvDat { DatIndex = i }; dat.Read(br); _dirDats.Add(dat); string datname = TreeFullName + @"\" + dat.GetData(RvDat.DatData.DatName); if ((datname.Length >= 9) && (datname.Substring(0, 9) == @"RomVault\")) { datname = datname.Substring(9); } DB.Bgw.ReportProgress(0, new bgwText("Loading: " + datname)); DB.Bgw.ReportProgress((int)br.BaseStream.Position); } if (_dirDats.Count > 0) { parentDirDats = _dirDats; } count = br.ReadInt32(); _children.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { RvBase tChild = DBTypeGet.GetRvType((FileType)br.ReadByte()); tChild.Parent = this; tChild.Read(br, parentDirDats); _children.Add(tChild); } if (DBTypeGet.isCompressedDir(FileType)) { ZipStatus = (ZipStatus)br.ReadByte(); } }
private static bool LoadHeaderFromDat(ref RvDir tDir, ref FileType thisFileType) { if (DatFileLoader.Next != "(") { DatUpdate.SendAndShowDat(Resources.DatCmpReader_LoadHeaderFromDat_not_found_after_clrmamepro, DatFileLoader.Filename); return false; } DatFileLoader.Gn(); string forceZipping = ""; RvDat tDat = new RvDat(); while (DatFileLoader.Next != ")") { switch (DatFileLoader.Next.ToLower()) { case "name": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.DatName, VarFix.CleanFileName(DatFileLoader.GnRest())); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "description": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.Description, DatFileLoader.GnRest()); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "category": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.Category, DatFileLoader.GnRest()); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "version": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.Version, DatFileLoader.GnRest()); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "date": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.Date, DatFileLoader.GnRest()); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "author": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.Author, DatFileLoader.GnRest()); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "email": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.Email, DatFileLoader.GnRest()); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "homepage": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.HomePage, DatFileLoader.GnRest()); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "url": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.URL, DatFileLoader.GnRest()); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "comment": DatFileLoader.GnRest(); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "header": DatFileLoader.GnRest(); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "forcezipping": forceZipping = DatFileLoader.GnRest(); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "forcepacking": DatFileLoader.GnRest(); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; // incorrect usage case "forcemerging": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.MergeType, DatFileLoader.GnRest()); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "forcenodump": DatFileLoader.GnRest(); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; case "dir": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.DirSetup, DatFileLoader.GnRest()); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; default: DatUpdate.SendAndShowDat(Resources.DatCmpReader_ReadDat_Error_keyword + DatFileLoader.Next + Resources.DatCmpReader_LoadHeaderFromDat_not_known_in_clrmamepro, DatFileLoader.Filename); DatFileLoader.Gn(); break; } } thisFileType = forceZipping.ToLower() != "no" ? FileType.ZipFile : FileType.File; tDir.Dat = tDat; return true; }
public virtual EFile DatRemove() { Dat = null; if (GotStatus == GotStatus.NotGot) return EFile.Delete; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FileName)) { Name = FileName; FileName = null; } DatStatus = DatStatus.NotInDat; return EFile.Keep; }
private void DirDatSearch(RvDat dat, out int index) { int intBottom = 0; int intTop = _dirDats.Count; int intMid = 0; int intRes = -1; //Binary chop to find the closest match while (intBottom < intTop && intRes != 0) { intMid = (intBottom + intTop) / 2; intRes = DBHelper.DatCompare(dat, _dirDats[intMid]); if (intRes < 0) intTop = intMid; else if (intRes > 0) intBottom = intMid + 1; } index = intMid; // if match was found check up the list for the first match if (intRes == 0) { int intRes1 = 0; while (index > 0 && intRes1 == 0) { intRes1 = DBHelper.DatCompare(dat, _dirDats[index - 1]); if (intRes1 == 0) index--; } } // if the search is greater than the closest match move one up the list else if (intRes > 0) index++; }
public void DirDatAdd(RvDat dat) { int index; DirDatSearch(dat, out index); _dirDats.Insert(index, dat); for (int i = 0; i < _dirDats.Count; i++) _dirDats[i].DatIndex = i; }
private static bool LoadMameHeaderFromDat(ref RvDir tDir, ref XmlDocument doc, ref FileType thisFileType) { if (doc.DocumentElement == null) return false; XmlNode head = doc.SelectSingleNode("mame"); if (head == null || head.Attributes == null) return false; RvDat tDat = new RvDat(); tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.DatName, VarFix.CleanFileName(head.Attributes.GetNamedItem("build"))); tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.Description, VarFix.String(head.Attributes.GetNamedItem("build"))); thisFileType = FileType.ZipFile; tDir.Dat = tDat; return true; }
private static bool RecursiveDatTree(RvDir tDir, out int datCount) { datCount = 0; string strPath = tDir.DatFullName; if (!Directory.Exists(strPath)) { ReportError.Show(Resources.DatUpdate_UpdateDatList_Path + strPath + Resources.DatUpdate_UpdateDatList_Not_Found); return false; } DirectoryInfo oDir = new DirectoryInfo(strPath); FileInfo[] oFilesIn = oDir.GetFiles("*.dat", false); datCount += oFilesIn.Length; foreach (FileInfo file in oFilesIn) { RvDat tDat = new RvDat(); tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.DatFullName, file.FullName); tDat.TimeStamp = file.LastWriteTime; tDir.DirDatAdd(tDat); } oFilesIn = oDir.GetFiles("*.xml", false); datCount += oFilesIn.Length; foreach (FileInfo file in oFilesIn) { RvDat tDat = new RvDat(); tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.DatFullName, file.FullName); tDat.TimeStamp = file.LastWriteTime; tDir.DirDatAdd(tDat); } if (tDir.DirDatCount > 1) for (int i = 0; i < tDir.DirDatCount; i++) tDir.DirDat(i).AutoAddDirectory = true; DirectoryInfo[] oSubDir = oDir.GetDirectories(false); foreach (DirectoryInfo t in oSubDir) { RvDir cDir = new RvDir(FileType.Dir) { Name = t.Name, DatStatus = DatStatus.InDatCollect }; int index = tDir.ChildAdd(cDir); int retDatCount; RecursiveDatTree(cDir, out retDatCount); datCount += retDatCount; if (retDatCount == 0) tDir.ChildRemove(index); } return true; }
private static bool UpdateDatFile(RvDat file, bool autoAddDirectory, RvDir thisDirectory) { // Read the new Dat File into newDatFile RvDir newDatFile = DatReader.ReadInDatFile(file, _bgw); // If we got a valid Dat File back if (newDatFile == null || newDatFile.Dat == null) { ReportError.Show("Error reading Dat " + file.GetData(RvDat.DatData.DatFullName)); return false; } newDatFile.Dat.AutoAddDirectory = autoAddDirectory; if ((autoAddDirectory || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(newDatFile.Dat.GetData(RvDat.DatData.RootDir))) && newDatFile.Dat.GetData(RvDat.DatData.DirSetup)!= "noautodir") { // if we are auto adding extra directorys then create a new directory. newDatFile.Name = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(newDatFile.Dat.GetData(RvDat.DatData.RootDir)) ? newDatFile.Dat.GetData(RvDat.DatData.RootDir) : newDatFile.Dat.GetData(RvDat.DatData.DatName); newDatFile.DatStatus = DatStatus.InDatCollect; newDatFile.Tree = new RvTreeRow(); RvDir newDirectory = new RvDir(FileType.Dir) { Dat = newDatFile.Dat }; // add the DAT into this directory newDirectory.ChildAdd(newDatFile); newDatFile = newDirectory; } if (thisDirectory.Tree == null) thisDirectory.Tree = new RvTreeRow(); RvDat conflictDat; if (MergeInDat(thisDirectory, newDatFile, out conflictDat, true)) { ReportError.Show("Dat Merge conflict occured Cache contains " + conflictDat.GetData(RvDat.DatData.DatFullName) + " new dat " + newDatFile.Dat.GetData(RvDat.DatData.DatFullName) + " is trying to use the same dirctory and so will be ignored."); return false; } //SetInDat(thisDirectory); // Add the new Dat thisDirectory.DirDatAdd(newDatFile.Dat); // Merge the files/directories in the Dat MergeInDat(thisDirectory, newDatFile, out conflictDat, false); return true; }
public static void MakeFixFiles() { _tDat = null; _ts = null; FolderBrowserDialog browse = new FolderBrowserDialog { ShowNewFolderButton = true, Description = @"Please select a folder for Dats", RootFolder = (Settings.IsMono ? Environment.SpecialFolder.MyComputer : Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory), SelectedPath = @"apps" }; if (browse.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; _outdir = browse.SelectedPath; _tDat = null; MakeFixFilesRecurse(DB.DirTree.Child(0), true); if (_ts == null) return; _ts.WriteLine("</datafile>"); _ts.Close(); }
private static bool LoadHeaderFromDat(ref RvDir tDir, ref XmlDocument doc, ref FileType thisFileType) { if (doc.DocumentElement == null) return false; XmlNode head = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("header"); if (head == null) return false; RvDat tDat = new RvDat(); tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.DatName, VarFix.CleanFileName(head.SelectSingleNode("name"))); tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.RootDir, VarFix.CleanFileName(head.SelectSingleNode("rootdir"))); tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.Description, VarFix.String(head.SelectSingleNode("description"))); tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.Category, VarFix.String(head.SelectSingleNode("category"))); tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.Version, VarFix.String(head.SelectSingleNode("version"))); tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.Date, VarFix.String(head.SelectSingleNode("date"))); tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.Author, VarFix.String(head.SelectSingleNode("author"))); tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.Email, VarFix.String(head.SelectSingleNode("email"))); tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.HomePage, VarFix.String(head.SelectSingleNode("homepage"))); tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.URL, VarFix.String(head.SelectSingleNode("url"))); string superDAT = VarFix.String(head.SelectSingleNode("type")); _cleanFileNames = superDAT.ToLower() != "superdat" && superDAT.ToLower() != "gigadat"; if (!_cleanFileNames) tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.SuperDat, "superdat"); thisFileType = FileType.ZipFile; // Look for: <romvault forcepacking="unzip"/> XmlNode packingNode = head.SelectSingleNode("romvault"); if (packingNode == null) // Look for: <clrmamepro forcepacking="unzip"/> packingNode = head.SelectSingleNode("clrmamepro"); if (packingNode != null) { if (packingNode.Attributes != null) { string val = VarFix.String(packingNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("forcepacking")).ToLower(); switch (val.ToLower()) { case "zip": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.FileType, "zip"); thisFileType = FileType.ZipFile; break; case "unzip": case "file": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.FileType, "file"); thisFileType = FileType.File; break; default: thisFileType = FileType.ZipFile; break; } val = VarFix.String(packingNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("forcemerging")).ToLower(); switch (val.ToLower()) { case "split": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.MergeType, "split"); break; case "full": tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.MergeType, "full"); break; default: tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.MergeType, "split"); break; } val = VarFix.String(packingNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("dir")).ToLower(); // noautodir , nogame if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(val)) tDat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.DirSetup, val); } } // Look for: <notzipped>true</notzipped> string notzipped = VarFix.String(head.SelectSingleNode("notzipped")); if (notzipped.ToLower() == "true" || notzipped.ToLower() == "yes") thisFileType = FileType.File; tDir.Dat = tDat; return true; }
private static void MakeFixFilesRecurse(RvBase b, bool selected) { if (selected) { if (b.Dat != null) { RvDir tDir = b as RvDir; if (tDir != null && tDir.Game != null && tDir.DirStatus.HasMissing()) { if (_tDat != b.Dat) { if (_tDat != null) { _ts.WriteLine("</datafile>"); _ts.WriteLine(); } if (_ts != null) _ts.Close(); _tDat = b.Dat; int test = 0; string datFilename = Path.Combine(_outdir, "fixDat_" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_tDat.GetData(RvDat.DatData.DatFullName)) + ".dat"); while (File.Exists(datFilename)) { test++; datFilename = Path.Combine(_outdir, "fixDat_" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_tDat.GetData(RvDat.DatData.DatFullName)) + "(" + test + ").dat"); } _ts = new StreamWriter(datFilename); _ts.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"); _ts.WriteLine( "<!DOCTYPE datafile PUBLIC \"-//Logiqx//DTD ROM Management Datafile//EN\" \"\">"); _ts.WriteLine(""); _ts.WriteLine("<datafile>"); _ts.WriteLine("\t<header>"); _ts.WriteLine("\t\t<name>fix_" + Etxt(_tDat.GetData(RvDat.DatData.DatName)) + "</name>"); if (_tDat.GetData(RvDat.DatData.SuperDat) == "superdat") _ts.WriteLine("\t\t<type>SuperDAT</type>"); _ts.WriteLine("\t\t<description>fix_" + Etxt(_tDat.GetData(RvDat.DatData.Description)) + "</description>"); _ts.WriteLine("\t\t<category>FIXDATFILE</category>"); _ts.WriteLine("\t\t<version>" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss") + "</version>"); _ts.WriteLine("\t\t<date>" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "</date>"); _ts.WriteLine("\t\t<author>RomVault</author>"); _ts.WriteLine("\t</header>"); } _ts.WriteLine("\t<game name=\"" + Etxt(tDir.SuperDatFileName()) + "\">"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tDir.Game.GetData(RvGame.GameData.Description))) _ts.WriteLine("\t\t<description>" + Etxt(tDir.Game.GetData(RvGame.GameData.Description)) + "</description>"); } RvFile tRom = b as RvFile; if (tRom != null) { if (tRom.DatStatus == DatStatus.InDatCollect && tRom.GotStatus != GotStatus.Got) { string strRom; if (tRom.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1CHDFromDAT | FileStatus.MD5CHDFromDAT)) strRom = "\t\t<disk name=\"" + Etxt(tRom.Name) + "\""; else strRom = "\t\t<rom name=\"" + Etxt(tRom.Name) + "\""; if (tRom.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SizeFromDAT) && tRom.Size != null) strRom += " size=\"" + tRom.Size + "\""; string strCRC = ArrByte.ToString(tRom.CRC); if (tRom.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.CRCFromDAT) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(strCRC)) strRom += " crc=\"" + strCRC + "\""; string strSHA1 = ArrByte.ToString(tRom.SHA1); if (tRom.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1FromDAT) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(strSHA1)) strRom += " sha1=\"" + strSHA1 + "\""; string strMD5 = ArrByte.ToString(tRom.MD5); if (tRom.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.MD5FromDAT) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(strMD5)) strRom += " md5=\"" + strMD5 + "\""; string strSHA1CHD = ArrByte.ToString(tRom.SHA1CHD); if (tRom.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1CHDFromDAT) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(strSHA1CHD)) strRom += " sha1=\"" + strSHA1CHD + "\""; string strMD5CHD = ArrByte.ToString(tRom.MD5CHD); if (tRom.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.MD5CHDFromDAT) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(strMD5CHD)) strRom += " md5=\"" + strMD5CHD + "\""; strRom += "/>"; _ts.WriteLine(strRom); } } } } RvDir d = b as RvDir; if (d != null) { for (int i = 0; i < d.ChildCount; i++) { bool nextSelected = selected; if (d.Tree != null) nextSelected = d.Tree.Checked == RvTreeRow.TreeSelect.Selected; MakeFixFilesRecurse(d.Child(i), nextSelected); } } if (selected) { if (b.Dat != null) { RvDir tDir = b as RvDir; if (tDir != null && tDir.Game != null && tDir.DirStatus.HasMissing()) { _ts.WriteLine("\t</game>"); } } } }
public override void Read(BinaryReader br, List<RvDat> parentDirDats) { base.Read(br, parentDirDats); bool foundTree = br.ReadBoolean(); if (foundTree) { Tree = new RvTreeRow(); Tree.Read(br); } else Tree = null; bool foundGame = br.ReadBoolean(); if (foundGame) { Game = new RvGame(); Game.Read(br); } else Game = null; int count = br.ReadInt32(); _dirDats.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { RvDat dat = new RvDat { DatIndex = i }; dat.Read(br); _dirDats.Add(dat); string datname = TreeFullName + @"\" + dat.GetData(RvDat.DatData.DatName); if (datname.Length >= 9 && datname.Substring(0, 9) == @"ROMVault\") datname = datname.Substring(9); DB.Bgw.ReportProgress(0, new bgwText("Loading: " + datname)); DB.Bgw.ReportProgress((int)br.BaseStream.Position); } if (_dirDats.Count > 0) parentDirDats = _dirDats; count = br.ReadInt32(); _children.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { RvBase tChild = DBTypeGet.GetRvType((FileType)br.ReadByte()); tChild.Parent = this; tChild.Read(br, parentDirDats); _children.Add(tChild); } if (DBTypeGet.isCompressedDir(FileType)) ZipStatus = (ZipStatus)br.ReadByte(); }
private static void ReportMissing(RvDir dir, RvDat dat, ReportType rt) { for (int i = 0; i < dir.ChildCount; i++) { RvBase b = dir.Child(i); if (b.Dat != null && b.Dat != dat) continue; RvFile f = b as RvFile; if (f != null) { if ( (rt == ReportType.PartialMissing && Partial.Contains(f.RepStatus)) || (rt == ReportType.Fixing && Fixing.Contains(f.RepStatus)) ) { string filename = f.FileNameInsideGame(); string crc = ArrByte.ToString(f.CRC); _ts.WriteLine("| " + filename + new string(' ', _fileNameLength + 1 - filename.Length) + "| " + f.Size + new string(' ', _fileSizeLength + 1 - f.Size.ToString().Length) + "| " + crc + new string(' ', 9 - crc.Length) + "| " + f.RepStatus + new string(' ', _repStatusLength + 1 - f.RepStatus.ToString().Length) + "|"); } } RvDir d = b as RvDir; if (d != null) ReportMissing(d, dat, rt); } }
public virtual void DatAdd(RvBase b) { // Parent , TimeStamp Should already be correct. if (GotStatus == GotStatus.NotGot) ReportError.SendAndShow("Error Adding DAT to NotGot File " + b.GotStatus); SetStatus(b.DatStatus, GotStatus.Got); if (Name == b.Name) // case match so all is good { FileName = null; } else { FileName = Name; Name = b.Name; } Dat = b.Dat; }
private static void ReportMissingFindSizes(RvDir dir, RvDat dat, ReportType rt) { for (int i = 0; i < dir.ChildCount; i++) { RvBase b = dir.Child(i); if (b.Dat != null && b.Dat != dat) continue; RvFile f = b as RvFile; if (f != null) { if ( (rt == ReportType.PartialMissing && Partial.Contains(f.RepStatus)) || (rt == ReportType.Fixing && Fixing.Contains(f.RepStatus)) ) { int fileNameLength = f.FileNameInsideGame().Length; int fileSizeLength = f.Size.ToString().Length; int repStatusLength = f.RepStatus.ToString().Length; if (fileNameLength > _fileNameLength) _fileNameLength = fileNameLength; if (fileSizeLength > _fileSizeLength) _fileSizeLength = fileSizeLength; if (repStatusLength > _repStatusLength) _repStatusLength = repStatusLength; } } RvDir d = b as RvDir; if (d != null) ReportMissingFindSizes(d, dat, rt); } }
private string SuperDatFileName(RvDat dat) { if (dat.AutoAddDirectory) { if (Parent == null || Parent.Parent == null || Parent.Parent.Dat != dat) return Name; } else { if (Parent == null || Parent.Dat != dat) return Name; } return IO.Path.Combine(Parent.SuperDatFileName(dat), Name); }
public static RvDir ReadInDatFile(RvDat datFile, BackgroundWorker bgw) { _bgw = bgw; RvDir newDir = new RvDir(FileType.Dir); string datFullName = datFile.GetData(RvDat.DatData.DatFullName); System.IO.Stream fs; int errorCode = IO.FileStream.OpenFileRead(datFullName, out fs); if (errorCode != 0) { _bgw.ReportProgress(0, new bgwShowError(datFullName, errorCode + ": " + new Win32Exception(errorCode).Message)); return null; } System.IO.StreamReader myfile = new System.IO.StreamReader(fs, Program.Enc); string strLine = myfile.ReadLine(); myfile.Close(); fs.Close(); fs.Dispose(); if (strLine == null) return null; if (strLine.ToLower().IndexOf("xml", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0) { if (!ReadXMLDat(ref newDir, datFullName)) return null; } else if (strLine.ToLower().IndexOf("clrmamepro", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0 || strLine.ToLower().IndexOf("romvault", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0 || strLine.ToLower().IndexOf("game", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0) { if (!DatCmpReader.ReadDat(ref newDir, datFullName)) return null; } else if (strLine.ToLower().IndexOf("doscenter", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0) { if (!DatDOSReader.ReadDat(ref newDir, datFullName)) return null; } else { _bgw.ReportProgress(0, new bgwShowError(datFullName, "Invalid DAT File")); return null; } if (newDir.Dat == null) { _bgw.ReportProgress(0, new bgwShowError(datFullName, "Invalid Header")); return null; } newDir.Dat.AddData(RvDat.DatData.DatFullName, datFullName); newDir.Dat.TimeStamp = datFile.TimeStamp; newDir.Dat.Status = DatUpdateStatus.Correct; DatSetRemoveUnneededDirs(newDir); DatSetCheckParentSets(newDir); DatSetRenameAndRemoveDups(newDir); if (newDir.Dat.GetData(RvDat.DatData.MergeType).ToLower() == "full") DatSetMergeSets(newDir); DatSetCheckCollect(newDir); DatSetCreateSubDirs(newDir); if (newDir.Dat.GetData(RvDat.DatData.DirSetup).ToLower() == "nogame") { DatSetRemoveGameDir(newDir); } return newDir; }