public async Task play([Remainder] string youtubevid = null) { var channel = (Context.Message.Author as IGuildUser)?.VoiceChannel; if (channel == null) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You need to be in a voice channel!"); return; } Console.WriteLine(channel.Name); VoicemodEntity entity = _service.GetByGuildID(channel.GuildId); if (entity == null) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("I need to be in a voice channel first."); return; } await entity.Play(Context, youtubevid); }
public async Task <VoicemodEntity> Join(IVoiceChannel channel) { VoicemodEntity entity = GetByGuildID(channel.GuildId); if (entity == null) { entity = new VoicemodEntity(); } else if (entity.ChannelID != channel.Id && entity.GuildID == channel.GuildId) { await entity.aclient.StopAsync(); VMODEntities.Remove(entity); } entity.ChannelID = channel.Id; entity.GuildID = channel.GuildId; entity.aclient = await channel.ConnectAsync(); entity.Queue = new Queue <MusicQueueItem>(); VMODEntities.Add(entity); return(entity); }