/// <summary>
        /// Picks a random query from the list of queries. However, it filters the list of
        /// queries to only be relevant to a provided datavector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataVector"></param>
        /// <param name="rand"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Query GetRandomQuery(DataVectorTraining dataVector, Random rand)
            //Try to add new details

            //If no queries available, all features are in the the state.
            if (Queries.Count == 0)

            //Build list of possible queries, that match datavector
            var possibleQueries = Queries.Where(q =>
                                                dataVector.Features.Find(f => q.Key.Feature.Equals(f))
                                                != null

            //If no possibilities
            if (possibleQueries.Count == 0)

            //Pick random query from possibilities
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the network of states used for deciding the label of a future datavector. A training datavector
        /// is provided which contains all features, values, relative rewards, and the correct classification label.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataVector">A sample data point to learn from with features, values, relative rewards, and correct classification label.</param>
        /// <returns>The statistics of the learning process. See "TrainingStats" class for more details.</returns>
        public TrainingStats Learn(DataVectorTraining dataVector)
            lock (processLock)
                //Check datavector
                dataVector.Features.RemoveAll(p => p.Value == null);
                if (dataVector.Features.Count == 0 || dataVector.Label == null || dataVector.Label.Value == null)
                    return(new TrainingStats());

                //Clear current decision tree
                DecisionTree = null;

                //Training statistics
                TrainingStats trainingDetails = new TrainingStats();

                //Create root state, if it does not exist
                if (StateSpace.Count == 0)
                    AddState(new State(dataVector), trainingDetails);

                //Start with root state
                State rootState = StateSpace[0]; // 0 is the hashcode for a state with no features.
                Learn(rootState, dataVector, 0, trainingDetails);

                trainingDetails.StatesTotal = StateSpace.Count;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new state by combining an existing state and new feature. Queries are updated using the datavector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="original"></param>
        /// <param name="additionalFeature"></param>
        /// <param name="dataVector"></param>
        public State(State original, FeatureValuePair additionalFeature, DataVectorTraining dataVector) : this(original, dataVector)
            ////Check for disposed and null
            //if (additionalFeature == null)
            //    throw new ArgumentNullException("additionalFeature");
            //if (additionalFeature.IsDisposed)
            //    throw new ArgumentException("Parameter is disposed.", "additionalFeature");

            //Add the feature
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a state from an existing state with no new features but a complete list of possible queries.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="original"></param>
        /// <param name="dataVector"></param>
        public State(State original, DataVectorTraining dataVector) : this(dataVector)
            ////Check for disposed and null
            //if (original == null)
            //    throw new ArgumentNullException("original");
            //if (original.IsDisposed)
            //    throw new ArgumentException("Parameter is disposed.", "original");

            //Add features from original. The list can't be directly copied because of synchronization with the queries list.
            foreach (FeatureValuePair theFeature in original.Features)
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new state with the specified features. Appropriate queries are built using the datavector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="features">The features to be added to this state.</param>
        /// <param name="dataVector">An example data vector to create initial queries.</param>
        public State(List <FeatureValuePair> features, DataVectorTraining dataVector) : this(dataVector)
            ////Check for disposed and null
            //if (features == null)
            //    throw new ArgumentNullException("features");
            //if (features.Where(p=>p.IsDisposed).ToList().Count > 0)
            //    throw new ArgumentException("Features may not be disposed.", "features");

            //Add features
            foreach (FeatureValuePair theFeature in features)
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates all queries in other states that lead to this state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nextState">The state that comes after the query is performed.</param>
        /// <param name="dataVector">The relevant datavector for trainging.</param>
        private void ParallelPathsUpdate(State nextState, DataVectorTraining dataVector, TrainingStats trainingDetails)
            lock (processLock)
                //Get current expected reward of label
                double nextStateLabelReward = nextState.Labels[dataVector.Label];

                //Adjust queries in states that point to this "nextState".
                List <FeatureValuePair> nextStateFeatures = nextState.Features.ToList();
                foreach (FeatureValuePair theFeature in nextStateFeatures)
                    //Generate hashcode of a state that is missing this feature. i.e. A state that is only different by one feature, so it could lead to this state.
                    int stateHashcode = nextState.GetHashCodeWithout(theFeature);

                    //If the state exists, get it.
                    State prevState = null;
                    if (StateSpace.ContainsKey(stateHashcode))
                        //Get the state
                        prevState = StateSpace[stateHashcode];
                        //Copy list of features
                        List <FeatureValuePair> prevStateFeatures = nextStateFeatures.ToList();

                        //Remove unwanted feature

                        //Create a new state
                        prevState = new State(prevStateFeatures, dataVector);
                        AddState(prevState, trainingDetails);
                        //StateSpace.Add(prevState.GetHashCode(), prevState); trainingDetails.StatesCreated++;

                    //Create the query to update
                    Query theQuery = new Query(theFeature, dataVector.Label);

                    //Get reward from datavector for querying this feature
                    double featureReward = dataVector[theFeature.Name].Importance;

                    //Adjust the query
                    prevState.AdjustQuery(theQuery, nextStateLabelReward, featureReward, DiscountFactor);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a "root" state with only queries.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataVector"></param>
        public State(DataVectorTraining dataVector)
            ////Check for disposed and null
            //if (dataVector == null)
            //    throw new ArgumentNullException("dataVector");
            //if (dataVector.IsDisposed)
            //    throw new ArgumentException("Parameter is disposed.", "dataVector");

            this.Features     = new HashSet <FeatureValuePair>();
            this.FeatureNames = new HashSet <string>();
            this.Queries      = new Dictionary <Query, double>();
            this.Labels       = new Dictionary <FeatureValuePair, double>();
            this.LabelsCount  = new Dictionary <FeatureValuePair, int>();

            //Add missing details
        /// <summary>
        /// All features of the datavector are inspected. If a feature-value combination is not
        /// in the list of queries, it is added. If a new label is encountered, it is also added.
        /// New queries are created optomistically with an expected reward of 1.
        /// New labels are created with an expected reward of 0;
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataVector"></param>
        public void AddMissingQueriesAndLabels(DataVectorTraining dataVector)
            //Try to create new queries
            foreach (FeatureValuePairWithImportance theFeature in dataVector.Features.ToList())
                //Skip features names that are already in feature list.
                if (FeatureNames.Contains(theFeature.Name))

                //Create the possibly new query
                Query newQuery = new Query(theFeature, dataVector.Label);

                //Try to add the query
                if (!Queries.ContainsKey(newQuery))
                    Queries.Add(newQuery, 1);

            //Try to add the label
        /// <summary>
        /// A recursive learning process. A state is updated and analised using a training datavector.
        /// The labels are initially updated, then it is determined if the current label or visiting another
        /// state provides greater reward.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentState">The state to be updated and analized.</param>
        /// <param name="dataVector">The list of features, rewards and label to update with</param>
        /// <param name="trainingDetails">Provides statistics of the learning process.</param>
        private void Learn(State currentState, DataVectorTraining dataVector, int totalQueries, TrainingStats trainingDetails)
            lock (processLock)
                //Choose random or best query
                Query recommendedQuery = null;
                if (rand.NextDouble() < ExplorationRate) //Pick random query 10% of the time
                    //Pick random query
                    Query randomQuery = currentState.GetRandomQuery(dataVector, rand);
                    recommendedQuery = randomQuery;
                    //Find best query
                    Query bestQuery = currentState.GetBestQuery(dataVector);
                    recommendedQuery = bestQuery;

                //Check total queries
                if (totalQueries > QueriesLimit)
                    recommendedQuery = null;

                //Adjust expected reward of labels
                if (recommendedQuery == null || ParallelReportUpdatesEnabled)

                //If no query, then end training for this datapoint
                if (recommendedQuery == null)

                //Search for next state, or create it
                State nextState    = null;
                int   nextHashCode = currentState.GetHashCodeWith(recommendedQuery.Feature);
                if (StateSpace.ContainsKey(nextHashCode))
                    //Get existing state
                    nextState = StateSpace[nextHashCode];
                    //Create a new state
                    nextState = new State(currentState, recommendedQuery.Feature, dataVector);
                    AddState(nextState, trainingDetails);

                //Process next state, to get adjustment for selected query
                Learn(nextState, dataVector, totalQueries + 1, trainingDetails); trainingDetails.QueriesTotal++;

                //Update State's Query's expected reward
                if (ParallelQueryUpdatesEnabled)
                    //Update all queries that lead to this next state
                    ParallelPathsUpdate(nextState, dataVector, trainingDetails);
                    //Update just current state's query
                    double featureReward        = dataVector[recommendedQuery.Feature.Name].Importance;
                    double nextStateLabelReward = nextState.Labels[dataVector.Label];
                    currentState.AdjustQuery(recommendedQuery, nextStateLabelReward, featureReward, DiscountFactor);
