public List <Product> GetAll(int type) { if (type == 0) { return(service.GetAll(a => a.IsActive == true).ToList()); } //return service.GetAll(); return(service.GetAll(a => a.IsActive == true && a.ProductTypeId == type).ToList()); }
public List <PartyBalance> GetAll(DateTime fromDate, DateTime todate) { var supplierLedgerIds = supplierService.GetAll(c => c.SupplierType == "Rice Supplier").Select(b => b.LedgerId).ToList(); var list = service.GetAll(a => a.VoucherTypeId == (int)VoucherType.PurchaseInvoice && supplierLedgerIds.Contains(a.LedgerId) && a.FinancialYearId == yearId).ToList(); //foreach (var item in list) //{ // var alreadyPaid = service.GetAll(a => a.AgainstInvoiceNo== item.InvoiceNo && a.LedgerId==item.LedgerId).Select(a=>a.Debit).Sum(); // item.Debit = alreadyPaid; //} return(list); }
public List <TempSalesMaster> GetUnAurhorizedSales() { try { return(serviceTempSalesMaster.GetAll(a => a.IsActive == true).ToList()); } catch (Exception) { return(new List <TempSalesMaster>()); } }
public StockOut Save(StockOut stockOut) { var existingItem = inventory.GetAll(a => a.ProductId == stockOut.ProductId && a.QtyInBale == stockOut.BaleWeight && a.IsActive == true && a.WarehouseId == stockOut.WarehouseId && a.SupplierId == stockOut.SupplierId).ToList(); if (existingItem.Count > 0) { foreach (var inv in existingItem) { inv.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; inv.UpdatedBy = CurrentSession.GetCurrentSession().UserName; inv.ProductionQty = stockOut.BaleQty; inv.BalanceQty = inv.BalanceQty - stockOut.BaleQty ?? 0; inventory.Update(inv, inv.Id); } } return(service.Save(stockOut)); }
public AdditionalCost AddCostSave(AdditionalCost addCost) { var isExists = addCostService.GetAll().Where(a => a.VoucherNo == addCost.VoucherNo && a.LedgerId == addCost.LedgerId).FirstOrDefault(); var max = addCostService.LastRow().OrderByDescending(a => a.Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (max == null) { addCost.Id = 1; } else { addCost.Id = max.Id + 1; } var result = addCostService.Save(addCost); return(result); }
public StockIn Save(StockIn stockIn, string Notes) { var goodsType = 1; var product = productService.GetById(stockIn.ProductId); if (product != null) { goodsType = product.ProductTypeId ?? 1; } var existingItem = inventory.GetAll(a => a.ProductId == stockIn.ProductId && a.IsActive == true && a.WarehouseId == stockIn.WarehouseId).ToList(); if (existingItem.Count > 0) { foreach (var inv in existingItem) { inv.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; inv.UpdatedBy = ""; inv.BalanceQty = inv.BalanceQty + stockIn.BaleQty ?? 0; inv.ReceiveQty = inv.ReceiveQty ?? 0 + stockIn.BaleQty ?? 0; inv.GoodsType = goodsType.ToString(); inventory.Update(inv, inv.Id); } } else { Inventory result = new Inventory(); Inventory FinalResult = new Inventory(); result.ProductId = (int)stockIn.ProductId; result.QtyInBale = (int?)stockIn.BaleWeight; result.SupplierId = stockIn.SupplierId ?? 0; result.WarehouseId = (int)stockIn.WarehouseId; result.ReceiveQty = stockIn.BaleQty; result.BalanceQty = stockIn.BaleQty ?? 0; result.Notes = Notes; result.GoodsType = goodsType.ToString(); result.CreatedBy = CurrentSession.GetCurrentSession().UserName; result.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; result.IsActive = true; FinalResult = inventory.Save(result); } return(service.Save(stockIn)); }
public List <Employee> GetAll() { return(service.GetAll(a => a.IsActive == true).ToList()); }
public List <AccountLedger> GetAll() { return(service.GetAll().ToList()); }
public List <Brand> GetAll() { return(service.GetAll()); }
public List <Unit> GetAll() { return(service.GetAll()); }
public List <Tax> GetAll() { return(service.GetAll()); }
public List <Inventory> GetAllForSale() { return(service.GetAll(a => a.GoodsType == "2").ToList()); }
public List <Category> GetAll() { return(service.GetAll(a => a.IsActive == true).ToList()); }
public List <Customer> GetAll() { //return service.GetAll(); return(service.GetAll(a => a.IsActive == true).ToList()); }
public List <SalesMaster> GetAll() { return(serviceSalesMaster.GetAll(a => a.IsActive == true).ToList()); }
public List <JournalMaster> GetAll() { return(journalMaster.GetAll().ToList()); }
public List <WareHouse> GetAll() { //return service.GetAll(); return(service.GetAll(a => a.IsActive == true).ToList()); }
public List <Picture> GetAll() { return(service.GetAll()); }
public List <UserInfo> GetAll() { return(service.GetAll()); }
public List <RoleWiseScreenPermission> GetRoleWiseService() { return(roleService.GetAll()); }
public List <StockOut> GetAll() { return(service.GetAll()); }
public List <AccountGroup> GetAll() { return(service.GetAll().ToList()); }
public int Delete(ReceiveMaster master) { try { var salesdetails = serviceDetails.GetAll(a => a.ReceiveMasterId == master.Id).ToList(); foreach (var item in salesdetails) { try { var isdetails = new DBService <ReceiveDetail>().Delete(item.Id); } catch (Exception ex) { } } var isDeleted = service.Delete(master.Id); foreach (var item in master.ReceiveDetails) { var existingItem = inventory.GetAll(a => a.ProductId == item.ProductId && a.IsActive == true && a.WarehouseId == item.WarehouseId).ToList(); if (existingItem.Count > 0) { foreach (var inv in existingItem) { inv.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; inv.UpdatedBy = ""; inv.BalanceQty = inv.BalanceQty - item.Qty; inv.ReceiveQty = inv.ReceiveQty ?? 0 - item.Qty; inventory.Update(inv, inv.Id); } } } var supplier = supplierService.GetById(master.SupplierID); // Ledger Saves credit var ledgerObj = new LedgerPosting(); ledgerObj.VoucherTypeId = (int)VoucherType.PurchaseInvoice; ledgerObj.VoucherNo = master.InvoiceNoPaper; ledgerObj.PostingDate = master.InvoiceDate; ledgerObj.LedgerId = (int)DefaultLedger.PurchaseAccount; ledgerObj.InvoiceNo = master.InvoiceNo; ledgerObj.Debit = 0; ledgerObj.Credit = master.GrandTotal; ledgerObj.Extra1 = "Purchase Invoice Deleted: " + master.InvoiceNo; var save = ledgerService.Save(ledgerObj); //Ledger posting to customer ledger credit var detailsLedger = new LedgerPosting(); detailsLedger.VoucherTypeId = (int)VoucherType.PurchaseInvoice; detailsLedger.VoucherNo = master.InvoiceNoPaper; detailsLedger.PostingDate = master.InvoiceDate; detailsLedger.LedgerId = supplier.LedgerId; detailsLedger.InvoiceNo = master.InvoiceNo; detailsLedger.Debit = master.GrandTotal; detailsLedger.Credit = 0; detailsLedger.Extra1 = "Purchase Invoice Deleted: " + master.InvoiceNo; var detailsLedgerResult = ledgerService.Save(detailsLedger); var party = new PartyBalance(); party.InvoiceNo = master.InvoiceNo; party.LedgerId = supplier.LedgerId ?? 0; party.Debit = master.GrandTotal; party.CreditPeriod = 60; party.Credit = 0; party.FinancialYearId = CurrentSession.GetCurrentSession().FinancialYear; party.PostingDate = master.InvoiceDate; party.VoucherTypeId = (int)VoucherType.PurchaseInvoice; party.extra1 = "Purchase Invoice Deleted: " + master.InvoiceNo; partyBalanceService.Save(party); return(1); } catch (Exception ex) { return(0); } }
public List <LedgerPosting> GetAll() { return(service.GetAll().ToList()); }
public List <ReceiveMaster> GetAll() { return(service.GetAll()); }
public ReceiveMaster Save(ReceiveMaster cus, int wareHouseId, int goodsType) { var supplier = supplierService.GetById(cus.SupplierID); cus.YearId = financialYearId; var result = service.Save(cus); if (result != null || result.Id > 0) { foreach (var item in cus.ReceiveDetails) { var product = productService.GetById(item.ProductId); if (product != null) { goodsType = product.ProductTypeId ?? 1; } var existingItem = inventory.GetAll(a => a.ProductId == item.ProductId && a.IsActive == true && a.WarehouseId == wareHouseId).ToList(); if (existingItem.Count > 0) { foreach (var inv in existingItem) { inv.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; inv.UpdatedBy = ""; inv.BalanceQty = inv.BalanceQty + item.Qty; inv.ReceiveQty = inv.ReceiveQty ?? 0 + item.Qty; inventory.Update(inv, inv.Id); } } else { Inventory inv = new Inventory(); inv.IsActive = true; inv.ProductId = item.ProductId; inv.ReceiveQty = item.Qty; inv.QtyInBale = 0; inv.SupplierId = cus.SupplierID; inv.WarehouseId = wareHouseId; inv.OpeningQty = 0; inv.BalanceQty = item.Qty; inv.GoodsType = goodsType.ToString(); inventory.Save(inv); } } // Ledger posting debit to purchase account var ledgerObj = new LedgerPosting(); ledgerObj.VoucherTypeId = (int)VoucherType.PurchaseInvoice; ledgerObj.VoucherNo = result.InvoiceNoPaper; ledgerObj.PostingDate = cus.InvoiceDate; ledgerObj.LedgerId = (int)DefaultLedger.PurchaseAccount; ledgerObj.InvoiceNo = cus.InvoiceNo; ledgerObj.Credit = 0; ledgerObj.Debit = cus.GrandTotal; var save = ledgerService.Save(ledgerObj); //Ledger posting to customer ledger credit var detailsLedger = new LedgerPosting(); detailsLedger.VoucherTypeId = (int)VoucherType.PurchaseInvoice; detailsLedger.VoucherNo = result.InvoiceNoPaper; detailsLedger.PostingDate = cus.InvoiceDate; detailsLedger.LedgerId = supplier.LedgerId; detailsLedger.InvoiceNo = cus.InvoiceNo; detailsLedger.Credit = cus.GrandTotal; detailsLedger.Debit = 0; var detailsLedgerResult = ledgerService.Save(detailsLedger); var party = new PartyBalance(); party.InvoiceNo = result.InvoiceNo; party.LedgerId = supplier.LedgerId ?? 0; party.Credit = cus.GrandTotal; party.CreditPeriod = 60; party.Debit = 0; party.FinancialYearId = CurrentSession.GetCurrentSession().FinancialYear; party.PostingDate = cus.InvoiceDate; party.VoucherTypeId = (int)VoucherType.PurchaseInvoice; party.VoucherNo = result.InvoiceNo; party.extra1 = "Purchase Invoice: " + cus.InvoiceNo + " Coutha:" + cus.InvoiceNoPaper; partyBalanceService.Save(party); } return(cus); }
public List <FinancialYear> GetAll() { return(service.GetAll().ToList()); }