/// <summary>
        /// Response from the Hello Paisa Authorization Server
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ActionResult OAuthCallback()
            //create instance of TokenInfo Object
            var _tokenInfoObj = new TokenInfo();

                //bypassing the HTTPS security, as the certificate in our test server is self signed.

                //process the response
                var auth = client.ProcessUserAuthorization(this.Request);

                if (auth != null)
                    Authorization = auth;

                    //assigning the received access-token to the AccessToken Property of tokenInfo object.
                    _tokenInfoObj.AccessToken = auth.AccessToken;

            catch (Exception ex)
                var p = ex.ToString();
                ViewBag.Message = p.ToString();


            return View(_tokenInfoObj);
        public ActionResult HPTransaction(TokenInfo tokenInfo)
            if (tokenInfo != null)

                //1. get token info 
                //2. validate token 
                //3. complete payment

                //get token info
                using (var _httpClient = new HttpClient())
                    _httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(@"https://test.hellopaisa.com.np/");
                    _httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

                    //make the request for the token info
                    HttpResponseMessage _responseForTokenInfo = _httpClient.GetAsync("api/TokenInfo?token=" + tokenInfo.AccessToken).Result;

                    //if the status code is success, then
                    if (_responseForTokenInfo.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        //retrive the token info object
                        var _tokenInfo = _responseForTokenInfo.Content.ReadAsAsync<TokenInfo>().Result;

                        //now check the validation of the tokenInfo
                        var _responseForTokenValidation = _httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync("api/ValidateTokenInfo", _tokenInfo);

                        var _tokenValidationStatus = _responseForTokenValidation.Result.Content.ReadAsAsync<TokenStatus>().Result;

                        //check if the token status is valid or not
                        if (_tokenValidationStatus.IsTokenValid == true)
                            //enter the transaction OTP, entered by the user                           

                            _tokenInfo.TransactionOTP = tokenInfo.TransactionOTP;

                            //call the complete payment function
                            var _paymentResponse = _httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync("api/CompletePayment", _tokenInfo);

                            var _transactionResponse = _paymentResponse.Result.Content.ReadAsAsync<Transaction>().Result;

                            if (_transactionResponse != null)
                                //check the status of the transaction, if it's validity is true and the responseCode is 0, the the transaction is successful.
                                if (_transactionResponse.Validity == true && _transactionResponse.ResponseCode == 0)
                                    var msg = " Your transaction is " + _transactionResponse.ResponseMessage + ", Transaction Trace ID=" + _transactionResponse.TransactionTraceID;
                                    ViewBag.Message = msg;
                                    //transaction failed
                                    var errorMsg = "Transaction Failed. " + _transactionResponse.ResponseMessage + " , error Code=" + _transactionResponse.ResponseCode;
                                    ViewBag.Message = errorMsg;
                            ViewBag.Message = "Invalid TokenInfo Status";

                        ViewBag.Message = "TokenInfo not found." + _responseForTokenInfo.StatusCode;

            return View();
