public string Execute1() { try { string pslsetClientRedirectionSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["psl_layer"].ToString() + "/setClientRedirectionSettings.ps1"; string psl_Script = ""; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { psl_Script = client.DownloadString(pslsetClientRedirectionSettings); } var isBurstConfigOnlyToSave = (bool)data["SaveOnlyBurstSettings"]; if (isBurstConfigOnlyToSave) { saveConfigToDb(); } else { string pslsavecollectionconfig = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["psl_layer"].ToString() + "/savecollectionconfig.ps1"; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { psl_Script = client.DownloadString(pslsavecollectionconfig); } var command = new ScriptCommand(psl_Script, new[] { "ConnectionBroker", "CollectionName", "ActiveSessionLmit", "DisconnectFromSession", "EndADisconnectedSession", "EndSession", "IdleSessionLimit", "LoadBalancingConcurrentSessionsPerServer" }); command.Init(data); command.Execute(); saveConfigToDb(); // Saving Client Redirection settings command = new ScriptCommand(psl_Script, new[] { "ConnectionBroker", "CollectionName", "ClientDeviceRedirectionOptions", "ClientPrinterRedirected", "ClientPrinterAsDefault", "RDEasyPrintDriverEnabled", "MaxRedirectedMonitors" }); command.Init(data); command.Execute(); } this.Result = config; return(string.Empty); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHelper.WriteErrorToEventLog(ex.Message); //ErrorHelper.SendExcepToDB(ex, " Execute1",); throw ex; } }
public string Execute() { string pslremoveCollection = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["psl_layer"].ToString() + "/removeCollection.ps1"; string psl_Script = ""; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { psl_Script = client.DownloadString(pslremoveCollection); } // Removing the collection via powershell var command = new ScriptCommand(psl_Script, new[] { "ConnectionBroker", "CollectionName" }); command.Init(data); var result = command.Execute(); // Removing the collection and its collection burst settings in the DB string stm = "DELETE CollectionBurstSettings WHERE DeploymentFQDN = @fqdn AND CollectionName = @name"; var test = ServicesManager.Instance.ExecuteCommand(stm, this.brokerFqdn, this.collectionName); return(result); }
private CollectionConfig GetRedirectSettings() { string pslgetClientRediretionSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["psl_layer"].ToString() + "/getClientRediretionSettings.ps1"; string psl_Script = ""; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { psl_Script = client.DownloadString(pslgetClientRediretionSettings); } var command = new ScriptCommand(psl_Script, new[] { Param1, Param2 }, (psObject, scriptCommand) => { var config = new CollectionConfig(); if (psObject != null) { var options = (RDClientDeviceRedirectionOptions)psObject.ClientDeviceRedirectionOptions; config = new CollectionConfig { AudioVideoPlayback = (options & RDClientDeviceRedirectionOptions.AudioVideoPlayBack) != 0, AudioRecording = (options & RDClientDeviceRedirectionOptions.AudioRecording) != 0, PlugAndPlay = (options & RDClientDeviceRedirectionOptions.PlugAndPlayDevice) != 0, SmartCard = (options & RDClientDeviceRedirectionOptions.SmartCard) != 0, Clipboard = (options & RDClientDeviceRedirectionOptions.Clipboard) != 0, Drive = (options & RDClientDeviceRedirectionOptions.Drive) != 0, ClientPrinterRedirected = psObject.ClientPrinterRedirected > 0, ClientPrinterAsDefault = psObject.ClientPrinterAsDefault > 0, RDEasyPrintDriverEnabled = psObject.RDEasyPrintDriverEnabled > 0, MaxRedirectedMonitors = psObject.MaxRedirectedMonitors }; } scriptCommand.Result = config; }); command.Init(; command.Execute(); CollectionConfig result = (CollectionConfig)command.Result; return(result); }
public string Execute() { CollectionConfig config = new CollectionConfig(); config.PeakStartTime = "00:00"; config.PeakEndTime = "00:00"; config.LogoffWaitTime = 0; try { if (operation == 1) { var count = 0; string pslgetcollectionconfig = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["psl_layer"].ToString() + "/getcollectionconfig.ps1"; string psl_Script = ""; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { psl_Script = client.DownloadString(pslgetcollectionconfig); } var command = new ScriptCommand(psl_Script, new[] { Param1, Param2 }, (psObject, scriptCommand) => { if (count == 0) { if (psObject != null) { config.ActiveSessionLmit = psObject.ActiveSessionLimitMin == null ? 0 : psObject.ActiveSessionLimitMin; config.DisconnectFromSession = psObject.DisconnectedSessionLimitMin == null ? 0 : psObject.DisconnectedSessionLimitMin; config.IdleSessionLimit = psObject.IdleSessionLimitMin == null ? 0 : psObject.IdleSessionLimitMin; config.EndADisconnectedSession = psObject.BrokenConnectionAction == null ? false : psObject.BrokenConnectionAction.ToString().Equals("Logoff", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); config.EndSession = psObject.AutomaticReconnectionEnabled == null ? false : psObject.AutomaticReconnectionEnabled; } } else { if (psObject != null) { config.LoadBalancingConcurrentSessionsPerServer = psObject.SessionLimit == null ? 0 : psObject.SessionLimit; } } count++; scriptCommand.Result = config; }); command.Init(data); command.Execute(); if (config.LoadBalancingConcurrentSessionsPerServer == 999999) { config.LoadBalancingConcurrentSessionsPerServer = 9999; } } else if (operation == 2) { ServicesManager.Instance.ExecuteQuery <CollectionConfig>("SELECT * FROM [CollectionBurstSettings] WHERE DeploymentFQDN = @FQDN AND CollectionName = @Name", (rdr, list) => { config.PeakStartTime = TimeSpan.Parse(rdr["StartTime"].ToString()).ToString(@"hh\:mm") ?? "00:00"; config.PeakEndTime = TimeSpan.Parse(rdr["EndTime"].ToString()).ToString(@"hh\:mm") ?? "00:00"; config.LogoffWaitTime = byte.Parse(rdr["LogOffWaitTime"].ToString()); config.SessionThreshholdPerCPU = byte.Parse(rdr["SessionThresholdPerCPU"].ToString()); config.MinServerCount = Int16.Parse(rdr["MinServerCount"].ToString()); }, deploymentInfo, collectionName); } else if (operation == 3) { // Get the Client Redirection Settings via ScriptCommand/Powershell config = GetRedirectSettings(); } this.Result = config; return(string.Empty); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHelper.WriteErrorToEventLog(ex.Message); throw ex; } }
public string Execute() { string res = ""; string psl_Script = ""; string validatebroker = string.Empty; string pslvalidateconnectionbroker = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["psl_layer"].ToString() + "/validateconnectionbroker.ps1"; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { psl_Script = client.DownloadString(pslvalidateconnectionbroker); } var commands = new ScriptCommand(psl_Script, new[] { "strbroker" }, (psObject, scriptCommand) => { validatebroker = (psObject.message as string); }); var vdata = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "strbroker", brokerfqdn } }; commands.Init(vdata); commands.Execute(); if (validatebroker == "Success") { string validateAzurecredentials = string.Empty; string pslvalidateAzurecredentials = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["psl_layer"].ToString() + "/azureloginvalidation.ps1"; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { psl_Script = client.DownloadString(pslvalidateAzurecredentials); } var aCommand = new ScriptCommand(psl_Script, new[] { "Auname", "Apassword", "subid", "ResourceGroupPassed" }, (psObject, scriptCommand) => { validateAzurecredentials = (psObject.message as string); }); var vadata = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Auname", AzureLoginName }, { "Apassword", AzurePassword }, { "subid", AzureSubscriptionID }, { "ResourceGroupPassed", AzureResourceGroup } }; aCommand.Init(vadata); aCommand.Execute(); if (validateAzurecredentials == "Success") { string pslencryptString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["psl_layer"].ToString() + "/encryptString.ps1"; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { psl_Script = client.DownloadString(pslencryptString); } string stm = "INSERT INTO Deployments(Id, Name, FQDN) VALUES(@Id, @Name, @FQDN)"; var updateNum = ServicesManager.Instance.ExecuteCommand(stm,, this.friendlyName, this.brokerfqdn); if (updateNum == 0) { res = "Error adding deployment."; } else { string encryptedPassword = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AzurePassword)) { // Encrypt the password before saving it in the DB var command = new ScriptCommand(psl_Script, new[] { "String", "SecureString" }, (psObject, scriptCommand) => { encryptedPassword = psObject.ToString(); }); var data = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "String", "1234" }, { "SecureString", GetSecureString(AzurePassword) } }; command.Init(data); command.Execute(); } // Adding a deployment burst settings to this new deployment in the DeploymentBurstSettings Table stm = "INSERT INTO DeploymentBurstSettings(DeploymentFQDN, IsActive, PublishUserName, PublishPassword," + " AzureSubscriptionName, ResourceGroupName, CreatedDate, LastModifiedDate)" + " VALUES(@DeploymentFQDN, 0,@AzureLoginName,@AzurePassword,@AzureSubscriptionID,@AzureResourceGroup,@CreatedDate, @LastModifiedDate)"; if (0 == ServicesManager.Instance.ExecuteCommand(stm, brokerfqdn, AzureLoginName, encryptedPassword, AzureSubscriptionID, AzureResourceGroup, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now)) { res = "Error adding burst settings to DeploymentBurstSettings Table for deployment " + brokerfqdn; } else { res = "Success"; } } } else { res = validateAzurecredentials; } } else { res = "Invalid connection broker " + brokerfqdn; } this.Result = res; return(res); }
public string Execute() { ScriptCommand command; Dictionary <string, object> data; string msg = string.Empty; string psl_Script = ""; try { // Saving User Profile Disk Settings if (EnableUserProfileDisks) { string Validatesharedfileloc = string.Empty; string pslValidatesharedfileloc = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["psl_layer"].ToString() + "/Validatesharedfileloc.ps1"; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { psl_Script = client.DownloadString(pslValidatesharedfileloc); } var aCommand = new ScriptCommand(psl_Script, new[] { "FileServer" }, (psObject, scriptCommand) => { Validatesharedfileloc = (psObject.message as string); }); var vadata = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "FileServer", UserProfileDisksLocation } }; aCommand.Init(vadata); aCommand.Execute(); if (Validatesharedfileloc == "Success") { string pslenableUserProfileDisk = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["psl_layer"].ToString() + "/enableUserProfileDisk.ps1"; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { psl_Script = client.DownloadString(pslenableUserProfileDisk); } command = new ScriptCommand(psl_Script, new[] { "ConnectionBroker", "CollectionName", "DiskPath", "MaxUserProfileDiskSizeGB" }); data = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "ConnectionBroker", DeploymentFqdn }, { "CollectionName", CollectionName }, { "DiskPath", UserProfileDisksLocation }, { "MaxUserProfileDiskSizeGB", UserProfileDisksMaxSizeGB } }; command.Init(data); var result = AdminCommandsController.ProccessCommandSub(command); msg = "Success"; } else { msg = "Invalid User Profile Disks Location"; } } else { string psldisableUserProfileDisk = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["psl_layer"].ToString() + "/disableUserProfileDisk.ps1"; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { psl_Script = client.DownloadString(psldisableUserProfileDisk); } command = new ScriptCommand(psl_Script, new[] { "ConnectionBroker", "CollectionName" }); data = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "ConnectionBroker", DeploymentFqdn }, { "CollectionName", CollectionName } }; command.Init(data); var result = AdminCommandsController.ProccessCommandSub(command); msg = "Success"; } //// Try update Collection Burst IsActive field in the databsae, if not, create corresponding entries in the DB //string stm = @"UPDATE CollectionBurstSettings SET IsActive = @IsActive // WHERE DeploymentFQDN=@DeploymentFQDN AND CollectionName=@Name"; //if (0 == DBHelper.ExecuteCommand(stm, IsBurstActive, this.DeploymentFqdn, this.CollectionName)) //{ // AdminNewCollectionCommand.CreateDbCollectionEntry(this.DeploymentFqdn, this.CollectionName, IsBurstActive); //} } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHelper.WriteErrorToEventLog(ex.Message); //ErrorHelper.SendExcepToDB(ex, "Execute", DeploymentFqdn); msg = ex.Message; } this.Result = msg; return(msg); }
public string Execute() { string res = ""; string psl_Script = ""; string validateAzurecredentials = string.Empty; if (IsActive) { string pslvalidateAzurecredentials = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["psl_layer"].ToString() + "/azureloginvalidation.ps1"; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { psl_Script = client.DownloadString(pslvalidateAzurecredentials); } var aCommand = new ScriptCommand(psl_Script, new[] { "Auname", "Apassword", "subid", "ResourceGroupPassed" }, (psObject, scriptCommand) => { validateAzurecredentials = (psObject.message as string); }); var vadata = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Auname", PublishUserName }, { "Apassword", PublishPassword }, { "subid", AzureSubscriptionName }, { "ResourceGroupPassed", ResourceGroupName } }; aCommand.Init(vadata); aCommand.Execute(); } else { validateAzurecredentials = "Success"; } if (validateAzurecredentials == "Success") { string pslencryptString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["psl_layer"].ToString() + "/encryptString.ps1"; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { psl_Script = client.DownloadString(pslencryptString); } string encryptedPassword = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PublishPassword)) { // Encrypt the password before saving it in the DB var command = new ScriptCommand(psl_Script, new[] { "String", "SecureString" }, (psObject, scriptCommand) => { encryptedPassword = psObject.ToString(); }); var data = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "String", encryptionKey }, { "SecureString", GetSecureString(PublishPassword) } }; command.Init(data); command.Execute(); } // Update deployment burst settings in database & propogate the status to collections burst settings this.LastModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; if (!IsActive) { var inactive = @"UPDATE DeploymentBurstSettings SET IsActive = 0, LastModifiedDate = @LastModifiedDate WHERE DeploymentFQDN = @DeploymentFQDN"; if (0 >= ServicesManager.Instance.ExecuteCommand(inactive, LastModifiedDate, DeploymentFQDN)) { res = "Error updating deployment burst settings."; } else { res = "Success"; } } else { string stm = @"UPDATE DeploymentBurstSettings SET IsActive = 1, PublishUserName = @PublishUserName, PublishPassword = @PublishPassword, AzureSubscriptionName = @AzureSubscriptionName, ResourceGroupName = @ResourceGroupName, LastModifiedDate = @LastModifiedDate WHERE DeploymentFQDN = @DeploymentFQDN"; if (0 >= ServicesManager.Instance.ExecuteCommand(stm, PublishUserName, encryptedPassword, AzureSubscriptionName, ResourceGroupName, LastModifiedDate, DeploymentFQDN)) { res = "Error updating deployment burst settings."; } else { res = "Success"; } } } else { res = validateAzurecredentials; } this.Result = res; return(res); }