public void BuildFor(SerializableData.Objectives.SerializableVehicleObjective actor) { Clear(); #region SpawnAfter { var item = new MenuListItem("Spawn After Objective", StaticData.StaticLists.NumberMenu, actor.SpawnAfter); item.OnListChanged += (sender, index) => { actor.SpawnAfter = index; }; AddItem(item); } #endregion #region ObjectiveIndex { var item = new MenuListItem("Objective Index", StaticData.StaticLists.ObjectiveIndexList, actor.ActivateAfter); item.OnListChanged += (sender, index) => { actor.ActivateAfter = index; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Editor.CurrentMission.ObjectiveNames[actor.ActivateAfter])) { MenuItems[2].SetRightBadge(NativeMenuItem.BadgeStyle.Alert); MenuItems[2].SetRightLabel(""); } else { var title = Editor.CurrentMission.ObjectiveNames[actor.ActivateAfter]; MenuItems[2].SetRightLabel(title.Length > 20 ? title.Substring(0, 20) + "..." : title); MenuItems[2].SetRightBadge(NativeMenuItem.BadgeStyle.None); } }; AddItem(item); } #endregion // TODO: Change NumberMenu to max num of objectives in mission // Note: if adding items before weapons, change item order in VehiclePropertiesMenu #region Objective Name { var item = new NativeMenuItem("Objective Name"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Editor.CurrentMission.ObjectiveNames[actor.ActivateAfter])) item.SetRightBadge(NativeMenuItem.BadgeStyle.Alert); else { var title = Editor.CurrentMission.ObjectiveNames[actor.ActivateAfter]; item.SetRightLabel(title.Length > 20 ? title.Substring(0, 20) + "..." : title); } item.Activated += (sender, selectedItem) => { GameFiber.StartNew(delegate { ResetKey(Common.MenuControls.Back); Editor.DisableControlEnabling = true; string title = Util.GetUserInput(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) { item.SetRightBadge(NativeMenuItem.BadgeStyle.Alert); Editor.CurrentMission.ObjectiveNames[actor.ActivateAfter] = ""; SetKey(Common.MenuControls.Back, GameControl.CellphoneCancel, 0); Editor.DisableControlEnabling = false; return; } item.SetRightBadge(NativeMenuItem.BadgeStyle.None); title = Regex.Replace(title, "-=", "~"); Editor.CurrentMission.ObjectiveNames[actor.ActivateAfter] = title; selectedItem.SetRightLabel(title.Length > 20 ? title.Substring(0, 20) + "..." : title); SetKey(Common.MenuControls.Back, GameControl.CellphoneCancel, 0); }); }; AddItem(item); } #endregion #region Health { var listIndex = actor.Health == 0 ? StaticData.StaticLists.VehicleHealthChoses.FindIndex(n => n == (dynamic)1000) : StaticData.StaticLists.VehicleHealthChoses.FindIndex(n => n == (dynamic)actor.Health); var item = new MenuListItem("Health", StaticData.StaticLists.VehicleHealthChoses, listIndex); item.OnListChanged += (sender, index) => { int newAmmo = int.Parse(((MenuListItem)sender).IndexToItem(index).ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); actor.Health = newAmmo; }; AddItem(item); } #endregion #region Passengers { var item = new NativeMenuItem("Occupants"); AddItem(item); if (((Vehicle)actor.GetVehicle()).HasOccupants) { var newMenu = new UIMenu("", "OCCUPANTS", new Point(0, -107)); newMenu.MouseControlsEnabled = false; newMenu.SetBannerType(new ResRectangle()); var occupants = ((Vehicle)actor.GetVehicle()).Occupants; for (int i = 0; i < occupants.Length; i++) { var ped = occupants[i]; var type = Editor.GetEntityType(ped); if (type == Editor.EntityType.NormalActor) { var act = Editor.CurrentMission.Actors.FirstOrDefault(a => a.GetEntity().Handle.Value == ped.Handle.Value); if (act == null) continue; var routedItem = new NativeMenuItem(i == 0 ? "Driver" : "Passenger #" + i); routedItem.Activated += (sender, selectedItem) => { Editor.DisableControlEnabling = true; Editor.EnableBasicMenuControls = true; var propMenu = new ActorPropertiesMenu(); propMenu.BuildFor(act); propMenu.MenuItems[2].Enabled = false; propMenu.OnMenuClose += _ => { newMenu.Visible = true; }; newMenu.Visible = false; propMenu.Visible = true; GameFiber.StartNew(delegate { while (propMenu.Visible) { propMenu.ProcessControl(); propMenu.Draw(); propMenu.Process(); GameFiber.Yield(); } }); }; newMenu.AddItem(routedItem); } else if (type == Editor.EntityType.ObjectiveActor) { var act = Editor.CurrentMission.Objectives .OfType<SerializableActorObjective>() .FirstOrDefault(a => a.GetPed().Handle.Value == ped.Handle.Value); if (act == null) continue; var routedItem = new NativeMenuItem(i == 0 ? "Objective Driver" : "Objective Passenger #" + i); routedItem.Activated += (sender, selectedItem) => { Editor.DisableControlEnabling = true; Editor.EnableBasicMenuControls = true; var propMenu = new ActorObjectivePropertiesMenu(); propMenu.BuildFor(act); propMenu.MenuItems[2].Enabled = false; propMenu.OnMenuClose += _ => { newMenu.Visible = true; }; newMenu.Visible = false; propMenu.Visible = true; GameFiber.StartNew(delegate { while (propMenu.Visible) { propMenu.ProcessControl(); propMenu.Draw(); propMenu.Process(); GameFiber.Yield(); } }); }; newMenu.AddItem(routedItem); } } BindMenuToItem(newMenu, item); newMenu.RefreshIndex(); Children.Add(newMenu); } else { item.Enabled = false; } } #endregion #region Show Health Bar { var item = new MenuCheckboxItem("Show Healthbar", actor.ShowHealthBar); AddItem(item); item.CheckboxEvent += (sender, @checked) => { actor.ShowHealthBar = @checked; MenuItems[6].Enabled = @checked; }; } #endregion #region Bar Name { var item = new NativeMenuItem("Healthbar Label"); AddItem(item); if (!actor.ShowHealthBar) item.Enabled = false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(actor.Name) && actor.ShowHealthBar) actor.Name = "HEALTH"; if (actor.ShowHealthBar) item.SetRightLabel(actor.Name.Length > 20 ? actor.Name.Substring(0, 20) : actor.Name); item.Activated += (sender, selectedItem) => { GameFiber.StartNew(delegate { ResetKey(Common.MenuControls.Back); Editor.DisableControlEnabling = true; string title = Util.GetUserInput(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) { actor.Name = "HEALTH"; item.SetRightLabel(actor.Name.Length > 20 ? actor.Name.Substring(0, 20) : actor.Name); SetKey(Common.MenuControls.Back, GameControl.CellphoneCancel, 0); Editor.DisableControlEnabling = false; return; } title = Regex.Replace(title, "-=", "~"); actor.Name = title; item.SetRightLabel(actor.Name.Length > 20 ? actor.Name.Substring(0, 20) : actor.Name); SetKey(Common.MenuControls.Back, GameControl.CellphoneCancel, 0); }); }; } #endregion #region Objective Type { var item = new MenuListItem("Objective Type", StaticData.StaticLists.ObjectiveTypeList, actor.ObjectiveType); item.OnListChanged += (sender, index) => { actor.ObjectiveType = index; }; AddItem(item); } #endregion RefreshIndex(); }
public void BuildFor(SerializableData.SerializableVehicle veh) { Clear(); #region SpawnAfter { var item = new UIMenuListItem("Spawn After Objective", StaticData.StaticLists.NumberMenu, veh.SpawnAfter); item.OnListChanged += (sender, index) => { veh.SpawnAfter = index; }; AddItem(item); } #endregion #region RemoveAfter { var item = new UIMenuListItem("Remove After Objective", StaticData.StaticLists.RemoveAfterList, veh.RemoveAfter); item.OnListChanged += (sender, index) => { veh.RemoveAfter = index; }; AddItem(item); } #endregion // TODO: Change NumberMenu to max num of objectives in mission #region Health { var listIndex = veh.Health == 0 ? StaticData.StaticLists.VehicleHealthChoses.FindIndex(n => n == (dynamic)1000) : StaticData.StaticLists.VehicleHealthChoses.FindIndex(n => n == (dynamic)veh.Health); var item = new UIMenuListItem("Health", StaticData.StaticLists.VehicleHealthChoses, listIndex); item.OnListChanged += (sender, index) => { int newAmmo = int.Parse(((UIMenuListItem)sender).IndexToItem(index).ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); veh.Health = newAmmo; }; AddItem(item); } #endregion #region FailOnDeath { var item = new UIMenuCheckboxItem("Mission Fail On Death", veh.FailMissionOnDeath); item.CheckboxEvent += (sender, @checked) => { veh.FailMissionOnDeath = @checked; }; AddItem(item); } #endregion #region Passengers { var item = new UIMenuItem("Occupants"); AddItem(item); if (((Vehicle)veh.GetEntity()).HasOccupants) { var newMenu = new UIMenu("", "OCCUPANTS", new Point(0, -107)); newMenu.MouseControlsEnabled = false; newMenu.SetBannerType(new ResRectangle()); var occupants = ((Vehicle)veh.GetEntity()).Occupants; for (int i = 0; i < occupants.Length; i++) { var ped = occupants[i]; var type = Editor.GetEntityType(ped); if (type == Editor.EntityType.NormalActor) { var act = Editor.CurrentMission.Actors.FirstOrDefault(a => a.GetEntity().Handle.Value == ped.Handle.Value); if (act == null) continue; var routedItem = new UIMenuItem(i == 0 ? "Driver" : "Passenger #" + i); routedItem.Activated += (sender, selectedItem) => { Editor.DisableControlEnabling = true; Editor.EnableBasicMenuControls = true; var propMenu = new ActorPropertiesMenu(); propMenu.BuildFor(act); propMenu.MenuItems[2].Enabled = false; propMenu.OnMenuClose += _ => { newMenu.Visible = true; }; newMenu.Visible = false; propMenu.Visible = true; GameFiber.StartNew(delegate { while (propMenu.Visible) { propMenu.ProcessControl(); propMenu.Draw(); propMenu.Process(); GameFiber.Yield(); } }); }; newMenu.AddItem(routedItem); } else if (type == Editor.EntityType.ObjectiveActor) { var act = Editor.CurrentMission.Objectives .OfType<SerializableActorObjective>() .FirstOrDefault(a => a.GetPed().Handle.Value == ped.Handle.Value); if (act == null) continue; var routedItem = new UIMenuItem(i == 0 ? "Objective Driver" : "Objective Passenger #" + i); routedItem.Activated += (sender, selectedItem) => { Editor.DisableControlEnabling = true; Editor.EnableBasicMenuControls = true; var propMenu = new ActorObjectivePropertiesMenu(); propMenu.BuildFor(act); propMenu.MenuItems[2].Enabled = false; propMenu.OnMenuClose += _ => { newMenu.Visible = true; }; newMenu.Visible = false; propMenu.Visible = true; GameFiber.StartNew(delegate { while (propMenu.Visible) { propMenu.ProcessControl(); propMenu.Draw(); propMenu.Process(); GameFiber.Yield(); } }); }; newMenu.AddItem(routedItem); } } BindMenuToItem(newMenu, item); newMenu.RefreshIndex(); Children.Add(newMenu); } else { item.Enabled = false; } } #endregion RefreshIndex(); }
public static void Main() { Game.FrameRender += Process; _menuPool = new MenuPool(); mainMenu = new UIMenu("RAGENative UI", "~b~RAGENATIVEUI SHOWCASE"); mainMenu.SetKey(Common.MenuControls.Up, Keys.W); mainMenu.SetKey(Common.MenuControls.Down, Keys.S); mainMenu.SetKey(Common.MenuControls.Left, Keys.A); mainMenu.SetKey(Common.MenuControls.Right, Keys.D); _menuPool.Add(mainMenu); mainMenu.AddItem(ketchupCheckbox = new UIMenuCheckboxItem("Add ketchup?", false, "Do you wish to add ketchup?")); var foods = new List<dynamic> { "Banana", "Apple", "Pizza", "Quartilicious", 0xF00D, // Dynamic! }; mainMenu.AddItem(dishesListItem = new UIMenuListItem("Food", foods, 0)); mainMenu.AddItem(cookItem = new UIMenuItem("Cook!", "Cook the dish with the appropiate ingredients and ketchup.")); var menuItem = new UIMenuItem("Go to another menu."); mainMenu.AddItem(menuItem); cookItem.SetLeftBadge(UIMenuItem.BadgeStyle.Star); cookItem.SetRightBadge(UIMenuItem.BadgeStyle.Tick); var carsModel = new List<dynamic> { "Adder", "Bullet", "Police", "Police2", "Asea", "FBI", "FBI2", "Firetruk", "Ambulance", "Rhino", }; carsList = new UIMenuListItem("Cars Models", carsModel, 0); mainMenu.AddItem(carsList); spawnCar = new UIMenuItem("Spawn Car"); mainMenu.AddItem(spawnCar); coloredItem = new UIMenuColoredItem("Color!", System.Drawing.Color.Red, System.Drawing.Color.Blue); mainMenu.AddItem(coloredItem); mainMenu.RefreshIndex(); mainMenu.OnItemSelect += OnItemSelect; mainMenu.OnListChange += OnListChange; mainMenu.OnCheckboxChange += OnCheckboxChange; mainMenu.OnIndexChange += OnItemChange; newMenu = new UIMenu("RAGENative UI", "~b~RAGENATIVEUI SHOWCASE"); _menuPool.Add(newMenu); for (int i = 0; i < 35; i++) { newMenu.AddItem(new UIMenuItem("PageFiller " + i.ToString(), "Sample description that takes more than one line. Moreso, it takes way more than two lines since it's so long. Wow, check out this length!")); } newMenu.RefreshIndex(); mainMenu.BindMenuToItem(newMenu, menuItem); while (true) GameFiber.Yield(); }
public static void Main() { // Create a fiber to process our menus MenusProcessFiber = new GameFiber(ProcessLoop); // Create the MenuPool to easily process our menus _menuPool = new MenuPool(); // Create our main menu mainMenu = new UIMenu("RAGENative UI", "~b~RAGENATIVEUI SHOWCASE"); // Add our main menu to the MenuPool _menuPool.Add(mainMenu); // create our items and add them to our main menu mainMenu.AddItem(ketchupCheckbox = new UIMenuCheckboxItem("Add ketchup?", false, "Do you wish to add ketchup?")); var foods = new List<dynamic> { "Banana", "Apple", "Pizza", "Quartilicious", 0xF00D, // Dynamic! }; mainMenu.AddItem(dishesListItem = new UIMenuListItem("Food", foods, 0)); mainMenu.AddItem(cookItem = new UIMenuItem("Cook!", "Cook the dish with the appropiate ingredients and ketchup.")); var menuItem = new UIMenuItem("Go to another menu."); mainMenu.AddItem(menuItem); cookItem.SetLeftBadge(UIMenuItem.BadgeStyle.Star); cookItem.SetRightBadge(UIMenuItem.BadgeStyle.Tick); var carsModel = new List<dynamic> { "Adder", "Bullet", "Police", "Police2", "Asea", "FBI", "FBI2", "Firetruk", "Ambulance", "Rhino", }; carsList = new UIMenuListItem("Cars Models", carsModel, 0); mainMenu.AddItem(carsList); spawnCar = new UIMenuItem("Spawn Car"); mainMenu.AddItem(spawnCar); coloredItem = new UIMenuColoredItem("Color!", System.Drawing.Color.Red, System.Drawing.Color.Blue); mainMenu.AddItem(coloredItem); mainMenu.RefreshIndex(); mainMenu.OnItemSelect += OnItemSelect; mainMenu.OnListChange += OnListChange; mainMenu.OnCheckboxChange += OnCheckboxChange; mainMenu.OnIndexChange += OnItemChange; // Create another menu newMenu = new UIMenu("RAGENative UI", "~b~RAGENATIVEUI SHOWCASE"); newMenu.CounterOverride = "Counter Override"; _menuPool.Add(newMenu); // add it to the menu pool for (int i = 0; i < 35; i++) // add items { newMenu.AddItem(new UIMenuItem("PageFiller " + i.ToString(), "Sample description that takes more than one line. More so, it takes way more than two lines since it's so long. Wow, check out this length!")); } newMenu.RefreshIndex(); mainMenu.BindMenuToItem(newMenu, menuItem); // and bind it to an item in our main menu // Start our process fiber MenusProcessFiber.Start(); // Continue with our plugin... in this example, hibernate to prevent it from being unloaded GameFiber.Hibernate(); }