/// <summary> /// Gets the tile set to use /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The context</param> /// <returns>The tile set to use</returns> public override Unity_MapTileMap GetTileSet(Context context) { if (context.Settings.R1_World == R1_World.Menu) { return(new Unity_MapTileMap(Settings.CellSize)); } // Get the file name var filename = GetWorldFilePath(context.Settings); // Read the file var worldFile = FileFactory.Read <R1_PS1_WorldFile>(filename, context); int tileCount = worldFile.TilePaletteIndexTable.Length; int width = TileSetWidth * Settings.CellSize; int height = (worldFile.PalettedTiles.Length) / width; var pixels = new ARGB1555Color[width * height]; int tile = 0; for (int yB = 0; yB < height; yB += Settings.CellSize) { for (int xB = 0; xB < width; xB += Settings.CellSize, tile++) { for (int y = 0; y < Settings.CellSize; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < Settings.CellSize; x++) { int pixel = x + xB + (y + yB) * width; if (tile >= tileCount) { // Set dummy data pixels[pixel] = new ARGB1555Color(); } else { byte tileIndex1 = worldFile.TilePaletteIndexTable[tile]; byte tileIndex2 = worldFile.PalettedTiles[pixel]; pixels[pixel] = worldFile.TilePalettes[tileIndex1][tileIndex2]; } } } } } return(new Unity_MapTileMap(pixels, TileSetWidth, Settings.CellSize)); }
// TODO: Find the way the game gets the vignette offsets public override async UniTask ExtractVignetteAsync(GameSettings settings, string outputDir) { // Create a context using (var context = new Context(settings)) { // Load the ROM await LoadFilesAsync(context); // Get the file var file = context.GetFile(GetROMFilePath(context)); // Get the deserialize var s = context.Deserializer; var pointerTable = PointerTables.GBA_PointerTable(context, file); int vigCount = settings.GameModeSelection == GameModeSelection.Rayman3GBAUSPrototype ? 18 : 20; var palettes = new ARGB1555Color[vigCount][]; for (int i = 0; i < vigCount; i++) { palettes[i] = s.DoAt(pointerTable[GBA_Pointer.VignettePalettes] + (512 * i), () => s.SerializeObjectArray <ARGB1555Color>(default, 256));
public override void SerializeImpl(SerializerObject s) { // Serialize ROM header base.SerializeImpl(s); // Get pointer table var pointerTable = PointerTables.GBARRR_PointerTable(s.GameSettings.GameModeSelection, Offset.file); // Serialize offset table OffsetTable = s.DoAt(pointerTable[GBARRR_Pointer.OffsetTable], () => s.SerializeObject <GBARRR_OffsetTable>(OffsetTable, name: nameof(OffsetTable))); // Serialize localization OffsetTable.DoAtBlock(s.Context, 3, size => Localization = s.SerializeObject <GBARRR_LocalizationBlock>(Localization, name: nameof(Localization))); var gameMode = GBA_RRR_Manager.GetCurrentGameMode(s.GameSettings); if (gameMode == GBA_RRR_Manager.GameMode.Game || gameMode == GBA_RRR_Manager.GameMode.Village) { // Serialize level info VillageLevelInfo = s.DoAt(pointerTable[GBARRR_Pointer.VillageLevelInfo], () => s.SerializeObjectArray <GBARRR_LevelInfo>(VillageLevelInfo, 3, name: nameof(VillageLevelInfo))); LevelInfo = s.DoAt(pointerTable[GBARRR_Pointer.LevelInfo], () => s.SerializeObjectArray <GBARRR_LevelInfo>(LevelInfo, 32, name: nameof(LevelInfo))); LevelProperties = s.DoAt(pointerTable[GBARRR_Pointer.LevelProperties], () => s.SerializeObjectArray <GBARRR_LevelProperties>(LevelProperties, 32, name: nameof(LevelProperties))); // Get the current level info var lvlInfo = GetLevelInfo(s.GameSettings); // Serialize tile maps OffsetTable.DoAtBlock(s.Context, lvlInfo.LevelTilesetIndex, size => LevelTileset = s.SerializeObject <GBARRR_Tileset>(LevelTileset, name: nameof(LevelTileset), onPreSerialize: x => x.BlockSize = size)); OffsetTable.DoAtBlock(s.Context, lvlInfo.BG0TilesetIndex, size => BG0TileSet = s.SerializeObject <GBARRR_Tileset>(BG0TileSet, name: nameof(BG0TileSet), onPreSerialize: x => x.BlockSize = size)); OffsetTable.DoAtBlock(s.Context, lvlInfo.FGTilesetIndex, size => FGTileSet = s.SerializeObject <GBARRR_Tileset>(FGTileSet, name: nameof(FGTileSet), onPreSerialize: x => x.BlockSize = size)); OffsetTable.DoAtBlock(s.Context, lvlInfo.BG1TilesetIndex, size => BG1TileSet = s.SerializeObject <GBARRR_Tileset>(BG1TileSet, name: nameof(BG1TileSet), onPreSerialize: x => x.BlockSize = size)); // Serialize level scene OffsetTable.DoAtBlock(s.Context, lvlInfo.SceneIndex, size => LevelScene = s.SerializeObject <GBARRR_Scene>(LevelScene, name: nameof(LevelScene))); // Serialize maps OffsetTable.DoAtBlock(s.Context, lvlInfo.BG0MapIndex, size => BG0Map = s.SerializeObject <GBARRR_BGMapBlock>(BG0Map, name: nameof(BG0Map))); OffsetTable.DoAtBlock(s.Context, lvlInfo.BG1MapIndex, size => BG1Map = s.SerializeObject <GBARRR_BGMapBlock>(BG1Map, name: nameof(BG1Map))); OffsetTable.DoAtBlock(s.Context, lvlInfo.CollisionMapIndex, size => CollisionMap = s.SerializeObject <GBARRR_MapBlock>(CollisionMap, name: nameof(CollisionMap), onPreSerialize: x => x.Type = GBARRR_MapBlock.MapType.Collision)); OffsetTable.DoAtBlock(s.Context, lvlInfo.LevelMapIndex, size => LevelMap = s.SerializeObject <GBARRR_MapBlock>(LevelMap, name: nameof(LevelMap), onPreSerialize: x => x.Type = GBARRR_MapBlock.MapType.Tiles)); OffsetTable.DoAtBlock(s.Context, lvlInfo.FGMapIndex, size => FGMap = s.SerializeObject <GBARRR_MapBlock>(FGMap, name: nameof(FGMap), onPreSerialize: x => x.Type = GBARRR_MapBlock.MapType.Foreground)); // Serialize palettes var tilePalIndex = GetLevelTilePaletteOffsetIndex(s.GameSettings); if (tilePalIndex != null) { OffsetTable.DoAtBlock(s.Context, tilePalIndex.Value, size => TilePalette = s.SerializeObjectArray <ARGB1555Color>(TilePalette, 0x100, name: nameof(TilePalette))); } OffsetTable.DoAtBlock(s.Context, lvlInfo.SpritePaletteIndex, size => SpritePalette = s.SerializeObjectArray <ARGB1555Color>(SpritePalette, 0x100, name: nameof(SpritePalette))); if (AnimatedPalettes == null) { AnimatedPalettes = new ARGB1555Color[5][]; } for (int i = 0; i < AnimatedPalettes.Length; i++) { OffsetTable.DoAtBlock(s.Context, 764 + i, size => AnimatedPalettes[i] = s.SerializeObjectArray <ARGB1555Color>(AnimatedPalettes[i], 0x100, name: $"{nameof(AnimatedPalettes)}[{i}]")); } // Serialize tables s.DoAt(pointerTable[GBARRR_Pointer.GraphicsTables], () => { var counts = new uint[] { 0x47, 0x40, 0x45, 0x44, 0x50, 0x42 }; if (GraphicsTable0 == null) { GraphicsTable0 = new GBARRR_GraphicsTableEntry[counts.Length][]; } if (GraphicsTable1 == null) { GraphicsTable1 = new uint[counts.Length][]; } if (GraphicsTable2 == null) { GraphicsTable2 = new uint[counts.Length][]; } if (GraphicsTable3 == null) { GraphicsTable3 = new uint[counts.Length][]; } if (GraphicsTable4 == null) { GraphicsTable4 = new uint[counts.Length][]; } for (int i = 0; i < counts.Length; i++) { GraphicsTable0[i] = s.SerializeObjectArray <GBARRR_GraphicsTableEntry>(GraphicsTable0[i], counts[i], name: $"{nameof(GraphicsTable0)}[{i}]"); GraphicsTable1[i] = s.SerializeArray <uint>(GraphicsTable1[i], counts[i], name: $"{nameof(GraphicsTable1)}[{i}]"); GraphicsTable2[i] = s.SerializeArray <uint>(GraphicsTable2[i], counts[i], name: $"{nameof(GraphicsTable2)}[{i}]"); GraphicsTable3[i] = s.SerializeArray <uint>(GraphicsTable3[i], counts[i], name: $"{nameof(GraphicsTable3)}[{i}]"); GraphicsTable4[i] = s.SerializeArray <uint>(GraphicsTable4[i], counts[i], name: $"{nameof(GraphicsTable4)}[{i}]"); if (i == 2 || i == 3) { s.Serialize <uint>(1, name: "Padding"); } } }); } else if (gameMode == GBA_RRR_Manager.GameMode.Mode7) { // Serialize pointer tables Mode7_MapTilesPointers = s.DoAt(pointerTable[GBARRR_Pointer.Mode7_MapTiles], () => s.SerializePointerArray(Mode7_MapTilesPointers, 3, name: nameof(Mode7_MapTilesPointers))); Mode7_BG1TilesPointers = s.DoAt(pointerTable[GBARRR_Pointer.Mode7_BG1Tiles], () => s.SerializePointerArray(Mode7_BG1TilesPointers, 3, name: nameof(Mode7_BG1TilesPointers))); Mode7_BG1MapPointers = s.DoAt(pointerTable[GBARRR_Pointer.Mode7_Bg1Map], () => s.SerializePointerArray(Mode7_BG1MapPointers, 3, name: nameof(Mode7_BG1MapPointers))); Mode7_BG0TilesPointers = s.DoAt(pointerTable[GBARRR_Pointer.Mode7_BG0Tiles], () => s.SerializePointerArray(Mode7_BG0TilesPointers, 3, name: nameof(Mode7_BG0TilesPointers))); Mode7_BG0MapPointers = s.DoAt(pointerTable[GBARRR_Pointer.Mode7_BG0Map], () => s.SerializePointerArray(Mode7_BG0MapPointers, 3, name: nameof(Mode7_BG0MapPointers))); Mode7_MapPointers = s.DoAt(pointerTable[GBARRR_Pointer.Mode7_MapData], () => s.SerializePointerArray(Mode7_MapPointers, 3, name: nameof(Mode7_MapPointers))); Mode7_UnkMapDataPointers = s.DoAt(pointerTable[GBARRR_Pointer.Mode7_UnkMapData], () => s.SerializePointerArray(Mode7_UnkMapDataPointers, 3, name: nameof(Mode7_UnkMapDataPointers))); Mode7_MapPalettePointers = s.DoAt(pointerTable[GBARRR_Pointer.Mode7_TilePalette], () => s.SerializePointerArray(Mode7_MapPalettePointers, 3, name: nameof(Mode7_MapPalettePointers))); Mode7_BG1PalettePointers = s.DoAt(pointerTable[GBARRR_Pointer.Mode7_BG1Palette], () => s.SerializePointerArray(Mode7_BG1PalettePointers, 3, name: nameof(Mode7_BG1PalettePointers))); Mode7_BG0PalettePointers = s.DoAt(pointerTable[GBARRR_Pointer.Mode7_BG0Palette], () => s.SerializePointerArray(Mode7_BG0PalettePointers, 3, name: nameof(Mode7_BG0PalettePointers))); // Serialize compressed tile data s.DoAt(Mode7_MapTilesPointers[s.GameSettings.Level], () => { s.DoEncoded(new RNCEncoder(hasHeader: false), () => Mode7_MapTiles = s.SerializeArray <byte>(Mode7_MapTiles, s.CurrentLength, name: nameof(Mode7_MapTiles))); }); s.DoAt(Mode7_BG0TilesPointers[s.GameSettings.Level], () => { s.DoEncoded(new RNCEncoder(hasHeader: false), () => Mode7_BG0Tiles = s.SerializeArray <byte>(Mode7_BG0Tiles, s.CurrentLength, name: nameof(Mode7_BG0Tiles))); }); s.DoAt(Mode7_BG1TilesPointers[s.GameSettings.Level], () => { s.DoEncoded(new RNCEncoder(hasHeader: false), () => Mode7_BG1Tiles = s.SerializeArray <byte>(Mode7_BG1Tiles, s.CurrentLength, name: nameof(Mode7_BG1Tiles))); }); // Serialize map data if (s.GameSettings.GameModeSelection == GameModeSelection.RaymanRavingRabbidsGBAEU) { Mode7_MapData = s.DoAt(Mode7_MapPointers[s.GameSettings.Level], () => s.SerializeObjectArray <MapTile>(Mode7_MapData, 256 * 256, onPreSerialize: x => x.GBARRRType = GBARRR_MapBlock.MapType.Mode7Tiles, name: nameof(Mode7_MapData))); } else { s.DoAt(Mode7_MapPointers[s.GameSettings.Level], () => { s.DoEncoded(new RNCEncoder(hasHeader: false), () => Mode7_MapData = s.SerializeObjectArray <MapTile>(Mode7_MapData, 256 * 256, onPreSerialize: x => x.GBARRRType = GBARRR_MapBlock.MapType.Mode7Tiles, name: nameof(Mode7_MapData))); }); } s.DoAt(Mode7_BG0MapPointers[s.GameSettings.Level], () => { s.DoEncoded(new RNCEncoder(hasHeader: false), () => Mode7_BG0MapData = s.SerializeObjectArray <MapTile>(Mode7_BG0MapData, 32 * 32, onPreSerialize: x => x.GBARRRType = GBARRR_MapBlock.MapType.Foreground, name: nameof(Mode7_BG0MapData))); }); s.DoAt(Mode7_BG1MapPointers[s.GameSettings.Level], () => { s.DoEncoded(new RNCEncoder(hasHeader: false), () => Mode7_BG1MapData = s.SerializeObjectArray <MapTile>(Mode7_BG1MapData, 32 * 32, onPreSerialize: x => x.GBARRRType = GBARRR_MapBlock.MapType.Foreground, name: nameof(Mode7_BG1MapData))); }); // Serialize palettes Mode7_MapPalette = s.DoAt(Mode7_MapPalettePointers[s.GameSettings.Level], () => s.SerializeObjectArray <ARGB1555Color>(Mode7_MapPalette, 16 * 16, name: nameof(Mode7_MapPalette))); Mode7_BG1Palette = s.DoAt(Mode7_BG1PalettePointers[s.GameSettings.Level], () => s.SerializeObjectArray <ARGB1555Color>(Mode7_BG1Palette, 16, name: nameof(Mode7_BG1Palette))); Mode7_BG0Palette = s.DoAt(Mode7_BG0PalettePointers[s.GameSettings.Level], () => s.SerializeObjectArray <ARGB1555Color>(Mode7_BG0Palette, 16, name: nameof(Mode7_BG0Palette))); // Fill in full tilemap palette Mode7_TilemapPalette = new ARGB1555Color[16 * 16]; for (int i = 0; i < 12 * 16; i++) { Mode7_TilemapPalette[i] = Mode7_MapPalette[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { Mode7_TilemapPalette[12 * 16 + i] = Mode7_BG0Palette[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { Mode7_TilemapPalette[14 * 16 + i] = Mode7_BG1Palette[i]; } } else if (gameMode == GBA_RRR_Manager.GameMode.Mode7Unused) { OffsetTable.DoAtBlock(s.Context, 1180, size => { LevelScene = s.SerializeObject <GBARRR_Scene>(LevelScene, onPreSerialize: x => x.IsUnusedMode7 = true, name: nameof(LevelScene)); Mode7_MapData = s.SerializeObjectArray <MapTile>(Mode7_MapData, 256 * 256, onPreSerialize: x => x.GBARRRType = GBARRR_MapBlock.MapType.Foreground, name: nameof(Mode7_MapData)); }); OffsetTable.DoAtBlock(s.Context, 1181, size => CollisionMap = s.SerializeObject <GBARRR_MapBlock>(CollisionMap, name: nameof(CollisionMap), onPreSerialize: x => x.Type = GBARRR_MapBlock.MapType.Collision)); OffsetTable.DoAtBlock(s.Context, 1177, size => BG0TileSet = s.SerializeObject <GBARRR_Tileset>(BG0TileSet, onPreSerialize: x => x.BlockSize = size, name: nameof(BG0TileSet))); OffsetTable.DoAtBlock(s.Context, 1178, size => BG1TileSet = s.SerializeObject <GBARRR_Tileset>(BG1TileSet, onPreSerialize: x => x.BlockSize = size, name: nameof(BG1TileSet))); OffsetTable.DoAtBlock(s.Context, 1179, size => LevelTileset = s.SerializeObject <GBARRR_Tileset>(LevelTileset, onPreSerialize: x => x.BlockSize = size, name: nameof(LevelTileset))); } else if (gameMode == GBA_RRR_Manager.GameMode.Menu) { Menu_Pointers = s.DoAt(pointerTable[GBARRR_Pointer.MenuArray], () => s.SerializePointerArray(Menu_Pointers, 15 * 3, name: nameof(Menu_Pointers))); var manager = (GBA_RRR_Manager)s.GameSettings.GetGameManager; var menuLevels = manager.GetMenuLevels(s.GameSettings.Level); Menu_Tiles = new byte[menuLevels.Length][]; Menu_MapData = new MapTile[menuLevels.Length][]; Menu_Palette = new ARGB1555Color[menuLevels.Length][]; for (int i = 0; i < menuLevels.Length; i++) { var lvl = menuLevels[i]; var size = manager.GetMenuSize(lvl); var isCompressed = manager.IsMenuCompressed(lvl); var mapType = manager.HasMenuAlphaBlending(lvl) ? GBARRR_MapBlock.MapType.Menu : GBARRR_MapBlock.MapType.Foreground; if (isCompressed) { s.DoAt(Menu_Pointers[lvl * 3 + 0], () => { s.DoEncoded(new RNCEncoder(hasHeader: false), () => Menu_Tiles[i] = s.SerializeArray <byte>(Menu_Tiles[i], s.CurrentLength, name: $"{nameof(Menu_Tiles)}[{i}]")); }); s.DoAt(Menu_Pointers[lvl * 3 + 1], () => { s.DoEncoded(new RNCEncoder(hasHeader: false), () => Menu_MapData[i] = s.SerializeObjectArray <MapTile>(Menu_MapData[i], size.Width * size.Height, onPreSerialize: x => x.GBARRRType = mapType, name: $"{nameof(Menu_MapData)}[{i}]")); }); } else { s.DoAt(Menu_Pointers[lvl * 3 + 0], () => Menu_Tiles[i] = s.SerializeArray <byte>(Menu_Tiles[i], 0x4B00 * 2, name: $"{nameof(Menu_Tiles)}[{i}]")); s.DoAt(Menu_Pointers[lvl * 3 + 1], () => Menu_MapData[i] = s.SerializeObjectArray <MapTile>(Menu_MapData[i], size.Width * size.Height, onPreSerialize: x => x.GBARRRType = mapType, name: $"{nameof(Menu_MapData)}[{i}]")); } Menu_Palette[i] = s.DoAt(Menu_Pointers[lvl * 3 + 2], () => s.SerializeObjectArray <ARGB1555Color>(Menu_Palette[i], 16 * 16, name: $"{nameof(Menu_Palette)}[{i}]")); } } }