public override void Process()
            ReportProgress(0, "Counting domains for each project...");
            var projectProcessor = new ProjectDomainsCountProcessor(this.specialists, this.people);
            var projectDomainsAndCounts = projectProcessor.CountDomains();

            ReportProgress(25, "Counting domains for each phase...");
            var phaseProcessor = new PhaseDomainsCountProcessor(this.specialists, this.people);
            var phaseDomainsAndCounts = phaseProcessor.CountDomains();

            ReportProgress(50, "Writing results to file...");
            WriteToFile(projectDomainsAndCounts, phaseDomainsAndCounts);
            ReportProgress(100, "Completed counting and saving project and phase domains count to file.");
            MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Project and phase domains count excel sheet has been created at {0}!", Savepath));
        private void DoGenerateProjectDomainsCount(BackgroundWorker bw)
            var fp = new OpenFileDialog
                Title = "Select specialist json",
                Filter = "json files | *.txt; *.json",
                Multiselect = false
            var result = fp.ShowDialog();
            if (result.Value == false) return;

            List<People> specialists = null;
                specialists = Helper.GetJsonObjectFromFile<List<People>>(fp.FileName);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to get specialist data. Exception: {0}", e);

            if (specialists == null) return;

            var peoplePicker = new OpenFileDialog
                Title = "Select scraped people json",
                Filter = "json files | *.txt; *.json",
                Multiselect = false
            result = peoplePicker.ShowDialog();
            if (result.Value == false) return;

            List<People> people = null;
                people = Helper.GetJsonObjectFromFile<List<People>>(peoplePicker.FileName);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to get scrapped people. Exception: {0}", e);

            if (people == null) return;

            string saveFile = null;
            var saveFp = new SaveFileDialog
                Title = "Select file to save to",
                Filter = "Excel 2003 | *.xls",
                FileName = "ProjectDomainsCount.xls"
            result = saveFp.ShowDialog();
            if (result.HasValue == false || result.Value == false) return;  // User must specify location to save file

            saveFile = saveFp.FileName;

            IProcessor processor = new ProjectDomainsCountProcessor(specialists, people)
                Savepath = saveFile
            processor.ProgressChanged += (progress, status) => bw.ReportProgress(progress, status);