//public bool InMission { get; set; } public void ProcessState() { // Only pulse state changes every 500ms if (DateTime.UtcNow < _nextPanicProcessState || Settings.Instance.DebugDisablePanic) //default: 500ms { return; } _nextPanicProcessState = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMilliseconds(500); switch (_States.CurrentPanicState) { case PanicState.Idle: // // below is the reasons we will start the panic state(s) - if the below is not met do nothing // if (Cache.Instance.InSpace && Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.Entity != null && !Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.Entity.IsCloaked) { _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.Normal; return; } break; case PanicState.Normal: if (Cache.Instance.InStation) { _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.Idle; } if (Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.Entity != null) { _lastNormalX = Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.Entity.X; _lastNormalY = Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.Entity.Y; _lastNormalZ = Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.Entity.Z; } if (Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.Entity == null) { return; } if (DateTime.UtcNow < Cache.Instance.LastSessionChange.AddSeconds(10)) { return; } if ((long)Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.StructurePercentage == 0) //if your hull is 0 you are dead or bugged, wait. { return; } if (Settings.Instance.WatchForActiveWars && Cache.Instance.IsCorpInWar) { Logging.Log("Cache", "Your corp is involved in a war [" + Cache.Instance.IsCorpInWar + "] and WatchForActiveWars [" + Settings.Instance.WatchForActiveWars + "], Starting panic!", Logging.Orange); _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.StartPanicking; //return; } if (Cache.Instance.InSpace) { if (!Cache.Instance.InMission && Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.GroupId == (int)Group.Capsule) { Logging.Log("Panic", "You are in a Capsule, you must have died :(", Logging.Red); _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.BookmarkMyWreck; //_States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.StartPanicking; return; } if (Cache.Instance.TargetedBy.Any()) { if (Settings.Instance.DebugPanic) { Logging.Log("Panic.Normal", "We have been locked by [" + Cache.Instance.TargetedBy.Count() + "] Entities", Logging.Debug); } List <EntityCache> EntitiesThatAreWarpScramblingMe = Cache.Instance.TargetedBy.Where(t => t.IsWarpScramblingMe).ToList(); if (EntitiesThatAreWarpScramblingMe.Any()) { if (Settings.Instance.DebugPanic) { Logging.Log("Panic.Normal", "We have been warp scrambled by [" + EntitiesThatAreWarpScramblingMe.Count() + "] Entities", Logging.Debug); } if (Cache.Instance.UseDrones) { Cache.Instance.AddDronePriorityTargets(EntitiesThatAreWarpScramblingMe, DronePriority.WarpScrambler, "Panic", Settings.Instance.AddWarpScramblersToDronePriorityTargetList); } Cache.Instance.AddPrimaryWeaponPriorityTargets(EntitiesThatAreWarpScramblingMe, PrimaryWeaponPriority.WarpScrambler, "Panic", Settings.Instance.AddWarpScramblersToDronePriorityTargetList); } if (Settings.Instance.SpeedTank) { List <EntityCache> EntitiesThatAreWebbingMe = Cache.Instance.TargetedBy.Where(t => t.IsWebbingMe).ToList(); if (EntitiesThatAreWebbingMe.Any()) { if (Settings.Instance.DebugPanic) { Logging.Log("Panic.Normal", "We have been webbed by [" + EntitiesThatAreWebbingMe.Count() + "] Entities", Logging.Debug); } if (Cache.Instance.UseDrones) { Cache.Instance.AddDronePriorityTargets(EntitiesThatAreWebbingMe, DronePriority.Webbing, "Panic", Settings.Instance.AddWebifiersToDronePriorityTargetList); } Cache.Instance.AddPrimaryWeaponPriorityTargets(EntitiesThatAreWebbingMe, PrimaryWeaponPriority.Webbing, "Panic", Settings.Instance.AddWebifiersToPrimaryWeaponsPriorityTargetList); } List <EntityCache> EntitiesThatAreTargetPaintingMe = Cache.Instance.TargetedBy.Where(t => t.IsTargetPaintingMe).ToList(); if (EntitiesThatAreTargetPaintingMe.Any()) { if (Settings.Instance.DebugPanic) { Logging.Log("Panic.Normal", "We have been target painted by [" + EntitiesThatAreTargetPaintingMe.Count() + "] Entities", Logging.Debug); } if (Cache.Instance.UseDrones) { Cache.Instance.AddDronePriorityTargets(EntitiesThatAreTargetPaintingMe, DronePriority.PriorityKillTarget, "Panic", Settings.Instance.AddTargetPaintersToDronePriorityTargetList); } Cache.Instance.AddPrimaryWeaponPriorityTargets(EntitiesThatAreTargetPaintingMe, PrimaryWeaponPriority.TargetPainting, "Panic", Settings.Instance.AddTargetPaintersToPrimaryWeaponsPriorityTargetList); } } List <EntityCache> EntitiesThatAreNeutralizingMe = Cache.Instance.TargetedBy.Where(t => t.IsNeutralizingMe).ToList(); if (EntitiesThatAreNeutralizingMe.Any()) { if (Settings.Instance.DebugPanic) { Logging.Log("Panic.Normal", "We have been neuted by [" + EntitiesThatAreNeutralizingMe.Count() + "] Entities", Logging.Debug); } if (Cache.Instance.UseDrones) { Cache.Instance.AddDronePriorityTargets(EntitiesThatAreNeutralizingMe, DronePriority.PriorityKillTarget, "Panic", Settings.Instance.AddNeutralizersToDronePriorityTargetList); } Cache.Instance.AddPrimaryWeaponPriorityTargets(EntitiesThatAreNeutralizingMe, PrimaryWeaponPriority.Neutralizing, "Panic", Settings.Instance.AddNeutralizersToPrimaryWeaponsPriorityTargetList); } List <EntityCache> EntitiesThatAreJammingMe = Cache.Instance.TargetedBy.Where(t => t.IsJammingMe).ToList(); if (EntitiesThatAreJammingMe.Any()) { if (Settings.Instance.DebugPanic) { Logging.Log("Panic.Normal", "We have been ECMd by [" + EntitiesThatAreJammingMe.Count() + "] Entities", Logging.Debug); } if (Cache.Instance.UseDrones) { Cache.Instance.AddDronePriorityTargets(EntitiesThatAreJammingMe, DronePriority.PriorityKillTarget, "Panic", Settings.Instance.AddECMsToDroneTargetList); } Cache.Instance.AddPrimaryWeaponPriorityTargets(EntitiesThatAreJammingMe, PrimaryWeaponPriority.Jamming, "Panic", Settings.Instance.AddECMsToPrimaryWeaponsPriorityTargetList); } List <EntityCache> EntitiesThatAreSensorDampeningMe = Cache.Instance.TargetedBy.Where(t => t.IsSensorDampeningMe).ToList(); if (EntitiesThatAreSensorDampeningMe.Any()) { if (Settings.Instance.DebugPanic) { Logging.Log("Panic.Normal", "We have been Sensor Damped by [" + EntitiesThatAreSensorDampeningMe.Count() + "] Entities", Logging.Debug); } if (Cache.Instance.UseDrones) { Cache.Instance.AddDronePriorityTargets(EntitiesThatAreSensorDampeningMe, DronePriority.PriorityKillTarget, "Panic", Settings.Instance.AddDampenersToDronePriorityTargetList); } Cache.Instance.AddPrimaryWeaponPriorityTargets(EntitiesThatAreSensorDampeningMe, PrimaryWeaponPriority.Dampening, "Panic", Settings.Instance.AddDampenersToPrimaryWeaponsPriorityTargetList); } if (Cache.Instance.Modules.Any(m => m.IsTurret)) { // // tracking disrupting targets // List <EntityCache> EntitiesThatAreTrackingDisruptingMe = Cache.Instance.TargetedBy.Where(t => t.IsTrackingDisruptingMe).ToList(); if (EntitiesThatAreTrackingDisruptingMe.Any()) { if (Settings.Instance.DebugPanic) { Logging.Log("Panic.Normal", "We have been Tracking Disrupted by [" + EntitiesThatAreTrackingDisruptingMe.Count() + "] Entities", Logging.Debug); } if (Cache.Instance.UseDrones) { Cache.Instance.AddDronePriorityTargets(EntitiesThatAreTrackingDisruptingMe, DronePriority.PriorityKillTarget, "Panic", Settings.Instance.AddTrackingDisruptorsToDronePriorityTargetList); } Cache.Instance.AddPrimaryWeaponPriorityTargets(EntitiesThatAreTrackingDisruptingMe, PrimaryWeaponPriority.Dampening, "Panic", Settings.Instance.AddTrackingDisruptorsToPrimaryWeaponsPriorityTargetList); } } } if (Math.Round(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(_lastPriorityTargetLogging).TotalSeconds) > Settings.Instance.ListPriorityTargetsEveryXSeconds) { _lastPriorityTargetLogging = DateTime.UtcNow; icount = 1; foreach (EntityCache target in Cache.Instance.DronePriorityEntities) { icount++; Logging.Log("Panic.ListDronePriorityTargets", "[" + icount + "][" + target.Name + "][" + Cache.Instance.MaskedID(target.Id) + "][" + Math.Round(target.Distance / 1000, 0) + "k away] WARP[" + target.IsWarpScramblingMe + "] ECM[" + target.IsJammingMe + "] Damp[" + target.IsSensorDampeningMe + "] TP[" + target.IsTargetPaintingMe + "] NEUT[" + target.IsNeutralizingMe + "]", Logging.Teal); continue; } icount = 1; foreach (EntityCache target in Cache.Instance.PrimaryWeaponPriorityEntities) { icount++; Logging.Log("Panic.ListPrimaryWeaponPriorityTargets", "[" + icount + "][" + target.Name + "][" + Cache.Instance.MaskedID(target.Id) + "][" + Math.Round(target.Distance / 1000, 0) + "k away] WARP[" + target.IsWarpScramblingMe + "] ECM[" + target.IsJammingMe + "] Damp[" + target.IsSensorDampeningMe + "] TP[" + target.IsTargetPaintingMe + "] NEUT[" + target.IsNeutralizingMe + "]", Logging.Teal); continue; } } if (Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.ArmorPercentage < 100) { Cache.Instance.NeedRepair = true; // // do not return here, we are just setting a flag for use by arm to repair or not repair... // } else { Cache.Instance.NeedRepair = false; } if (Cache.Instance.InMission && Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.CapacitorPercentage < Settings.Instance.MinimumCapacitorPct && Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.GroupId != 31) { // Only check for cap-panic while in a mission, not while doing anything else Logging.Log("Panic", "Start panicking, capacitor [" + Math.Round(Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.CapacitorPercentage, 0) + "%] below [" + Settings.Instance.MinimumCapacitorPct + "%] S[" + Math.Round(Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.ShieldPercentage, 0) + "%] A[" + Math.Round(Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.ArmorPercentage, 0) + "%] C[" + Math.Round(Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.CapacitorPercentage, 0) + "%]", Logging.Red); //Questor.panic_attempts_this_mission; Cache.Instance.PanicAttemptsThisMission++; Cache.Instance.PanicAttemptsThisPocket++; _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.StartPanicking; return; } if (Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.ShieldPercentage < Settings.Instance.MinimumShieldPct) { Logging.Log("Panic", "Start panicking, shield [" + Math.Round(Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.ShieldPercentage, 0) + "%] below [" + Settings.Instance.MinimumShieldPct + "%] S[" + Math.Round(Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.ShieldPercentage, 0) + "%] A[" + Math.Round(Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.ArmorPercentage, 0) + "%] C[" + Math.Round(Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.CapacitorPercentage, 0) + "%]", Logging.Red); Cache.Instance.PanicAttemptsThisMission++; Cache.Instance.PanicAttemptsThisPocket++; _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.StartPanicking; return; } if (Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.ArmorPercentage < Settings.Instance.MinimumArmorPct) { Logging.Log("Panic", "Start panicking, armor [" + Math.Round(Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.ArmorPercentage, 0) + "%] below [" + Settings.Instance.MinimumArmorPct + "%] S[" + Math.Round(Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.ShieldPercentage, 0) + "%] A[" + Math.Round(Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.ArmorPercentage, 0) + "%] C[" + Math.Round(Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.CapacitorPercentage, 0) + "%]", Logging.Red); Cache.Instance.PanicAttemptsThisMission++; Cache.Instance.PanicAttemptsThisPocket++; _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.StartPanicking; return; } BookmarkMyWreckAttempts = 1; // reset to 1 when we are known to not be in a pod anymore _delayedResume = false; if (Cache.Instance.InMission) { if (Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.GroupId == (int)Group.Capsule) { Logging.Log("Panic", "You are in a Capsule, you must have died in a mission :(", Logging.Red); _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.BookmarkMyWreck; } int frigates = Cache.Instance.EntitiesNotSelf.Count(e => e.IsFrigate && e.IsPlayer); int cruisers = Cache.Instance.EntitiesNotSelf.Count(e => e.IsCruiser && e.IsPlayer); int battlecruisers = Cache.Instance.EntitiesNotSelf.Count(e => e.IsBattlecruiser && e.IsPlayer); int battleships = Cache.Instance.EntitiesNotSelf.Count(e => e.IsBattleship && e.IsPlayer); if (Settings.Instance.FrigateInvasionLimit > 0 && frigates >= Settings.Instance.FrigateInvasionLimit) { _delayedResume = true; Cache.Instance.PanicAttemptsThisMission++; Cache.Instance.PanicAttemptsThisPocket++; _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.StartPanicking; Logging.Log("Panic", "Start panicking, mission invaded by [" + frigates + "] Frigates", Logging.Red); } if (Settings.Instance.CruiserInvasionLimit > 0 && cruisers >= Settings.Instance.CruiserInvasionLimit) { _delayedResume = true; Cache.Instance.PanicAttemptsThisMission++; Cache.Instance.PanicAttemptsThisPocket++; _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.StartPanicking; Logging.Log("Panic", "Start panicking, mission invaded by [" + cruisers + "] Cruisers", Logging.Red); } if (Settings.Instance.BattlecruiserInvasionLimit > 0 && battlecruisers >= Settings.Instance.BattlecruiserInvasionLimit) { _delayedResume = true; Cache.Instance.PanicAttemptsThisMission++; Cache.Instance.PanicAttemptsThisPocket++; _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.StartPanicking; Logging.Log("Panic", "Start panicking, mission invaded by [" + battlecruisers + "] BattleCruisers", Logging.Red); } if (Settings.Instance.BattleshipInvasionLimit > 0 && battleships >= Settings.Instance.BattleshipInvasionLimit) { _delayedResume = true; Cache.Instance.PanicAttemptsThisMission++; Cache.Instance.PanicAttemptsThisPocket++; _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.StartPanicking; Logging.Log("Panic", "Start panicking, mission invaded by [" + battleships + "] BattleShips", Logging.Red); } if (_delayedResume) { _randomDelay = (Settings.Instance.InvasionRandomDelay > 0 ? _random.Next(Settings.Instance.InvasionRandomDelay) : 0); _randomDelay += Settings.Instance.InvasionMinimumDelay; foreach (EntityCache enemy in Cache.Instance.EntitiesNotSelf.Where(e => e.IsPlayer)) { Logging.Log("Panic", "Invaded by: PlayerName [" + enemy.Name + "] ShipTypeID [" + enemy.TypeId + "] Distance [" + Math.Round(enemy.Distance, 0) / 1000 + "k] Velocity [" + Math.Round(enemy.Velocity, 0) + "]", Logging.Red); } } } } break; // NOTE: The difference between Panicking and StartPanicking is that the bot will move to "Panic" state once in warp & Panicking // and the bot wont go into Panic mode while still "StartPanicking" case PanicState.StartPanicking: case PanicState.Panicking: // // Add any warp scramblers to the priority list // Use the same rules here as you do before you panic, as we probably want to keep killing DPS if configured to do so // EntityCache EntityIsWarpScramblingMeWhilePanicing = Cache.Instance.TargetedBy.FirstOrDefault(t => t.IsWarpScramblingMe); if (EntityIsWarpScramblingMeWhilePanicing != null) { if (Cache.Instance.UseDrones) { Cache.Instance.AddDronePriorityTargets(Cache.Instance.TargetedBy.Where(t => t.IsWarpScramblingMe), DronePriority.WarpScrambler, "Panic", Settings.Instance.AddWarpScramblersToDronePriorityTargetList); } Cache.Instance.AddPrimaryWeaponPriorityTargets(Cache.Instance.TargetedBy.Where(t => t.IsWarpScramblingMe), PrimaryWeaponPriority.WarpScrambler, "Panic", Settings.Instance.AddWarpScramblersToPrimaryWeaponsPriorityTargetList); } // Failsafe, in theory would/should never happen if (_States.CurrentPanicState == PanicState.Panicking && Cache.Instance.TargetedBy.Any(t => t.IsWarpScramblingMe)) { // Resume is the only state that will make Questor revert to combat mode _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.Resume; return; } if (Cache.Instance.InStation) { Logging.Log("Panic", "Entered a station, lower panic mode", Logging.White); Settings.Instance.LoadSettings(); _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.Panic; return; } // Once we have warped off 500km, assume we are "safer" if (_States.CurrentPanicState == PanicState.StartPanicking && Cache.Instance.DistanceFromMe(_lastNormalX, _lastNormalY, _lastNormalZ) > (int)Distances.PanicDistanceToConsiderSafelyWarpedOff) { Logging.Log("Panic", "We have warped off: My ShipType: [" + Logging.Yellow + Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.TypeName + Logging.White + "] My ShipName [" + Logging.Yellow + Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.GivenName + Logging.White + "]", Logging.White); _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.Panicking; } // We leave the panicking state once we actually start warping off EntityCache station = null; if (Cache.Instance.Stations != null && Cache.Instance.Stations.Any()) { station = Cache.Instance.Stations.FirstOrDefault(); } if (station != null && Cache.Instance.InSpace) { if (Cache.Instance.InWarp) { if (Cache.Instance.PrimaryWeaponPriorityEntities != null && Cache.Instance.PrimaryWeaponPriorityEntities.Any()) { Cache.Instance.RemovePrimaryWeaponPriorityTargets(Cache.Instance.PrimaryWeaponPriorityEntities.ToList()); } if (Cache.Instance.UseDrones && Cache.Instance.DronePriorityEntities != null && Cache.Instance.DronePriorityEntities.Any()) { Cache.Instance.RemoveDronePriorityTargets(Cache.Instance.DronePriorityEntities.ToList()); } break; } if (station.Distance > (int)Distances.WarptoDistance) { NavigateOnGrid.AvoidBumpingThings(Cache.Instance.BigObjectsandGates.FirstOrDefault(), "Panic"); if (Cache.Instance.DronePriorityEntities.Any(pt => pt.IsWarpScramblingMe) || Cache.Instance.PrimaryWeaponPriorityEntities.Any(pt => pt.IsWarpScramblingMe)) { EntityCache WarpScrambledBy = Cache.Instance.DronePriorityEntities.FirstOrDefault(pt => pt.IsWarpScramblingMe) ?? Cache.Instance.PrimaryWeaponPriorityEntities.FirstOrDefault(pt => pt.IsWarpScramblingMe); if (WarpScrambledBy != null && DateTime.UtcNow > _nextWarpScrambledWarning) { _nextWarpScrambledWarning = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(20); Logging.Log("Panic", "We are scrambled by: [" + Logging.White + WarpScrambledBy.Name + Logging.Orange + "][" + Logging.White + Math.Round(WarpScrambledBy.Distance, 0) + Logging.Orange + "][" + Logging.White + WarpScrambledBy.Id + Logging.Orange + "]", Logging.Orange); _lastWarpScrambled = DateTime.UtcNow; } } if (DateTime.UtcNow > Cache.Instance.NextWarpAction || DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(_lastWarpScrambled).TotalSeconds < Time.Instance.WarpScrambledNoDelay_seconds) //this will effectively spam warpto as soon as you are free of warp disruption if you were warp disrupted in the past 10 seconds) { if (station.WarpTo()) { Logging.Log("Panic", "Warping to [" + Logging.Yellow + station.Name + Logging.Red + "][" + Logging.Yellow + Math.Round((station.Distance / 1000) / 149598000, 2) + Logging.Red + " AU away]", Logging.Red); Cache.Instance.IsMissionPocketDone = true; } } else { Logging.Log("Panic", "Warping will be attempted again after [" + Math.Round(Cache.Instance.NextWarpAction.Subtract(DateTime.UtcNow).TotalSeconds, 0) + "sec]", Logging.Red); } //if (Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.GroupId == (int)Group.Capsule) //{ // Logging.Log("Panic", "You are in a Capsule, you must have died :(", Logging.Red); //} return; } if (station.Distance < (int)Distances.DockingRange) { if (station.Dock()) { Logging.Log("Panic", "Docking with [" + Logging.Yellow + station.Name + Logging.Red + "][" + Logging.Yellow + Math.Round((station.Distance / 1000) / 149598000, 2) + Logging.Red + " AU away]", Logging.Red); } return; } if (DateTime.UtcNow > Cache.Instance.NextTravelerAction) { if (Cache.Instance.Approaching == null || Cache.Instance.Approaching.Id != station.Id || Cache.Instance.MyShipEntity.Velocity < 50) { Logging.Log("Panic", "Approaching to [" + station.Name + "] which is [" + Math.Round(station.Distance / 1000, 0) + "k away]", Logging.Red); station.Approach(); Cache.Instance.NextTravelerAction = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(Time.Instance.ApproachDelay_seconds); return; } Logging.Log("Panic", "Already Approaching to: [" + station.Name + "] which is [" + Math.Round(station.Distance / 1000, 0) + "k away]", Logging.Red); return; } Logging.Log("Panic", "Approaching has been delayed for [" + Math.Round(Cache.Instance.NextWarpAction.Subtract(DateTime.UtcNow).TotalSeconds, 0) + "sec]", Logging.Red); return; } if (Cache.Instance.InSpace) { if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(Cache.Instance.LastLoggingAction).TotalSeconds > 15) { Logging.Log("Panic", "No station found in local?", Logging.Red); } if (Cache.Instance.SafeSpotBookmarks.Any() && Cache.Instance.SafeSpotBookmarks.Any(b => b.LocationId == Cache.Instance.DirectEve.Session.SolarSystemId)) { List <DirectBookmark> SafeSpotBookmarksInLocal = new List <DirectBookmark>(Cache.Instance.SafeSpotBookmarks .Where(b => b.LocationId == Cache.Instance.DirectEve.Session.SolarSystemId) .OrderBy(b => b.CreatedOn)); if (SafeSpotBookmarksInLocal.Any()) { DirectBookmark offridSafeSpotBookmark = SafeSpotBookmarksInLocal.OrderBy(i => Cache.Instance.DistanceFromMe(i.X ?? 0, i.Y ?? 0, i.Z ?? 0)).FirstOrDefault(); if (offridSafeSpotBookmark != null) { if (Cache.Instance.InWarp) { _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.Panic; return; } if (Cache.Instance.TargetedBy.Any(t => t.IsWarpScramblingMe)) { Logging.Log("Panic", "We are still warp scrambled!", Logging.Red); //This runs every 'tick' so we should see it every 1.5 seconds or so _lastWarpScrambled = DateTime.UtcNow; return; } if (DateTime.UtcNow > Cache.Instance.NextWarpAction || DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(_lastWarpScrambled).TotalSeconds < 10) //this will effectively spam warpto as soon as you are free of warp disruption if you were warp disrupted in the past 10 seconds { if (offridSafeSpotBookmark.WarpTo()) { double DistanceToBm = Cache.Instance.DistanceFromMe(offridSafeSpotBookmark.X ?? 0, offridSafeSpotBookmark.Y ?? 0, offridSafeSpotBookmark.Z ?? 0); Logging.Log("Panic", "Warping to safespot bookmark [" + offridSafeSpotBookmark.Title + "][" + Math.Round((DistanceToBm / 1000) / 149598000, 2) + " AU away]", Logging.Red); return; } return; } Logging.Log("Panic", "Warping has been delayed for [" + Math.Round(Cache.Instance.NextWarpAction.Subtract(DateTime.UtcNow).TotalSeconds, 0) + "sec]", Logging.Red); return; } } } else { // What is this you say? No star? if (Cache.Instance.Star == null) { return; } if (Cache.Instance.Star.Distance > (int)Distances.WeCanWarpToStarFromHere) { if (Cache.Instance.InWarp) { return; } if (Cache.Instance.TargetedBy.Any(t => t.IsWarpScramblingMe)) { Logging.Log("Panic", "We are still warp scrambled!", Logging.Red); //This runs every 'tick' so we should see it every 1.5 seconds or so _lastWarpScrambled = DateTime.UtcNow; return; } //this will effectively spam warpto as soon as you are free of warp disruption if you were warp disrupted in the past 10 seconds if (DateTime.UtcNow > Cache.Instance.NextWarpAction || DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(_lastWarpScrambled).TotalSeconds < 10) { if (Cache.Instance.Star.WarpTo()) { Logging.Log("Panic", "Warping to [" + Logging.Yellow + Cache.Instance.Star.Name + Logging.Red + "][" + Logging.Yellow + Math.Round((Cache.Instance.Star.Distance / 1000) / 149598000, 2) + Logging.Red + " AU away]", Logging.Red); return; } return; } Logging.Log("Panic", "Warping has been delayed for [" + Math.Round(Cache.Instance.NextWarpAction.Subtract(DateTime.UtcNow).TotalSeconds, 0) + "sec]", Logging.Red); return; } } } Logging.Log("Panic", "At a safe location, lower panic mode", Logging.Red); Settings.Instance.LoadSettings(); _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.Panic; break; case PanicState.BookmarkMyWreck: BookmarkMyWreckAttempts++; if (Cache.Instance.Wrecks.Any(i => i.Name.Contains(Settings.Instance.CombatShipName))) { Cache.Instance.CreateBookmark("Wreck: " + Settings.Instance.CombatShipName); _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.StartPanicking; break; } if (BookmarkMyWreckAttempts++ > 3) { _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.StartPanicking; break; } break; case PanicState.Panic: // Do not resume until you're no longer in a capsule if (Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.GroupId == (int)Group.Capsule) { break; } if (Cache.Instance.InStation) { if (Cache.Instance.IsCorpInWar && Settings.Instance.WatchForActiveWars) { if (Settings.Instance.DebugWatchForActiveWars) { Logging.Log("Panic", "Cache.Instance.IsCorpInWar [" + Cache.Instance.IsCorpInWar + "] and Settings.Instance.WatchForActiveWars [" + Settings.Instance.WatchForActiveWars + "] staying in panic (effectively paused in station)", Logging.Debug); } Cache.Instance.Paused = true; Settings.Instance.AutoStart = false; return; } if (Cache.Instance.DirectEve.HasSupportInstances() && Settings.Instance.UseStationRepair) { if (!Cache.Instance.RepairItems("Repair Function")) { break; //attempt to use repair facilities if avail in station } } Logging.Log("Panic", "We're in a station, resume mission", Logging.Red); _States.CurrentPanicState = _delayedResume ? PanicState.DelayedResume : PanicState.Resume; } bool isSafe = Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.CapacitorPercentage >= Settings.Instance.SafeCapacitorPct; isSafe &= Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.ShieldPercentage >= Settings.Instance.SafeShieldPct; isSafe &= Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.ArmorPercentage >= Settings.Instance.SafeArmorPct; if (isSafe) { if (Cache.Instance.InSpace) { Cache.Instance.RepairAll = true; } Logging.Log("Panic", "We have recovered, resume mission", Logging.Red); _States.CurrentPanicState = _delayedResume ? PanicState.DelayedResume : PanicState.Resume; } if (_States.CurrentPanicState == PanicState.DelayedResume) { Logging.Log("Panic", "Delaying resume for " + _randomDelay + " seconds", Logging.Red); Cache.Instance.IsMissionPocketDone = false; _resumeTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(_randomDelay); } break; case PanicState.DelayedResume: if (DateTime.UtcNow > _resumeTime) { _States.CurrentPanicState = PanicState.Resume; } break; case PanicState.Resume: // Don't do anything here break; } }
public static void NavigateIntoRange(EntityCache target, string module, bool moveMyShip) { if (!Cache.Instance.InSpace || (Cache.Instance.InSpace && Cache.Instance.InWarp) || !moveMyShip) { return; } if (DateTime.UtcNow < NextNavigateIntoRange || Settings.Instance.DebugDisableNavigateIntoRange) { return; } NextNavigateIntoRange = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(5); //we cant move in bastion mode, do not try List <ModuleCache> bastionModules = null; bastionModules = Cache.Instance.Modules.Where(m => m.GroupId == (int)Group.Bastion && m.IsOnline).ToList(); if (bastionModules.Any(i => i.IsActive)) { return; } if (Settings.Instance.DebugNavigateOnGrid) { Logging.Log("NavigateOnGrid", "NavigateIntoRange Started", Logging.White); } if (Cache.Instance.OrbitDistance != Settings.Instance.OrbitDistance) { if (Cache.Instance.OrbitDistance == 0) { Cache.Instance.OrbitDistance = Settings.Instance.OrbitDistance; Logging.Log("CombatMissionCtrl", "Using default orbit distance: " + Cache.Instance.OrbitDistance + " (as the custom one was 0)", Logging.Teal); } //else // Logging.Log("CombatMissionCtrl", "Using custom orbit distance: " + Cache.Instance.OrbitDistance, Logging.teal); } //if (Cache.Instance.OrbitDistance != 0) // Logging.Log("CombatMissionCtrl", "Orbit Distance is set to: " + (Cache.Instance.OrbitDistance / 1000).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "k", Logging.teal); NavigateOnGrid.AvoidBumpingThings(Cache.Instance.BigObjectsandGates.FirstOrDefault(), "NavigateOnGrid: NavigateIntoRange"); if (Settings.Instance.SpeedTank) { if (target.Distance > Cache.Instance.MaxRange && !Cache.Instance.IsApproaching(target.Id)) { if (target.KeepAtRange((int)(Cache.Instance.MaxRange * 0.8d))) { if (Settings.Instance.DebugNavigateOnGrid) { Logging.Log("NavigateOnGrid", "NavigateIntoRange: SpeedTank: Moving into weapons range before initiating orbit", Logging.Teal); } } return; } if (target.Distance < Cache.Instance.MaxRange && !Cache.Instance.IsOrbiting(target.Id)) { if (Settings.Instance.DebugNavigateOnGrid) { Logging.Log("NavigateOnGrid", "NavigateIntoRange: SpeedTank: orbitdistance is [" + Cache.Instance.OrbitDistance + "]", Logging.White); } OrbitGateorTarget(target, module); return; } return; } else //if we are not speed tanking then check optimalrange setting, if that is not set use the less of targeting range and weapons range to dictate engagement range { if (DateTime.UtcNow > Cache.Instance.NextApproachAction) { //if optimalrange is set - use it to determine engagement range if (Cache.Instance.OptimalRange != 0) { if (Settings.Instance.DebugNavigateOnGrid) { Logging.Log("NavigateOnGrid", "NavigateIntoRange: OptimalRange [ " + Cache.Instance.OptimalRange + "] Current Distance to [" + target.Name + "] is [" + Math.Round(target.Distance / 1000, 0) + "]", Logging.White); } if (target.Distance > Cache.Instance.OptimalRange + (int)Distances.OptimalRangeCushion) { if ((Cache.Instance.Approaching == null || Cache.Instance.Approaching.Id != target.Id) || Cache.Instance.MyShipEntity.Velocity < 50) { if (target.IsNPCFrigate && Cache.Instance.DoWeCurrentlyHaveTurretsMounted()) { if (Settings.Instance.DebugNavigateOnGrid) { Logging.Log("NavigateOnGrid", "NavigateIntoRange: target is NPC Frigate [" + target.Name + "][" + Math.Round(target.Distance / 1000, 0) + "]", Logging.White); } OrbitGateorTarget(target, module); return; } if (target.KeepAtRange(Cache.Instance.OptimalRange)) { Logging.Log(module, "Using Optimal Range: Approaching target [" + target.Name + "][ID: " + Cache.Instance.MaskedID(target.Id) + "][" + Math.Round(target.Distance / 1000, 0) + "k away]", Logging.Teal); } return; } } if (target.Distance <= Cache.Instance.OptimalRange) { if (target.IsNPCFrigate && Cache.Instance.DoWeCurrentlyHaveTurretsMounted()) { if ((Cache.Instance.Approaching == null || Cache.Instance.Approaching.Id != target.Id) || Cache.Instance.MyShipEntity.Velocity < 50) { if (target.KeepAtRange(Settings.Instance.OptimalRange)) { Logging.Log(module, "Target is NPC Frigate and we got Turrets. Keeping target at Range to hit it.", Logging.Teal); Logging.Log(module, "Initiating KeepAtRange [" + target.Name + "][at " + Math.Round((double)Settings.Instance.OptimalRange / 1000, 0) + "k][ID: " + Cache.Instance.MaskedID(target.Id) + "]", Logging.Teal); } return; } } else if (Cache.Instance.Approaching != null && Cache.Instance.MyShipEntity.Velocity != 0) { if (target.IsNPCFrigate && Cache.Instance.DoWeCurrentlyHaveTurretsMounted()) { return; } StopMyShip(); Logging.Log(module, "Using Optimal Range: Stop ship, target at [" + Math.Round(target.Distance / 1000, 0) + "k away] is inside optimal", Logging.Teal); return; } } } else if (!Cache.Instance.InMission && Cache.Instance.OptimalRange != Settings.Instance.OptimalRange) { Cache.Instance.OptimalRange = Settings.Instance.OptimalRange; return; } else //if optimalrange is not set use MaxRange (shorter of weapons range and targeting range) { if (Settings.Instance.DebugNavigateOnGrid) { Logging.Log("NavigateOnGrid", "NavigateIntoRange: using MaxRange [" + Cache.Instance.MaxRange + "] target is [" + target.Name + "][" + target.Distance + "]", Logging.White); } if (target.Distance > Cache.Instance.MaxRange) { if (Cache.Instance.Approaching == null || Cache.Instance.Approaching.Id != target.Id || Cache.Instance.MyShipEntity.Velocity < 50) { if (target.IsNPCFrigate && Cache.Instance.DoWeCurrentlyHaveTurretsMounted()) { if (Settings.Instance.DebugNavigateOnGrid) { Logging.Log("NavigateOnGrid", "NavigateIntoRange: target is NPC Frigate [" + target.Name + "][" + target.Distance + "]", Logging.White); } OrbitGateorTarget(target, module); return; } if (target.KeepAtRange((int)(Cache.Instance.MaxRange * 0.8d))) { Logging.Log(module, "Using Weapons Range * 0.8d [" + Math.Round(Cache.Instance.MaxRange * 0.8d / 1000, 0) + " k]: Approaching target [" + target.Name + "][ID: " + Cache.Instance.MaskedID(target.Id) + "][" + Math.Round(target.Distance / 1000, 0) + "k away]", Logging.Teal); } return; } } //I think when approach distance will be reached ship will be stopped so this is not needed if (target.Distance <= Cache.Instance.MaxRange - 5000 && Cache.Instance.Approaching != null) { if (target.IsNPCFrigate && Cache.Instance.DoWeCurrentlyHaveTurretsMounted()) { if (Settings.Instance.DebugNavigateOnGrid) { Logging.Log("NavigateOnGrid", "NavigateIntoRange: target is NPC Frigate [" + target.Name + "][" + target.Distance + "]", Logging.White); } OrbitGateorTarget(target, module); return; } if (Cache.Instance.MyShipEntity.Velocity != 0) { StopMyShip(); } Logging.Log(module, "Using Weapons Range: Stop ship, target is more than 5k inside weapons range", Logging.Teal); return; } if (target.Distance <= Cache.Instance.MaxRange && Cache.Instance.Approaching == null) { if (target.IsNPCFrigate && Cache.Instance.DoWeCurrentlyHaveTurretsMounted()) { if (Settings.Instance.DebugNavigateOnGrid) { Logging.Log("NavigateOnGrid", "NavigateIntoRange: target is NPC Frigate [" + target.Name + "][" + target.Distance + "]", Logging.White); } OrbitGateorTarget(target, module); return; } } } return; } } }