        // RelayLoadIfNecessary relays the load grid command to another server if necessary.
        // The conditions are:
        // - this server runs with the Nexus plugin and connected to a controller
        // - the spawn position belongs to another server linked with Nexus
        // Relaying the command allows the load to run locally on the target server, and running
        // all the checks and extra work (e.g. digging voxels) that would otherwise not happen,
        // as the grid would simply be transferred to the other sector after being loaded.
        // Returns true if the load grid command was relayed and there is nothing else to do,
        // false otherwise, meaning the load must happen locally.
        // If the target server is offline, it will refuse to load the grid and the player
        // must try again later when the target server is online.
        public static bool RelayLoadIfNecessary(Vector3D spawnPos, int ID, bool loadNearPlayer, Chat Chat, ulong SteamID, long IdentityID, Vector3D PlayerPosition)
            //Dont contiue if we arent running nexus, or we dont require transfer due to non-Sectored instances
            if (!RunningNexus || !RequireTransfer)

            var target = NexusAPI.GetServerIDFromPosition(spawnPos);

            if (target == ThisServerID)

            if (!NexusAPI.IsServerOnline(target))
                Chat?.Respond("Sorry, this grid belongs to another server that is currently offline. Please try again later.");

            Chat?.Respond("Sending hangar load command to the corresponding server, please wait...");
            NexusHangarMessage msg = new NexusHangarMessage
                Type           = NexusHangarMessageType.LoadGrid,
                SteamID        = SteamID,
                LoadGridID     = ID,
                LoadNearPlayer = loadNearPlayer,
                IdentityID     = IdentityID,
                PlayerPosition = PlayerPosition,
                ServerID       = ThisServerID

            API.SendMessageToServer(target, MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeToBinary <NexusHangarMessage>(msg));
        private static void ReceivePacket(ushort HandlerId, byte[] Data, ulong SteamID, bool FromServer)
            // Only consider trusted server messages, i.e. from Nexus itself, not untrusted player messages.
            if (!FromServer)

            NexusHangarMessage msg;

                msg = MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeFromBinary <NexusHangarMessage>(Data);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error(ex, "Invalid Nexus cross-server message for Quantum Hangar");

            switch (msg.Type)
            case NexusHangarMessageType.Chat:
                var chat = new ScriptedChatMsg()
                    Author = msg.Sender,
                    Text   = msg.Response,
                    Font   = MyFontEnum.White,
                    Color  = msg.Color,
                    Target = msg.ChatIdentityID
                MyMultiplayerBase.SendScriptedChatMessage(ref chat);

            case NexusHangarMessageType.SendGPS:
                gpsSender.SendGps(msg.Position, msg.Name, msg.EntityID);

            case NexusHangarMessageType.LoadGrid:
                var chatOverNexus = new Chat((text, color, sender) =>
                    NexusHangarMessage m = new NexusHangarMessage
                        Type       = NexusHangarMessageType.Chat,
                        IdentityID = msg.IdentityID,
                        Response   = text,
                        Color      = color,
                        Sender     = sender,
                    API.SendMessageToServer(msg.ServerID, MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeToBinary <NexusHangarMessage>(m));

                var gpsOverNexus = new GpsSender((position, name, entityID) =>
                    NexusHangarMessage m = new NexusHangarMessage
                        Type     = NexusHangarMessageType.SendGPS,
                        Name     = name,
                        Position = position,
                        EntityID = entityID,
                    API.SendMessageToServer(msg.ServerID, MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeToBinary <NexusHangarMessage>(m));

                PlayerChecks User = new PlayerChecks(chatOverNexus, gpsOverNexus, msg.SteamID, msg.IdentityID, msg.PlayerPosition);

                User.LoadGrid(msg.LoadGridID.ToString(), msg.LoadNearPlayer);

            Log.Error("Invalid Nexus cross-server message for Quantum Hangar (unrecognized type: " + msg.Type + ")");