protected override async Task ProcessRequestAsync(HttpWebRequest request, Dictionary <string, object> payload) { if (CanMakeAuthenticatedRequest(payload)) { string payloadForm = CryptoUtility.GetFormForPayload(payload, false); request.Headers["API-Key"] = PublicApiKey.ToUnsecureString(); request.Headers["Sign"] = CryptoUtility.SHA256Sign(payloadForm, PrivateApiKey.ToBytes()).ToUpperInvariant(); await request.WriteToRequestAsync(payloadForm); } }
protected override async Task ProcessRequestAsync(HttpWebRequest request, Dictionary <string, object> payload) { if (CanMakeAuthenticatedRequest(payload)) { string form = CryptoUtility.GetFormForPayload(payload); request.Headers["Key"] = PublicApiKey.ToUnsecureString(); request.Headers["Sign"] = CryptoUtility.SHA512Sign(form, PrivateApiKey.ToUnsecureString()); request.Method = "POST"; await CryptoUtility.WriteToRequestAsync(request, form); } }
protected override Uri ProcessRequestUrl(UriBuilder url, Dictionary <string, object> payload, string method) { if (CanMakeAuthenticatedRequest(payload)) { // payload is ignored, except for the nonce which is added to the url query - bittrex puts all the "post" parameters in the url query instead of the request body var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(url.Query); string newQuery = "timestamp=" + payload["nonce"].ToStringInvariant() + (query.Count == 0 ? string.Empty : "&" + query.ToString()) + (payload.Count > 1 ? "&" + CryptoUtility.GetFormForPayload(payload, false) : string.Empty); string signature = CryptoUtility.SHA256Sign(newQuery, CryptoUtility.ToBytes(PrivateApiKey)); newQuery += "&signature=" + signature; url.Query = newQuery; return(url.Uri); } return(base.ProcessRequestUrl(url, payload, method)); }
protected override async Task ProcessRequestAsync(HttpWebRequest request, Dictionary <string, object> payload) { if (CanMakeAuthenticatedRequest(payload)) { payload.Remove("nonce"); payload["api_key"] = PublicApiKey.ToUnsecureString(); var msg = CryptoUtility.GetFormForPayload(payload, false); msg = string.Join("&", new SortedSet <string>(msg.Split('&'), StringComparer.Ordinal)); var sign = msg + "&secret_key=" + PrivateApiKey.ToUnsecureString(); sign = CryptoUtility.MD5Sign(sign); msg += "&sign=" + sign; await CryptoUtility.WriteToRequestAsync(request, msg); } }
protected override async Task ProcessRequestAsync(HttpWebRequest request, Dictionary <string, object> payload) { // Only Private APIs are POST and need Authorization if (CanMakeAuthenticatedRequest(payload) && request.Method == "POST") { var msg = CryptoUtility.GetFormForPayload(payload); var sig = CryptoUtility.SHA512Sign(msg, PrivateApiKey.ToUnsecureString()); request.Headers.Add("Key", PublicApiKey.ToUnsecureString()); request.Headers.Add("Sign", sig.ToLower()); using (Stream stream = await request.GetRequestStreamAsync()) { byte[] content = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg); stream.Write(content, 0, content.Length); } } }
/// <summary> /// Must pass the Original Order ID returned from PlaceOrder, not the OrderID returned from GetOrder /// </summary> /// <param name="orderId">The Original Order Id return from Place Order</param> /// <returns></returns> protected override async Task OnCancelOrderAsync(string orderId, string symbol = null) { // Find order detail ExchangeOrderResult order = await GetOrderDetailsAsync(orderId, symbol); // There is no order to be cancelled if (order == null) { return; } var payload = await OnGetNoncePayloadAsync(); payload["orderOid"] = order.OrderId; payload["symbol"] = order.Symbol; payload["type"] = order.IsBuy ? "BUY" : "SELL"; JToken token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync <JToken>("/cancel-order?" + CryptoUtility.GetFormForPayload(payload, false), null, payload, "POST"); }
protected override async Task <ExchangeOrderResult> OnPlaceOrderAsync(ExchangeOrderRequest order) { var payload = await OnGetNoncePayloadAsync(); payload["amount"] = order.Amount; payload["price"] = order.Price; payload["symbol"] = order.Symbol; payload["type"] = order.IsBuy ? "BUY" : "SELL"; order.ExtraParameters.CopyTo(payload); // {"orderOid": "596186ad07015679730ffa02" } JToken token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync <JToken>("/order?" + CryptoUtility.GetFormForPayload(payload, false), null, payload, "POST"); return(new ExchangeOrderResult() { OrderId = token["orderOid"].ToStringInvariant() }); // this is different than the oid created when filled }
protected override Uri ProcessRequestUrl(UriBuilder url, Dictionary <string, object> payload, string method) { if (CanMakeAuthenticatedRequest(payload)) { if (!payload.ContainsKey("method")) { return(url.Uri); } method = payload["method"].ToStringInvariant(); payload.Remove("method"); var dict = new Dictionary <string, object> { ["Timestamp"] = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("s"), ["AccessKeyId"] = PublicApiKey.ToUnsecureString(), ["SignatureMethod"] = "HmacSHA256", ["SignatureVersion"] = "2" }; string msg = null; if (method == "GET") { dict = dict.Concat(payload).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value); } msg = CryptoUtility.GetFormForPayload(dict, false); // must sort case sensitive msg = string.Join("&", new SortedSet <string>(msg.Split('&'), StringComparer.Ordinal)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(method).Append("\n") .Append(url.Host).Append("\n") .Append(url.Path).Append("\n") .Append(msg); var sig = CryptoUtility.SHA256SignBase64(sb.ToString(), PrivateApiKey.ToBytes()); msg += "&Signature=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(sig); url.Query = msg; } return(url.Uri); }
protected override async Task ProcessRequestAsync(HttpWebRequest request, Dictionary <string, object> payload) { if (CanMakeAuthenticatedRequest(payload)) { // ensure nonce is the last parameter string nonce = payload["nonce"].ToStringInvariant(); payload.Remove("nonce"); var msg = CryptoUtility.GetFormForPayload(payload) + "&nonce=" + nonce; var sig = CryptoUtility.SHA512Sign(msg, CryptoUtility.ToBytes(PrivateApiKey)).ToLower(); request.Headers.Add("Sign", sig); request.Headers.Add("Key", PublicApiKey.ToUnsecureString()); using (Stream stream = await request.GetRequestStreamAsync()) { byte[] content = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg); stream.Write(content, 0, content.Length); } } }
protected override async Task <IEnumerable <ExchangeOrderResult> > OnGetCompletedOrderDetailsAsync(string symbol = null, DateTime?afterDate = null) { List <ExchangeOrderResult> orders = new List <ExchangeOrderResult>(); // "datas": [ {"createdAt": 1508219588000, "amount": 92.79323381, "dealValue": 0.00927932, "dealPrice": 0.0001, "fee": 1e-8,"feeRate": 0, "oid": "59e59ac49bd8d31d09f85fa8", "orderOid": "59e59ac39bd8d31d093d956a", "coinType": "KCS", "coinTypePair": "BTC", "direction": "BUY", "dealDirection": "BUY" }, ... ] var payload = await OnGetNoncePayloadAsync(); if (symbol != null) { payload["symbol"] = symbol; } JToken token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync <JToken>("/order/dealt?" + CryptoUtility.GetFormForPayload(payload, false), null, payload); if (token != null && token.HasValues) { foreach (JToken order in token["datas"]) { orders.Add(ParseCompletedOrder(order)); } } return(orders); }
protected override async Task ProcessRequestAsync(HttpWebRequest request, Dictionary <string, object> payload) { if (CanMakeAuthenticatedRequest(payload)) { request.Headers.Add("KC-API-KEY", PublicApiKey.ToUnsecureString()); request.Headers.Add("KC-API-NONCE", payload["nonce"].ToStringInvariant()); var endpoint = request.RequestUri.AbsolutePath; var message = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", endpoint, payload["nonce"], CryptoUtility.GetFormForPayload(payload, false)); var sig = CryptoUtility.SHA256Sign(Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message)), PrivateApiKey.ToUnsecureString()); request.Headers.Add("KC-API-SIGNATURE", sig); if (request.Method == "POST") { string msg = CryptoUtility.GetFormForPayload(payload, false); using (Stream stream = await request.GetRequestStreamAsync()) { byte[] content = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg); stream.Write(content, 0, content.Length); } } } }
protected override async Task <IEnumerable <ExchangeOrderResult> > OnGetOpenOrderDetailsAsync(string symbol = null) { List <ExchangeOrderResult> orders = new List <ExchangeOrderResult>(); // { "SELL": [{ "oid": "59e59b279bd8d31d093d956e", "type": "SELL", "userOid": null, "coinType": "KCS", "coinTypePair": "BTC", "direction": "SELL","price": 0.1,"dealAmount": 0,"pendingAmount": 100, "createdAt": 1508219688000, "updatedAt": 1508219688000 } ... ], // "BUY": [{ "oid": "59e42bf09bd8d374c9956caa", "type": "BUY", "userOid": null, "coinType": "KCS", "coinTypePair": "BTC", "direction": "BUY", "price": 0.00009727,"dealAmount": 31.14503, "pendingAmount": 16.94827, "createdAt": 1508125681000, "updatedAt": 1508125681000 } ... ] var payload = await OnGetNoncePayloadAsync(); if (symbol != null) { payload["symbol"] = symbol; } JToken token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync <JToken>("/order/active-map?" + CryptoUtility.GetFormForPayload(payload, false), null, payload); if (token != null && token.HasValues) { foreach (JToken order in token["BUY"]) { orders.Add(ParseOpenOrder(order)); } foreach (JToken order in token["SELL"]) { orders.Add(ParseOpenOrder(order)); } } return(orders); }
/// <summary> /// This is a private call on Kucoin and therefore requires an API Key + API Secret. Calling this without authorization will cause an exception /// </summary> /// <param name="symbol"></param> /// <param name="periodSeconds"></param> /// <param name="startDate"></param> /// <param name="endDate"></param> /// <param name="limit"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override async Task <IEnumerable <MarketCandle> > OnGetCandlesAsync(string symbol, int periodSeconds, DateTime?startDate = null, DateTime?endDate = null, int?limit = null) { List <MarketCandle> candles = new List <MarketCandle>(); string periodString; if (periodSeconds <= 60) { periodString = "1"; periodSeconds = 60; } else if (periodSeconds <= 300) { periodString = "5"; periodSeconds = 300; } else if (periodSeconds <= 900) { periodString = "15"; periodSeconds = 900; } else if (periodSeconds <= 1800) { periodString = "30"; periodSeconds = 1800; } else if (periodSeconds <= 3600) { periodString = "60"; periodSeconds = 3600; } else if (periodSeconds <= 86400) { periodString = "D"; periodSeconds = 86400; } else { periodString = "W"; periodSeconds = 604800; } endDate = endDate ?? DateTime.UtcNow; startDate = startDate ?? DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1); // this is a little tricky. The call is private, but not a POST. We need the payload for the sig, but also for the uri // so, we'll do both... This is the only ExchangeAPI public call (private on Kucoin) like this. var payload = await OnGetNoncePayloadAsync(); payload.Add("symbol", symbol); payload.Add("resolution", periodString); payload.Add("from", (long)startDate.Value.UnixTimestampFromDateTimeSeconds()); // the nonce is milliseconds, this is seconds without decimal payload.Add("to", (long)endDate.Value.UnixTimestampFromDateTimeSeconds()); // the nonce is milliseconds, this is seconds without decimal var addPayload = CryptoUtility.GetFormForPayload(payload, false); // The results of this Kucoin API call are also a mess. 6 different arrays (c,t,v,h,l,o) with the index of each shared for the candle values // It doesn't use their standard error format... JToken token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync <JToken>("/open/chart/history?" + addPayload, null, payload); if (token != null && token.HasValues && token["s"].ToStringInvariant() == "ok") { int childCount = token["c"].Count(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { candles.Add(new MarketCandle { ExchangeName = this.Name, Name = symbol, PeriodSeconds = periodSeconds, Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(token["t"][i].ConvertInvariant <long>()).DateTime, ClosePrice = token["c"][i].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), HighPrice = token["h"][i].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), LowPrice = token["l"][i].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), OpenPrice = token["o"][i].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), ConvertedVolume = token["v"][i].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), BaseVolume = token["v"][i].ConvertInvariant <decimal>() * token["c"][i].ConvertInvariant <decimal>() }); } } return(candles); }
protected override async Task <IEnumerable <ExchangeTransaction> > OnGetDepositHistoryAsync(string symbol) { symbol = NormalizeSymbol(symbol); List <ExchangeTransaction> deposits = new List <ExchangeTransaction>(); var payload = await OnGetNoncePayloadAsync(); payload.Add("start", DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(-1).UnixTimestampFromDateTimeMilliseconds()); // required. Arbitrarily going with 1 year payload.Add("end", DateTime.UtcNow.UnixTimestampFromDateTimeMilliseconds()); // also required payload.Add("types", "DEPOSIT,WITHDRAWAL"); // opting to return both deposits and withdraws. // We can also include trades and orders with this call (which makes 3 ways to return the same data) JToken token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync <JToken>("/exchange/payment/history/transactions?" + CryptoUtility.GetFormForPayload(payload, false), null, await OnGetNoncePayloadAsync()); foreach (JToken tx in token) { deposits.Add(ParseTransaction(tx)); } return(deposits); }
/// <summary> /// Limited to the last 100 open orders /// </summary> /// <param name="symbol"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override async Task <IEnumerable <ExchangeOrderResult> > OnGetOpenOrderDetailsAsync(string symbol = null) { symbol = NormalizeSymbol(symbol); List <ExchangeOrderResult> orders = new List <ExchangeOrderResult>(); var payload = await OnGetNoncePayloadAsync(); payload.Add("openClosed", "OPEM"); if (symbol != null) { payload.Add("currencyPair", symbol); } JToken token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync <JToken>("/exchange/client_orders?" + CryptoUtility.GetFormForPayload(payload, false), null, await OnGetNoncePayloadAsync()); foreach (JToken order in token) { orders.Add(ParseClientOrder(order)); } return(orders); }
protected override async Task <IEnumerable <ExchangeOrderResult> > OnGetCompletedOrderDetailsAsync(string symbol = null, DateTime?afterDate = null) { symbol = NormalizeSymbol(symbol); // We can increase the number of orders returned by including a limit parameter if desired List <ExchangeOrderResult> orders = new List <ExchangeOrderResult>(); var payload = await OnGetNoncePayloadAsync(); payload.Add("openClosed", "CLOSED"); // returns both closed and cancelled if (symbol != null) { payload.Add("currencyPair", symbol); } if (afterDate != null) { payload.Add("issuedFrom", ((DateTime)afterDate).UnixTimestampFromDateTimeMilliseconds()); } JToken token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync <JToken>("/exchange/client_orders?" + CryptoUtility.GetFormForPayload(payload, false), null, await OnGetNoncePayloadAsync()); foreach (JToken order in token) { orders.Add(ParseClientOrder(order)); } return(orders); }