public void MarketOrderFillsAtBidAsk(OrderDirection direction)
            var symbol = Symbol.Create("EURUSD", SecurityType.Forex, "fxcm");
            var exchangeHours = SecurityExchangeHours.AlwaysOpen(TimeZones.NewYork);
            var quoteCash = new Cash("USD", 1000, 1);
            var symbolProperties = SymbolProperties.GetDefault("USD");
            var security = new Forex(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties);

            var reference = DateTime.Now;
            var referenceUtc = reference.ConvertToUtc(TimeZones.NewYork);
            var timeKeeper = new TimeKeeper(referenceUtc);

            var brokerageModel = new FxcmBrokerageModel();
            var fillModel = brokerageModel.GetFillModel(security);

            const decimal bidPrice = 1.13739m;
            const decimal askPrice = 1.13746m;

            security.SetMarketPrice(new Tick(DateTime.Now, symbol, bidPrice, askPrice));

            var quantity = direction == OrderDirection.Buy ? 1 : -1;
            var order = new MarketOrder(symbol, quantity, DateTime.Now);
            var fill = fillModel.MarketFill(security, order);

            var expected = direction == OrderDirection.Buy ? askPrice : bidPrice;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, fill.FillPrice);
            public override OrderEvent MarketFill(Security asset, MarketOrder order)
                // this model randomly fills market orders

                decimal absoluteRemaining;
                if (!_absoluteRemainingByOrderId.TryGetValue(order.Id, out absoluteRemaining))
                    absoluteRemaining = order.AbsoluteQuantity;
                    _absoluteRemainingByOrderId.Add(order.Id, order.AbsoluteQuantity);

                var fill = base.MarketFill(asset, order);
                var absoluteFillQuantity = (int) (Math.Min(absoluteRemaining, _random.Next(0, 2*(int)order.AbsoluteQuantity)));
                fill.FillQuantity = Math.Sign(order.Quantity) * absoluteFillQuantity;

                if (absoluteRemaining == absoluteFillQuantity)
                    fill.Status = OrderStatus.Filled;
                    absoluteRemaining = absoluteRemaining - absoluteFillQuantity;
                    _absoluteRemainingByOrderId[order.Id] = absoluteRemaining;
                    fill.Status = OrderStatus.PartiallyFilled;

                _algorithm.Log("CustomFillModel: " + fill);

                return fill;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an Oanda order into a LEAN order.
        /// </summary>
        private Order ConvertOrder(JToken order)
            var type = order["type"].ToString();

            Order qcOrder;

            var instrument   = order["instrument"].ToString();
            var id           = order["id"].ToString();
            var units        = order["units"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>();
            var createTime   = order["createTime"].ToString();
            var securityType = SymbolMapper.GetBrokerageSecurityType(instrument);
            var symbol       = SymbolMapper.GetLeanSymbol(instrument, securityType, Market.Oanda);
            var time         = GetTickDateTimeFromString(createTime);
            var quantity     = units;

            switch (type)
            case "MARKET_IF_TOUCHED":
                var stopOrder = order.ToObject <MarketIfTouchedOrder>();
                qcOrder = new StopMarketOrder
                    StopPrice = stopOrder.Price.ToDecimal()

            case "LIMIT":
                var limitOrder = order.ToObject <OandaLimitOrder>();
                qcOrder = new LimitOrder(symbol, quantity, limitOrder.Price.ToDecimal(), time);

            case "STOP":
                var stopLimitOrder = order.ToObject <StopOrder>();
                var price          = stopLimitOrder.Price.ConvertInvariant <decimal>();
                var limitPrice     = stopLimitOrder.PriceBound.ConvertInvariant <decimal>();
                qcOrder = new StopLimitOrder(symbol, quantity, price, limitPrice, time);

            case "MARKET":
                qcOrder = new MarketOrder();

                throw new NotSupportedException(
                          "An existing " + type + " working order was found and is currently unsupported. Please manually cancel the order before restarting the algorithm.");

            qcOrder.Status = OrderStatus.None;

            var gtdTime = order["gtdTime"];

            if (gtdTime != null)
                var expiry = GetTickDateTimeFromString(gtdTime.ToString());
                qcOrder.Properties.TimeInForce = TimeInForce.GoodTilDate(expiry);

        public void GetInitialMarginRequiredForOrderTest()
            var security = GetSecurity(Symbols.AAPL);
            security.MarginModel = new NoMarginCallMarginModel(2);
            var order = new MarketOrder(security.Symbol, 100, DateTime.Now);
            var actual = security.MarginModel.GetInitialMarginRequiredForOrder(security, order);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, actual);
        public void PerformsMarketFillSell()
            var model = new SecurityTransactionModel();
            var order = new MarketOrder(Symbols.SPY, -100, Noon);
            var config = CreateTradeBarConfig(Symbols.SPY);
            var security = new Security(SecurityExchangeHoursTests.CreateUsEquitySecurityExchangeHours(), config, new Cash(CashBook.AccountCurrency, 0, 1m), SymbolProperties.GetDefault(CashBook.AccountCurrency));
            security.SetMarketPrice(new IndicatorDataPoint(Symbols.SPY, Noon, 101.123m));

            var fill = model.MarketFill(security, order);
            Assert.AreEqual(order.Quantity, fill.FillQuantity);
            Assert.AreEqual(security.Price, fill.FillPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(OrderStatus.Filled, fill.Status);
        public void VerifyOpenMarketLeverage()
            // Market is Open on Tuesday, Feb, 16th 2016 at Noon

            var leverage = 4m;
            var expected = 100 * 100m / leverage + 1;

            var model = new PatternDayTradingMarginModel();
            var security = CreateSecurity(Noon);
            var order = new MarketOrder(security.Symbol, 100, security.LocalTime);

            Assert.AreEqual((double)leverage, (double)model.GetLeverage(security), 1e-3);
            Assert.AreEqual((double)expected, (double)model.GetInitialMarginRequiredForOrder(security, order), 1e-3);
        public void PerformsMarketFillBuy()
            var model = new SecurityTransactionModel();
            var order = new MarketOrder(Symbols.SPY, 100, Noon, type: SecurityType.Equity);
            var config = CreateTradeBarConfig(Symbols.SPY);
            var security = new Security(SecurityExchangeHoursTests.CreateUsEquitySecurityExchangeHours(), config, 1);
            security.SetMarketPrice(new IndicatorDataPoint(Symbols.SPY, Noon, 101.123m));

            var fill = model.MarketFill(security, order);
            Assert.AreEqual(order.Quantity, fill.FillQuantity);
            Assert.AreEqual(security.Price, fill.FillPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(OrderStatus.Filled, fill.Status);
        public void PerformsMarketFillSell()
            var model = new ForexTransactionModel();
            var security = CreateSecurity();
            var order = new MarketOrder(Symbols.USDJPY, -100, DateTime.Now, type: SecurityType.Forex);
            security.SetMarketPrice(new IndicatorDataPoint(Symbols.USDJPY, DateTime.Now, 101.123m));

            var fill = model.MarketFill(security, order);

            var slip = model.GetSlippageApproximation(security, order);

            Assert.AreEqual(order.Quantity, fill.FillQuantity);
            Assert.AreEqual(security.Price - slip, fill.FillPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(OrderStatus.Filled, fill.Status);
        /// <summary>
        /// Profit if we closed the holdings right now including the approximate fees.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Does not use the transaction model for market fills but should.</remarks>
        public override decimal TotalCloseProfit()
            if (AbsoluteQuantity == 0)
                return 0;

            decimal orderFee = 0;

            if (AbsoluteQuantity > 0)
                // this is in the account currency
                var marketOrder = new MarketOrder(_forex.Symbol, -Quantity, _forex.LocalTime.ConvertToUtc(_forex.Exchange.TimeZone), type:_forex.Type);
                orderFee = _forex.TransactionModel.GetOrderFee(_forex, marketOrder);

            // we need to add a conversion since the data is in terms of the quote currency
            return (Price - AveragePrice)*Quantity*_forex.QuoteCurrency.ConversionRate - orderFee;
        /// <summary>
        /// Profit if we closed the holdings right now including the approximate fees.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Does not use the transaction model for market fills but should.</remarks>
        public override decimal TotalCloseProfit()
            if (AbsoluteQuantity == 0)
                return 0;

            decimal orderFee = 0;

            if (AbsoluteQuantity > 0)
                // this is in the account currency
                var marketOrder = new MarketOrder(_cfd.Symbol, -Quantity, _cfd.LocalTime.ConvertToUtc(_cfd.Exchange.TimeZone));
                orderFee = _cfd.FeeModel.GetOrderFee(_cfd, marketOrder);

            // we need to add a conversion since the data is in terms of the quote currency
            return (Price - AveragePrice) * Quantity * _cfd.ContractMultiplier * _cfd.QuoteCurrency.ConversionRate - orderFee;
        /// <summary>
        /// Default market fill model for the base security class. Fills at the last traded price.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="asset">Security asset we're filling</param>
        /// <param name="order">Order packet to model</param>
        /// <returns>Order fill information detailing the average price and quantity filled.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="StopMarketFill(Security, StopMarketOrder)"/>
        /// <seealso cref="LimitFill(Security, LimitOrder)"/>
        public virtual OrderEvent MarketFill(Security asset, MarketOrder order)
            //Default order event to return.
            var utcTime = asset.LocalTime.ConvertToUtc(asset.Exchange.TimeZone);
            var orderFee = GetOrderFee(asset, order);
            var fill = new OrderEvent(order, utcTime, orderFee);

            if (order.Status == OrderStatus.Canceled) return fill;

            // make sure the exchange is open before filling
            if (!IsExchangeOpen(asset)) return fill;

                //Order [fill]price for a market order model is the current security price
                fill.FillPrice = asset.Price;
                fill.Status = OrderStatus.Filled;

                //Calculate the model slippage: e.g. 0.01c
                var slip = GetSlippageApproximation(asset, order);

                //Apply slippage
                switch (order.Direction)
                    case OrderDirection.Buy:
                        fill.FillPrice += slip;
                    case OrderDirection.Sell:
                        fill.FillPrice -= slip;

                // assume the order completely filled
                if (fill.Status == OrderStatus.Filled) fill.FillQuantity = order.Quantity;
            catch (Exception err)
                Log.Error("SecurityTransactionModel.MarketFill(): " + err.Message);

            return fill;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an FXCM order to a QuantConnect order.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fxcmOrder">The FXCM order</param>
        private Order ConvertOrder(ExecutionReport fxcmOrder)
            Order order;

            if (fxcmOrder.getOrdType() == OrdTypeFactory.LIMIT)
                order = new LimitOrder
                    LimitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(fxcmOrder.getPrice())

            else if (fxcmOrder.getOrdType() == OrdTypeFactory.MARKET)
                order = new MarketOrder();

            else if (fxcmOrder.getOrdType() == OrdTypeFactory.STOP)
                order = new StopMarketOrder
                    StopPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(fxcmOrder.getPrice())

                throw new NotSupportedException("FxcmBrokerage.ConvertOrder(): The FXCM order type " + fxcmOrder.getOrdType() + " is not supported.");

            var securityType = _symbolMapper.GetBrokerageSecurityType(fxcmOrder.getInstrument().getSymbol());
            order.Symbol = _symbolMapper.GetLeanSymbol(fxcmOrder.getInstrument().getSymbol(), securityType, Market.FXCM);
            order.Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(fxcmOrder.getOrderQty() * (fxcmOrder.getSide() == SideFactory.BUY ? +1 : -1));
            order.Status = ConvertOrderStatus(fxcmOrder.getFXCMOrdStatus());
            order.Duration = ConvertDuration(fxcmOrder.getTimeInForce());
            order.Time = FromJavaDate(fxcmOrder.getTransactTime().toDate());

            return order;
        public QuantConnect.Orders.Order ConvertToOrder(Teb.FIX.Model.Order tebOrder)
            QuantConnect.Orders.Order o = null;

            if (tebOrder.OrdType == CashDefinition.ORDTYPE_MARKET)
                o = new QuantConnect.Orders.MarketOrder();
                o = new QuantConnect.Orders.LimitOrder();
                (o as LimitOrder).LimitPrice = tebOrder.Price.HasValue ? tebOrder.Price.Value : 0;

            o.Duration = ConvertToTimeInForce(tebOrder.Core.TimeInForce);;
            o.Id       = int.Parse(tebOrder.ClOrdID.Replace("CS", ""));
            o.Price    = tebOrder.Price.HasValue ? tebOrder.Price.Value : 0;
            o.Quantity = ConvertToQuantity(tebOrder);
            o.Status   = ConvertToStatus(tebOrder);
            o.Time     = tebOrder.TransactTime.HasValue ? tebOrder.TransactTime.Value : DateTime.Now;
            o.Symbol   = tebOrder.Symbol;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an order of the correct type
        /// </summary>
        private static Order CreateOrder(OrderType orderType, JObject jObject)
            Order order;
            switch (orderType)
                case OrderType.Market:
                    order = new MarketOrder();

                case OrderType.Limit:
                    order = new LimitOrder {LimitPrice = jObject["LimitPrice"].Value<decimal>()};

                case OrderType.StopMarket:
                    order = new StopMarketOrder
                        StopPrice = jObject["StopPrice"].Value<decimal>()

                case OrderType.StopLimit:
                    order = new StopLimitOrder
                        LimitPrice = jObject["LimitPrice"].Value<decimal>(),
                        StopPrice = jObject["StopPrice"].Value<decimal>()

                case OrderType.MarketOnOpen:
                    order = new MarketOnOpenOrder();

                case OrderType.MarketOnClose:
                    order = new MarketOnCloseOrder();

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            return order;
        public void MarginComputesProperlyWithMultipleSecurities()
            var securities = new SecurityManager(TimeKeeper);
            var transactions = new SecurityTransactionManager(securities);
            var orderProcessor = new OrderProcessor();
            var portfolio = new SecurityPortfolioManager(securities, transactions);
            portfolio.CashBook.Add("EUR",  1000, 1.1m);
            portfolio.CashBook.Add("GBP", -1000, 2.0m);

            var eurCash = portfolio.CashBook["EUR"];
            var gbpCash = portfolio.CashBook["GBP"];
            var usdCash = portfolio.CashBook["USD"];

            var time = DateTime.Now;
            var config1 = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Equity, Symbols.AAPL);
            securities.Add(new Security(SecurityExchangeHours, config1, new Cash(CashBook.AccountCurrency, 0, 1m), SymbolProperties.GetDefault(CashBook.AccountCurrency)));
            securities[Symbols.AAPL].Holdings.SetHoldings(100, 100);
            securities[Symbols.AAPL].SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar{Time = time, Value = 100});
            //Console.WriteLine("AAPL TMU: " + securities[Symbols.AAPL].MarginModel.GetMaintenanceMargin(securities[Symbols.AAPL]));
            //Console.WriteLine("AAPL Value: " + securities[Symbols.AAPL].Holdings.HoldingsValue);


            var config2 = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Forex, Symbols.EURUSD);
            securities.Add(new QuantConnect.Securities.Forex.Forex(SecurityExchangeHours, usdCash, config2, SymbolProperties.GetDefault(CashBook.AccountCurrency)));
            securities[Symbols.EURUSD].Holdings.SetHoldings(1.1m, 1000);
            securities[Symbols.EURUSD].SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar { Time = time, Value = 1.1m });
            //Console.WriteLine("EURUSD TMU: " + securities[Symbols.EURUSD].MarginModel.GetMaintenanceMargin(securities[Symbols.EURUSD]));
            //Console.WriteLine("EURUSD Value: " + securities[Symbols.EURUSD].Holdings.HoldingsValue);


            var config3 = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Forex, Symbols.EURGBP);
            securities.Add(new QuantConnect.Securities.Forex.Forex(SecurityExchangeHours, gbpCash, config3, SymbolProperties.GetDefault(gbpCash.Symbol)));
            securities[Symbols.EURGBP].Holdings.SetHoldings(1m, 1000);
            securities[Symbols.EURGBP].SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar { Time = time, Value = 1m });
            //Console.WriteLine("EURGBP TMU: " + securities[Symbols.EURGBP].MarginModel.GetMaintenanceMargin(securities[Symbols.EURGBP]));
            //Console.WriteLine("EURGBP Value: " + securities[Symbols.EURGBP].Holdings.HoldingsValue);


            //Console.WriteLine("CashBook: " + portfolio.CashBook.TotalValueInAccountCurrency);


            //Console.WriteLine("Total Margin Used: " + portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            //Console.WriteLine("Total Free Margin: " + portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            //Console.WriteLine("Total Portfolio Value: " + portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            var acceptedOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, 101, DateTime.Now) { Price = 100 };
            var request = new SubmitOrderRequest(OrderType.Market, acceptedOrder.SecurityType, acceptedOrder.Symbol, acceptedOrder.Quantity, 0, 0, acceptedOrder.Time, null);
            orderProcessor.AddTicket(new OrderTicket(null, request));
            var sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, acceptedOrder);

            var rejectedOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, 102, DateTime.Now) { Price = 100 };
            sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, rejectedOrder);
        public void ComputeMarginProperlyShortCoverZeroLong()
            const decimal leverage = 2m;
            const int amount = 1000;
            const int quantity = (int)(amount * leverage);
            var securities = new SecurityManager(TimeKeeper);
            var transactions = new SecurityTransactionManager(securities);
            var orderProcessor = new OrderProcessor();
            var portfolio = new SecurityPortfolioManager(securities, transactions);

            var config = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Equity, Symbols.AAPL);
            securities.Add(new Security(SecurityExchangeHours, config, new Cash(CashBook.AccountCurrency, 0, 1m), SymbolProperties.GetDefault(CashBook.AccountCurrency)));
            var security = securities[Symbols.AAPL];

            var time = DateTime.Now;
            const decimal sellPrice = 1m;
            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, Symbols.AAPL, sellPrice, sellPrice, sellPrice, sellPrice, 1));

            var order = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, -quantity, time) { Price = sellPrice };
            var fill = new OrderEvent(order, DateTime.UtcNow, 0) { FillPrice = sellPrice, FillQuantity = -quantity };
            var request = new SubmitOrderRequest(OrderType.Market, security.Type, security.Symbol, order.Quantity, 0, 0, order.Time, null);
            orderProcessor.AddTicket(new OrderTicket(null, request));


            // we shouldn't be able to place a new short order
            var newOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, -1, time.AddSeconds(1)) { Price = sellPrice };
            var sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, newOrder);

            // we should be able to place cover to zero
            newOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, quantity, time.AddSeconds(1)) { Price = sellPrice };
            sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, newOrder);

            // now the stock doubles, so we should have negative margin remaining
            time = time.AddDays(1);
            const decimal highPrice = sellPrice * 2;
            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, Symbols.AAPL, highPrice, highPrice, highPrice, highPrice, 1));

            // we still shouldn be able to place cover to zero
            newOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, quantity, time.AddSeconds(1)) { Price = highPrice };
            sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, newOrder);

            // we shouldn't be able to place cover to long
            newOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, quantity + 1, time.AddSeconds(1)) { Price = highPrice };
            sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, newOrder);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an Oanda order into a LEAN order.
        /// </summary>
        private Order ConvertOrder(JToken order)
            var type = order["type"].ToString();

            Order qcOrder;

            switch (type)
            case "MARKET_IF_TOUCHED":
                var stopOrder = order.ToObject <MarketIfTouchedOrder>();
                qcOrder = new StopMarketOrder
                    StopPrice = stopOrder.Price.ToDecimal()

            case "LIMIT":
                var limitOrder = order.ToObject <OandaLimitOrder>();
                qcOrder = new LimitOrder
                    LimitPrice = limitOrder.Price.ToDecimal()

            case "STOP":
                var stopLimitOrder = order.ToObject <StopOrder>();
                qcOrder = new StopLimitOrder
                    Price      = Convert.ToDecimal(stopLimitOrder.Price),
                    LimitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(stopLimitOrder.PriceBound)

            case "MARKET":
                qcOrder = new MarketOrder();

                throw new NotSupportedException(
                          "An existing " + type + " working order was found and is currently unsupported. Please manually cancel the order before restarting the algorithm.");

            var instrument = order["instrument"].ToString();
            var id         = order["id"].ToString();
            var units      = Convert.ToInt32(order["units"]);
            var createTime = order["createTime"].ToString();

            var securityType = SymbolMapper.GetBrokerageSecurityType(instrument);

            qcOrder.Symbol   = SymbolMapper.GetLeanSymbol(instrument, securityType, Market.Oanda);
            qcOrder.Time     = GetTickDateTimeFromString(createTime);
            qcOrder.Quantity = units;
            qcOrder.Status   = OrderStatus.None;

            var orderByBrokerageId = OrderProvider.GetOrderByBrokerageId(id);

            if (orderByBrokerageId != null)
                qcOrder.Id = orderByBrokerageId.Id;

            var gtdTime = order["gtdTime"];

            if (gtdTime != null)
                qcOrder.Duration      = OrderDuration.Custom;
                qcOrder.DurationValue = GetTickDateTimeFromString(gtdTime.ToString());

        public void ComputeMarginProperlyAsSecurityPriceFluctuates()
            const decimal leverage = 1m;
            const int quantity = (int) (1000*leverage);
            var securities = new SecurityManager(TimeKeeper);
            var transactions = new SecurityTransactionManager(securities);
            var orderProcessor = new OrderProcessor();
            var portfolio = new SecurityPortfolioManager(securities, transactions);

            var config = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Equity, Symbols.AAPL);
            securities.Add(new Security(SecurityExchangeHours, config, new Cash(CashBook.AccountCurrency, 0, 1m), SymbolProperties.GetDefault(CashBook.AccountCurrency)));
            var security = securities[Symbols.AAPL];

            var time = DateTime.Now;
            const decimal buyPrice = 1m;
            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, Symbols.AAPL, buyPrice, buyPrice, buyPrice, buyPrice, 1));

            var order = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, quantity, time) {Price = buyPrice};
            var fill = new OrderEvent(order, DateTime.UtcNow, 0) { FillPrice = buyPrice, FillQuantity = quantity };
            var request = new SubmitOrderRequest(OrderType.Market, security.Type, security.Symbol, order.Quantity, 0, 0, order.Time, null);
            orderProcessor.AddTicket(new OrderTicket(null, request));
            Assert.AreEqual(portfolio.CashBook["USD"].Amount, fill.FillPrice*fill.FillQuantity);


            Assert.AreEqual(0, portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // we shouldn't be able to place a trader
            var newOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, 1, time.AddSeconds(1)) {Price = buyPrice};
            bool sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, newOrder);

            // now the stock doubles, so we should have margin remaining

            time = time.AddDays(1);
            const decimal highPrice = buyPrice * 2;
            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, Symbols.AAPL, highPrice, highPrice, highPrice, highPrice, 1));

            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity * 2, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // we shouldn't be able to place a trader
            var anotherOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, 1, time.AddSeconds(1)) { Price = highPrice };
            sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, anotherOrder);

            // now the stock plummets, so we should have negative margin remaining

            time = time.AddDays(1);
            const decimal lowPrice = buyPrice/2;
            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, Symbols.AAPL, lowPrice, lowPrice, lowPrice, lowPrice, 1));

            Assert.AreEqual(-quantity/2m, portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity/2m, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // this would not cause a margin call due to leverage = 1
            bool issueMarginCallWarning;
            var marginCallOrders = portfolio.ScanForMarginCall(out issueMarginCallWarning);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, marginCallOrders.Count);

            // now change the leverage and buy more and we'll get a margin call
            security.SetLeverage(leverage * 2);

            order = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, quantity, time) { Price = buyPrice };
            fill = new OrderEvent(order, DateTime.UtcNow, 0) { FillPrice = buyPrice, FillQuantity = quantity };


            Assert.AreEqual(0, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            marginCallOrders = portfolio.ScanForMarginCall(out issueMarginCallWarning);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, marginCallOrders.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(-security.Holdings.Quantity, marginCallOrders[0].Quantity); // we bought twice
            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(-portfolio.MarginRemaining, security.Price * marginCallOrders[0].Quantity);
        public void ComputeMarginProperlyAsSecurityPriceFluctuates()
            const decimal leverage = 1m;
            const int quantity = (int) (1000*leverage);
            var securities = new SecurityManager(TimeKeeper);
            var transactions = new SecurityTransactionManager(securities);
            var portfolio = new SecurityPortfolioManager(securities, transactions);
            portfolio.CashBook["USD"].Quantity = quantity;

            var config = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Equity, "AAPL");
            securities.Add(new Security(SecurityExchangeHours, config, leverage, false));

            var time = DateTime.Now;
            const decimal buyPrice = 1m;
            var security = securities["AAPL"];
            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, "AAPL", buyPrice, buyPrice, buyPrice, buyPrice, 1));

            var order = new MarketOrder("AAPL", quantity, time) {Price = buyPrice};
            var fill = new OrderEvent(order){FillPrice = buyPrice, FillQuantity = quantity};

            Assert.AreEqual(portfolio.CashBook["USD"].Quantity, fill.FillPrice*fill.FillQuantity);


            Assert.AreEqual(0, portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // we shouldn't be able to place a trader
            var newOrder = new MarketOrder("AAPL", 1, time.AddSeconds(1)) {Price = buyPrice};
            bool sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, newOrder);

            // now the stock doubles, so we should have margin remaining

            time = time.AddDays(1);
            const decimal highPrice = buyPrice * 2;
            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, "AAPL", highPrice, highPrice, highPrice, highPrice, 1));

            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity * 2, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // we shouldn't be able to place a trader
            var anotherOrder = new MarketOrder("AAPL", 1, time.AddSeconds(1)) { Price = highPrice };
            sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, anotherOrder);

            // now the stock plummets, so we should have negative margin remaining

            time = time.AddDays(1);
            const decimal lowPrice = buyPrice/2;
            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, "AAPL", lowPrice, lowPrice, lowPrice, lowPrice, 1));

            Assert.AreEqual(-quantity/2m, portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity/2m, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // this would not cause a margin call due to leverage = 1
            bool issueMarginCallWarning;
            var marginCallOrders = portfolio.ScanForMarginCall(out issueMarginCallWarning);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, marginCallOrders.Count);

            // now change the leverage and buy more and we'll get a margin call
            security.SetLeverage(leverage * 2);

            order = new MarketOrder("AAPL", quantity, time) { Price = buyPrice };
            fill = new OrderEvent(order) { FillPrice = buyPrice, FillQuantity = quantity };


            Assert.AreEqual(0, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            marginCallOrders = portfolio.ScanForMarginCall(out issueMarginCallWarning);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, marginCallOrders.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(-security.Holdings.Quantity, marginCallOrders[0].Quantity); // we bought twice
            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(-portfolio.MarginRemaining, security.Price * marginCallOrders[0].Quantity);
        public void PerformsMarketFillBuy()
            var model = new SecurityTransactionModel();
            var order = new MarketOrder(Symbol, 100, DateTime.Now, type: SecurityType.Equity);
            var config = new SubscriptionDataConfig(typeof(TradeBar), SecurityType.Equity, Symbol, Resolution.Minute, true, true, true, true, false, 0);
            var security = new Security(config, 1);

            security.SetMarketPrice(DateTime.Now, new IndicatorDataPoint(Symbol, DateTime.Now, 101.123m));

            var fill = model.MarketFill(security, order);
            Assert.AreEqual(order.Quantity, fill.FillQuantity);
            Assert.AreEqual(security.Price, fill.FillPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(OrderStatus.Filled, fill.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(OrderStatus.Filled, order.Status);
        private static DateTime InitializeTest(out BasicTemplateAlgorithm algorithm, out Security security, out PartialMarketFillModel model, out MarketOrder order, out OrderTicket ticket)
            var referenceTimeNY = new DateTime(2015, 12, 21, 13, 0, 0);
            var referenceTimeUtc = referenceTimeNY.ConvertToUtc(TimeZones.NewYork);
            algorithm = new BasicTemplateAlgorithm();

            var transactionHandler = new BacktestingTransactionHandler();
            transactionHandler.Initialize(algorithm, new BacktestingBrokerage(algorithm), new TestResultHandler(Console.WriteLine));
            Task.Run(() => transactionHandler.Run());


            var config = new SubscriptionDataConfig(typeof(TradeBar), Symbols.SPY, Resolution.Second, TimeZones.NewYork, TimeZones.NewYork, false, false, false);
            security = new Security(SecurityExchangeHours.AlwaysOpen(TimeZones.NewYork), config);

            model = new PartialMarketFillModel(algorithm.Transactions, 2);

            algorithm.Securities[Symbols.SPY].FillModel = model;
            security.SetMarketPrice(new Tick { Symbol = Symbols.SPY, Value = 100 });

            order = new MarketOrder(Symbols.SPY, 100, referenceTimeUtc) { Id = 1 };

            var request = new SubmitOrderRequest(OrderType.Market, security.Type, security.Symbol, order.Quantity, 0, 0, algorithm.UtcTime, null);
            ticket = algorithm.Transactions.ProcessRequest(request);
            return referenceTimeUtc;
        public void PerformsMarketFillSell()
            var model = new ForexTransactionModel();
            var order = new MarketOrder(Symbol, -100, DateTime.Now, type: SecurityType.Forex);
            var config = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Forex, Symbol);
            var security = new Security(SecurityExchangeHours.AlwaysOpen, config, 1);
            security.SetMarketPrice(new IndicatorDataPoint(Symbol, DateTime.Now, 101.123m));

            var fill = model.MarketFill(security, order);

            var slip = model.GetSlippageApproximation(security, order);

            Assert.AreEqual(order.Quantity, fill.FillQuantity);
            Assert.AreEqual(security.Price - slip, fill.FillPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(OrderStatus.Filled, fill.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(OrderStatus.Filled, order.Status);
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the order quantity to achieve target-percent holdings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">Security object we're asking for</param>
        /// <param name="target">Target percentag holdings, this is an unlevered value, so 
        /// if you have 2x leverage and request 100% holdings, it will utilize half of the 
        /// available margin</param>
        /// <returns>Order quantity to achieve this percentage</returns>
        public int CalculateOrderQuantity(Symbol symbol, decimal target)
            var security = Securities[symbol];
            var price = security.Price;

            // can't order it if we don't have data
            if (price == 0) return 0;

            // this is the value in dollars that we want our holdings to have
            var targetPortfolioValue = target*Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue;
            var quantity = security.Holdings.Quantity;
            var currentHoldingsValue = price*quantity;

            // remove directionality, we'll work in the land of absolutes
            var targetOrderValue = Math.Abs(targetPortfolioValue - currentHoldingsValue);
            var direction = targetPortfolioValue > currentHoldingsValue ? OrderDirection.Buy : OrderDirection.Sell;

            // define lower and upper thresholds for the iteration
            var lowerThreshold = targetOrderValue - price/2;
            var upperThreshold = targetOrderValue + price/2;

            // continue iterating while  we're still not within the specified thresholds
            var iterations = 0;
            var orderQuantity = 0;
            decimal orderValue = 0;
            while ((orderValue < lowerThreshold || orderValue > upperThreshold) && iterations < 10)
                // find delta from where we are to where we want to be
                var delta = targetOrderValue - orderValue;
                // use delta value to compute a change in quantity required
                var deltaQuantity = (int)(delta / price);

                orderQuantity += deltaQuantity;

                // recompute order fees
                var order = new MarketOrder(security.Symbol, orderQuantity, UtcTime, type: security.Type);
                var fee = security.TransactionModel.GetOrderFee(security, order);

                orderValue = Math.Abs(order.GetValue(price)) + fee;

                // we need to add the fee in as well, even though it's not value, it's still a cost for the transaction
                // and we need to account for it to be sure we can make the trade produced by this method, imagine
                // set holdings 100% with 1x leverage, but a high fee structure, it quickly becomes necessary to include
                // otherwise the result of this function will be inactionable.


            // add directionality back in
            return (direction == OrderDirection.Sell ? -1 : 1) * orderQuantity;
            /// <summary>
            /// Performs partial market fills once per time step
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="asset">The security being ordered</param>
            /// <param name="order">The order</param>
            /// <returns>The order fill</returns>
            public override OrderEvent MarketFill(Security asset, MarketOrder order)
                var currentUtcTime = asset.LocalTime.ConvertToUtc(asset.Exchange.TimeZone);

                var ticket = _orderProvider.GetOrderTickets(x => x.OrderId == order.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                if (ticket == null)
                    // if we can't find the ticket issue empty fills
                    return new OrderEvent(order, currentUtcTime, 0);

                // make sure some time has passed
                var lastOrderEvent = ticket.OrderEvents.LastOrDefault();
                var increment = TimeSpan.FromTicks(Math.Max(asset.SubscriptionDataConfig.Increment.Ticks, 1));
                if (lastOrderEvent != null && currentUtcTime - lastOrderEvent.UtcTime < increment)
                    // wait a minute between fills
                    return new OrderEvent(order, currentUtcTime, 0);

                var remaining = (int)(ticket.Quantity - ticket.QuantityFilled);
                var fill = base.MarketFill(asset, order);
                var filledThisTime = Math.Min(remaining, (int)(_percent * order.Quantity));
                fill.FillQuantity = filledThisTime;

                // only mark it as filled if there is zero quantity remaining
                fill.Status = remaining == filledThisTime
                    ? OrderStatus.Filled
                    : OrderStatus.PartiallyFilled;

                return fill;
        public void MarginComputesProperlyWithMultipleSecurities()
            var securities = new SecurityManager(TimeKeeper);
            var transactions = new SecurityTransactionManager(securities);
            var portfolio = new SecurityPortfolioManager(securities, transactions);
            portfolio.CashBook["USD"].Quantity = 1000;
            portfolio.CashBook.Add("EUR",  1000, 1.1m);
            portfolio.CashBook.Add("GBP", -1000, 2.0m);

            var eurCash = portfolio.CashBook["EUR"];
            var gbpCash = portfolio.CashBook["GBP"];
            var usdCash = portfolio.CashBook["USD"];

            var time = DateTime.Now;
            var config1 = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Equity, "AAPL");
            securities.Add(new Security(SecurityExchangeHours, config1, 2));
            securities["AAPL"].Holdings.SetHoldings(100, 100);
            securities["AAPL"].SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar{Time = time, Value = 100});
            //Console.WriteLine("AAPL TMU: " + securities["AAPL"].MarginModel.GetMaintenanceMargin(securities["AAPL"]));
            //Console.WriteLine("AAPL Value: " + securities["AAPL"].Holdings.HoldingsValue);


            var config2 = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Forex, "EURUSD");
            securities.Add(new QuantConnect.Securities.Forex.Forex(SecurityExchangeHours, usdCash, config2, 100));
            securities["EURUSD"].Holdings.SetHoldings(1.1m, 1000);
            securities["EURUSD"].SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar { Time = time, Value = 1.1m });
            //Console.WriteLine("EURUSD TMU: " + securities["EURUSD"].MarginModel.GetMaintenanceMargin(securities["EURUSD"]));
            //Console.WriteLine("EURUSD Value: " + securities["EURUSD"].Holdings.HoldingsValue);


            var config3 = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Forex, "EURGBP");
            securities.Add(new QuantConnect.Securities.Forex.Forex(SecurityExchangeHours, gbpCash, config3, 100));
            securities["EURGBP"].Holdings.SetHoldings(1m, 1000);
            securities["EURGBP"].SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar { Time = time, Value = 1m });
            //Console.WriteLine("EURGBP TMU: " + securities["EURGBP"].MarginModel.GetMaintenanceMargin(securities["EURGBP"]));
            //Console.WriteLine("EURGBP Value: " + securities["EURGBP"].Holdings.HoldingsValue);


            //Console.WriteLine("CashBook: " + portfolio.CashBook.TotalValueInAccountCurrency);


            //Console.WriteLine("Total Margin Used: " + portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            //Console.WriteLine("Total Free Margin: " + portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            //Console.WriteLine("Total Portfolio Value: " + portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            var acceptedOrder = new MarketOrder("AAPL", 101, DateTime.Now) {Price = 100};
            var sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, acceptedOrder);

            var rejectedOrder = new MarketOrder("AAPL", 102, DateTime.Now) { Price = 100 };
            sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, rejectedOrder);
        public void PartialFills()
            bool orderFilled = false;
            var manualResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            var qty = 1000000;
            var remaining = qty;
            var sync = new object();
            Brokerage.OrderStatusChanged += (sender, orderEvent) =>
                lock (sync)
                    remaining -= orderEvent.FillQuantity;
                    Console.WriteLine("Remaining: " + remaining + " FillQuantity: " + orderEvent.FillQuantity);
                    if (orderEvent.Status == OrderStatus.Filled)
                        orderFilled = true;

            // pick a security with low, but some, volume
            var symbol = Symbols.EURUSD;
            var order = new MarketOrder(symbol, qty, DateTime.UtcNow, type: symbol.ID.SecurityType) { Id = 1 };

            // pause for a while to wait for fills to come in

            Console.WriteLine("Remaining: " + remaining);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, remaining);
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs application of an OrderEvent to the portfolio
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="portfolio">The algorithm's portfolio</param>
        /// <param name="security">The fill's security</param>
        /// <param name="fill">The order event fill object to be applied</param>
        public virtual void ProcessFill(SecurityPortfolioManager portfolio, Security security, OrderEvent fill)
            //Get the required information from the vehicle this order will affect
            var isLong = security.Holdings.IsLong;
            var isShort = security.Holdings.IsShort;
            var closedPosition = false;
            //Make local decimals to avoid any rounding errors from int multiplication
            var quantityHoldings = (decimal)security.Holdings.Quantity;
            var absoluteHoldingsQuantity = security.Holdings.AbsoluteQuantity;
            var averageHoldingsPrice = security.Holdings.AveragePrice;

            var lastTradeProfit = 0m;

                //Update the Vehicle approximate total sales volume.
                security.Holdings.AddNewSale(fill.FillPrice * Convert.ToDecimal(fill.AbsoluteFillQuantity));

                //Get the Fee for this Order - Update the Portfolio Cash Balance: Remove Transacion Fees.
                var order = new MarketOrder(security.Symbol, fill.FillQuantity, security.LocalTime.ConvertToUtc(security.Exchange.TimeZone), type: security.Type) {Price = fill.FillPrice, Status = OrderStatus.Filled};
                var feeThisOrder = Math.Abs(security.TransactionModel.GetOrderFee(security, order));

                //Calculate & Update the Last Trade Profit
                if (isLong && fill.Direction == OrderDirection.Sell)
                    //Closing up a long position
                    if (quantityHoldings >= fill.AbsoluteFillQuantity)
                        //Closing up towards Zero.
                        lastTradeProfit = (fill.FillPrice - averageHoldingsPrice) * fill.AbsoluteFillQuantity;
                        //Closing up to Neg/Short Position (selling more than we have) - Only calc profit on the stock we have to sell.
                        lastTradeProfit = (fill.FillPrice - averageHoldingsPrice) * quantityHoldings;
                    closedPosition = true;
                else if (isShort && fill.Direction == OrderDirection.Buy)
                    //Closing up a short position.
                    if (absoluteHoldingsQuantity >= fill.FillQuantity)
                        //Reducing the stock we have, and enough stock on hand to process order.
                        lastTradeProfit = (averageHoldingsPrice - fill.FillPrice) * fill.AbsoluteFillQuantity;
                        //Increasing stock holdings, short to positive through zero, but only calc profit on stock we Buy.
                        lastTradeProfit = (averageHoldingsPrice - fill.FillPrice) * absoluteHoldingsQuantity;
                    closedPosition = true;

                if (closedPosition)
                    //Update Vehicle Profit Tracking:
                    portfolio.AddTransactionRecord(security.LocalTime.ConvertToUtc(security.Exchange.TimeZone), lastTradeProfit - 2 * feeThisOrder);

                // Apply the funds using the current settlement model
                var amount = fill.FillPrice * Convert.ToDecimal(fill.FillQuantity);
                security.SettlementModel.ApplyFunds(portfolio, security, fill.UtcTime, CashBook.AccountCurrency, -amount);

                //Currently NO holdings. The order is ALL our holdings.
                if (quantityHoldings == 0)
                    //First transaction just subtract order from cash and set our holdings:
                    averageHoldingsPrice = fill.FillPrice;
                    quantityHoldings = fill.FillQuantity;
                else if (isLong)
                    //If we're currently LONG on the stock.
                    switch (fill.Direction)
                        case OrderDirection.Buy:
                            //Update the Holding Average Price: Total Value / Total Quantity:
                            averageHoldingsPrice = ((averageHoldingsPrice * quantityHoldings) + (fill.FillQuantity * fill.FillPrice)) / (quantityHoldings + (decimal)fill.FillQuantity);
                            //Add the new quantity:
                            quantityHoldings += fill.FillQuantity;
                            //Subtract this order from cash:

                        case OrderDirection.Sell:
                            quantityHoldings += fill.FillQuantity; //+ a short = a subtraction
                            if (quantityHoldings < 0)
                                //If we've now passed through zero from selling stock: new avg price:
                                averageHoldingsPrice = fill.FillPrice;
                            else if (quantityHoldings == 0)
                                averageHoldingsPrice = 0;
                else if (isShort)
                    //We're currently SHORTING the stock: What is the new position now?
                    switch (fill.Direction)
                        case OrderDirection.Buy:
                            //Buying when we're shorting moves to close position:
                            quantityHoldings += fill.FillQuantity;
                            if (quantityHoldings > 0)
                                //If we were short but passed through zero, new average price is what we paid. The short position was closed.
                                averageHoldingsPrice = fill.FillPrice;
                            else if (quantityHoldings == 0)
                                averageHoldingsPrice = 0;

                        case OrderDirection.Sell:
                            //We are increasing a Short position:
                            //E.g.  -100 @ $5, adding -100 @ $10: Avg: $7.5
                            //      dAvg = (-500 + -1000) / -200 = 7.5
                            averageHoldingsPrice = ((averageHoldingsPrice * quantityHoldings) + (Convert.ToDecimal(fill.FillQuantity) * fill.FillPrice)) / (quantityHoldings + (decimal)fill.FillQuantity);
                            quantityHoldings += fill.FillQuantity;
            catch (Exception err)

            //Set the results back to the vehicle.
            security.Holdings.SetHoldings(averageHoldingsPrice, Convert.ToInt32(quantityHoldings));
文件: Order.cs 项目: nooperpudd/Lean
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an <see cref="Order"/> to match the specified <paramref name="request"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="request">The <see cref="SubmitOrderRequest"/> to create an order for</param>
 /// <returns>The <see cref="Order"/> that matches the request</returns>
 public static Order CreateOrder(SubmitOrderRequest request)
     Order order;
     switch (request.OrderType)
         case OrderType.Market:
             order =  new MarketOrder(request.Symbol, request.Quantity, request.Time, request.Tag, request.SecurityType);
         case OrderType.Limit:
             order =  new LimitOrder(request.Symbol, request.Quantity, request.LimitPrice, request.Time, request.Tag, request.SecurityType);
         case OrderType.StopMarket:
             order =  new StopMarketOrder(request.Symbol, request.Quantity, request.StopPrice, request.Time, request.Tag, request.SecurityType);
         case OrderType.StopLimit:
             order =  new StopLimitOrder(request.Symbol, request.Quantity, request.StopPrice, request.LimitPrice, request.Time, request.Tag, request.SecurityType);
         case OrderType.MarketOnOpen:
             order =  new MarketOnOpenOrder(request.Symbol, request.SecurityType, request.Quantity, request.Time, request.Tag);
         case OrderType.MarketOnClose:
             order =  new MarketOnCloseOrder(request.Symbol, request.SecurityType, request.Quantity, request.Time, request.Tag);
             throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
     order.Status = OrderStatus.New;
     order.Id = request.OrderId;
     if (request.Tag != null)
         order.Tag = request.Tag;
     return order;
        /// <summary>
        /// This is used to ensure each test starts with a clean, known state.
        /// </summary>
        protected void LiquidateHoldings()
            Log.Trace("LIQUIDATE HOLDINGS");

            var holdings = Brokerage.GetAccountHoldings();

            foreach (var holding in holdings)
                if (holding.Quantity == 0) continue;
                Log.Trace("Liquidating: " + holding);
                var order = new MarketOrder(holding.Symbol, (int)-holding.Quantity, DateTime.Now, type: holding.Type);
                PlaceOrderWaitForStatus(order, OrderStatus.Filled);
        /// <summary>
        /// Profit if we closed the holdings right now including the approximate fees.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Does not use the transaction model for market fills but should.</remarks>
        public virtual decimal TotalCloseProfit()
            if (AbsoluteQuantity == 0)
                return 0;

            // this is in the account currency
            var marketOrder = new MarketOrder(_security.Symbol, -Quantity, _security.LocalTime.ConvertToUtc(_security.Exchange.TimeZone), type: _security.Type);
            var orderFee = _security.TransactionModel.GetOrderFee(_security, marketOrder);

            return (Price - AveragePrice) * Quantity - orderFee;
        /// <summary>
        /// Market order implementation: Send a market order and wait for it to be filled.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">Symbol of the MarketType Required.</param>
        /// <param name="quantity">Number of shares to request.</param>
        /// <param name="asynchronous">Send the order asynchrously (false). Otherwise we'll block until it fills</param>
        /// <param name="tag">Place a custom order property or tag (e.g. indicator data).</param>
        /// <returns>int Order id</returns>
        public int MarketOrder(string symbol, int quantity, bool asynchronous = false, string tag = "")
            //Initalize the Market order parameters:
            var error = PreOrderChecks(symbol, quantity, OrderType.Market);
            if (error < 0)
                return error;

            var order = new MarketOrder(symbol, quantity, Time, tag, Securities[symbol].Type);

            //Set the rough price of the order for buying power calculations
            order.Price = Securities[symbol].Price;

            //Add the order and create a new order Id.
            var orderId = Transactions.AddOrder(order);

            //Wait for the order event to process:
            //Enqueue means send to order queue but don't wait for response:
            if (!asynchronous)
                //Wait for the market order to fill.
                //This is processed in a parallel thread.
                while (!Transactions.Orders.ContainsKey(orderId) ||
                       (Transactions.Orders[orderId].Status != OrderStatus.Filled &&
                        Transactions.Orders[orderId].Status != OrderStatus.Invalid &&
                        Transactions.Orders[orderId].Status != OrderStatus.Canceled) || _processingOrder)

            return orderId;
        private Order ConvertOrder(IB.Order ibOrder, IB.Contract contract)
            // this function is called by GetOpenOrders which is mainly used by the setup handler to
            // initialize algorithm state.  So the only time we'll be executing this code is when the account
            // has orders sitting and waiting from before algo initialization...
            // because of this we can't get the time accurately

            Order order;
            var mappedSymbol = MapSymbol(contract);
            var orderType = ConvertOrderType(ibOrder);
            switch (orderType)
                case OrderType.Market:
                    order = new MarketOrder(mappedSymbol,
                        new DateTime() // not sure how to get this data

                case OrderType.MarketOnOpen:
                    order = new MarketOnOpenOrder(mappedSymbol, 
                        new DateTime());

                case OrderType.MarketOnClose:
                    order = new MarketOnCloseOrder(mappedSymbol,
                        new DateTime()

                case OrderType.Limit:
                    order = new LimitOrder(mappedSymbol,
                        new DateTime()

                case OrderType.StopMarket:
                    order = new StopMarketOrder(mappedSymbol,
                        new DateTime()

                case OrderType.StopLimit:
                    order = new StopLimitOrder(mappedSymbol,
                        new DateTime()

                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("orderType", (int) orderType, typeof (OrderType));


            return order;
        /// <summary>
        /// Automatically place an order which will set the holdings to between 100% or -100% of *Buying Power*.
        /// E.g. SetHoldings("AAPL", 0.1); SetHoldings("IBM", -0.2); -> Sets portfolio as long 10% APPL and short 20% IBM
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">   string Symbol indexer</param>
        /// <param name="percentage">decimal fraction of portfolio to set stock</param>
        /// <param name="liquidateExistingHoldings">bool flag to clean all existing holdings before setting new faction.</param>
        /// <param name="tag">Tag the order with a short string.</param>
        /// <seealso cref="MarketOrder"/>
        public void SetHoldings(string symbol, decimal percentage, bool liquidateExistingHoldings = false, string tag = "")
            //Error checks:
            if (!Portfolio.ContainsKey(symbol))
                Error(symbol.ToUpper() + " not found in portfolio. Request this data when initializing the algorithm.");

            //Range check values:
            if (percentage > 1) percentage = 1;
            if (percentage < -1) percentage = -1;

            //If they triggered a liquidate
            if (liquidateExistingHoldings)
                foreach (var holdingSymbol in Portfolio.Keys)
                    if (holdingSymbol != symbol && Portfolio[holdingSymbol].AbsoluteQuantity > 0)
                        //Go through all existing holdings [synchronously], market order the inverse quantity:
                        Order(holdingSymbol, -Portfolio[holdingSymbol].Quantity);

            var security = Securities[symbol];

            // compute the remaining margin for this security
            var direction = percentage > 0 ? OrderDirection.Buy : OrderDirection.Sell;

            // we need to account for the margin gained if crossing the zero line
            decimal extraMarginForClosing = 0m;
            if (security.Holdings.IsLong && direction == OrderDirection.Sell)
                extraMarginForClosing = security.MarginModel.GetMaintenanceMargin(security);
            else if (security.Holdings.IsShort && direction == OrderDirection.Buy)
                extraMarginForClosing = security.MarginModel.GetMaintenanceMargin(security);

            // compute an estimate of the buying power for this security incorporating the implied leverage
            // we don't want to apply the percentag to the required margin to bring us to zero, so we back out the 'extraMaginForClosing'
            var marginRemaining = Math.Abs(percentage)*(security.MarginModel.GetMarginRemaining(Portfolio, security, direction) - extraMarginForClosing);
            marginRemaining += extraMarginForClosing;

            // Since we can't assume anything about the fee structure and the relative size of fees in
            // relation to the order size we need to perform some root finding. In general we'll only need
            // a two loops to compute a correct value. Some exotic fee structures may require more searching.

            // compute the margin required for a single share
            int quantity = 1;
            var marketOrder = new MarketOrder(symbol, quantity, Time, type: security.Type) { Price = security.Price };
            var marginRequiredForSingleShare = security.MarginModel.GetInitialMarginRequiredForOrder(security, marketOrder);

            // we can't do anything if we don't have data yet
            if (security.Price == 0) return;

            // we can't even afford one more share
            if (marginRemaining < marginRequiredForSingleShare) return;

            // we want marginRequired to end up between this and marginRemaining
            var marginRequiredLowerThreshold = marginRemaining - marginRequiredForSingleShare;

            // iterate until we get a decent estimate, max out at 10 loops.
            int loops = 0;
            var marginRequired = marginRequiredForSingleShare;
            while (marginRequired > marginRemaining || marginRequired < marginRequiredLowerThreshold)
                var marginPerShare = marginRequired/quantity;
                quantity = (int) Math.Truncate(marginRemaining/marginPerShare);
                marketOrder.Quantity = quantity;
                if (quantity == 0)
                    // can't order anything
                marginRequired = security.MarginModel.GetInitialMarginRequiredForOrder(security, marketOrder);

                // no need to iterate longer than 10
                if (++loops > 10) break;

            // nothing to change
            if (quantity == 0)

            // adjust for going short
            if (direction == OrderDirection.Sell)
                quantity *= -1;

            MarketOrder(symbol, quantity, false, tag);