public static string GetString(string name, QtVsToolsPackage vsixInstance) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); var sys = GetLoader(vsixInstance.Dte.LocaleID); if (sys == null) { return(null); } string result; try { result = sys.resources.GetString(name, Culture); } catch (Exception) { result = sys.resources.GetString(name, defaultCultureInfo); } return(result); }
protected override async Task InitializeAsync( CancellationToken cancellationToken, IProgress <ServiceProgressData> progress) { try { var timeInitBegin = initTimer.Elapsed; VsServiceProvider.Instance = instance = this; QtProject.ProjectTracker = this; // determine the package installation directory var uri = new Uri(System.Reflection.Assembly .GetExecutingAssembly().EscapedCodeBase); PkgInstallPath = Path.GetDirectoryName( Uri.UnescapeDataString(uri.AbsolutePath)) + @"\"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Switch to main (UI) thread await JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(cancellationToken); var timeUiThreadBegin = initTimer.Elapsed; if ((Dte = await VsServiceProvider.GetServiceAsync <DTE>()) == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to get service: DTE"); } QtVSIPSettings.Options = Options; eventHandler = new DteEventsHandler(Dte); Qml.Debug.Launcher.Initialize(); QtMainMenu.Initialize(); QtSolutionContextMenu.Initialize(); QtProjectContextMenu.Initialize(); QtItemContextMenu.Initialize(); RegisterEditorFactory(QtDesigner = new Editors.QtDesigner()); RegisterEditorFactory(QtLinguist = new Editors.QtLinguist()); RegisterEditorFactory(QtResourceEditor = new Editors.QtResourceEditor()); QtHelp.Initialize(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(VsShell.InstallRootDir)) { HelperFunctions.VCPath = Path.Combine(VsShell.InstallRootDir, "VC"); } GetTextMateLanguagePath(); GetNatvisPath(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Switch to background thread await TaskScheduler.Default; var timeUiThreadEnd = initTimer.Elapsed; var vm = QtVersionManager.The(initDone); if (vm.HasInvalidVersions(out string error)) { Messages.Print(error); } /////////// // Install Qt/MSBuild files from package folder to standard location // -> %LOCALAPPDATA%\QtMsBuild // var QtMsBuildDefault = Path.Combine( Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LocalAppData"), "QtMsBuild"); try { var qtMsBuildDefaultUri = new Uri(QtMsBuildDefault + "\\"); var qtMsBuildVsixPath = Path.Combine(PkgInstallPath, "QtMsBuild"); var qtMsBuildVsixUri = new Uri(qtMsBuildVsixPath + "\\"); if (qtMsBuildVsixUri != qtMsBuildDefaultUri) { var qtMsBuildVsixFiles = Directory .GetFiles(qtMsBuildVsixPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Select(x => qtMsBuildVsixUri.MakeRelativeUri(new Uri(x))); foreach (var qtMsBuildFile in qtMsBuildVsixFiles) { var sourcePath = new Uri(qtMsBuildVsixUri, qtMsBuildFile).LocalPath; var targetPath = new Uri(qtMsBuildDefaultUri, qtMsBuildFile).LocalPath; var targetPathTemp = targetPath + ".tmp"; Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(targetPath)); File.Copy(sourcePath, targetPathTemp, overwrite: true); //////// // Copy Qt/MSBuild files to standard location, taking care not to // overwrite the updated Qt props file, possibly containing user-defined // build settings (written by the VS Property Manager). This file is // recognized as being named "Qt.props" and containing the import // statement for qt_private.props. // string qtPrivateImport = @"<Import Project=""$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)\qt_private.props"""; Func <string, bool> isUpdateQtProps = (string filePath) => { return(Path.GetFileName(targetPath).Equals("Qt.props", IGNORE_CASE) && File.ReadAllText(targetPath).Contains(qtPrivateImport)); }; if (!File.Exists(targetPath)) { // Target file does not exist // -> Create new File.Move(targetPathTemp, targetPath); } else if (!isUpdateQtProps(targetPath)) { // Target file is not the updated Qt.props // -> Overwrite File.Replace(targetPathTemp, targetPath, null); } else { // Target file *is* the updated Qt.props; skip! // -> Remove temp file File.Delete(targetPathTemp); } } } } catch { ///////// // Error copying files to standard location. // -> FAIL-SAFE: use source folder (within package) as the standard location QtMsBuildDefault = Path.Combine(PkgInstallPath, "QtMsBuild"); } /////// // Set %QTMSBUILD% by default to point to standard location of Qt/MSBuild // var QtMsBuildPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("QtMsBuild"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(QtMsBuildPath)) { Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable( "QtMsBuild", QtMsBuildDefault, EnvironmentVariableTarget.User); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable( "QtMsBuild", QtMsBuildDefault, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); } CopyTextMateLanguageFiles(); CopyNatvisFiles(); Messages.Print(string.Format("\r\n" + "== Qt Visual Studio Tools version {0}\r\n" + "\r\n" + " Initialized in: {1:0.##} msecs\r\n" + " Main (UI) thread: {2:0.##} msecs\r\n" , Version.USER_VERSION , (initTimer.Elapsed - timeInitBegin).TotalMilliseconds , (timeUiThreadEnd - timeUiThreadBegin).TotalMilliseconds )); var devRelease = await GetLatestDevelopmentReleaseAsync(); if (devRelease != null) { Messages.Print(string.Format(@" ================================================================ Qt Visual Studio Tools version {1} PREVIEW available at: {0}{1}/ ================================================================", urlDownloadQtIo, devRelease)); } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.Print( e.Message + "\r\n\r\nStacktrace:\r\n" + e.StackTrace); } finally { initDone.Set(); initTimer.Stop(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Switch to main (UI) thread await JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(cancellationToken); ///////// // Check if a solution was opened during initialization. // If so, fire solution open event. // if (Dte?.Solution?.IsOpen == true) { eventHandler.SolutionEvents_Opened(); } }