void handleH(ComplexNumberFloat[] amplitudes, GateFloat gate, int numberOfQubits)
            int first = gate.First;
            //int firstPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, first);
            //int firstPlusPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, first + 1);
            //int opposingPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, numberOfQubits - first - 1);

            int firstPow     = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(first);
            int firstPlusPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(first + 1);
            int opposingPow  = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(numberOfQubits - first - 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < firstPow; i++)
                int posj = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < opposingPow; j++)
                    //int pos1 = i + firstPlusPow * j;
                    int pos1 = i + posj;
                    int pos2 = pos1 + firstPow;

                    ComplexNumberFloat p1 = amplitudes[pos1];
                    ComplexNumberFloat p2 = amplitudes[pos2];

                    amplitudes[pos1].Real    = (p1.Real + p2.Real) * MathHelper.Norm2Float;
                    amplitudes[pos1].Complex = (p1.Complex + p2.Complex) * MathHelper.Norm2Float;
                    amplitudes[pos2].Real    = (p1.Real - p2.Real) * MathHelper.Norm2Float;
                    amplitudes[pos2].Complex = (p1.Complex - p2.Complex) * MathHelper.Norm2Float;

                    posj += firstPlusPow;
        void handleRX(ComplexNumberFloat[] amplitudes, GateFloat gate, int numberOfQubits)
            int first = gate.First;
            //int firstPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, first);
            //int firstPlusPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, first + 1);
            //int opposingPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, numberOfQubits - first - 1);
            int firstPow     = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(first);
            int firstPlusPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(first + 1);
            int opposingPow  = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(numberOfQubits - first - 1);

            float thetaHalf = gate.Theta / 2;
            float cosTheta  = Mathf.Cos(thetaHalf);
            float sinTheta  = Mathf.Sin(thetaHalf);

            for (int i = 0; i < firstPow; i++)
                int posj = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < opposingPow; j++)
                    //int pos1 = i + firstPlusPow * j;
                    int pos1 = i + posj;
                    int pos2 = pos1 + firstPow;

                    ComplexNumberFloat p1 = amplitudes[pos1];
                    ComplexNumberFloat p2 = amplitudes[pos2];

                    amplitudes[pos1].Real    = p1.Real * cosTheta + p2.Complex * sinTheta;
                    amplitudes[pos1].Complex = p1.Complex * cosTheta - p2.Real * sinTheta;
                    amplitudes[pos2].Real    = p2.Real * cosTheta + p1.Complex * sinTheta;
                    amplitudes[pos2].Complex = p2.Complex * cosTheta - p1.Real * sinTheta;

                    posj += firstPlusPow;
        void handleX(ComplexNumberFloat[] amplitudes, GateFloat gate, int numberOfQubits)
            int first = gate.First;
            //int firstPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, first);
            //int firstPlusPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, first + 1);
            //int opposingPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, numberOfQubits - first - 1);

            int firstPow     = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(first);
            int firstPlusPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(first + 1);
            int opposingPow  = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(numberOfQubits - first - 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < firstPow; i++)
                int posj = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < opposingPow; j++)
                    //int pos1 = i + firstPlusPow * j;
                    int pos1 = i + posj;
                    int pos2 = pos1 + firstPow;

                    ComplexNumberFloat old = amplitudes[pos1];
                    amplitudes[pos1] = amplitudes[pos2];
                    amplitudes[pos2] = old;

                    posj += firstPlusPow;
        public QuantumCircuitFloat(QuantumCircuit circuit)
            Gates           = new List <GateFloat>();
            NumberOfQubits  = circuit.NumberOfQubits;
            NumberOfOutputs = circuit.NumberOfOutputs;
            AmplitudeLength = circuit.AmplitudeLength;

            Amplitudes = new ComplexNumberFloat[circuit.AmplitudeLength];

            for (int i = 0; i < circuit.Amplitudes.Length; i++)
                if (circuit.Amplitudes[i].Real > 0)
                    Amplitudes[i].Real = (float)circuit.Amplitudes[i].Real;
                if (circuit.Amplitudes[i].Complex > 0)
                    Amplitudes[i].Complex = (float)circuit.Amplitudes[i].Complex;

            for (int i = 0; i < circuit.Gates.Count; i++)
                Gate      gate      = circuit.Gates[i];
                GateFloat floatGate = new GateFloat();
                floatGate.CircuitType = gate.CircuitType;
                floatGate.First       = gate.First;
                floatGate.Second      = gate.Second;
                if (gate.Theta != 0)
                    floatGate.Theta = (float)gate.Theta;
        public void H(int targetQubit)
            GateFloat gate = new GateFloat {
                CircuitType = CircuitType.H,
                First       = targetQubit

        void handleCRX(ComplexNumberFloat[] amplitudes, GateFloat gate, int numberOfQubits)
            int first  = gate.First;
            int second = gate.Second;

            int loop1 = first;
            int loop2 = second;

            float thetaHalf = gate.Theta / 2;
            float cosTheta  = Mathf.Cos(thetaHalf);
            float sinTheta  = Mathf.Sin(thetaHalf);

            if (second < first)
                loop1 = second;
                loop2 = first;

            int pow1 = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, loop1);
            int pow2 = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, loop2 - loop1 - 1);
            int pow3 = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, numberOfQubits - loop2 - 1);

            int pow1Plus = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, loop1 + 1);
            int pow2Plus = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, loop2 + 1);

            int firstPow  = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, first);
            int secondPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, second);

            int posi = firstPow;

            for (int i = 0; i < pow1; i++)
                int posj = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < pow2; j++)
                    int posk = 0;
                    for (int k = 0; k < pow3; k++)
                        //int pos1 = i + pow1Plus * j + pow2Plus * k + firstPow;
                        int pos1 = posi + posj + posk;
                        int pos2 = pos1 + secondPow;

                        ComplexNumberFloat p1 = amplitudes[pos1];
                        ComplexNumberFloat p2 = amplitudes[pos2];

                        amplitudes[pos1].Real    = p1.Real * cosTheta + p2.Complex * sinTheta;
                        amplitudes[pos1].Complex = p1.Complex * cosTheta - p2.Real * sinTheta;
                        amplitudes[pos2].Real    = p2.Real * cosTheta + p1.Complex * sinTheta;
                        amplitudes[pos2].Complex = p2.Complex * cosTheta - p1.Real * sinTheta;

                        posk += pow2Plus;
                    posj += pow1Plus;
        void handleCRX(ComplexNumberFloat[] amplitudes, GateFloat gate, int numberOfQubits)
            int first  = gate.First;
            int second = gate.Second;

            int loop1 = first;
            int loop2 = second;

            float thetaHalf = gate.Theta / 2;
            float cosTheta  = Mathf.Cos(thetaHalf);
            float sinTheta  = Mathf.Sin(thetaHalf);

            int pow1, pow2, pow3, pow1Plus, pow2Plus, firstPow, secondPow, end2, end3;

            firstPow  = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(first);
            secondPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(second);

            if (second < first)
                pow1     = secondPow;
                pow2Plus = firstPow * 2;
                pow2     = firstPow;
                pow1     = firstPow;
                pow2Plus = secondPow * 2;
                pow2     = secondPow;

            pow1Plus = pow1 * 2;
            pow3     = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(numberOfQubits);

            pow1 += firstPow;
            for (int posi = firstPow; posi < pow1; posi++)
                end2 = pow2 + posi;
                for (int posj = posi; posj < end2; posj += pow1Plus)
                    end3 = pow3 + posj;
                    for (int posk = posj; posk < end3; posk += pow2Plus)
                        int pos2 = posk + secondPow;

                        ComplexNumberFloat c1 = amplitudes[posk];
                        ComplexNumberFloat c2 = amplitudes[pos2];

                        amplitudes[posk].Real    = c1.Real * cosTheta + c2.Complex * sinTheta;
                        amplitudes[posk].Complex = c1.Complex * cosTheta - c2.Real * sinTheta;
                        amplitudes[pos2].Real    = c2.Real * cosTheta + c1.Complex * sinTheta;
                        amplitudes[pos2].Complex = c2.Complex * cosTheta - c1.Real * sinTheta;
        public void CX(int controlQubit, int targetQubit)
            GateFloat gate = new GateFloat {
                CircuitType = CircuitType.CX,
                First       = controlQubit,
                Second      = targetQubit

        public void Measure(int output, int qubit)
            GateFloat gate = new GateFloat {
                CircuitType = CircuitType.M,
                First       = output,
                Second      = qubit

        public void RX(int targetQubit, float rotation)
            GateFloat gate = new GateFloat {
                CircuitType = CircuitType.RX,
                First       = targetQubit,
                Theta       = rotation

        public string GetQiskitString(bool includeAllMeasures = false)
            //TODO use correct method (from QuantumCircuit)
            string translation = "";

            if (NumberOfOutputs == 0)
                translation += "qc = QuantumCircuit(" + NumberOfQubits + ")\n";
                translation += "qc = QuantumCircuit(" + NumberOfQubits + "," + NumberOfOutputs + ")\n";

            for (int i = 0; i < Gates.Count; i++)
                GateFloat gate = Gates[i];
                switch (gate.CircuitType)
                case CircuitType.X:
                    translation += "qc.x(" + gate.First + ")\n";

                case CircuitType.RX:
                    translation += "qc.rx(" + gate.Theta + "," + gate.First + ")\n";

                case CircuitType.H:
                    translation += "qc.h(" + gate.First + ")\n";

                case CircuitType.CX:
                    translation += "qc.cx(" + gate.First + "," + gate.Second + ")\n";

                case CircuitType.M:
                    translation += "qc.measure(" + gate.First + "," + gate.Second + ")\n";


            if (includeAllMeasures)
                string allQubits = "0";
                for (int i = 1; i < NumberOfQubits && i < NumberOfOutputs; i++)
                    allQubits += "," + i;
                translation += "qc.measure([" + allQubits + "], [" + allQubits + "])\n";
        public void CRX(int controlQubit, int targetQubit, float rotation)
            GateFloat gate = new GateFloat {
                CircuitType = CircuitType.CRX,
                First       = controlQubit,
                Second      = targetQubit,
                Theta       = rotation

        void handleCX(ComplexNumberFloat[] amplitudes, GateFloat gate, int numberOfQubits)
            int first  = gate.First;
            int second = gate.Second;

            int loop1 = first;
            int loop2 = second;

            if (second < first)
                loop1 = second;
                loop2 = first;

            int pow1 = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, loop1);
            int pow2 = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, loop2 - loop1 - 1);
            int pow3 = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, numberOfQubits - loop2 - 1);

            int pow1Plus = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, loop1 + 1);
            int pow2Plus = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, loop2 + 1);

            int firstPow  = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, first);
            int secondPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, second);

            int posi = firstPow;

            for (int i = 0; i < pow1; i++)
                int posj = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < pow2; j++)
                    int posk = 0;
                    for (int k = 0; k < pow3; k++)
                        //int pos1 = firstPow + i + pow1Plus * j + pow2Plus * k ;
                        int pos1 = posi + posj + posk;
                        int pos2 = pos1 + secondPow;

                        ComplexNumberFloat old = amplitudes[pos1];
                        amplitudes[pos1] = amplitudes[pos2];
                        amplitudes[pos2] = old;

                        posk += pow2Plus;
                    posj += pow1Plus;
        void handleCX(ComplexNumberFloat[] amplitudes, GateFloat gate, int numberOfQubits)
            int first  = gate.First;
            int second = gate.Second;

            int pow1, pow2, pow3, pow1Plus, pow2Plus, firstPow, secondPow, end2, end3;

            firstPow  = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(first);
            secondPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(second);

            if (second < first)
                pow1     = secondPow;
                pow2Plus = firstPow * 2;
                pow2     = firstPow;
                pow1     = firstPow;
                pow2Plus = secondPow * 2;
                pow2     = secondPow;

            pow1Plus = pow1 * 2;
            pow3     = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(numberOfQubits);

            pow1 += firstPow;
            for (int posi = firstPow; posi < pow1; posi++)
                end2 = pow2 + posi;
                for (int posj = posi; posj < end2; posj += pow1Plus)
                    end3 = pow3 + posj;
                    for (int posk = posj; posk < end3; posk += pow2Plus)
                        int pos2 = posk + secondPow;
                        ComplexNumberFloat old = amplitudes[posk];

                        amplitudes[posk] = amplitudes[pos2];
                        amplitudes[pos2] = old;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the amplitude for a given circuit by simulating it directly in C#
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="circuit">The quantum circuit which will be simulated</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override ComplexNumberFloat[] Simulate(QuantumCircuitFloat circuit)
            MathHelper.InitializePower2Values(circuit.NumberOfQubits + 2);

            ComplexNumberFloat[] amplitudes = base.Simulate(circuit);

            for (int i = 0; i < circuit.Gates.Count; i++)
                GateFloat gate = circuit.Gates[i];

                switch (gate.CircuitType)
                case CircuitType.X:
                    handleX(amplitudes, gate, circuit.NumberOfQubits);

                case CircuitType.RX:
                    handleRX(amplitudes, gate, circuit.NumberOfQubits);

                case CircuitType.H:
                    handleH(amplitudes, gate, circuit.NumberOfQubits);

                case CircuitType.CX:
                    handleCX(amplitudes, gate, circuit.NumberOfQubits);

                case CircuitType.CRX:
                    handleCRX(amplitudes, gate, circuit.NumberOfQubits);

                case CircuitType.M:
                    handleM(amplitudes, gate, circuit.NumberOfQubits);

        public override void SimulateInPlace(QuantumCircuitFloat circuit, ref ComplexNumberFloat[] amplitudes)
            //Check Length
            base.SimulateInPlace(circuit, ref amplitudes);
            MathHelper.InitializePower2Values(circuit.NumberOfQubits + 2);
            for (int i = 0; i < circuit.Gates.Count; i++)
                GateFloat gate = circuit.Gates[i];

                switch (gate.CircuitType)
                case CircuitType.X:
                    handleX(amplitudes, gate, circuit.NumberOfQubits);

                case CircuitType.RX:
                    handleRX(amplitudes, gate, circuit.NumberOfQubits);

                case CircuitType.H:
                    handleH(amplitudes, gate, circuit.NumberOfQubits);

                case CircuitType.CX:
                    handleCX(amplitudes, gate, circuit.NumberOfQubits);

                case CircuitType.CRX:
                    handleCRX(amplitudes, gate, circuit.NumberOfQubits);

                case CircuitType.M:
                    handleM(amplitudes, gate, circuit.NumberOfQubits);

 void handleM(ComplexNumberFloat[] amplitudes, GateFloat gate, int numberOfQubits)
        //Old less optimized version. Left here for better understanding
        void handleCXOld(ComplexNumberFloat[] amplitudes, GateFloat gate, int numberOfQubits)

            int first  = gate.First;
            int second = gate.Second;

            int loop1 = first;
            int loop2 = second;

            //int pow1, pow2, pow3, pow1Plus, pow2Plus, firstPow, secondPow;

            //firstPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(first);
            //secondPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(second);

            if (second < first)
                loop1 = second;
                loop2 = first;
                //pow1 = secondPow;
                //pow2Plus = firstPow * 2;
                //pow1 = firstPow;
                //pow2Plus = secondPow * 2;

            //pow1Plus = pow1 * 2;
            //pow2 = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(loop2 - loop1 - 1);
            //pow3 = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(numberOfQubits - loop2 - 1);

            int pow1 = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, loop1);
            int pow2 = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, loop2 - loop1 - 1);
            int pow3 = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, numberOfQubits - loop2 - 1);

            int pow1Plus = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, loop1 + 1);
            int pow2Plus = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, loop2 + 1);

            int firstPow  = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, first);
            int secondPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower(2, second);

            //int pow1 = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(loop1);
            //int pow2 = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(loop2 - loop1 - 1);
            //int pow3 = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(numberOfQubits - loop2 - 1);

            //int pow1Plus = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(loop1 + 1);
            //int pow2Plus = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(loop2 + 1);

            //int firstPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(first);
            //int secondPow = MathHelper.IntegerPower2(second);

            int posi = firstPow;

            for (int i = 0; i < pow1; i++)
                int posj = 0;
                //int posj = posi;

                for (int j = 0; j < pow2; j++)
                    int posk = 0;
                    //int posk = posj;

                    for (int k = 0; k < pow3; k++)
                        //int pos1 = firstPow + i + pow1Plus * j + pow2Plus * k;

                        int pos1 = posi + posj + posk;
                        int pos2 = pos1 + secondPow;

                        ComplexNumberFloat old = amplitudes[pos1];

                        amplitudes[pos1] = amplitudes[pos2];
                        amplitudes[pos2] = old;

                        //int pos2 = posk + secondPow;
                        //ComplexNumberFloat old = amplitudes[posk];

                        //amplitudes[posk] = amplitudes[pos2];
                        //amplitudes[pos2] = old;

                        //float real = amplitudes[pos1].Real;
                        //float complex= amplitudes[pos1].Complex;

                        //amplitudes[pos1].Real = amplitudes[pos2].Real;
                        //amplitudes[pos1].Complex = amplitudes[pos2].Complex;

                        //amplitudes[pos2].Real = real;
                        //amplitudes[pos2].Complex = complex;

                        posk += pow2Plus;
                    posj += pow1Plus;