public SABR(double t, double forward, double alpha, double beta, double nu, double rho, bool alphaIsFixed, bool betaIsFixed, bool nuIsFixed, bool rhoIsFixed, bool vegaWeighted = false, EndCriteria endCriteria = null, OptimizationMethod optMethod = null, double errorAccept = 0.0020, bool useMaxError = false, int maxGuesses = 50, double shift = 0.0, VolatilityType volatilityType = VolatilityType.ShiftedLognormal, SabrApproximationModel approximationModel = SabrApproximationModel.Hagan2002) { t_ = t; forward_ = forward; alpha_ = alpha; beta_ = beta; nu_ = nu; rho_ = rho; alphaIsFixed_ = alphaIsFixed; betaIsFixed_ = betaIsFixed; nuIsFixed_ = nuIsFixed; rhoIsFixed_ = rhoIsFixed; vegaWeighted_ = vegaWeighted; endCriteria_ = endCriteria; optMethod_ = optMethod; errorAccept_ = errorAccept; useMaxError_ = useMaxError; maxGuesses_ = maxGuesses; shift_ = shift; volatilityType_ = volatilityType; approximationModel_ = approximationModel; }
public XABRInterpolationImpl(List <double> xBegin, int size, List <double> yBegin, double t, double forward, List <double?> _params, List <bool> paramIsFixed, bool vegaWeighted, EndCriteria endCriteria, OptimizationMethod optMethod, double errorAccept, bool useMaxError, int maxGuesses, List <double?> addParams = null) : base(xBegin, size, yBegin) { // XABRCoeffHolder<Model>(t, forward, params, paramIsFixed), endCriteria_ = endCriteria; optMethod_ = optMethod; errorAccept_ = errorAccept; useMaxError_ = useMaxError; maxGuesses_ = maxGuesses; forward_ = forward; vegaWeighted_ = vegaWeighted; // if no optimization method or endCriteria is provided, we provide one if (optMethod_ == null) { optMethod_ = new LevenbergMarquardt(1e-8, 1e-8, 1e-8); } if (endCriteria_ == null) { endCriteria_ = new EndCriteria(60000, 100, 1e-8, 1e-8, 1e-8); } coeff_ = new XABRCoeffHolder <Model>(t, forward, _params, paramIsFixed, addParams); this.coeff_.weights_ = new InitializedList <double>(size, 1.0 / size); }
//! Calibrate to a set of market instruments (caps/swaptions) /*! An additional constraint can be passed which must be * satisfied in addition to the constraints of the model. */ //public void calibrate(List<CalibrationHelper> instruments, OptimizationMethod method, EndCriteria endCriteria, // Constraint constraint = new Constraint(), List<double> weights = new List<double>()) { public void calibrate(List <CalibrationHelper> instruments, OptimizationMethod method, EndCriteria endCriteria, Constraint additionalConstraint, List <double> weights) { if (!(weights.Count == 0 || weights.Count == instruments.Count)) { throw new ApplicationException("mismatch between number of instruments and weights"); } Constraint c; if (additionalConstraint.empty()) { c = constraint_; } else { c = new CompositeConstraint(constraint_, additionalConstraint); } List <double> w = weights.Count == 0 ? new InitializedList <double>(instruments.Count, 1.0): weights; CalibrationFunction f = new CalibrationFunction(this, instruments, w); Problem prob = new Problem(f, c, parameters()); shortRateEndCriteria_ = method.minimize(prob, endCriteria); Vector result = new Vector(prob.currentValue()); setParams(result); // recheck Vector shortRateProblemValues_ = prob.values(result); notifyObservers(); }
public SVI(double t, double forward, double a, double b, double sigma, double rho, double m, bool aIsFixed, bool bIsFixed, bool sigmaIsFixed, bool rhoIsFixed, bool mIsFixed, bool vegaWeighted = false, EndCriteria endCriteria = null, OptimizationMethod optMethod = null, double errorAccept = 0.0020, bool useMaxError = false, int maxGuesses = 50, List <double?> addParams = null) { t_ = t; forward_ = forward; a_ = a; b_ = b; sigma_ = sigma; rho_ = rho; m_ = m; aIsFixed_ = aIsFixed; bIsFixed_ = bIsFixed; sigmaIsFixed_ = sigmaIsFixed; rhoIsFixed_ = rhoIsFixed; mIsFixed_ = mIsFixed; vegaWeighted_ = vegaWeighted; endCriteria_ = endCriteria; optMethod_ = optMethod; errorAccept_ = errorAccept; useMaxError_ = useMaxError; maxGuesses_ = maxGuesses; addParams_ = addParams; }
public CubicBSplinesFitting(List <double> knots, bool constrainAtZero = true, Vector weights = null, OptimizationMethod optimizationMethod = null) : base(constrainAtZero, weights, optimizationMethod) { splines_ = new BSpline(3, knots.Count - 5, knots); Utils.QL_REQUIRE(knots.Count >= 8, () => "At least 8 knots are required"); int basisFunctions = knots.Count - 4; if (constrainAtZero) { size_ = basisFunctions - 1; // Note: A small but nonzero N_th basis function at t=0 may // lead to an ill conditioned problem N_ = 1; Utils.QL_REQUIRE(Math.Abs(splines_.value(N_, 0.0)) > Const.QL_EPSILON, () => "N_th cubic B-spline must be nonzero at t=0"); } else { size_ = basisFunctions; N_ = 0; } }
public NonLinearLeastSquare(Constraint c, double accuracy, int maxiter) { exitFlag_ = -1; accuracy_ = accuracy; maxIterations_ = maxiter; om_ = new ConjugateGradient(); c_ = c; }
public SimplePolynomialFitting(int degree, bool constrainAtZero = true, Vector weights = null, OptimizationMethod optimizationMethod = null) : base(constrainAtZero, weights, optimizationMethod) { size_ = constrainAtZero ? degree : degree + 1; }
//! Default constructor public NonLinearLeastSquare(Constraint c, double accuracy, int maxiter, OptimizationMethod om) { exitFlag_ = -1; accuracy_ = accuracy; maxIterations_ = maxiter; om_ = om; c_ = c; }
//! Calibrate to a set of market instruments (caps/swaptions) /*! An additional constraint can be passed which must be * satisfied in addition to the constraints of the model. */ //public void calibrate(List<CalibrationHelper> instruments, OptimizationMethod method, EndCriteria endCriteria, // Constraint constraint = new Constraint(), List<double> weights = new List<double>()) { public void calibrate(List <CalibrationHelper> instruments, OptimizationMethod method, EndCriteria endCriteria, Constraint additionalConstraint = null, List <double> weights = null, List <bool> fixParameters = null) { if (weights == null) { weights = new List <double>(); } if (additionalConstraint == null) { additionalConstraint = new Constraint(); } Utils.QL_REQUIRE(weights.empty() || weights.Count == instruments.Count, () => "mismatch between number of instruments (" + instruments.Count + ") and weights(" + weights.Count + ")"); Constraint c; if (additionalConstraint.empty()) { c = constraint_; } else { c = new CompositeConstraint(constraint_, additionalConstraint); } List <double> w = weights.Count == 0 ? new InitializedList <double>(instruments.Count, 1.0): weights; Vector prms = parameters(); List <bool> all = new InitializedList <bool>(prms.size(), false); Projection proj = new Projection(prms, fixParameters ?? all); CalibrationFunction f = new CalibrationFunction(this, instruments, w, proj); ProjectedConstraint pc = new ProjectedConstraint(c, proj); Problem prob = new Problem(f, pc, proj.project(prms)); shortRateEndCriteria_ = method.minimize(prob, endCriteria); Vector result = new Vector(prob.currentValue()); setParams(proj.include(result)); Vector shortRateProblemValues_ = prob.values(result); notifyObservers(); //CalibrationFunction f = new CalibrationFunction(this, instruments, w); //Problem prob = new Problem(f, c, parameters()); //shortRateEndCriteria_ = method.minimize(prob, endCriteria); //Vector result = new Vector(prob.currentValue()); //setParams(result); //// recheck //Vector shortRateProblemValues_ = prob.values(result); //notifyObservers(); }
// to constrained <- from unconstrained public AbcdCalibration(List <double> t, List <double> blackVols, double aGuess = -0.06, double bGuess = 0.17, double cGuess = 0.54, double dGuess = 0.17, bool aIsFixed = false, bool bIsFixed = false, bool cIsFixed = false, bool dIsFixed = false, bool vegaWeighted = false, EndCriteria endCriteria = null, OptimizationMethod method = null) { aIsFixed_ = aIsFixed; bIsFixed_ = bIsFixed; cIsFixed_ = cIsFixed; dIsFixed_ = dIsFixed; a_ = aGuess; b_ = bGuess; c_ = cGuess; d_ = dGuess; abcdEndCriteria_ = QLNet.EndCriteria.Type.None; endCriteria_ = endCriteria; optMethod_ = method; weights_ = new InitializedList <double>(blackVols.Count, 1.0 / blackVols.Count); vegaWeighted_ = vegaWeighted; times_ = t; blackVols_ = blackVols; AbcdMathFunction.validate(aGuess, bGuess, cGuess, dGuess); Utils.QL_REQUIRE(blackVols.Count == t.Count, () => "mismatch between number of times (" + t.Count + ") and blackVols (" + blackVols.Count + ")"); // if no optimization method or endCriteria is provided, we provide one if (optMethod_ == null) { double epsfcn = 1.0e-8; double xtol = 1.0e-8; double gtol = 1.0e-8; bool useCostFunctionsJacobian = false; optMethod_ = new LevenbergMarquardt(epsfcn, xtol, gtol, useCostFunctionsJacobian); } if (endCriteria_ == null) { int maxIterations = 10000; int maxStationaryStateIterations = 1000; double rootEpsilon = 1.0e-8; double functionEpsilon = 0.3e-4; // Why 0.3e-4 ? double gradientNormEpsilon = 0.3e-4; // Why 0.3e-4 ? endCriteria_ = new EndCriteria(maxIterations, maxStationaryStateIterations, rootEpsilon, functionEpsilon, gradientNormEpsilon); } }
public SwaptionVolCube1x(Handle <SwaptionVolatilityStructure> atmVolStructure, List <Period> optionTenors, List <Period> swapTenors, List <double> strikeSpreads, List <List <Handle <Quote> > > volSpreads, SwapIndex swapIndexBase, SwapIndex shortSwapIndexBase, bool vegaWeightedSmileFit, List <List <Handle <Quote> > > parametersGuess, List <bool> isParameterFixed, bool isAtmCalibrated, EndCriteria endCriteria = null, double?maxErrorTolerance = null, OptimizationMethod optMethod = null, double?errorAccept = null, bool useMaxError = false, int maxGuesses = 50, bool backwardFlat = false, double cutoffStrike = 0.0001) : base(atmVolStructure, optionTenors, swapTenors, strikeSpreads, volSpreads, swapIndexBase, shortSwapIndexBase, vegaWeightedSmileFit) { parametersGuessQuotes_ = parametersGuess; isParameterFixed_ = isParameterFixed; isAtmCalibrated_ = isAtmCalibrated; endCriteria_ = endCriteria; optMethod_ = optMethod; useMaxError_ = useMaxError; maxGuesses_ = maxGuesses; backwardFlat_ = backwardFlat; cutoffStrike_ = cutoffStrike; if (maxErrorTolerance != null) { maxErrorTolerance_ = maxErrorTolerance.Value; } else { maxErrorTolerance_ = SWAPTIONVOLCUBE_TOL; if (vegaWeightedSmileFit_) { maxErrorTolerance_ = SWAPTIONVOLCUBE_VEGAWEIGHTED_TOL; } } if (errorAccept != null) { errorAccept_ = errorAccept.Value; } else { errorAccept_ = maxErrorTolerance_ / 5.0; } privateObserver_ = new PrivateObserver(this); registerWithParametersGuess(); setParameterGuess(); }
//! constructor protected FittingMethod(bool constrainAtZero = true, Vector weights = null, OptimizationMethod optimizationMethod = null) { constrainAtZero_ = constrainAtZero; weights_ = weights ?? new Vector(); calculateWeights_ = weights_.empty(); optimizationMethod_ = optimizationMethod; }
// curve optimization called here- adjust optimization parameters here internal void calculate() { FittingCost costFunction = costFunction_; Constraint constraint = new NoConstraint(); // start with the guess solution, if it exists Vector x = new Vector(size(), 0.0); if (!curve_.guessSolution_.empty()) { x = curve_.guessSolution_; } if (curve_.maxEvaluations_ == 0) { //Don't calculate, simply use given parameters to provide a fitted curve. //This turns the fittedbonddiscountcurve into an evaluator of the parametric //curve, for example allowing to use the parameters for a credit spread curve //calculated with bonds in one currency to be coupled to a discount curve in //another currency. return; } //workaround for backwards compatibility OptimizationMethod optimization = optimizationMethod_; if (optimization == null) { optimization = new Simplex(curve_.simplexLambda_); } Problem problem = new Problem(costFunction, constraint, x); double rootEpsilon = curve_.accuracy_; double functionEpsilon = curve_.accuracy_; double gradientNormEpsilon = curve_.accuracy_; EndCriteria endCriteria = new EndCriteria(curve_.maxEvaluations_, curve_.maxStationaryStateIterations_, rootEpsilon, functionEpsilon, gradientNormEpsilon); optimization.minimize(problem, endCriteria); solution_ = problem.currentValue(); numberOfIterations_ = problem.functionEvaluation(); costValue_ = problem.functionValue(); // save the results as the guess solution, in case of recalculation curve_.guessSolution_ = solution_; }
public AbcdInterpolationImpl(List <double> xBegin, int size, List <double> yBegin, double a, double b, double c, double d, bool aIsFixed, bool bIsFixed, bool cIsFixed, bool dIsFixed, bool vegaWeighted, EndCriteria endCriteria, OptimizationMethod optMethod) : base(xBegin, size, yBegin) { abcdCoeffHolder_ = new AbcdCoeffHolder(a, b, c, d, aIsFixed, bIsFixed, cIsFixed, dIsFixed); endCriteria_ = endCriteria; optMethod_ = optMethod; vegaWeighted_ = vegaWeighted; }
public SABRInterpolation(List <double> xBegin, // x = strikes int xEnd, List <double> yBegin, // y = volatilities double t, // option expiry double forward, double?alpha, double?beta, double?nu, double?rho, bool alphaIsFixed, bool betaIsFixed, bool nuIsFixed, bool rhoIsFixed, bool vegaWeighted = true, EndCriteria endCriteria = null, OptimizationMethod optMethod = null, double errorAccept = 0.0020, bool useMaxError = false, int maxGuesses = 50, double shift = 0.0, VolatilityType volatilityType = VolatilityType.ShiftedLognormal, SabrApproximationModel approximationModel = SabrApproximationModel.Hagan2002) { List <double?> addParams = new List <double?>(); addParams.Add(shift); addParams.Add(volatilityType == VolatilityType.ShiftedLognormal ? 0.0 : 1.0); addParams.Add((double?)approximationModel); impl_ = new XABRInterpolationImpl <SABRSpecs>( xBegin, xEnd, yBegin, t, forward, new List <double?>() { alpha, beta, nu, rho }, //boost::assign::list_of(alpha)(beta)(nu)(rho), new List <bool>() { alphaIsFixed, betaIsFixed, nuIsFixed, rhoIsFixed }, //boost::assign::list_of(alphaIsFixed)(betaIsFixed)(nuIsFixed)(rhoIsFixed), vegaWeighted, endCriteria, optMethod, errorAccept, useMaxError, maxGuesses, addParams); coeffs_ = (impl_ as XABRInterpolationImpl <SABRSpecs>).coeff_; }
public Abcd(double a, double b, double c, double d, bool aIsFixed, bool bIsFixed, bool cIsFixed, bool dIsFixed, bool vegaWeighted = false, EndCriteria endCriteria = null, OptimizationMethod optMethod = null) { a_ = a; b_ = b; c_ = c; d_ = d; aIsFixed_ = aIsFixed; bIsFixed_ = bIsFixed; cIsFixed_ = cIsFixed; dIsFixed_ = dIsFixed; vegaWeighted_ = vegaWeighted; endCriteria_ = endCriteria; optMethod_ = optMethod; }
//! \name Constructors //@{ //! all market data are quotes public SviInterpolatedSmileSection( Date optionDate, Handle <Quote> forward, List <double> strikes, bool hasFloatingStrikes, Handle <Quote> atmVolatility, List <Handle <Quote> > volHandles, double a, double b, double sigma, double rho, double m, bool isAFixed, bool isBFixed, bool isSigmaFixed, bool isRhoFixed, bool isMFixed, bool vegaWeighted, EndCriteria endCriteria = null, OptimizationMethod method = null, DayCounter dc = null) : base(optionDate, dc) { forward_ = forward; atmVolatility_ = atmVolatility; volHandles_ = volHandles; strikes_ = strikes; actualStrikes_ = strikes; hasFloatingStrikes_ = hasFloatingStrikes; a_ = a; b_ = b; sigma_ = sigma; rho_ = rho; m_ = m; isAFixed_ = isAFixed; isBFixed_ = isBFixed; isSigmaFixed_ = isSigmaFixed; isRhoFixed_ = isRhoFixed; isMFixed_ = isMFixed; vegaWeighted_ = vegaWeighted; endCriteria_ = endCriteria; method_ = method; forward_.registerWith(update); atmVolatility_.registerWith(update); for (int i = 0; i < volHandles_.Count; ++i) { volHandles_[i].registerWith(update); } }
//! \name Constructors //@{ //! all market data are quotes public SabrInterpolatedSmileSection( Date optionDate, Handle <Quote> forward, List <double> strikes, bool hasFloatingStrikes, Handle <Quote> atmVolatility, List <Handle <Quote> > volHandles, double alpha, double beta, double nu, double rho, bool isAlphaFixed, bool isBetaFixed, bool isNuFixed, bool isRhoFixed, bool vegaWeighted, EndCriteria endCriteria = null, OptimizationMethod method = null, DayCounter dc = null, double shift = 0.0) : base(optionDate, dc, null, VolatilityType.ShiftedLognormal, shift) { forward_ = forward; atmVolatility_ = atmVolatility; volHandles_ = volHandles; strikes_ = strikes; actualStrikes_ = strikes; hasFloatingStrikes_ = hasFloatingStrikes; alpha_ = alpha; beta_ = beta; nu_ = nu; rho_ = rho; isAlphaFixed_ = isAlphaFixed; isBetaFixed_ = isBetaFixed; isNuFixed_ = isNuFixed; isRhoFixed_ = isRhoFixed; vegaWeighted_ = vegaWeighted; endCriteria_ = endCriteria; method_ = method; forward_.registerWith(update); atmVolatility_.registerWith(update); for (int i = 0; i < volHandles_.Count; ++i) { volHandles_[i].registerWith(update); } }
public XABRInterpolationImpl(List <double> xBegin, int size, List <double> yBegin, double t, double forward, List <double?> _params, List <bool> paramIsFixed, bool vegaWeighted, EndCriteria endCriteria, OptimizationMethod optMethod, double errorAccept, bool useMaxError, int maxGuesses, List <double?> addParams = null, XABRConstraint constraint = null) : base(xBegin, size, yBegin) { endCriteria_ = endCriteria ?? new EndCriteria(60000, 100, 1e-8, 1e-8, 1e-8); optMethod_ = optMethod ?? new LevenbergMarquardt(1e-8, 1e-8, 1e-8); errorAccept_ = errorAccept; useMaxError_ = useMaxError; maxGuesses_ = maxGuesses; forward_ = forward; vegaWeighted_ = vegaWeighted; constraint_ = constraint ?? new NoXABRConstraint(); coeff_ = new XABRCoeffHolder <Model>(t, forward, _params, paramIsFixed, addParams); coeff_.weights_ = new InitializedList <double>(size, 1.0 / size); }
/*! Constructor */ public AbcdInterpolation(List <double> xBegin, int size, List <double> yBegin, double a = -0.06, double b = 0.17, double c = 0.54, double d = 0.17, bool aIsFixed = false, bool bIsFixed = false, bool cIsFixed = false, bool dIsFixed = false, bool vegaWeighted = false, EndCriteria endCriteria = null, OptimizationMethod optMethod = null) { impl_ = new AbcdInterpolationImpl(xBegin, size, yBegin, a, b, c, d, aIsFixed, bIsFixed, cIsFixed, dIsFixed, vegaWeighted, endCriteria, optMethod); impl_.update(); coeffs_ = ((AbcdInterpolationImpl)impl_).AbcdCoeffHolder(); }
public SABRInterpolation(List <double> xBegin, // x = strikes int xEnd, List <double> yBegin, // y = volatilities double t, // option expiry double forward, double?alpha, double?beta, double?nu, double?rho, bool alphaIsFixed, bool betaIsFixed, bool nuIsFixed, bool rhoIsFixed, bool vegaWeighted = true, EndCriteria endCriteria = null, OptimizationMethod optMethod = null, double errorAccept = 0.0020, bool useMaxError = false, int maxGuesses = 50) { impl_ = new XABRInterpolationImpl <SABRSpecs>( xBegin, xEnd, yBegin, t, forward, new List <double?>() { alpha, beta, nu, rho }, //boost::assign::list_of(alpha)(beta)(nu)(rho), new List <bool>() { alphaIsFixed, betaIsFixed, nuIsFixed, rhoIsFixed }, //boost::assign::list_of(alphaIsFixed)(betaIsFixed)(nuIsFixed)(rhoIsFixed), vegaWeighted, endCriteria, optMethod, errorAccept, useMaxError, maxGuesses); coeffs_ = (impl_ as XABRInterpolationImpl <SABRSpecs>).coeff_; }
public SABR(double t, double forward, double alpha, double beta, double nu, double rho, bool alphaIsFixed, bool betaIsFixed, bool nuIsFixed, bool rhoIsFixed, bool vegaWeighted = false, EndCriteria endCriteria = null, OptimizationMethod optMethod = null, double errorAccept = 0.0020, bool useMaxError = false, int maxGuesses = 50) { t_ = t; forward_ = forward; alpha_ = alpha; beta_ = beta; nu_ = nu; rho_ = rho; alphaIsFixed_ = alphaIsFixed; betaIsFixed_ = betaIsFixed; nuIsFixed_ = nuIsFixed; rhoIsFixed_ = rhoIsFixed; vegaWeighted_ = vegaWeighted; endCriteria_ = endCriteria; optMethod_ = optMethod; errorAccept_ = errorAccept; useMaxError_ = useMaxError; maxGuesses_ = maxGuesses; }
public SviInterpolation(List <double> xBegin, // x = strikes int size, List <double> yBegin, // y = volatilities double t, // option expiry double forward, double?a, double?b, double?sigma, double?rho, double?m, bool aIsFixed, bool bIsFixed, bool sigmaIsFixed, bool rhoIsFixed, bool mIsFixed, bool vegaWeighted = true, EndCriteria endCriteria = null, OptimizationMethod optMethod = null, double errorAccept = 0.0020, bool useMaxError = false, int maxGuesses = 50, List <double?> addParams = null) { impl_ = new XABRInterpolationImpl <SVISpecs>( xBegin, size, yBegin, t, forward, new List <double?>() { a, b, sigma, rho, m }, new List <bool>() { aIsFixed, bIsFixed, sigmaIsFixed, rhoIsFixed, mIsFixed }, vegaWeighted, endCriteria, optMethod, errorAccept, useMaxError, maxGuesses, addParams); coeffs_ = (impl_ as XABRInterpolationImpl <SVISpecs>).coeff_; }
public SvenssonFitting(Vector weights = null, OptimizationMethod optimizationMethod = null) : base(true, weights, optimizationMethod) { }
public ExponentialSplinesFitting(bool constrainAtZero = true, Vector weights = null, OptimizationMethod optimizationMethod = null) : base(constrainAtZero, weights, optimizationMethod) { }
//! Calibrate to a set of market instruments (caps/swaptions) /*! An additional constraint can be passed which must be satisfied in addition to the constraints of the model. */ //public void calibrate(List<CalibrationHelper> instruments, OptimizationMethod method, EndCriteria endCriteria, // Constraint constraint = new Constraint(), List<double> weights = new List<double>()) { public void calibrate(List<CalibrationHelper> instruments, OptimizationMethod method, EndCriteria endCriteria, Constraint additionalConstraint, List<double> weights) { if (!(weights.Count == 0 || weights.Count == instruments.Count)) throw new ApplicationException("mismatch between number of instruments and weights"); Constraint c; if (additionalConstraint.empty()) c = constraint_; else c = new CompositeConstraint(constraint_,additionalConstraint); List<double> w = weights.Count == 0 ? new InitializedList<double>(instruments.Count, 1.0): weights; CalibrationFunction f = new CalibrationFunction(this, instruments, w); Problem prob = new Problem(f, c, parameters()); shortRateEndCriteria_ = method.minimize(prob, endCriteria); Vector result = new Vector(prob.currentValue()); setParams(result); // recheck Vector shortRateProblemValues_ = prob.values(result); notifyObservers(); }
public NelsonSiegelFitting(Vector weights = null, OptimizationMethod optimizationMethod = null) : base(true, weights, optimizationMethod) { }
public SwaptionVolCube1x(Handle <SwaptionVolatilityStructure> atmVolStructure, List <Period> optionTenors, List <Period> swapTenors, List <double> strikeSpreads, List <List <Handle <Quote> > > volSpreads, SwapIndex swapIndexBase, SwapIndex shortSwapIndexBase, bool vegaWeightedSmileFit, List <List <Handle <Quote> > > parametersGuess, List <bool> isParameterFixed, bool isAtmCalibrated, EndCriteria endCriteria = null, double?maxErrorTolerance = null, OptimizationMethod optMethod = null, double?errorAccept = null, bool useMaxError = false, int maxGuesses = 50, bool backwardFlat = false, double cutoffStrike = 0.0001) : base(atmVolStructure, optionTenors, swapTenors, strikeSpreads, volSpreads, swapIndexBase, shortSwapIndexBase, vegaWeightedSmileFit) { parametersGuessQuotes_ = parametersGuess; isParameterFixed_ = isParameterFixed; isAtmCalibrated_ = isAtmCalibrated; endCriteria_ = endCriteria; optMethod_ = optMethod; useMaxError_ = useMaxError; maxGuesses_ = maxGuesses; backwardFlat_ = backwardFlat; cutoffStrike_ = cutoffStrike; // the current implementations are all lognormal, if we have // a normal one, we can move this check to the implementing classes Utils.QL_REQUIRE( == VolatilityType.ShiftedLognormal, () => "vol cubes of type 1 require a lognormal atm surface"); if (maxErrorTolerance != null) { maxErrorTolerance_ = maxErrorTolerance.Value; } else { maxErrorTolerance_ = SWAPTIONVOLCUBE_TOL; if (vegaWeightedSmileFit_) { maxErrorTolerance_ = SWAPTIONVOLCUBE_VEGAWEIGHTED_TOL; } } if (errorAccept != null) { errorAccept_ = errorAccept.Value; } else { errorAccept_ = maxErrorTolerance_ / 5.0; } privateObserver_ = new PrivateObserver(this); registerWithParametersGuess(); setParameterGuess(); }
public SABR(double t, double forward, double alpha, double beta, double nu, double rho, bool alphaIsFixed, bool betaIsFixed, bool nuIsFixed, bool rhoIsFixed, bool vegaWeighted = false, EndCriteria endCriteria = null, OptimizationMethod optMethod = null, double errorAccept = 0.0020, bool useMaxError = false,int maxGuesses = 50) { t_ = t; forward_ = forward; alpha_ = alpha; beta_ = beta; nu_ = nu; rho_ = rho; alphaIsFixed_ = alphaIsFixed; betaIsFixed_ = betaIsFixed; nuIsFixed_ = nuIsFixed; rhoIsFixed_ = rhoIsFixed; vegaWeighted_ = vegaWeighted; endCriteria_ = endCriteria; optMethod_ = optMethod; errorAccept_ = errorAccept; useMaxError_ = useMaxError; maxGuesses_ = maxGuesses; }
public SABRInterpolation( List<double> xBegin, // x = strikes int xEnd, List<double> yBegin, // y = volatilities double t, // option expiry double forward, double? alpha, double? beta, double? nu, double? rho, bool alphaIsFixed, bool betaIsFixed, bool nuIsFixed, bool rhoIsFixed, bool vegaWeighted = true, EndCriteria endCriteria = null, OptimizationMethod optMethod = null, double errorAccept = 0.0020, bool useMaxError = false, int maxGuesses = 50 ) { impl_ = new XABRInterpolationImpl<SABRSpecs>( xBegin, xEnd, yBegin, t, forward, new List<double?>(){alpha,beta,nu,rho}, //boost::assign::list_of(alpha)(beta)(nu)(rho), new List<bool>(){alphaIsFixed,betaIsFixed,nuIsFixed,rhoIsFixed}, //boost::assign::list_of(alphaIsFixed)(betaIsFixed)(nuIsFixed)(rhoIsFixed), vegaWeighted, endCriteria, optMethod, errorAccept, useMaxError, maxGuesses); coeffs_ = (impl_ as XABRInterpolationImpl<SABRSpecs>).coeff_; }