public double integrate(double a, double b, ConundrumIntegrand integrand) { double result = .0; // we use the non adaptive algorithm only for semi infinite interval if (a > 0) { // we estimate the actual boudary by testing integrand values double upperBoundary = 2 * a; while (integrand.value(upperBoundary) > precision_) { upperBoundary *= 2.0; } // sometimes b < a because of a wrong estimation of b based on stdev if (b > a) { upperBoundary = Math.Min(upperBoundary, b); } GaussKronrodNonAdaptive gaussKronrodNonAdaptive = new GaussKronrodNonAdaptive(precision_, 1000000, 1.0); // if the integration intervall is wide enough we use the // following change variable x -> a + (b-a)*(t/(a-b))^3 upperBoundary = Math.Max(a, Math.Min(upperBoundary, hardUpperLimit_)); if (upperBoundary > 2 * a) { VariableChange variableChange = new VariableChange(integrand.value, a, upperBoundary, 3); result = gaussKronrodNonAdaptive.value(variableChange.value, .0, 1.0); } else { result = gaussKronrodNonAdaptive.value(integrand.value, a, upperBoundary); } // if the expected precision has not been reached we use the old algorithm if (!gaussKronrodNonAdaptive.integrationSuccess()) { GaussKronrodAdaptive integrator = new GaussKronrodAdaptive(precision_, 100000); b = Math.Max(a, Math.Min(b, hardUpperLimit_)); result = integrator.value(integrand.value, a, b); } } // if a < b we use the old algorithm else { b = Math.Max(a, Math.Min(b, hardUpperLimit_)); GaussKronrodAdaptive integrator = new GaussKronrodAdaptive(precision_, 100000); result = integrator.value(integrand.value, a, b); } return(result); }
public LinearTsrPricer(Handle <SwaptionVolatilityStructure> swaptionVol, Handle <Quote> meanReversion, Handle <YieldTermStructure> couponDiscountCurve = null, Settings settings = null, Integrator integrator = null) : base(swaptionVol) { meanReversion_ = meanReversion; couponDiscountCurve_ = couponDiscountCurve ?? new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(); settings_ = settings ?? new Settings(); volDayCounter_ =; integrator_ = integrator; if (!couponDiscountCurve_.empty()) { couponDiscountCurve_.registerWith(update); } if (integrator_ == null) { integrator_ = new GaussKronrodNonAdaptive(1E-10, 5000, 1E-10); } }