        public QColor[] GetPixels()
            var c = new QColor[Width * Height];

        public QTexture GetPartialTexture(QRectangle source)
            Texture2D t = new Texture2D(_texture.GraphicsDevice, source.Width, source.Height);

            QColor[] colors = new QColor[t.Width * t.Height];
            _texture.GetData(0, source, colors, 0, colors.Length);
            t.SetData(0, source, colors, 0, colors.Length);
            return(new QTexture(Manager, t));
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a custom rectanlge texture to the game
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        /// <param name="w"></param>
        /// <param name="h"></param>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        public void Rectangle(string n, int w, int h, QColor color)
            var t = new Texture2D(cm.MonoGraphicsDevice, w, h);
            var c = new QColor[w * h];

            for (var i = 0; i < c.Length; i++)
                c[i] = color;
            if (!cm.LoadCustomTexture(n, t))
 internal QContentManager(Game engine)
     MonoGraphicsDevice = engine.GraphicsDevice;
     MonoContentManager = engine.Content;
     Atlases            = new List <QTextureAtlas>();
     Textures           = new Dictionary <string, QTexture>();
     Fonts  = new Dictionary <string, QFont>();
     Sounds = new Dictionary <string, QSound>();
     Music  = new Dictionary <string, QMusic>();
     //setting up the unknown texture once
     if (UnknownTexture == null)
         var texture = new Texture2D(MonoGraphicsDevice, 2, 2);
         var c       = new QColor[]
             QColor.White, QColor.Purple, QColor.White, QColor.Purple
         UnknownTexture = new QTexture(this, texture);
 static QColor()
     TransparentBlack     = new QColor(0U);
     Transparent          = new QColor(0U);
     AliceBlue            = new QColor(4294965488U);
     AntiqueWhite         = new QColor(4292340730U);
     Aqua                 = new QColor(4294967040U);
     Aquamarine           = new QColor(4292149119U);
     Azure                = new QColor(4294967280U);
     Beige                = new QColor(4292670965U);
     Bisque               = new QColor(4291093759U);
     Black                = new QColor(4278190080U);
     BlanchedAlmond       = new QColor(4291685375U);
     Blue                 = new QColor(4294901760U);
     BlueViolet           = new QColor(4293012362U);
     Brown                = new QColor(4280953509U);
     BurlyWood            = new QColor(4287084766U);
     CadetBlue            = new QColor(4288716383U);
     Chartreuse           = new QColor(4278255487U);
     Chocolate            = new QColor(4280183250U);
     Coral                = new QColor(4283465727U);
     CornflowerBlue       = new QColor(4293760356U);
     Cornsilk             = new QColor(4292671743U);
     Crimson              = new QColor(4282127580U);
     Cyan                 = new QColor(4294967040U);
     DarkBlue             = new QColor(4287299584U);
     DarkCyan             = new QColor(4287335168U);
     DarkGoldenrod        = new QColor(4278945464U);
     DarkGray             = new QColor(4289309097U);
     DarkGreen            = new QColor(4278215680U);
     DarkKhaki            = new QColor(4285249469U);
     DarkMagenta          = new QColor(4287299723U);
     DarkOliveGreen       = new QColor(4281297749U);
     DarkOrange           = new QColor(4278226175U);
     DarkOrchid           = new QColor(4291572377U);
     DarkRed              = new QColor(4278190219U);
     DarkSalmon           = new QColor(4286224105U);
     DarkSeaGreen         = new QColor(4287347855U);
     DarkSlateBlue        = new QColor(4287315272U);
     DarkSlateGray        = new QColor(4283387695U);
     DarkTurquoise        = new QColor(4291939840U);
     DarkViolet           = new QColor(4292018324U);
     DeepPink             = new QColor(4287829247U);
     DeepSkyBlue          = new QColor(4294950656U);
     DimGray              = new QColor(4285098345U);
     DodgerBlue           = new QColor(4294938654U);
     Firebrick            = new QColor(4280427186U);
     FloralWhite          = new QColor(4293982975U);
     ForestGreen          = new QColor(4280453922U);
     Fuchsia              = new QColor(4294902015U);
     Gainsboro            = new QColor(4292664540U);
     GhostWhite           = new QColor(4294965496U);
     Gold                 = new QColor(4278245375U);
     Goldenrod            = new QColor(4280329690U);
     Gray                 = new QColor(4286611584U);
     Green                = new QColor(4278222848U);
     GreenYellow          = new QColor(4281335725U);
     Honeydew             = new QColor(4293984240U);
     HotPink              = new QColor(4290013695U);
     IndianRed            = new QColor(4284243149U);
     Indigo               = new QColor(4286709835U);
     Ivory                = new QColor(4293984255U);
     Khaki                = new QColor(4287424240U);
     Lavender             = new QColor(4294633190U);
     LavenderBlush        = new QColor(4294308095U);
     LawnGreen            = new QColor(4278254716U);
     LemonChiffon         = new QColor(4291689215U);
     LightBlue            = new QColor(4293318829U);
     LightCoral           = new QColor(4286611696U);
     LightCyan            = new QColor(4294967264U);
     LightGoldenrodYellow = new QColor(4292016890U);
     LightGray            = new QColor(4292072403U);
     LightGreen           = new QColor(4287688336U);
     LightPink            = new QColor(4290885375U);
     LightSalmon          = new QColor(4286226687U);
     LightSeaGreen        = new QColor(4289376800U);
     LightSkyBlue         = new QColor(4294626951U);
     LightSlateGray       = new QColor(4288252023U);
     LightSteelBlue       = new QColor(4292789424U);
     LightYellow          = new QColor(4292935679U);
     Lime                 = new QColor(4278255360U);
     LimeGreen            = new QColor(4281519410U);
     Linen                = new QColor(4293325050U);
     Magenta              = new QColor(4294902015U);
     Maroon               = new QColor(4278190208U);
     MediumAquamarine     = new QColor(4289383782U);
     MediumBlue           = new QColor(4291624960U);
     MediumOrchid         = new QColor(4292040122U);
     MediumPurple         = new QColor(4292571283U);
     MediumSeaGreen       = new QColor(4285641532U);
     MediumSlateBlue      = new QColor(4293814395U);
     MediumSpringGreen    = new QColor(4288346624U);
     MediumTurquoise      = new QColor(4291613000U);
     MediumVioletRed      = new QColor(4286911943U);
     MidnightBlue         = new QColor(4285536537U);
     MintCream            = new QColor(4294639605U);
     MistyRose            = new QColor(4292994303U);
     Moccasin             = new QColor(4290110719U);
     MonoGameOrange       = new QColor(4278205671U);
     NavajoWhite          = new QColor(4289584895U);
     Navy                 = new QColor(4286578688U);
     OldLace              = new QColor(4293326333U);
     Olive                = new QColor(4278222976U);
     OliveDrab            = new QColor(4280520299U);
     Orange               = new QColor(4278232575U);
     OrangeRed            = new QColor(4278207999U);
     Orchid               = new QColor(4292243674U);
     PaleGoldenrod        = new QColor(4289390830U);
     PaleGreen            = new QColor(4288215960U);
     PaleTurquoise        = new QColor(4293848751U);
     PaleVioletRed        = new QColor(4287852763U);
     PapayaWhip           = new QColor(4292210687U);
     PeachPuff            = new QColor(4290370303U);
     Peru                 = new QColor(4282353101U);
     Pink                 = new QColor(4291543295U);
     Plum                 = new QColor(4292714717U);
     PowderBlue           = new QColor(4293320880U);
     Purple               = new QColor(4286578816U);
     Red         = new QColor(4278190335U);
     RosyBrown   = new QColor(4287598524U);
     RoyalBlue   = new QColor(4292962625U);
     SaddleBrown = new QColor(4279453067U);
     Salmon      = new QColor(4285694202U);
     SandyBrown  = new QColor(4284523764U);
     SeaGreen    = new QColor(4283927342U);
     SeaShell    = new QColor(4293850623U);
     Sienna      = new QColor(4281160352U);
     Silver      = new QColor(4290822336U);
     SkyBlue     = new QColor(4293643911U);
     SlateBlue   = new QColor(4291648106U);
     SlateGray   = new QColor(4287660144U);
     Snow        = new QColor(4294638335U);
     SpringGreen = new QColor(4286578432U);
     SteelBlue   = new QColor(4290019910U);
     Tan         = new QColor(4287411410U);
     Teal        = new QColor(4286611456U);
     Thistle     = new QColor(4292394968U);
     Tomato      = new QColor(4282868735U);
     Turquoise   = new QColor(4291878976U);
     Violet      = new QColor(4293821166U);
     Wheat       = new QColor(4289978101U);
     White       = new QColor(uint.MaxValue);
     WhiteSmoke  = new QColor(4294309365U);
     Yellow      = new QColor(4278255615U);
     YellowGreen = new QColor(4281519514U);
 public static QColor Lerp(QColor a, QColor b, float amount)
     return(Color.Lerp(a, b, amount));
 public bool Equals(QColor other)
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function to create a good circle texture
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <param name="c"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        Texture2D CreateCircle(GraphicsDevice g, int r, QColor c)
            int       outerRadius = r * 2 + 2;       // So circle doesn't go out of bounds
            Texture2D texture     = new Texture2D(g, outerRadius, outerRadius);

            QColor[] data = new QColor[outerRadius * outerRadius];

            // Colour the entire texture transparent first.
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                data[i] = QColor.Transparent;

            // Work out the minimum step necessary using trigonometry + sine approximation.
            double angleStep = 1f / r;

            for (double angle = 0; angle < Math.PI * 2; angle += angleStep)
                // Use the parametric definition of a circle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circle#Cartesian_coordinates
                int x = (int)Math.Round(r + r * Math.Cos(angle));
                int y = (int)Math.Round(r + r * Math.Sin(angle));

                data[y * outerRadius + x + 1] = QColor.White;

            bool finished  = false;
            int  firstSkip = 0;
            int  lastSkip  = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i <= data.Length - 1; i++)
                if (finished == false)
                    //T = transparent W = White;
                    //Find the First Batch of Colors TTTTWWWTTTT The top of the circle
                    if ((data[i] == QColor.White) && (firstSkip == 0))
                        while (data[i + 1] == QColor.White)
                        firstSkip = 1;
                    //Now Start Filling                       TTTTTTTTWWTTTTTTTT
                    //circle in Between                       TTTTTTW--->WTTTTTT
                    //transaparent blancks                    TTTTTWW--->WWTTTTT
                    //                                        TTTTTTW--->WTTTTTT
                    //                                        TTTTTTTTWWTTTTTTTT
                    if (firstSkip == 1)
                        if (data[i] == QColor.White && data[i + 1] != QColor.White)
                            while (data[i] != QColor.White)
                                //Loop to check if its the last row of pixels
                                //We need to check this because of the
                                //int outerRadius = radius * 2 + -->'2'<--;
                                for (int j = 1; j <= outerRadius; j++)
                                    if (data[i + j] != QColor.White)
                                //If its the last line of pixels, end drawing
                                if (lastSkip == outerRadius)
                                    finished = true;
                                    data[i] = QColor.White;
                                    lastSkip = 0;
                            while (data[i] == QColor.White)

 internal virtual void ClearScreen(QColor color)
//		/// <summary>
//		/// Draws filled in circle
//		/// </summary>
//		/// <param name="t"></param>
//		/// <param name="radius"></param>
//		/// <param name="c"></param>
//		public void DrawCircle(QTransform t, float radius, QColor c)
//		{
//			sb.DrawCircle(t.Position, radius, 20, c, radius);
//		}
//		/// <summary>
//		/// Assumes that the rectangle origin is in the middle
//		/// </summary>
//		/// <param name="t"></param>
//		/// <param name="width"></param>
//		/// <param name="height"></param>
//		/// <param name="color"></param>
//		public void DrawRect(QTransform t, float width, float height, QColor color)
//		{
//			var v = t.Position;
//			//sb.DrawRectangle(v - new QVec(width, height)/2f, new QVec(width, height), color);
//			sb.FillRectangle(v - new QVec(width, height)/2f, new QVec(width, height), color);
//			//sb.FillRectangle(t.Position.X, t.Position.Y, width, height, color, t.Rotation);
//		}

        internal virtual void Draw(QTexture t, QVector2 pos, QColor c)
            sb.Draw(t, pos, c);