/// <summary> /// Clones the current question. /// </summary> /// <returns>The id of the cloned question.</returns> public int Clone() { ExamQuestion clonedQuestion = new ExamQuestion(); clonedQuestion.Question = Question; clonedQuestion.IdTheme = IdTheme; clonedQuestion.Status = Status; clonedQuestion.IdQuestionOriginal = IdQuestion; clonedQuestion.Create(); foreach (ExamOption option in options) { option.Clone(clonedQuestion.IdQuestion); } return(clonedQuestion.IdQuestion); }
/// <summary> /// Grades the user exam. /// </summary> public void Grade() { int totalQuestions = 0; int totalPoints = 0; foreach (UserExamQuestion userExamQuestion in questions) { ExamQuestion question = new ExamQuestion(userExamQuestion.IdQuestion); foreach (ExamOption option in question.options) { if (option.IdOption == userExamQuestion.IdOption) { totalPoints += option.Points; } } totalQuestions++; } Score = ((double)totalPoints / (double)totalQuestions) * 100; Exam exam = new Exam(IdExam); if (exam.MasteryScore == 0) { Status = UserExamStatus.COMPLETE; } else if (Score >= exam.MasteryScore) { Status = UserExamStatus.PASSED; } else { Status = UserExamStatus.FAILED; } string sql = "UPDATE UserExam SET Status=" + Status + ", Score=" + Score + ", DateComplete=getdate() WHERE IdUserExam = " + IdUserExam; Common.BDExecute(sql); Log.Add(SessionHandler.Id, LogKind.GENERAL, Modules.EVALUATION, IdExam, Text.Exam + ": " + exam.ExamName + ", [IdU: " + IdUser + ", IdUE: " + IdUserExam + "]"); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves the question list as an HTML string. /// </summary> /// <param name="modules">The current user modules.</param> /// <param name="currentPage">The current page used.</param> /// <param name="filter">An SQL filter.</param> /// <returns>The HTML string with the question list.</returns> public static string GetQuestionList(Dictionary <string, bool> modules, int currentPage, string filter, bool forSelection) { string retval = ""; string className = ""; int total = 0; string sql = "SELECT COUNT(IdQuestion) AS HowMany FROM ExamQuestion"; sql = Common.StrAdd(sql, " WHERE ", filter); double recordsPerPage = Config.RecordsPerPage(); double totalRecords = Common.GetBDNum("HowMany", sql); int totalPages = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(totalRecords / recordsPerPage)); if (currentPage > totalPages) { currentPage = totalPages; } if (currentPage == 0) { currentPage = 1; } retval = "<table width='100%'>"; retval += "<tr>"; //Table Header if (forSelection) { retval += "<th> </th>"; } retval += "<th>" + Text.Identifier + "</th><th>" + Text.Question + "</th>"; if (!forSelection) { retval += "<th>" + Text.Theme + "</th><th>" + Text.Status + "</th>"; } retval += "<th>" + Text.DifficultyIndex + "</th></tr>"; sql = "SELECT IdQuestion, Question FROM (SELECT IdQuestion, Question, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY IdQuestion) AS RowNum FROM ExamQuestion"; sql = Common.StrAdd(sql, " WHERE ", filter); sql += ") AS U WHERE U.RowNum BETWEEN ((" + currentPage + " - 1) * " + recordsPerPage + ") + 1 AND " + recordsPerPage + " * (" + currentPage + ")"; string[] idQuestionList = Common.CSVToArray(Common.GetBDList("IdQuestion", sql, false)); foreach (string idQuestion in idQuestionList) { try { ExamQuestion question = new ExamQuestion(Convert.ToInt32(idQuestion)); ExamTheme theme = new ExamTheme(question.IdTheme); string themeName = ""; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(theme.Theme)) { themeName = Text.None; } else { themeName = theme.Theme; } className = Common.SwitchClass(className); string questionStatus = Text.Inactive; if (question.Status == ExamQuestionStatus.ACTIVE) { questionStatus = Text.Active; } retval += "<tr class='" + className + "' id='q_" + idQuestion + "' onClick='showQuestion(" + idQuestion + ");'>"; if (forSelection) { retval += "<td width='5%' align='center'>" + DrawInput.InputCheckbox("q_chk_" + idQuestion, "", false, "questionChk", "", "", "") + "</td>"; } retval += "<td width='5%' align='center'>" + question.IdQuestion + "</td>"; retval += "<td width='60%'>" + Common.BBCodeToHTML(question.Question) + "</td>"; if (!forSelection) { retval += "<td width='20%' align='center'>" + themeName + "</td>"; retval += "<td width='10%' align='center'>" + questionStatus + "</td>"; } retval += "<td width='5%' align='center'>" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", question.DifficultyIndex("")) + "</td>"; retval += "</tr>"; total++; } catch (Exception ex) { } } retval += "</table>"; //footer / pagination retval += "<div align='center' class='pagination'>"; retval += "<div align='left' style='width: 50%; display: inline-block;'>" + Common.StrLang(Text.ShowingXofY, total.ToString() + "," + totalRecords.ToString()) + " " + Text.Question_s + "</div>"; retval += "<div align='right' style='width: 50%; display: inline-block;'>" + Common.StrLang(Text.PageXofY, currentPage.ToString() + "," + totalPages.ToString()); retval += " <a href='#' class='dark' onClick='firstPage();'><<</a>"; retval += " <a href='#' class='dark' onClick='prevPage();'><</a>"; retval += " <a href='#' class='dark' onClick='nextPage();'>></a>"; retval += " <a href='#' class='dark' onClick='lastPage(" + totalPages + ");'>>></a>"; retval += "</div>"; retval += "</div>"; return(retval); }
/// <summary> /// Clones the current question. /// </summary> /// <returns>The id of the cloned question.</returns> public int Clone() { ExamQuestion clonedQuestion = new ExamQuestion(); clonedQuestion.Question = Question; clonedQuestion.IdTheme = IdTheme; clonedQuestion.Status = Status; clonedQuestion.IdQuestionOriginal = IdQuestion; clonedQuestion.Create(); foreach (ExamOption option in options) { option.Clone(clonedQuestion.IdQuestion); } return clonedQuestion.IdQuestion; }
/// <summary> /// Grades the user exam. /// </summary> public void Grade() { int totalQuestions = 0; int totalPoints = 0; foreach (UserExamQuestion userExamQuestion in questions) { ExamQuestion question = new ExamQuestion(userExamQuestion.IdQuestion); foreach(ExamOption option in question.options) { if (option.IdOption == userExamQuestion.IdOption) { totalPoints += option.Points; } } totalQuestions++; } Score = ((double)totalPoints / (double)totalQuestions) * 100; Exam exam = new Exam(IdExam); if (exam.MasteryScore == 0) { Status = UserExamStatus.COMPLETE; } else if (Score >= exam.MasteryScore) { Status = UserExamStatus.PASSED; } else { Status = UserExamStatus.FAILED; } string sql = "UPDATE UserExam SET Status=" + Status + ", Score=" + Score + ", DateComplete=getdate() WHERE IdUserExam = " + IdUserExam; Common.BDExecute(sql); Log.Add(SessionHandler.Id, LogKind.GENERAL, Modules.EVALUATION, IdExam, Text.Exam + ": " + exam.ExamName + ", [IdU: " + IdUser + ", IdUE: " + IdUserExam + "]"); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves the question list as an HTML string. /// </summary> /// <param name="modules">The current user modules.</param> /// <param name="currentPage">The current page used.</param> /// <param name="filter">An SQL filter.</param> /// <returns>The HTML string with the question list.</returns> public static string GetQuestionList(Dictionary<string, bool> modules, int currentPage, string filter, bool forSelection) { string retval = ""; string className = ""; int total = 0; string sql = "SELECT COUNT(IdQuestion) AS HowMany FROM ExamQuestion"; sql = Common.StrAdd(sql, " WHERE ", filter); double recordsPerPage = Config.RecordsPerPage(); double totalRecords = Common.GetBDNum("HowMany", sql); int totalPages = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(totalRecords / recordsPerPage)); if (currentPage > totalPages) { currentPage = totalPages; } if (currentPage == 0) { currentPage = 1; } retval = "<table width='100%'>"; retval += "<tr>"; //Table Header if (forSelection) { retval += "<th> </th>"; } retval += "<th>" + Text.Identifier + "</th><th>" + Text.Question + "</th>"; if(!forSelection) { retval += "<th>" + Text.Theme +"</th><th>" + Text.Status + "</th>"; } retval += "<th>" + Text.DifficultyIndex + "</th></tr>"; sql = "SELECT IdQuestion, Question FROM (SELECT IdQuestion, Question, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY IdQuestion) AS RowNum FROM ExamQuestion"; sql = Common.StrAdd(sql, " WHERE ", filter); sql += ") AS U WHERE U.RowNum BETWEEN ((" + currentPage + " - 1) * " + recordsPerPage + ") + 1 AND " + recordsPerPage + " * (" + currentPage + ")"; string[] idQuestionList = Common.CSVToArray(Common.GetBDList("IdQuestion", sql, false)); foreach (string idQuestion in idQuestionList) { try { ExamQuestion question = new ExamQuestion(Convert.ToInt32(idQuestion)); ExamTheme theme = new ExamTheme(question.IdTheme); string themeName = ""; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(theme.Theme)) { themeName = Text.None; } else { themeName = theme.Theme; } className = Common.SwitchClass(className); string questionStatus = Text.Inactive; if (question.Status == ExamQuestionStatus.ACTIVE) { questionStatus = Text.Active; } retval += "<tr class='" + className + "' id='q_" + idQuestion + "' onClick='showQuestion(" + idQuestion + ");'>"; if(forSelection) { retval += "<td width='5%' align='center'>" + DrawInput.InputCheckbox("q_chk_" + idQuestion, "", false, "questionChk", "", "", "") + "</td>"; } retval += "<td width='5%' align='center'>" + question.IdQuestion + "</td>"; retval += "<td width='60%'>" + Common.BBCodeToHTML(question.Question) + "</td>"; if(!forSelection) { retval += "<td width='20%' align='center'>" + themeName + "</td>"; retval += "<td width='10%' align='center'>" + questionStatus + "</td>"; } retval += "<td width='5%' align='center'>" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", question.DifficultyIndex("")) + "</td>"; retval += "</tr>"; total++; } catch (Exception ex) { } } retval += "</table>"; //footer / pagination retval += "<div align='center' class='pagination'>"; retval += "<div align='left' style='width: 50%; display: inline-block;'>" + Common.StrLang(Text.ShowingXofY, total.ToString() + "," + totalRecords.ToString()) + " " + Text.Question_s + "</div>"; retval += "<div align='right' style='width: 50%; display: inline-block;'>" + Common.StrLang(Text.PageXofY, currentPage.ToString() + "," + totalPages.ToString()); retval += " <a href='#' class='dark' onClick='firstPage();'><<</a>"; retval += " <a href='#' class='dark' onClick='prevPage();'><</a>"; retval += " <a href='#' class='dark' onClick='nextPage();'>></a>"; retval += " <a href='#' class='dark' onClick='lastPage(" + totalPages + ");'>>></a>"; retval += "</div>"; retval += "</div>"; return retval; }