private static HoursMinutes GetHoursMinutesFromDuration(string Duration) { HoursMinutes hrsMins = null; try { var parts = Duration.Split('T'); if (parts.Length == 2) { if (parts[0] == "P") { var parts2 = parts[1].Split('H'); if (parts2.Length == 2) { int hours = Convert.ToInt32(parts2[0]); var parts3 = parts2[1].Split('M'); if (parts3.Length == 2) { int minutes = Convert.ToInt32(parts3[0]); hrsMins = new HoursMinutes(); hrsMins.Hours = hours; hrsMins.Minutes = minutes; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.RototrackErrorLog("QBMigrationTool: " + RototrackConfig.GetBuildType() + ": " + e.ToString()); } return(hrsMins); }
public static void CheckStatus(string statusCode, string statusSeverity, string statusMessage) { if (Convert.ToInt32(statusCode) != 0) { Logging.RototrackErrorLog("QBMigrationTool: " + RototrackConfig.GetBuildType() + ": " + "Error: " + statusMessage); } }
public static string DoRequest(XmlDocument doc) { RequestProcessor2 rp = null; string ticket = null; string response = null; bool errorOccurred = false; int maxTries = 1; int tries = 0; do { try { tries++; rp = new RequestProcessor2(); rp.OpenConnection("QBMT1", "QBMigrationTool"); ticket = rp.BeginSession("", QBFileMode.qbFileOpenDoNotCare); CheckIfBuildTypeAndQuickBooksFileMatch(rp.GetCurrentCompanyFileName(ticket)); response = rp.ProcessRequest(ticket, doc.OuterXml); if (errorOccurred) { Logging.RototrackErrorLog("QBMigrationTool: " + RototrackConfig.GetBuildType() + ": " + "DoRequest Retry succeeded."); errorOccurred = false; } } catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException e) { Logging.RototrackErrorLog("QBMigrationTool: " + RototrackConfig.GetBuildType() + ": " + "Error in DoRequest. Retrying. Details: " + e.ToString()); //MessageBox.Show("Outer: " + doc.OuterXml); errorOccurred = true; } catch (Exception e) { Logging.RototrackErrorLog("QBMigrationTool: " + RototrackConfig.GetBuildType() + ": " + "Error in DoRequest. Retrying. Details: " + e.ToString()); break; } finally { if (ticket != null) { rp.EndSession(ticket); } if (rp != null) { rp.CloseConnection(); } } } while (errorOccurred && tries <= maxTries); return(response); }
private static void CheckIfBuildTypeAndQuickBooksFileMatch(string filename) { string buildType = RototrackConfig.GetBuildType(); bool validMatch = false; if (filename.Contains("Roto-Versal") && buildType.Contains("ROTO")) { validMatch = true; } else if (filename.Contains("Guardiant") && buildType.Contains("GUARD")) { validMatch = true; } if (!validMatch) { throw new Exception("Build type is: " + buildType + " but open Quickbooks file is " + filename + "!"); } }
private static Area GetAreaFromEmployeeRet(XmlNode EmployeeRet) { RotoTrackDb db = new RotoTrackDb(); Area area = new Area(); Config config = db.Configs.First(); string areaInitials = config.DefaultAreaInitials; if (db.Areas.Any(f => f.Name.StartsWith(areaInitials))) { area = db.Areas.First(f => f.Name.StartsWith(areaInitials)); } else { Logging.RototrackErrorLog("QBMigrationTool: " + RototrackConfig.GetBuildType() + ": " + "Could not find the default " + areaInitials + " area!"); } XmlNodeList DataExtRetList = EmployeeRet.SelectNodes("./DataExtRet"); if (DataExtRetList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < DataExtRetList.Count; i++) { XmlNode DataExtRet = DataExtRetList.Item(i); string DataExtName = DataExtRet.SelectSingleNode("./DataExtName").InnerText; string DataExtValue = DataExtRet.SelectSingleNode("./DataExtValue").InnerText; if (DataExtName == "Roto Location") { string areaPrefix = DataExtValue; if (db.Areas.Any(f => f.Name.StartsWith(areaPrefix))) { area = db.Areas.First(f => f.Name.StartsWith(areaPrefix)); return(area); } } } } return(area); }
public static string DoRequestRaw(string rawXML) { RequestProcessor2 rp = null; string ticket = null; string response = null; try { rp = new RequestProcessor2(); rp.OpenConnection("QBMT1", "QBMigrationTool"); ticket = rp.BeginSession("", QBFileMode.qbFileOpenDoNotCare); CheckIfBuildTypeAndQuickBooksFileMatch(rp.GetCurrentCompanyFileName(ticket)); response = rp.ProcessRequest(ticket, rawXML); return(response); } catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex) { MessageBox.Show("COM Error Description = " + ex.Message, "COM error"); return(ex.Message); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("QBMigrationTool: " + RototrackConfig.GetBuildType() + ": " + "Error in DoRequestRaw. Details: " + e.ToString(), "Exception"); return(e.Message); } finally { if (ticket != null) { rp.EndSession(ticket); } if (rp != null) { rp.CloseConnection(); } } }
public static XmlDocument BuildAddRq(ServiceEntry se, ServiceDetail sd, int serviceId, decimal hours) { try { XmlDocument doc = XmlUtils.MakeRequestDocument(); XmlElement parent = XmlUtils.MakeRequestParentElement(doc); RotoTrackDb db = new RotoTrackDb(); UserProfile u = db.UserProfiles.Find(sd.TechnicianId); ServiceType st = db.ServiceTypes.Find(serviceId); DSR dsr = db.DSRs.Include("WorkOrder").First(f => f.Id == se.DSRId); Customer c = db.Customers.Find(dsr.WorkOrder.CustomerId); Area a = db.Areas.Find(u.AreaId); XmlElement Rq = doc.CreateElement("TimeTrackingAddRq"); parent.AppendChild(Rq); XmlElement RqType = doc.CreateElement("TimeTrackingAdd"); Rq.AppendChild(RqType); RqType.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "TxnDate", se.DateWorked.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))); XmlElement EntityRef = doc.CreateElement("EntityRef"); RqType.AppendChild(EntityRef); EntityRef.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "ListID", u.QBListId)); XmlElement CustomerRef = doc.CreateElement("CustomerRef"); RqType.AppendChild(CustomerRef); CustomerRef.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "ListID", dsr.WorkOrder.QBListId)); XmlElement ItemServiceRef = doc.CreateElement("ItemServiceRef"); RqType.AppendChild(ItemServiceRef); ItemServiceRef.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "ListID", st.QBListId)); HoursMinutes hrsMins = GetHoursMinutesFromDecimal(hours); int hoursInteger = hrsMins.Hours; int minutesInteger = hrsMins.Minutes; string duration = "PT" + hoursInteger.ToString() + "H" + minutesInteger.ToString() + "M" + "0S"; RqType.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "Duration", duration)); XmlElement ClassRef = doc.CreateElement("ClassRef"); RqType.AppendChild(ClassRef); ClassRef.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "ListID", a.QBListId)); string notes = "guid=" + se.GUID; RqType.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "Notes", notes)); if (st.Name.ToUpper().StartsWith("DIRECT")) { RqType.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "BillableStatus", "Billable")); } else { RqType.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "BillableStatus", "NotBillable")); } return(doc); } catch (Exception e) { string evLogTxt = ""; evLogTxt = "Error building time tracking add request! " + e.Message + "\r\n"; Logging.RototrackErrorLog("QBMigrationTool: " + RototrackConfig.GetBuildType() + ": " + evLogTxt); return(null); } }
public static XmlDocument BuildAddRq(ServiceEntry se, ServiceDetail sd) { try { XmlDocument doc = XmlUtils.MakeRequestDocument(); XmlElement parent = XmlUtils.MakeRequestParentElement(doc); RotoTrackDb db = new RotoTrackDb(); UserProfile u = db.UserProfiles.Find(sd.TechnicianId); Vehicle v = db.Vehicles.Find(sd.VehicleId); DSR dsr = db.DSRs.Include("WorkOrder").First(f => f.Id == se.DSRId); Customer c = db.Customers.Find(dsr.WorkOrder.CustomerId); MileageRate mr = db.MileageRates.Find(sd.MileageRateId); Area a = db.Areas.Find(u.AreaId); XmlElement Rq = doc.CreateElement("VehicleMileageAddRq"); parent.AppendChild(Rq); XmlElement RqType = doc.CreateElement("VehicleMileageAdd"); Rq.AppendChild(RqType); XmlElement VehicleRef = doc.CreateElement("VehicleRef"); RqType.AppendChild(VehicleRef); VehicleRef.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "ListID", v.QBListId)); XmlElement CustomerRef = doc.CreateElement("CustomerRef"); RqType.AppendChild(CustomerRef); CustomerRef.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "ListID", dsr.WorkOrder.QBListId)); XmlElement ItemRef = doc.CreateElement("ItemRef"); RqType.AppendChild(ItemRef); ItemRef.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "ListID", mr.QBListId)); XmlElement ClassRef = doc.CreateElement("ClassRef"); RqType.AppendChild(ClassRef); ClassRef.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "ListID", a.QBListId)); RqType.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "TripStartDate", se.DateWorked.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))); RqType.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "TripEndDate", se.DateWorked.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))); RqType.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "TotalMiles", se.Mileage.ToString())); string fullName = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.FirstName)) { fullName += u.FirstName; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.LastName)) { fullName += (" " + u.LastName); } fullName += " guid="; fullName += se.GUID; RqType.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "Notes", fullName)); RqType.AppendChild(XmlUtils.MakeSimpleElem(doc, "BillableStatus", "Billable")); return(doc); } catch (Exception e) { string evLogTxt = ""; evLogTxt = "Error building vehicle mileage add request! " + e.Message + "\r\n"; Logging.RototrackErrorLog("QBMigrationTool: " + RototrackConfig.GetBuildType() + ": " + evLogTxt); return(null); } }
private static void AddOrUpdateUserProfile(Employee emp) { UserProfile u = null; RotoTrackDb db = new RotoTrackDb(); // If user already exists, simply update the attributes except for Username and password if (db.UserProfiles.Any(f => f.QBListId == emp.QBListId)) { u = db.UserProfiles.First(f => f.QBListId == emp.QBListId); u.Email = emp.Email; u.AreaId = emp.AreaId; u.Initials = emp.Initials; u.FirstName = emp.FirstName; u.IsActive = emp.IsActive; u.JobTitle = emp.JobTitle; u.LastName = emp.LastName; u.MiddleName = emp.MiddleName; u.Mobile = emp.Mobile; u.Name = emp.Name; u.Phone = emp.Phone; db.SaveChanges(); } // Else if employee is active, see if we can automatically create a new user profile else if (emp.IsActive) { string username = ""; if ((emp.Email != null) && (emp.Email.Length > 0)) { username = emp.Email; } else if ((emp.FirstName.Length > 0) && (emp.LastName.Length > 0)) { username = emp.FirstName.ToLower() + "." + emp.LastName.ToLower() + ""; } // If username is set, then we can create a new user. Let's make them a Technician by default. Password default to 'rototrack' if (username != "") { try { RotoTrackDbUtils.CreateUserWithRoles( username, "rototrack", new[] { "Technician" }, new { Email = emp.Email, AreaId = emp.AreaId, Initials = emp.Initials, FirstName = emp.FirstName, IsActive = emp.IsActive, JobTitle = emp.JobTitle, LastName = emp.LastName, MiddleName = emp.MiddleName, Mobile = emp.Mobile, Name = emp.Name, Phone = emp.Phone, QBListID = emp.QBListId } ); } catch (Exception e) { string evLogTxt = ""; evLogTxt = "Error creating a new user! " + e.Message + "\r\n"; Logging.RototrackErrorLog("QBMigrationTool: " + RototrackConfig.GetBuildType() + ": " + evLogTxt); } } } }
private static void WalkCustomerRet(XmlNode CustomerRet) { if (CustomerRet == null) { return; } RotoTrackDb db = new RotoTrackDb(); //Get value of Sublevel. If it is not set to 0 or 1, then return (we only care about parents with sublevel of 0, and their direct descendents, sublevel of 1) string Sublevel = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./Sublevel").InnerText; if (Sublevel != "0" && Sublevel != "1") { return; } // Archive all parent and child customers in a JobArchive table. We use this for time and mileage and for debugging. string JobSublevel = Sublevel; string JobFullName = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./FullName").InnerText; string JobName = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./Name").InnerText; string JobListID = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./ListID").InnerText; string JobEditSequence = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./EditSequence").InnerText; string JobIsActive = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./IsActive").InnerText; JobArchive ja = null; if (db.JobArchives.Any(j => j.QBListId == JobListID)) { ja = db.JobArchives.First(j => j.QBListId == JobListID); } else { ja = new JobArchive(); db.JobArchives.Add(ja); } ja.QBListId = JobListID; ja.QBEditSequence = JobEditSequence; ja.IsActive = (JobIsActive == "true") ? true : false; ja.Name = JobName; ja.FullName = JobFullName; ja.Sublevel = JobSublevel; db.SaveChanges(); // Note that those that have a parent are actually jobs bool IsJob = false; string parentListID = ""; XmlNode ParentRef = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./ParentRef"); if (ParentRef != null) { IsJob = true; parentListID = ParentRef.SelectSingleNode("./ListID").InnerText; } // If this is a Customer record (not a job record), add/update Customer information, first. Customer c = null; if (!IsJob) { string ListID = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./ListID").InnerText; if (db.Customers.Any(f => f.QBListId == ListID)) { c = db.Customers.First(f => f.QBListId == ListID); } else { c = new Customer(); db.Customers.Add(c); } c.QBListId = ListID; //Get value of Name string Name = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./Name").InnerText; c.Name = Name; //Get value of IsActive string IsActive = "false"; if (CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./IsActive") != null) { IsActive = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./IsActive").InnerText; } c.IsActive = (IsActive == "true") ? true : false; } // Else, update IsActive for the associated WorkOrder and then get the parent customer record so we can update info for the parent else { // Get associated work order and update the IsActive flag in case someone marked it inactive in QuickBooks. // Also, update some additional info that the user may set in QuickBooks that we need to sync back over. string ListID = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./ListID").InnerText; if (db.WorkOrders.Any(f => f.QBListId == ListID)) { WorkOrder wo = db.WorkOrders.First(f => f.QBListId == ListID); string IsActive = "false"; if (CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./IsActive") != null) { IsActive = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./IsActive").InnerText; if (IsActive == "false") { wo.Status = WorkOrderStatus.Inactive; } } // Leave wo.Status alone if not marked Inactive. //<DataExtName>Invoice Delivery Status</DataExtName><DataExtType>STR255TYPE</DataExtType><DataExtValue>Warranty</DataExtValue></DataExtRet><DataExtRet><OwnerID>0</OwnerID><DataExtName>Invoice Delivery Status Date</DataExtName><DataExtType>STR255TYPE</DataExtType><DataExtValue>09/12/2014</DataExtValue></DataExtRet> bool gotInvoiceDeliveryStatus = false; bool gotInvoiceDeliveryStatusDate = false; XmlNodeList DataExtRetList = CustomerRet.SelectNodes("./DataExtRet"); if (DataExtRetList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < DataExtRetList.Count; i++) { XmlNode DataExtRet = DataExtRetList.Item(i); //Get value of DataExtName string DataExtName = DataExtRet.SelectSingleNode("./DataExtName").InnerText; //Get value of DataExtType string DataExtType = DataExtRet.SelectSingleNode("./DataExtType").InnerText; //Get value of DataExtValue string DataExtValue = DataExtRet.SelectSingleNode("./DataExtValue").InnerText; if (DataExtName == "Invoice Delivery Status") { //wo.InvoiceDeliveryStatus switch (DataExtValue) { case "Closed at Zero $": wo.InvoiceDeliveryStatus = InvoiceDeliveryStatus.ClosedAtZeroDollars; break; case "Warranty": wo.InvoiceDeliveryStatus = InvoiceDeliveryStatus.Warranty; break; case "Invoice Hold-Coding/Signature": wo.InvoiceDeliveryStatus = InvoiceDeliveryStatus.InvoiceHoldCodingSignature; break; case "Invoice Mailed": wo.InvoiceDeliveryStatus = InvoiceDeliveryStatus.InvoiceMailed; break; case "Invoice Emailed": wo.InvoiceDeliveryStatus = InvoiceDeliveryStatus.InvoiceEmailed; break; case "Invoice Thru ADP": wo.InvoiceDeliveryStatus = InvoiceDeliveryStatus.InvoiceThruADP; break; case "Invoice Hand Delivered": wo.InvoiceDeliveryStatus = InvoiceDeliveryStatus.InvoiceHandDelivered; break; case "Filed": wo.InvoiceDeliveryStatus = InvoiceDeliveryStatus.Filed; break; default: Logging.RototrackErrorLog("QBMigrationTool: " + RototrackConfig.GetBuildType() + ": " + "Unknown Invoice Delivery Status:" + DataExtValue); break; } gotInvoiceDeliveryStatus = true; } else if (DataExtName == "Invoice Delivery Status Date") { if (DataExtValue.Length > 0) { DateTime invoiceDeliveryStatusDate; if (DateTime.TryParse(DataExtValue, out invoiceDeliveryStatusDate)) { wo.InvoiceDeliveryStatusDate = invoiceDeliveryStatusDate; } gotInvoiceDeliveryStatusDate = true; } } else if (DataExtName == "Reason for Lost Quote") { switch (DataExtValue) { case "Price Level": wo.ReasonForLostQuote = ReasonForLostQuote.PriceLevel; break; case "Delivery of Service": wo.ReasonForLostQuote = ReasonForLostQuote.DeliveryOfService; break; case "Slow Quote Response": wo.ReasonForLostQuote = ReasonForLostQuote.SlowQuoteResponse; break; case "Relationship w Competitor": wo.ReasonForLostQuote = ReasonForLostQuote.RelationshipWithCompetitor; break; case "Billing/ Invoicing": wo.ReasonForLostQuote = ReasonForLostQuote.BillingInvoicing; break; case "Warranty": wo.ReasonForLostQuote = ReasonForLostQuote.Warranty; break; case "Lack of Knowledge": wo.ReasonForLostQuote = ReasonForLostQuote.LackOfKnowledge; break; case "Lack of Product Choice": wo.ReasonForLostQuote = ReasonForLostQuote.LackOfProductChoice; break; case "In-House (Customer)": wo.ReasonForLostQuote = ReasonForLostQuote.InHouseCustomer; break; case "None": wo.ReasonForLostQuote = ReasonForLostQuote.None; break; case "Budgetary Estimate": wo.ReasonForLostQuote = ReasonForLostQuote.BudgetaryEstimate; break; default: Logging.RototrackErrorLog("QBMigrationTool: " + RototrackConfig.GetBuildType() + ": " + "Unknown Reason for Lost Quote"); break; } } else if (DataExtName == "Collection Status") { switch (DataExtValue) { case "Dispute - Labor Rate": wo.CollectionStatus = CollectionStatus.DisputeLaborRate; break; case "Dispute - Parts Rate": wo.CollectionStatus = CollectionStatus.DisputePartsRate; break; case "Missing - Codes": wo.CollectionStatus = CollectionStatus.MissingCodes; break; case "Missing - PO/ AFE #": wo.CollectionStatus = CollectionStatus.MissingPOAFE; break; case "Missing - Signature": wo.CollectionStatus = CollectionStatus.MissingSignature; break; case "Request - Approver Name": wo.CollectionStatus = CollectionStatus.RequestApproverName; break; case "Request - DSR Copies": wo.CollectionStatus = CollectionStatus.RequestDSRCopies; break; case "Request - Parts Receipts": wo.CollectionStatus = CollectionStatus.RequestPartsReceipts; break; case "Request - Resubmit": wo.CollectionStatus = CollectionStatus.RequestResubmit; break; case "Request - Revision per Quote": wo.CollectionStatus = CollectionStatus.RequestRevisionPerQuote; break; case "In Process": wo.CollectionStatus = CollectionStatus.InProcess; break; case "In Process - Customer Queue": wo.CollectionStatus = CollectionStatus.InProcessCustomerQueue; break; case "In Process-Cust Approve Paym": wo.CollectionStatus = CollectionStatus.InProcessCustomerApprovePayment; break; case "Paid": wo.CollectionStatus = CollectionStatus.Paid; break; case "Write-off": wo.CollectionStatus = CollectionStatus.WriteOff; break; default: Logging.RototrackErrorLog("QBMigrationTool: " + RototrackConfig.GetBuildType() + ": " + "Unknown Collection Status"); break; } } } } if (gotInvoiceDeliveryStatus && gotInvoiceDeliveryStatusDate) { // Don't update if we set it to Inactive above or if it was already set to Inactive if (wo.Status != WorkOrderStatus.Inactive) { wo.Status = WorkOrderStatus.Invoiced; } } db.SaveChanges(); } // Get parent customer c = db.Customers.First(f => f.QBListId == parentListID); } string EditSequence = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./EditSequence").InnerText; c.QBEditSequence = EditSequence; if (CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./CompanyName") != null) { string CompanyName = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./CompanyName").InnerText; c.CompanyName = CompanyName; } XmlNode BillAddress = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillAddress"); if (BillAddress != null) { //Get value of Addr1 if (CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillAddress/Addr1") != null) { string Addr1 = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillAddress/Addr1").InnerText; c.Address.Address1 = Addr1; } //Get value of Addr2 if (CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillAddress/Addr2") != null) { string Addr2 = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillAddress/Addr2").InnerText; c.Address.Address2 = Addr2; } //Get value of Addr3 if (CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillAddress/Addr3") != null) { string Addr3 = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillAddress/Addr3").InnerText; c.Address.Address3 = Addr3; } //Get value of Addr4 if (CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillAddress/Addr4") != null) { string Addr4 = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillAddress/Addr4").InnerText; c.Address.Address4 = Addr4; } //Get value of Addr5 if (CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillAddress/Addr5") != null) { string Addr5 = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillAddress/Addr5").InnerText; c.Address.Address5 = Addr5; } //Get value of City if (CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillAddress/City") != null) { string City = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillAddress/City").InnerText; c.Address.City = City; } //Get value of State if (CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillAddress/State") != null) { string State = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillAddress/State").InnerText; c.Address.State = State; } //Get value of PostalCode if (CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillAddress/PostalCode") != null) { string PostalCode = CustomerRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillAddress/PostalCode").InnerText; c.Address.Zip = PostalCode; } } //Done with field values for BillAddress aggregate // Add any new contacts (that were added to QB, or existed initially) AddNewContactsFromQB(c, CustomerRet); // Save changes to the database if (c != null) { db.SaveChanges(); } }