public void VisitTry(TryStatement t) { CodeVariableReferenceExpression?successVar = null; if (t.elseHandler != null) { // C# has no equivalent to Python's else handler, so we have // to emulate it with a boolean flag. successVar = gensym.GenSymLocal("_success", gen.TypeRef(typeof(bool))); gen.Assign(successVar, gen.Prim(false)); } var tryStmt = gen.Try( () => { t.body.Accept(this); if (successVar != null) { gen.Assign(successVar, gen.Prim(true)); } }, t.exHandlers.Select(eh => GenerateClause(eh)), () => { if (t.finallyHandler != null) { t.finallyHandler.Accept(this); } }); if (successVar != null) { gen.If(successVar, () => t.elseHandler !.Accept(this)); } }
private CodeExpression FuseComparisons(CodeBinaryOperatorExpression binL, Op op, CodeExpression r) { if (binL.Right is not CodeVariableReferenceExpression variable) { // Python // Stats that the second expression in a comparison chain is only evaluated once. variable = gensym.GenSymLocal("_tmp_", m.TypeRef(typeof(object))); m.Assign(variable, binL.Right); binL = m.BinOp(binL.Left, binL.Operator, variable); } var newR = m.BinOp(variable, mppyoptocsop[op], r); return(m.BinOp(binL, CodeOperatorType.LogAnd, newR)); }
private CodeVariableReferenceExpression GenSymLocalTuple() { return(gensym.GenSymLocal("_tup_", new CodeTypeReference(typeof(object)))); }