Base class for Python types that reflect managed exceptions based on System.Exception
The Python wrapper for managed exceptions LIES about its inheritance tree. Although the real System.Exception is a subclass of System.Object the Python type for System.Exception does NOT claim that it subclasses System.Object. Instead TypeManager.CreateType() uses Python's exception.Exception class as base class for System.Exception.
Inheritance: ClassObject
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the 'args' slot on a python exception object that wraps
        /// a CLR exception. This is needed for pickling CLR exceptions as
        /// BaseException_reduce will only check the slots, bypassing the
        /// __getattr__ implementation, and thus dereferencing a NULL
        /// pointer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ob">The python object wrapping </param>
        internal static void SetArgsAndCause(IntPtr ob)
            // e: A CLR Exception
            Exception e = ExceptionClassObject.ToException(ob);

            if (e == null)

            IntPtr args;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Message))
                args = Runtime.PyTuple_New(1);
                IntPtr msg = Runtime.PyUnicode_FromString(e.Message);
                Runtime.PyTuple_SetItem(args, 0, msg);
                args = Runtime.PyTuple_New(0);

            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(ob, ExceptionOffset.args, args);

            if (e.InnerException != null)
                IntPtr cause = CLRObject.GetInstHandle(e.InnerException);
                Marshal.WriteIntPtr(ob, ExceptionOffset.cause, cause);
        // Exceptions __getattribute__ implementation.
        // handles Python's args and message attributes

        public static IntPtr tp_getattro(IntPtr ob, IntPtr key)
            if (!Runtime.PyString_Check(key))
                Exceptions.SetError(Exceptions.TypeError, "string expected");

            string name = Runtime.GetManagedString(key);

            if (name == "args")
                Exception e = ToException(ob);
                IntPtr    args;
                if (e.Message != String.Empty)
                    args = Runtime.PyTuple_New(1);
                    IntPtr msg = Runtime.PyUnicode_FromString(e.Message);
                    Runtime.PyTuple_SetItem(args, 0, msg);
                    args = Runtime.PyTuple_New(0);

            if (name == "message")

            return(Runtime.PyObject_GenericGetAttr(ob, key));
        // Preloads all currently-known names for the module namespace. This
        // can be called multiple times, to add names from assemblies that
        // may have been loaded since the last call to the method.

        public void LoadNames()
            ManagedType m = null;

            foreach (string name in AssemblyManager.GetNames(_namespace))
                this.cache.TryGetValue(name, out m);
                if (m == null)
                    ManagedType attr = this.GetAttribute(name, true);
                    if (Runtime.wrap_exceptions)
                        if (attr is ExceptionClassObject)
                            ExceptionClassObject c = attr as ExceptionClassObject;
                            if (c != null)
                                IntPtr p = attr.pyHandle;
                                IntPtr r = Exceptions.GetExceptionClassWrapper(p);
                                Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, name, r);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new ClassBase-derived instance that implements a reflected
        /// managed type. The new object will be associated with a generated
        /// Python type object.
        /// </summary>
        private static ClassBase CreateClass(Type type)
            // Next, select the appropriate managed implementation class.
            // Different kinds of types, such as array types or interface
            // types, want to vary certain implementation details to make
            // sure that the type semantics are consistent in Python.

            ClassBase impl;

            // Check to see if the given type extends System.Exception. This
            // lets us check once (vs. on every lookup) in case we need to
            // wrap Exception-derived types in old-style classes

            if (type.ContainsGenericParameters)
                impl = new GenericType(type);

            else if (type.IsSubclassOf(dtype))
                impl = new DelegateObject(type);

            else if (type.IsArray)
                impl = new ArrayObject(type);

            else if (type.IsKeyValuePairEnumerable())
                impl = new KeyValuePairEnumerableObject(type);

            else if (type.IsInterface)
                impl = new InterfaceObject(type);

            else if (type == typeof(Exception) ||
                impl = new ExceptionClassObject(type);

            else if (null != type.GetField("__pyobj__"))
                impl = new ClassDerivedObject(type);

                impl = new ClassObject(type);

        // ModuleObject __getattribute__ implementation. Module attributes
        // are always either classes or sub-modules representing subordinate
        // namespaces. CLR modules implement a lazy pattern - the sub-modules
        // and classes are created when accessed and cached for future use.

        public static IntPtr tp_getattro(IntPtr ob, IntPtr key)
            ModuleObject self = (ModuleObject)GetManagedObject(ob);

            if (!Runtime.PyString_Check(key))
                Exceptions.SetError(Exceptions.TypeError, "string expected");

            IntPtr op = Runtime.PyDict_GetItem(self.dict, key);

            if (op != IntPtr.Zero)

            string name = Runtime.GetManagedString(key);

            if (name == "__dict__")

            ManagedType attr = self.GetAttribute(name, true);

            if (attr == null)
                Exceptions.SetError(Exceptions.AttributeError, name);

            // XXX - hack required to recognize exception types. These types
            // may need to be wrapped in old-style class wrappers in versions
            // of Python where new-style classes cannot be used as exceptions.

            if (Runtime.wrap_exceptions)
                if (attr is ExceptionClassObject)
                    ExceptionClassObject c = attr as ExceptionClassObject;
                    if (c != null)
                        IntPtr p = attr.pyHandle;
                        IntPtr r = Exceptions.GetExceptionClassWrapper(p);
                        Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(self.dict, name, r);

        // Create a new ClassBase-derived instance that implements a reflected
        // managed type. The new object will be associated with a generated
        // Python type object.

        private static ClassBase CreateClass(Type type)
            // First, we introspect the managed type and build some class
            // information, including generating the member descriptors
            // that we'll be putting in the Python class __dict__.

            ClassInfo info = GetClassInfo(type);

            // Next, select the appropriate managed implementation class.
            // Different kinds of types, such as array types or interface
            // types, want to vary certain implementation details to make
            // sure that the type semantics are consistent in Python.

            ClassBase impl;

            // Check to see if the given type extends System.Exception. This
            // lets us check once (vs. on every lookup) in case we need to
            // wrap Exception-derived types in old-style classes

            if (type.ContainsGenericParameters)
                impl = new GenericType(type);

            else if (type.IsSubclassOf(dtype))
                impl = new DelegateObject(type);

            else if (type.IsArray)
                impl = new ArrayObject(type);

            else if (type.IsInterface)
                impl = new InterfaceObject(type);

            else if (type == typeof(Exception) ||
                impl = new ExceptionClassObject(type);

                impl = new ClassObject(type);

            impl.indexer = info.indexer;

            // Now we allocate the Python type object to reflect the given
            // managed type, filling the Python type slots with thunks that
            // point to the managed methods providing the implementation.

            IntPtr tp = TypeManager.GetTypeHandle(impl, type);

            impl.tpHandle = tp;

            // Finally, initialize the class __dict__ and return the object.
            IntPtr dict = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(tp, TypeOffset.tp_dict);

            IDictionaryEnumerator iter = info.members.GetEnumerator();

            while (iter.MoveNext())
                ManagedType item = (ManagedType)iter.Value;
                string      name = (string)iter.Key;
                Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, name, item.pyHandle);

            // If class has constructors, generate an __doc__ attribute.

            ClassObject co = impl as ClassObject;

            if (co != null)
                IntPtr doc = co.GetDocString();
                Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__doc__", doc);

        // Create a new ClassBase-derived instance that implements a reflected
        // managed type. The new object will be associated with a generated
        // Python type object.
        private static ClassBase CreateClass(Type type)
            // Next, select the appropriate managed implementation class.
            // Different kinds of types, such as array types or interface
            // types, want to vary certain implementation details to make
            // sure that the type semantics are consistent in Python.

            ClassBase impl;

            // Check to see if the given type extends System.Exception. This
            // lets us check once (vs. on every lookup) in case we need to
            // wrap Exception-derived types in old-style classes

            if (type.ContainsGenericParameters)
                impl = new GenericType(type);

            else if (type.IsSubclassOf(dtype))
                impl = new DelegateObject(type);

            else if (type.IsArray)
                impl = new ArrayObject(type);

            else if (type.IsInterface)
                impl = new InterfaceObject(type);

            else if (type == typeof(Exception) ||
                impl = new ExceptionClassObject(type);

            else if (null != type.GetField("__pyobj__"))
                impl = new ClassDerivedObject(type);

                impl = new ClassObject(type);

            return impl;
        // Create a new ClassBase-derived instance that implements a reflected
        // managed type. The new object will be associated with a generated
        // Python type object.

        private static ClassBase CreateClass(Type type)
            // First, we introspect the managed type and build some class
            // information, including generating the member descriptors
            // that we'll be putting in the Python class __dict__.

            ClassInfo info = GetClassInfo(type);

            // Next, select the appropriate managed implementation class.
            // Different kinds of types, such as array types or interface
            // types, want to vary certain implementation details to make
            // sure that the type semantics are consistent in Python.

            ClassBase impl;

            // Check to see if the given type extends System.Exception. This
            // lets us check once (vs. on every lookup) in case we need to
            // wrap Exception-derived types in old-style classes

            if (type.ContainsGenericParameters)
                impl = new GenericType(type);

            else if (type.IsSubclassOf(dtype))
                impl = new DelegateObject(type);

            else if (type.IsArray)
                impl = new ArrayObject(type);

            else if (type.IsInterface)
                impl = new InterfaceObject(type);

            else if (type == typeof(Exception) ||
                impl = new ExceptionClassObject(type);

                impl = new ClassObject(type);

            impl.indexer = info.indexer;

            // Now we allocate the Python type object to reflect the given
            // managed type, filling the Python type slots with thunks that
            // point to the managed methods providing the implementation.

            IntPtr tp = TypeManager.GetTypeHandle(impl, type);

            impl.tpHandle = tp;

            // Finally, initialize the class __dict__ and return the object.
            IntPtr dict = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(tp, TypeOffset.tp_dict);

            IDictionaryEnumerator iter = info.members.GetEnumerator();

            while (iter.MoveNext())
                ManagedType item = (ManagedType)iter.Value;
                string      name = (string)iter.Key;
                Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, name, item.pyHandle);

            // If class has constructors, generate an __doc__ attribute.

            IntPtr doc;
            Type   marker = typeof(DocStringAttribute);

            Attribute[] attrs = (Attribute[])type.GetCustomAttributes(marker, false);
            if (attrs.Length == 0)
                doc = IntPtr.Zero;
                DocStringAttribute attr   = (DocStringAttribute)attrs[0];
                string             docStr = attr.DocString;
                doc = Runtime.PyString_FromString(docStr);
                Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__doc__", doc);

            ClassObject co = impl as ClassObject;

            // If this is a ClassObject AND it has constructors, generate a __doc__ attribute.
            // required that the ClassObject.ctors be changed to internal
            if (co != null)
                if (co.ctors.Length > 0)
                    // Implement Overloads on the class object
                    if (!CLRModule._SuppressOverloads)
                        ConstructorBinding ctors = new ConstructorBinding(type, tp, co.binder);
                        // ExtensionType types are untracked, so don't Incref() them.
                        // XXX deprecate __overloads__ soon...
                        Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__overloads__", ctors.pyHandle);
                        Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "Overloads", ctors.pyHandle);
                    if (!CLRModule._SuppressDocs)
                        doc = co.GetDocString();
                        Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__doc__", doc);

        // Create a new ClassBase-derived instance that implements a reflected
        // managed type. The new object will be associated with a generated
        // Python type object.
        private static ClassBase CreateClass(Type type)
            // First, we introspect the managed type and build some class
            // information, including generating the member descriptors
            // that we'll be putting in the Python class __dict__.

            ClassInfo info = GetClassInfo(type);

            // Next, select the appropriate managed implementation class.
            // Different kinds of types, such as array types or interface
            // types, want to vary certain implementation details to make
            // sure that the type semantics are consistent in Python.

            ClassBase impl;

            // Check to see if the given type extends System.Exception. This
            // lets us check once (vs. on every lookup) in case we need to
            // wrap Exception-derived types in old-style classes

            if (type.ContainsGenericParameters) {
                impl = new GenericType(type);

            else if (type.IsSubclassOf(dtype)) {
                impl = new DelegateObject(type);

            else if (type.IsArray) {
                impl = new ArrayObject(type);

            else if (type.IsInterface) {
                impl = new InterfaceObject(type);

            else if (type == typeof(Exception) ||
                    type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Exception))) {
                impl = new ExceptionClassObject(type);

            else {
                impl = new ClassObject(type);

            impl.indexer = info.indexer;

            // Now we allocate the Python type object to reflect the given
            // managed type, filling the Python type slots with thunks that
            // point to the managed methods providing the implementation.

            IntPtr tp = TypeManager.GetTypeHandle(impl, type);
            impl.tpHandle = tp;

            // Finally, initialize the class __dict__ and return the object.
            IntPtr dict = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(tp, TypeOffset.tp_dict);

            IDictionaryEnumerator iter = info.members.GetEnumerator();
            while(iter.MoveNext()) {
                ManagedType item = (ManagedType)iter.Value;
                string name = (string)iter.Key;
                Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, name, item.pyHandle);

            // If class has constructors, generate an __doc__ attribute.

            IntPtr doc;
            Type marker = typeof(DocStringAttribute);
            Attribute[] attrs = (Attribute[])type.GetCustomAttributes(marker, false);
            if (attrs.Length == 0) {
                doc = IntPtr.Zero;
            else {
                DocStringAttribute attr = (DocStringAttribute)attrs[0];
                string docStr = attr.DocString;
                doc = Runtime.PyString_FromString(docStr);
                Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__doc__", doc);

            ClassObject co = impl as ClassObject;
            // If this is a ClassObject AND it has constructors, generate a __doc__ attribute.
            // required that the ClassObject.ctors be changed to internal
            if (co != null) {
                if (co.ctors.Length > 0) {
                    // Implement Overloads on the class object
                    ConstructorBinding ctors = new ConstructorBinding(type, tp, co.binder);
                    // ExtensionType types are untracked, so don't Incref() them.
                    // XXX deprecate __overloads__ soon...
                    Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__overloads__", ctors.pyHandle);
                    Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "Overloads", ctors.pyHandle);

                    if (doc == IntPtr.Zero) {
                        doc = co.GetDocString();
                        Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__doc__", doc);

            return impl;
        // Create a new ClassBase-derived instance that implements a reflected
        // managed type. The new object will be associated with a generated
        // Python type object.
        private static ClassBase CreateClass(Type type)
            // First, we introspect the managed type and build some class
            // information, including generating the member descriptors
            // that we'll be putting in the Python class __dict__.

            ClassInfo info = GetClassInfo(type);

            // Next, select the appropriate managed implementation class.
            // Different kinds of types, such as array types or interface
            // types, want to vary certain implementation details to make
            // sure that the type semantics are consistent in Python.

            ClassBase impl;

            // Check to see if the given type extends System.Exception. This
            // lets us check once (vs. on every lookup) in case we need to
            // wrap Exception-derived types in old-style classes

            if (type.ContainsGenericParameters) {
                impl = new GenericType(type);

            else if (type.IsSubclassOf(dtype)) {
                impl = new DelegateObject(type);

            else if (type.IsArray) {
                impl = new ArrayObject(type);

            else if (type.IsInterface) {
                impl = new InterfaceObject(type);

            else if (type == typeof(Exception) ||
                    type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Exception))) {
                impl = new ExceptionClassObject(type);

            else {
                impl = new ClassObject(type);

            impl.indexer = info.indexer;

            // Now we allocate the Python type object to reflect the given
            // managed type, filling the Python type slots with thunks that
            // point to the managed methods providing the implementation.

            IntPtr tp = TypeManager.GetTypeHandle(impl, type);
            impl.tpHandle = tp;

            // Finally, initialize the class __dict__ and return the object.
            IntPtr dict = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(tp, TypeOffset.tp_dict);

            IDictionaryEnumerator iter = info.members.GetEnumerator();
            while(iter.MoveNext()) {
                ManagedType item = (ManagedType)iter.Value;
                string name = (string)iter.Key;
                Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, name, item.pyHandle);

            // If class has constructors, generate an __doc__ attribute.

            ClassObject co = impl as ClassObject;
            if (co != null) {
                IntPtr doc = co.GetDocString();
                Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__doc__", doc);

            return impl;