        public void Solve(Grid grid)
            // Need to have a column after so only check first 8 cols
            for (var firstColIdx = 0; firstColIdx < 8; ++ firstColIdx)
                var firstPossibleLocations = GetPossibleLocations(grid, firstColIdx);

                // Find digits that have exactly two possible locations - possible rectangle
                var potentialRectangleLocations = firstPossibleLocations.Where(pl => pl.Value.Count == 2);
                foreach (var potentialRectangleLocation in potentialRectangleLocations)
                    var digitToMatch = potentialRectangleLocation.Key;
                    var topRowToMatch = potentialRectangleLocation.Value[0];
                    var bottomRowToMatch = potentialRectangleLocation.Value[1];

                    for (var secondColIdx = firstColIdx + 1; secondColIdx < 9; ++ secondColIdx)
                        var secondPossibleLocations = GetPossibleLocations(grid, secondColIdx);
                        if (!secondPossibleLocations.ContainsKey(digitToMatch) ||
                            secondPossibleLocations[digitToMatch].Count != 2) continue;
                        if (!secondPossibleLocations[digitToMatch].Contains(topRowToMatch) ||
                            !secondPossibleLocations[digitToMatch].Contains(bottomRowToMatch)) continue;

                        // Have found a rectangle, now remove the digit (if it exists) from any other columns in the top and bottom rows
                        for (var colToRemoveIdx = 0; colToRemoveIdx < 9; ++ colToRemoveIdx)
                            // Avoid removing it from the rectangle
                            if (colToRemoveIdx == firstColIdx || colToRemoveIdx == secondColIdx) continue;

                            if (!grid.Squares[topRowToMatch, colToRemoveIdx].IsSolved)
                                grid.CheckIfTestCase(topRowToMatch, colToRemoveIdx, digitToMatch);
                                grid.Squares[topRowToMatch, colToRemoveIdx].RemovePossibleDigit(digitToMatch);
                            if (!grid.Squares[bottomRowToMatch, colToRemoveIdx].IsSolved)
                                grid.CheckIfTestCase(bottomRowToMatch, colToRemoveIdx, digitToMatch);
                                grid.Squares[bottomRowToMatch, colToRemoveIdx].RemovePossibleDigit(digitToMatch);
        /// <summary>
        /// Given that you need to place a certain digit in two of the three boxes in a row (i.e. it has already been placed in one box)
        /// Can you eliminate one of the rows because all three squares within a particular box have been filled with other digits?
        /// e.g.
        /// 100 920 000
        /// 524 017 009
        /// 000 004 271
        /// - in this the digit 5 has only been positioned once (the middle row).  So theoretically in the other two boxes
        ///   it will appear in either the top or the bottom row.  However it can't appear in the bottom row in the third box
        ///   because all three squares have been taken.  Therefore despite not knowing which of the top row squares in the third box 
        ///   it will appear in, you know that it can't appear in the top row in the middle box and therefore it must be in 
        ///   the bottom row for the middle box
        ///   i.e. the only remaining possibilities for 5 are marked as ? and it can be removed as a possibility from the square X
        ///    100 92X ???
        ///    524 017 009
        ///    000 ??4 271
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grid"></param>
        public void Solve(Grid grid)
            var boxCols = grid.GetBoxColumns();
            var boxRows = grid.GetBoxRows();

            for (var digit = 1; digit <= 9; ++digit)
                // Top box row then middle box row then bottom box row (of 3x3 squares)
                for (var boxRow = 1; boxRow <= 3; ++boxRow)
                    // Square rows within the box row
                    var topSquareRow = boxRows[boxRow].Item1;
                    var middleSquareRow = boxRows[boxRow].Item1 + 1;
                    var bottomSquareRow = boxRows[boxRow].Item2;

                    // Key is the box number (i.e. left, middle, right) and value is the row
                    // in which the digit is found (if at all)
                    var rowInBox = grid.FindTheDigitWithinEachBoxInTheBoxRow(boxCols, digit, topSquareRow, middleSquareRow, bottomSquareRow);

                    // If the current digit has been placed in exactly one box in the current box row
                    // then there is potential to eliminate it as a possibility from one of the square rows
                    // in the remaining two boxes
                    var numberOfBoxesPlaced = rowInBox.Count(kvp => kvp.Value != GridDigitInBoxExtensions.NotFound);
                    if (numberOfBoxesPlaced != 1) continue;

                    var digitPlacedBoxCombo = rowInBox.First(kvp => kvp.Value != GridDigitInBoxExtensions.NotFound);
                    var boxWhereDigitPlaced = digitPlacedBoxCombo.Key;
                    var digitPlacedInRow = digitPlacedBoxCombo.Value;
                    int firstRowToCheck;
                    int secondRowToCheck;
                    if (digitPlacedInRow == topSquareRow)
                        firstRowToCheck = middleSquareRow;
                        secondRowToCheck = bottomSquareRow;
                    else if (digitPlacedInRow == middleSquareRow)
                        firstRowToCheck = topSquareRow;
                        secondRowToCheck = bottomSquareRow;
                        firstRowToCheck = topSquareRow;
                        secondRowToCheck = middleSquareRow;

                    // Key is box number, value is whether or not all squares in that
                    var completeFirstRowInBox = new Dictionary<int, int> {{1, 0}, {2, 0}, {3, 0}};
                    var completeSecondRowInBox = new Dictionary<int, int> { { 1, 0 }, { 2, 0 }, { 3, 0 } };

                    for (var boxCol = 1; boxCol <= 3; ++boxCol)
                        if (rowInBox[boxCol] != GridDigitInBoxExtensions.NotFound)

                        var firstRowSolvedSquares = 0;
                        var secondRowSolvedSquares = 0;
                        for (var colIdx = boxCols[boxCol].Item1; colIdx <= boxCols[boxCol].Item2; ++colIdx)
                            if (grid.Squares[firstRowToCheck, colIdx].IsSolved)
                            if (grid.Squares[secondRowToCheck, colIdx].IsSolved)
                        if (firstRowSolvedSquares == 3)
                            completeFirstRowInBox[boxCol] = boxCol;
                        if (secondRowSolvedSquares == 3)
                            completeSecondRowInBox[boxCol] = boxCol;

                    var boxToClear = 0;
                    var rowToClear = 0;

                    // If there is any row within a box (unsolved for the digit) that is complete
                    // then there is no room for the digit and then for that row it *must* be in the third box
                    if (completeFirstRowInBox.Any(kvp => kvp.Value != 0))
                        rowToClear = secondRowToCheck;

                        var boxWhereComplete = completeFirstRowInBox.First(kvp => kvp.Value != 0).Key;
                        boxToClear = FindBoxToClear(boxWhereDigitPlaced, boxWhereComplete);

                    if (completeSecondRowInBox.Any(kvp => kvp.Value != 0))
                        rowToClear = firstRowToCheck;

                        var boxWhereComplete = completeSecondRowInBox.First(kvp => kvp.Value != 0).Key;
                        boxToClear = FindBoxToClear(boxWhereDigitPlaced, boxWhereComplete);

                    if (boxToClear != 0)
                        for (var colIdx = boxCols[boxToClear].Item1; colIdx <= boxCols[boxToClear].Item2; ++colIdx)
                            grid.CheckIfTestCase(rowToClear, colIdx, digit);
                            grid.Squares[rowToClear, colIdx].RemovePossibleDigit(digit);