public static Id<Special> AddRectangleSpecial(EventDB eventDB, RectangleF rect, SpecialColor color, LineKind lineKind, float lineWidth, float gapSize, float dashSize, float cornerRadius) { Special special = new Special(SpecialKind.Rectangle, new PointF[] { rect.Location, new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom)}); special.color = color; special.lineKind = lineKind; special.lineWidth = lineWidth; special.gapSize = gapSize; special.dashSize = dashSize; special.cornerRadius = cornerRadius; return eventDB.AddSpecial(special); }
// Add a text special to the event public static Id<Special> AddTextSpecial(EventDB eventDB, RectangleF boundingRectangle, string text, string fontName, bool bold, bool italic, SpecialColor color) { Special special = new Special(SpecialKind.Text, new PointF[2] { new PointF(boundingRectangle.Left, boundingRectangle.Bottom), new PointF(boundingRectangle.Right, boundingRectangle.Top) }); special.text = text; special.fontName = fontName; special.fontBold = bold; special.fontItalic = italic; special.color = color; return eventDB.AddSpecial(special); }
// Add a point special to the event. The special is visible in all courses. public static Id<Special> AddPointSpecial(EventDB eventDB, SpecialKind specialKind, PointF location, float orientation) { Special special = new Special(specialKind, new PointF[1] { location }); special.orientation = orientation; return eventDB.AddSpecial(special); }
public static Id<Special> AddLineSpecial(EventDB eventDB, PointF[] locations, SpecialColor color, LineKind lineKind, float lineWidth, float gapSize, float dashSize) { Special special = new Special(SpecialKind.Line, locations); special.color = color; special.lineKind = lineKind; special.lineWidth = lineWidth; special.gapSize = gapSize; special.dashSize = dashSize; return eventDB.AddSpecial(special); }
// Add a line or area special to the event. The special is visible in all courses. public static Id<Special> AddLineAreaSpecial(EventDB eventDB, SpecialKind specialKind, PointF[] locations) { Special special = new Special(specialKind, locations); return eventDB.AddSpecial(special); }
// Add a text special to the event public static Id<Special> AddImageSpecial(EventDB eventDB, RectangleF boundingRectangle, Bitmap imageBitmap, string imageName) { Debug.Assert(imageBitmap != null); Debug.Assert(imageName != null); Special special = new Special(SpecialKind.Image, new PointF[2] { new PointF(boundingRectangle.Left, boundingRectangle.Bottom), new PointF(boundingRectangle.Right, boundingRectangle.Top) }); special.text = imageName; special.imageBitmap = imageBitmap; return eventDB.AddSpecial(special); }
// Add a description to the event. public static Id<Special> AddDescription(EventDB eventDB, bool allCourses, CourseDesignator[] courses, PointF topLeft, float cellSize, int numColumns) { Special special = new Special(SpecialKind.Descriptions, new PointF[2] { topLeft, new PointF(topLeft.X + cellSize, topLeft.Y) }); special.allCourses = allCourses; if (! allCourses) = courses; special.numColumns = numColumns; Id<Special> specialId = eventDB.AddSpecial(special); // Descriptions special are unique per course -- enforce this. UpdateDescriptionCourses(eventDB, specialId); return specialId; }