        /// <summary>
        /// Edit existing article
        /// </summary>
        public void EditArticle()
            int count = ShowAllArticles();

            Validations val = new Validations();

            Console.Write("\nSelect an article number: ");
            int number = val.ValidMaxPositiveNumber(count);

            Console.Write("Choose the new price: ");
            double price = val.ValidPositiveDouble();

            // Used for later notification depending if the article was updated or not
            Article changedArticle = new Article();

            using (ArticleServiceClient wcf = new ArticleServiceClient())
                List <Article> allArticles = wcf.GetAllArticles().ToList();

                Article article = new Article()
                    Name   = allArticles[number - 1].Name,
                    Amount = allArticles[number - 1].Amount,
                    Price  = price

                changedArticle = wcf.ModifyArticle(article);

            // Notification
            if (changedArticle == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Article update failed.");
                Console.WriteLine($"Successfully updated article {changedArticle.Name}");
        /// <summary>
        /// Purchase article
        /// </summary>
        public void PurchaseArticles()
            string      answer        = "";
            string      bill          = "";
            int         number        = 0;
            int         currentAmount = 0;
            double      totalPrice    = 0;
            Validations val           = new Validations();

            Console.WriteLine("==============================================\n" +
                              "Return option is disabled until purchase is completed." +

            // Do until User presses No as an answer
                int count = ShowAllArticles();

                using (ArticleServiceClient wcf = new ArticleServiceClient())
                    List <Article> allArticles = wcf.GetAllArticles().ToList();

                    // Do until a valid item is selected
                        Console.Write("\nSelect an article number: ");
                        number        = val.ValidMaxPositiveNumber(count);
                        currentAmount = allArticles[number - 1].Amount;
                        if (currentAmount == 0)
                            Console.Write("Cannot select an article that is out of stock.");
                    } while (currentAmount == 0);

                    // Select amount
                    Console.Write("Choose the amount: ");
                    int amount = val.ValidMaxPositiveNumber(allArticles[number - 1].Amount);

                    // Changed article after reducing the total amount
                    Article article = new Article()
                        Name   = allArticles[number - 1].Name,
                        Amount = allArticles[number - 1].Amount - amount,
                        Price  = allArticles[number - 1].Price

                    // Calculate total price and save the item on the bill
                    totalPrice += amount * article.Price;
                    bill       += article.Name + " - " + (amount * article.Price) + " rsd" + "\t\t(" + amount + "*" + article.Price + ")" + "|";

                Console.Write("\nWould you like to purchase more items? (yes/no): ");
                answer = val.YesNo();
            } while (answer.ToLower() == "yes");

            // Update bill with all the info before saving it
            bill += "|-----------------------|Total price: " + totalPrice + " rsd|" + "Hour: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "|";

            // Save the bill
            using (ArticleServiceClient wcf = new ArticleServiceClient())

            // Bill preview
            Console.WriteLine("Successfult finished the purchase!\n");
            string[] billInfo = bill.Split('|');
            foreach (var item in billInfo)