static Task <int> Main(string[] args) { return(Deployment.RunAsync(() => { // Minikube does not implement services of type `LoadBalancer`; require the user to // specify if we're running on minikube, and if so, create only services of type // ClusterIP. var config = new Config(); var isMiniKube = config.GetBoolean("isMiniKube") ?? false; // // REDIS MASTER. // var redisMasterLabels = new InputMap <string> { { "app", "redis-master" }, }; var redisMasterDeployment = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Apps.V1.Deployment("redis-master", new DeploymentArgs { Spec = new DeploymentSpecArgs { Selector = new LabelSelectorArgs { MatchLabels = redisMasterLabels, }, Template = new PodTemplateSpecArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Labels = redisMasterLabels, }, Spec = new PodSpecArgs { Containers = { new ContainerArgs { Name = "master", Image = "", Resources = new ResourceRequirementsArgs { Requests = { { "cpu", "100m" }, { "memory", "100Mi" }, }, }, Ports = { new ContainerPortArgs { ContainerPortValue = 6379 } }, }, }, }, }, }, }); var redisMasterService = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Core.V1.Service("redis-master", new ServiceArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Name = "redis-master", Labels = redisMasterDeployment.Metadata.Apply(metadata => metadata.Labels), }, Spec = new ServiceSpecArgs { Ports = { new ServicePortArgs { Port = 6379, TargetPort = 6379, }, }, Selector = redisMasterDeployment.Spec.Apply(spec => spec.Template.Metadata.Labels), } }); // // REDIS REPLICA. // var redisReplicaLabels = new InputMap <string> { { "app", "redis-replica" }, }; var redisReplicaDeployment = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Apps.V1.Deployment("redis-replica", new DeploymentArgs { Spec = new DeploymentSpecArgs { Selector = new LabelSelectorArgs { MatchLabels = redisReplicaLabels, }, Template = new PodTemplateSpecArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Labels = redisReplicaLabels, }, Spec = new PodSpecArgs { Containers = { new ContainerArgs { Name = "replica", Image = "", Resources = new ResourceRequirementsArgs { Requests = { { "cpu", "100m" }, { "memory", "100Mi" }, }, }, // If your cluster config does not include a dns service, then to instead access an environment // variable to find the master service's host, change `value: "dns"` to read `value: "env"`. Env = { new EnvVarArgs { Name = "GET_HOSTS_FROM", Value = "dns" }, }, Ports = { new ContainerPortArgs { ContainerPortValue = 6379 } }, }, }, }, }, }, }); var redisReplicaService = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Core.V1.Service("redis-replica", new ServiceArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Name = "redis-slave", Labels = redisReplicaDeployment.Metadata.Apply(metadata => metadata.Labels), }, Spec = new ServiceSpecArgs { Ports = { new ServicePortArgs { Port = 6379, TargetPort = 6379, }, }, Selector = redisReplicaDeployment.Spec.Apply(spec => spec.Template.Metadata.Labels), } }); // // FRONTEND // var frontendLabels = new InputMap <string> { { "app", "frontend" }, }; var frontendDeployment = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Apps.V1.Deployment("frontend", new DeploymentArgs { Spec = new DeploymentSpecArgs { Selector = new LabelSelectorArgs { MatchLabels = frontendLabels, }, Replicas = 3, Template = new PodTemplateSpecArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Labels = frontendLabels, }, Spec = new PodSpecArgs { Containers = { new ContainerArgs { Name = "php-redis", Image = "", Resources = new ResourceRequirementsArgs { Requests = { { "cpu", "100m" }, { "memory", "100Mi" }, }, }, // If your cluster config does not include a dns service, then to instead access an environment // variable to find the master service's host, change `value: "dns"` to read `value: "env"`. Env = { new EnvVarArgs { Name = "GET_HOSTS_FROM", Value = "dns", /* Value = "env"*/ }, }, Ports = { new ContainerPortArgs { ContainerPortValue = 80 } }, }, }, }, }, }, }); var frontendService = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Core.V1.Service("frontend", new ServiceArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Name = "frontend", Labels = frontendDeployment.Metadata.Apply(metadata => metadata.Labels), }, Spec = new ServiceSpecArgs { Type = isMiniKube ? "ClusterIP" : "LoadBalancer", Ports = { new ServicePortArgs { Port = 80, TargetPort = 80, }, }, Selector = frontendDeployment.Spec.Apply(spec => spec.Template.Metadata.Labels), } }); Output <string> frontendIP; if (isMiniKube) { frontendIP = frontendService.Spec.Apply(spec => spec.ClusterIP); } else { frontendIP = frontendService.Status.Apply(status => status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0].Hostname); } return new Dictionary <string, object> { { "frontendIp", frontendIP }, }; })); }
public EksStack() { // Read back the default VPC and public subnets, which we will use. var vpc = Output.Create(Ec2.GetVpc.InvokeAsync(new Ec2.GetVpcArgs { Default = true })); var vpcId = vpc.Apply(vpc => vpc.Id); var subnet = vpcId.Apply(id => Ec2.GetSubnetIds.InvokeAsync(new Ec2.GetSubnetIdsArgs { VpcId = id })); var subnetIds = subnet.Apply(s => s.Ids); // Create an IAM role that can be used by our service's task. var eksRole = new Iam.Role("eks-iam-eksRole", new Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2008-10-17"", ""Statement"": [{ ""Sid"": """", ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"" }] }" }); var eksPolicies = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "service-policy", "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSServicePolicy" }, { "cluster-policy", "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSClusterPolicy" } }; foreach (var(name, policy) in eksPolicies) { var taskExecAttach = new Iam.RolePolicyAttachment($"rpa-{name}", new Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { Role = eksRole.Name, PolicyArn = policy, }); } // Create an IAM role that can be used by our service's task. var nodeGroupRole = new Iam.Role("nodegroup-iam-role", new Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2008-10-17"", ""Statement"": [{ ""Sid"": """", ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"" }] }" }); var nodeGroupPolicies = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "worker", "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy" }, { "cni", "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy" }, { "registry", "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly" } }; foreach (var(name, policy) in nodeGroupPolicies) { var taskExecAttach = new Iam.RolePolicyAttachment($"ngpa-{name}", new Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { Role = nodeGroupRole.Name, PolicyArn = policy, }); } var clusterSg = new Ec2.SecurityGroup("cluster-sg", new Ec2.SecurityGroupArgs { VpcId = vpcId, Egress = { new Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupEgressArgs { Protocol = "-1", FromPort = 0, ToPort = 0, CidrBlocks ={ "" } } }, Ingress = { new Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupIngressArgs { Protocol = "tcp", FromPort = 80, ToPort = 80, CidrBlocks ={ "" } } } }); var cluster = new Eks.Cluster("eks-cluster", new Eks.ClusterArgs { RoleArn = eksRole.Arn, VpcConfig = new ClusterVpcConfigArgs { PublicAccessCidrs = { "", }, SecurityGroupIds = { clusterSg.Id, }, SubnetIds = subnetIds, }, }); var nodeGroup = new Eks.NodeGroup("node-group", new Eks.NodeGroupArgs { ClusterName = cluster.Name, NodeGroupName = "demo-eks-nodegroup", NodeRoleArn = nodeGroupRole.Arn, SubnetIds = subnetIds, ScalingConfig = new NodeGroupScalingConfigArgs { DesiredSize = 2, MaxSize = 2, MinSize = 2 }, }); this.Kubeconfig = GenerateKubeconfig(cluster.Endpoint, cluster.CertificateAuthority.Apply(x => x.Data), cluster.Name); var k8sProvider = new K8s.Provider("k8s-provider", new K8s.ProviderArgs { KubeConfig = this.Kubeconfig }, new CustomResourceOptions { DependsOn = { nodeGroup }, }); var appNamespace = new CoreV1.Namespace("app-ns", new NamespaceArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Name = "joe-duffy", }, }, new CustomResourceOptions { Provider = k8sProvider, }); var appLabels = new InputMap <string> { { "app", "iac-workshop" } }; var deployment = new AppsV1.Deployment("app-dep", new DeploymentArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Namespace = appNamespace.Metadata.Apply(x => x.Name), }, Spec = new DeploymentSpecArgs { Selector = new LabelSelectorArgs { MatchLabels = appLabels }, Replicas = 1, Template = new PodTemplateSpecArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Labels = appLabels }, Spec = new PodSpecArgs { Containers = { new ContainerArgs { Name = "iac-workshop", Image = "jocatalin/kubernetes-bootcamp:v2", } } } } }, }, new CustomResourceOptions { Provider = k8sProvider, }); var service = new CoreV1.Service("app-service", new ServiceArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Namespace = appNamespace.Metadata.Apply(x => x.Name), Labels = deployment.Spec.Apply(spec => spec.Template.Metadata.Labels), }, Spec = new ServiceSpecArgs { Type = "LoadBalancer", Ports = { new ServicePortArgs { Port = 80, TargetPort = 8080 }, }, Selector = deployment.Spec.Apply(spec => spec.Template.Metadata.Labels) }, }, new CustomResourceOptions { Provider = k8sProvider, }); this.Url = service.Status.Apply(status => status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0].Hostname); }
public MyStack() { var ns = new K8s.Core.V1.Namespace("app-ns", new K8s.Types.Inputs.Core.V1.NamespaceArgs { Metadata = new K8s.Types.Inputs.Meta.V1.ObjectMetaArgs { Name = "my-name" } }); var appLabels = new InputMap <string> { { "app", "iac-workshop" } }; var deployment = new K8s.Apps.V1.Deployment("app-dep", new K8s.Types.Inputs.Apps.V1.DeploymentArgs { Metadata = new K8s.Types.Inputs.Meta.V1.ObjectMetaArgs { Namespace = ns.Metadata.Apply(m => m.Name) }, Spec = new K8s.Types.Inputs.Apps.V1.DeploymentSpecArgs { Selector = new K8s.Types.Inputs.Meta.V1.LabelSelectorArgs { MatchLabels = appLabels }, Replicas = 1, Template = new K8s.Types.Inputs.Core.V1.PodTemplateSpecArgs { Metadata = new K8s.Types.Inputs.Meta.V1.ObjectMetaArgs { Labels = appLabels }, Spec = new K8s.Types.Inputs.Core.V1.PodSpecArgs { Containers = { new K8s.Types.Inputs.Core.V1.ContainerArgs { Name = "iac-workshop", Image = "" } } } } } }); var service = new K8s.Core.V1.Service("app-svc", new K8s.Types.Inputs.Core.V1.ServiceArgs { Metadata = new K8s.Types.Inputs.Meta.V1.ObjectMetaArgs { Namespace = ns.Metadata.Apply(m => m.Name) }, Spec = new K8s.Types.Inputs.Core.V1.ServiceSpecArgs { Selector = appLabels, Ports = { new K8s.Types.Inputs.Core.V1.ServicePortArgs { Port = 80, TargetPort = 8080 } }, Type = "LoadBalancer" } }); var address = service.Status .Apply(s => s.LoadBalancer) .Apply(lb => lb.Ingress) .GetAt(0) .Apply(i => i.Ip); this.Url = Output.Format($"http://{address}"); }
public AksStack() { var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("aks-rg"); var randomPassword = new RandomPassword("password", new RandomPasswordArgs { Length = 20, Special = true, }).Result; var sshPublicKey = new PrivateKey("ssh-key", new PrivateKeyArgs { Algorithm = "RSA", RsaBits = 4096, }).PublicKeyOpenssh; // Create the AD service principal for the K8s cluster. var adApp = new Application("aks"); var adSp = new ServicePrincipal("aksSp", new ServicePrincipalArgs { ApplicationId = adApp.ApplicationId }); var adSpPassword = new ServicePrincipalPassword("aksSpPassword", new ServicePrincipalPasswordArgs { ServicePrincipalId = adSp.Id, Value = randomPassword, EndDate = "2099-01-01T00:00:00Z", }); // Grant networking permissions to the SP (needed e.g. to provision Load Balancers). var assignment = new Assignment("role-assignment", new AssignmentArgs { PrincipalId = adSp.Id, Scope = resourceGroup.Id, RoleDefinitionName = "Network Contributor" }); // Create a Virtual Network for the cluster. var vnet = new VirtualNetwork("vnet", new VirtualNetworkArgs { ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, AddressSpaces = { "" }, }); // Create a Subnet for the cluster. var subnet = new Subnet("subnet", new SubnetArgs { ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, VirtualNetworkName = vnet.Name, AddressPrefix = "", }); // Now allocate an AKS cluster. var cluster = new KubernetesCluster("aksCluster", new KubernetesClusterArgs { ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, DefaultNodePool = new KubernetesClusterDefaultNodePoolArgs { Name = "aksagentpool", NodeCount = 3, VmSize = "Standard_B2s", OsDiskSizeGb = 30, VnetSubnetId = subnet.Id }, DnsPrefix = "sampleaks", LinuxProfile = new KubernetesClusterLinuxProfileArgs { AdminUsername = "******", SshKey = new KubernetesClusterLinuxProfileSshKeyArgs { KeyData = sshPublicKey, }, }, ServicePrincipal = new KubernetesClusterServicePrincipalArgs { ClientId = adApp.ApplicationId, ClientSecret = adSpPassword.Value, }, KubernetesVersion = "1.16.9", RoleBasedAccessControl = new KubernetesClusterRoleBasedAccessControlArgs { Enabled = true }, NetworkProfile = new KubernetesClusterNetworkProfileArgs { NetworkPlugin = "azure", DnsServiceIp = "", ServiceCidr = "", DockerBridgeCidr = "", }, }); // Create a k8s provider pointing to the kubeconfig. var k8sProvider = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Provider("k8s", new Pulumi.Kubernetes.ProviderArgs { KubeConfig = cluster.KubeConfigRaw }); var customResourceOptions = new CustomResourceOptions { Provider = k8sProvider }; // Create a Container Registry. var registry = new Registry("acregistry", new RegistryArgs { ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, Sku = "Basic", AdminEnabled = true }); // Build & push the sample application to the registry. var applicationName = "sample-application"; var imageName = registry.LoginServer.Apply(value => $"{value}/{applicationName}"); var image = new Image(applicationName, new ImageArgs { Build = "./SampleApplication", Registry = new ImageRegistry { Server = registry.LoginServer, Username = registry.AdminUsername, Password = registry.AdminPassword }, ImageName = imageName }, new ComponentResourceOptions { Provider = k8sProvider }); // Create a k8s secret for use when pulling images from the container registry when deploying the sample application. var dockerCfg = Output.All <string>(registry.LoginServer, registry.AdminUsername, registry.AdminPassword).Apply( values => { var r = new Dictionary <string, object>(); var server = values[0]; var username = values[1]; var password = values[2]; r[server] = new { email = "*****@*****.**", username, password }; return(r); }); var dockerCfgString = dockerCfg.Apply(x => Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(x)))); var dockerCfgSecretName = "dockercfg-secret"; var dockerCfgSecret = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Core.V1.Secret(dockerCfgSecretName, new SecretArgs { Data = { { ".dockercfg", dockerCfgString } }, Type = "", Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Name = dockerCfgSecretName, } }, customResourceOptions); // Deploy the sample application to the cluster. var labels = new InputMap <string> { { "app", $"app-{applicationName}" }, }; var deployment = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Apps.V1.Deployment(applicationName, new DeploymentArgs { Spec = new DeploymentSpecArgs { Selector = new LabelSelectorArgs { MatchLabels = labels, }, Replicas = 1, Template = new PodTemplateSpecArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Labels = labels, Name = applicationName }, Spec = new PodSpecArgs { Containers = new List <ContainerArgs> { new ContainerArgs { Name = applicationName, Image = image.ImageName, } }, ImagePullSecrets = new LocalObjectReferenceArgs { Name = dockerCfgSecretName } } } } }, customResourceOptions); // Create a new service. var service = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Core.V1.Service(applicationName, new ServiceArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Name = applicationName, Labels = labels }, Spec = new ServiceSpecArgs { Type = "LoadBalancer", Selector = deployment.Spec.Apply(x => x.Template.Metadata.Labels), Ports = new ServicePortArgs { Port = 80 } } }, customResourceOptions); this.KubeConfig = cluster.KubeConfigRaw; this.DockercfgSecretName = dockerCfgSecret.Metadata.Apply(x => x.Name); }
public ServiceDeployment(string name, ServiceDeploymentArgs args, ComponentResourceOptions?opts = null) : base(name, "k8sx:service:ServiceDeployment", opts) { var labels = new InputMap <string> { { "app", name }, }; var deploymentPorts = args.Ports.ToOutput().Apply(ports => from p in ports select new ContainerPortArgs { ContainerPortValue = 6379 } ); var container = new ContainerArgs { Name = name, Image = args.Image, Resources = args.Resources ?? new ResourceRequirementsArgs { Requests = { { "cpu", "100m" }, { "memory", "100Mi" }, }, }, Env = args.Env, Ports = deploymentPorts, }; this.Deployment = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Apps.V1.Deployment(name, new DeploymentArgs { Spec = new DeploymentSpecArgs { Selector = new LabelSelectorArgs { MatchLabels = labels, }, Replicas = args.Replicas ?? 1, Template = new PodTemplateSpecArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Labels = labels, }, Spec = new PodSpecArgs { Containers = { container }, }, }, }, }, new CustomResourceOptions { Parent = this }); var servicePorts = args.Ports.ToOutput().Apply(ports => from p in ports select new ServicePortArgs { Port = p, TargetPort = p } ); this.Service = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Core.V1.Service(name, new ServiceArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Name = name, Labels = this.Deployment.Metadata.Apply(metadata => metadata.Labels), }, Spec = new ServiceSpecArgs { Type = args.AllocateIPAddress.Apply(hasIp => hasIp ? (args.ServiceType ?? "LoadBalancer") : null), Ports = servicePorts, Selector = this.Deployment.Spec.Apply(spec => spec.Template.Metadata.Labels), }, }, new CustomResourceOptions { Parent = this }); this.IpAddress = args.AllocateIPAddress.Apply(hasIp => { if (hasIp) { return(args.ServiceType.Apply(serviceType => serviceType == "ClusterIP" ? this.Service.Spec.Apply(s => s.ClusterIP) : this.Service.Status.Apply(status => { var ingress = status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0]; // Return the ip address if populated or else the hostname return ingress.Ip ?? ingress.Hostname; }) )); } else { return(null); } }); }
static Task <int> Main() => Deployment.RunAsync(async() => { // Create a private GCR registry. var registry = new Registry("my-registry"); var registryUrl = registry.Id.Apply(async _ => { return((await GetRegistryRepository.InvokeAsync()).RepositoryUrl); }); // Get registry info (creds and endpoint). var imageName = Output.Format($"{registryUrl}/myapp"); //var registryInfo = new ImageRegistry(); // use gcloud for authentication. // Build and publish the app image. var image = new Image("my-image", new ImageArgs { Build = new DockerBuild { Context = "app" }, ImageName = imageName, //Registry = registryInfo, }); // Create a load balanced Kubernetes service using this image, and export its IP. var appLabels = new InputMap <string> { { "app", "myapp" } }; var appDep = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Apps.V1.Deployment("app-dep", new DeploymentArgs { Spec = new DeploymentSpecArgs { Selector = new LabelSelectorArgs { MatchLabels = appLabels }, Replicas = 3, Template = new PodTemplateSpecArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Labels = appLabels, }, Spec = new PodSpecArgs { Containers = { new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Types.Inputs.Core.V1.ContainerArgs { Name = "myapp", Image = image.ImageName, } } } } } }); var appSvc = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Core.V1.Service("app-svc", new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Types.Inputs.Core.V1.ServiceArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Labels = appLabels }, Spec = new ServiceSpecArgs { Type = "LoadBalancer", Ports = { new ServicePortArgs { Port = 80, TargetPort = 80 } }, Selector = appLabels } }); // Export the resulting base name in addition to the specific version pushed. return(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "baseImageName", image.BaseImageName }, { "fullImageName", image.ImageName }, { "appIp", appSvc.Status.Apply(status => status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0].Ip) }, }); });
private static void SetupAppointmentApiInKubernetes(AzureResourceBag azureResources, AppointmentApiAzureResourceBag appointmentApiAzureResources, PetDoctorClusterOptions clusterOptions) { var customOpts = new CustomResourceOptions { DependsOn = azureResources.Cluster, Provider = azureResources.ClusterProvider }; var secret = new Secret(clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.SecretName, new SecretArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Namespace = clusterOptions.Namespace, Name = clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.SecretName }, Kind = "Secret", ApiVersion = "v1", Type = "Opaque", Data = new InputMap <string> { { "keyvault-url", appointmentApiAzureResources.KeyVault.VaultUri.Apply(kvUrl => Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(kvUrl))) }, { "appinsights-instrumentationkey", azureResources.AppInsights.InstrumentationKey.Apply(key => Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key))) } } }, customOpts); var appointmentApiPodIdentity = new CustomResource(clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.AadPodIdentityName, new AzureIdentityResourceArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Name = clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.AadPodIdentityName }, Spec = new AzureIdentitySpecArgs { Type = 0, ResourceId = appointmentApiAzureResources.Identity.Id, ClientId = appointmentApiAzureResources.Identity.ClientId } }, customOpts); var appointmentApiPodIdentityBinding = new CustomResource(clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.AadPodIdentityBindingName, new AzureIdentityBindingResourceArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Name = clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.AadPodIdentityBindingName }, Spec = new AzureIdentityBindingSpecArgs { AzureIdentity = clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.AadPodIdentityName, Selector = clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.AadPodIdentitySelector } }, new CustomResourceOptions { DependsOn = new InputList <Resource> { azureResources.Cluster, appointmentApiAzureResources.Identity }, Provider = azureResources.ClusterProvider }); var appointmentApiDeployment = new Deployment("appointment-api-deployment", new DeploymentArgs { ApiVersion = "apps/v1beta1", Kind = "Deployment", Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Name = clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.DeploymentName, Namespace = clusterOptions.Namespace, Labels = new InputMap <string> { { "app", clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.DeploymentName }, { "aadpodidbinding", clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.AadPodIdentitySelector } } }, Spec = new DeploymentSpecArgs { Replicas = clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.ReplicaCount, Selector = new LabelSelectorArgs { MatchLabels = new InputMap <string> { { "app", clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.DeploymentName } } }, Template = new PodTemplateSpecArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Labels = new InputMap <string> { { "app", clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.DeploymentName }, { "aadpodidbinding", clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.AadPodIdentitySelector } } }, Spec = new PodSpecArgs { Containers = new InputList <ContainerArgs> { new ContainerArgs { Name = clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.DeploymentName, Image = clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.Image, Ports = new InputList <ContainerPortArgs> { new ContainerPortArgs { ContainerPortValue = clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.Port, Protocol = "TCP" } }, ReadinessProbe = new ProbeArgs { HttpGet = new HTTPGetActionArgs { Port = clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.Port, Path = "/ready", Scheme = "HTTP" }, InitialDelaySeconds = 15, TimeoutSeconds = 2, PeriodSeconds = 10, FailureThreshold = 3 }, LivenessProbe = new ProbeArgs { HttpGet = new HTTPGetActionArgs { Port = clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.Port, Path = "/live", Scheme = "HTTP" }, InitialDelaySeconds = 30, TimeoutSeconds = 2, PeriodSeconds = 5, FailureThreshold = 3 }, Env = new InputList <EnvVarArgs> { new EnvVarArgs { Name = "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT", Value = "Production" }, new EnvVarArgs { Name = "KEYVAULT__URL", ValueFrom = new EnvVarSourceArgs { SecretKeyRef = new SecretKeySelectorArgs { Name = clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.SecretName, Key = "keyvault-url" } } }, new EnvVarArgs { Name = "APPLICATIONINSIGHTS__INSTRUMENTATIONKEY", ValueFrom = new EnvVarSourceArgs { SecretKeyRef = new SecretKeySelectorArgs { Name = clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.SecretName, Key = "appinsights-instrumentationkey" } } }, new EnvVarArgs { Name = "HOSTENV", Value = "K8S" }, new EnvVarArgs { Name = "PATH_BASE", Value = "api" } } } } } } } }, new CustomResourceOptions { DependsOn = new InputList <Resource> { azureResources.Cluster, appointmentApiAzureResources.Identity, appointmentApiPodIdentityBinding }, Provider = azureResources.ClusterProvider }); var appointmentApiService = new Service(clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.ServiceName, new ServiceArgs { ApiVersion = "v1", Kind = "Service", Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Name = clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.ServiceName, Namespace = clusterOptions.Namespace }, Spec = new ServiceSpecArgs { Selector = new InputMap <string> { { "app", clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.DeploymentName } }, Type = "ClusterIP", ClusterIP = "None", Ports = new InputList <ServicePortArgs> { new ServicePortArgs { Name = "http", Protocol = "TCP", Port = 80, TargetPort = clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.Port } } } }, customOpts); var appointmentApiIngress = new Ingress(clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.IngressName, new IngressArgs { ApiVersion = "extensions/v1beta1", Kind = "Ingress", Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Name = clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.IngressName, Namespace = clusterOptions.Namespace, Annotations = new InputMap <string> { { "", "nginx" }, { "", "letsencrypt-prod" } } }, Spec = new IngressSpecArgs { Tls = new InputList <IngressTLSArgs> { new IngressTLSArgs { Hosts = new InputList <string> { clusterOptions.Domain }, SecretName = "tls-secret" } }, Rules = new InputList <IngressRuleArgs> { new IngressRuleArgs { Host = clusterOptions.Domain, Http = new HTTPIngressRuleValueArgs { Paths = new InputList <HTTPIngressPathArgs> { new HTTPIngressPathArgs { Path = "/api", Backend = new IngressBackendArgs { ServiceName = clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.ServiceName, ServicePort = clusterOptions.AppointmentApi.Port } } } } } } } }, customOpts); }
public Guestbook() { // Minikube does not implement services of type `LoadBalancer`; require the user to // specify if we're running on minikube, and if so, create only services of type // ClusterIP. var config = new Config(); var isMiniKube = config.GetBoolean("isMiniKube") ?? false; // // REDIS MASTER. // var redisLeaderLabels = new InputMap <string> { { "app", "redis-leader" } }; var redisLeaderDeployment = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Apps.V1.Deployment("redis-leader", new DeploymentArgs { Spec = new DeploymentSpecArgs { Selector = new LabelSelectorArgs { MatchLabels = redisLeaderLabels }, Template = new PodTemplateSpecArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Labels = redisLeaderLabels }, Spec = new PodSpecArgs { Containers = { new ContainerArgs { Name = "redis-leader", Image = "redis", Resources = new ResourceRequirementsArgs { Requests = { { "cpu", "100m" }, { "memory", "100Mi" } } }, Ports = { new ContainerPortArgs { ContainerPortValue = 6379 } } } } } } } }); var redisLeaderService = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Core.V1.Service("redis-leader", new ServiceArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Name = "redis-leader", Labels = redisLeaderDeployment.Metadata.Apply(metadata => metadata.Labels), }, Spec = new ServiceSpecArgs { Ports = { new ServicePortArgs { Port = 6379, TargetPort = 6379 }, }, Selector = redisLeaderDeployment.Spec.Apply(spec => spec.Template.Metadata.Labels) } }); // // REDIS REPLICA. // var redisReplicaLabels = new InputMap <string> { { "app", "redis-replica" } }; var redisReplicaDeployment = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Apps.V1.Deployment("redis-replica", new DeploymentArgs { Spec = new DeploymentSpecArgs { Selector = new LabelSelectorArgs { MatchLabels = redisReplicaLabels }, Template = new PodTemplateSpecArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Labels = redisReplicaLabels }, Spec = new PodSpecArgs { Containers = { new ContainerArgs { Name = "redis-replica", Image = "pulumi/guestbook-redis-replica", Resources = new ResourceRequirementsArgs { Requests = { { "cpu", "100m" }, { "memory", "100Mi" } } }, // If your cluster config does not include a dns service, then to instead access an environment // variable to find the leader's host, change `value: "dns"` to read `value: "env"`. Env = { new EnvVarArgs { Name = "GET_HOSTS_FROM", Value = "dns" }, }, Ports = { new ContainerPortArgs { ContainerPortValue = 6379 } } } } } } } }); var redisReplicaService = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Core.V1.Service("redis-replica", new ServiceArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Name = "redis-replica", Labels = redisReplicaDeployment.Metadata.Apply(metadata => metadata.Labels) }, Spec = new ServiceSpecArgs { Ports = { new ServicePortArgs { Port = 6379, TargetPort = 6379 }, }, Selector = redisReplicaDeployment.Spec.Apply(spec => spec.Template.Metadata.Labels) } }); // // FRONTEND // var frontendLabels = new InputMap <string> { { "app", "frontend" }, }; var frontendDeployment = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Apps.V1.Deployment("frontend", new DeploymentArgs { Spec = new DeploymentSpecArgs { Selector = new LabelSelectorArgs { MatchLabels = frontendLabels }, Replicas = 3, Template = new PodTemplateSpecArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Labels = frontendLabels }, Spec = new PodSpecArgs { Containers = { new ContainerArgs { Name = "php-redis", Image = "pulumi/guestbook-php-redis", Resources = new ResourceRequirementsArgs { Requests = { { "cpu", "100m" }, { "memory", "100Mi" }, }, }, // If your cluster config does not include a dns service, then to instead access an environment // variable to find the master service's host, change `value: "dns"` to read `value: "env"`. Env = { new EnvVarArgs { Name = "GET_HOSTS_FROM", Value = "dns", /* Value = "env"*/ } }, Ports = { new ContainerPortArgs { ContainerPortValue = 80 } } } } } } } }); var frontendService = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Core.V1.Service("frontend", new ServiceArgs { Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs { Name = "frontend", Labels = frontendDeployment.Metadata.Apply(metadata => metadata.Labels) }, Spec = new ServiceSpecArgs { Type = isMiniKube ? "ClusterIP" : "LoadBalancer", Ports = { new ServicePortArgs { Port = 80, TargetPort = 80 } }, Selector = frontendDeployment.Spec.Apply(spec => spec.Template.Metadata.Labels) } }); if (isMiniKube) { this.FrontendIp = frontendService.Spec.Apply(spec => spec.ClusterIP); } else { this.FrontendIp = frontendService.Status.Apply(status => status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0].Ip ?? status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0].Hostname); } }