    public MyStack()
        // Create an Azure Resource Group
        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("bcw-july20-vm");

        // Create a Virtual network
        var virtualNetwork = new Azure.Network.VirtualNetwork("bcw-vnet", new Azure.Network.VirtualNetworkArgs
            AddressSpaces =
            Location          = resourceGroup.Location,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
        var subnet = new Azure.Network.Subnet("subnet", new Azure.Network.SubnetArgs
            ResourceGroupName  = resourceGroup.Name,
            VirtualNetworkName = virtualNetwork.Name,
            AddressPrefix      = "",
        var publicIpAddress = new Azure.Network.PublicIp("publicIp", new Azure.Network.PublicIpArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Location          = resourceGroup.Location,
            AllocationMethod  = "Dynamic",
        var networkInterface = new Azure.Network.NetworkInterface("networkInterface", new Azure.Network.NetworkInterfaceArgs
            Location          = resourceGroup.Location,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            IpConfigurations  =
                new Azure.Network.Inputs.NetworkInterfaceIpConfigurationArgs
                    Name     = "internal",
                    SubnetId = subnet.Id,
                    PrivateIpAddressAllocation = "Dynamic",
                    PublicIpAddressId          = publicIpAddress.Id

        var windowsVirtualMachine = new Azure.Compute.WindowsVirtualMachine("demoVm", new Azure.Compute.WindowsVirtualMachineArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Location          = resourceGroup.Location,
            Size                = "Standard_B1ms", //Standard_D2s_v3
            AdminUsername       = "******",
            AdminPassword       = "******",
            NetworkInterfaceIds =
            Plan = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.WindowsVirtualMachinePlanArgs
                Name      = "pro-preview",
                Product   = "windows10preview",
                Publisher = "microsoft-hyperv"
            OsDisk = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.WindowsVirtualMachineOsDiskArgs
                Caching            = "ReadWrite",
                StorageAccountType = "StandardSSD_LRS",
            SourceImageReference = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.WindowsVirtualMachineSourceImageReferenceArgs
                Publisher = "microsoft-hyperv",
                Offer     = "windows10preview",
                Sku       = "pro-preview",
                Version   = "19041.208.2004162051",

        this.PublicIpAddress = publicIpAddress.IpAddress;
        private static AzureResourceBag CreateBaseAzureInfrastructure(Config config)
            var location = config.Require("azure-location");

            var environment = config.Require("azure-tags-environment");
            var owner       = config.Require("azure-tags-owner");
            var createdBy   = config.Require("azure-tags-createdby");

            var kubernetesVersion   = config.Require("kubernetes-version");
            var kubernetesNodeCount = config.RequireInt32("kubernetes-scaling-nodecount");

            var sqlUser     = config.RequireSecret("azure-sqlserver-username");
            var sqlPassword = config.RequireSecret("azure-sqlserver-password");

            var tags = new InputMap <string>
                { "Environment", environment },
                { "CreatedBy", createdBy },
                { "Owner", owner }

            var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("pet-doctor-resource-group", new ResourceGroupArgs
                Name     = "pet-doctor",
                Location = location,
                Tags     = tags

            var vnet = new VirtualNetwork("pet-doctor-vnet", new VirtualNetworkArgs
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                Name          = "petdoctorvnet",
                AddressSpaces = { "" },
                Tags          = tags

            var subnet = new Subnet("pet-doctor-subnet", new SubnetArgs
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                Name               = "petdoctorsubet",
                AddressPrefixes    = { "" },
                VirtualNetworkName = vnet.Name,
                ServiceEndpoints   = new InputList <string> {
                    "Microsoft.KeyVault", "Microsoft.Sql"

            var registry = new Registry("pet-doctor-acr", new RegistryArgs
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                Name         = "petdoctoracr",
                Sku          = "Standard",
                AdminEnabled = true,
                Tags         = tags

            var aksServicePrincipalPassword = new RandomPassword("pet-doctor-aks-ad-sp-password", new RandomPasswordArgs
                Length  = 20,
                Special = true,

            var clusterAdApp = new Application("pet-doctor-aks-ad-app", new ApplicationArgs
                Name = "petdoctoraks"

            var clusterAdServicePrincipal = new ServicePrincipal("aks-app-sp", new ServicePrincipalArgs
                ApplicationId = clusterAdApp.ApplicationId

            var clusterAdServicePrincipalPassword = new ServicePrincipalPassword("aks-app-sp-pwd", new ServicePrincipalPasswordArgs
                ServicePrincipalId = clusterAdServicePrincipal.ObjectId,
                EndDate            = "2099-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                Value = aksServicePrincipalPassword

            // Grant networking permissions to the SP (needed e.g. to provision Load Balancers)
            var subnetAssignment = new Assignment("pet-doctor-aks-sp-subnet-assignment", new AssignmentArgs
                PrincipalId        = clusterAdServicePrincipal.Id,
                RoleDefinitionName = "Network Contributor",
                Scope = subnet.Id

            var acrAssignment = new Assignment("pet-doctor-aks-sp-acr-assignment", new AssignmentArgs
                PrincipalId        = clusterAdServicePrincipal.Id,
                RoleDefinitionName = "AcrPull",
                Scope = registry.Id

            var logAnalyticsWorkspace = new AnalyticsWorkspace("pet-doctor-aks-log-analytics", new AnalyticsWorkspaceArgs
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                Name = "petdoctorloganalytics",
                Sku  = "PerGB2018",
                Tags = tags

            var logAnalyticsSolution = new AnalyticsSolution("pet-doctor-aks-analytics-solution", new AnalyticsSolutionArgs
                ResourceGroupName   = resourceGroup.Name,
                SolutionName        = "ContainerInsights",
                WorkspaceName       = logAnalyticsWorkspace.Name,
                WorkspaceResourceId = logAnalyticsWorkspace.Id,
                Plan = new AnalyticsSolutionPlanArgs
                    Product   = "OMSGallery/ContainerInsights",
                    Publisher = "Microsoft"

            var sshPublicKey = new PrivateKey("ssh-key", new PrivateKeyArgs
                Algorithm = "RSA",
                RsaBits   = 4096,

            var cluster = new KubernetesCluster("pet-doctor-aks", new KubernetesClusterArgs
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                Name              = "petdoctoraks",
                DnsPrefix         = "dns",
                KubernetesVersion = kubernetesVersion,
                DefaultNodePool   = new KubernetesClusterDefaultNodePoolArgs
                    Name         = "aksagentpool",
                    NodeCount    = kubernetesNodeCount,
                    VmSize       = "Standard_D2_v2",
                    OsDiskSizeGb = 30,
                    VnetSubnetId = subnet.Id
                LinuxProfile = new KubernetesClusterLinuxProfileArgs
                    AdminUsername = "******",
                    SshKey        = new KubernetesClusterLinuxProfileSshKeyArgs
                        KeyData = sshPublicKey.PublicKeyOpenssh
                ServicePrincipal = new KubernetesClusterServicePrincipalArgs
                    ClientId     = clusterAdApp.ApplicationId,
                    ClientSecret = clusterAdServicePrincipalPassword.Value
                RoleBasedAccessControl = new KubernetesClusterRoleBasedAccessControlArgs
                    Enabled = true
                NetworkProfile = new KubernetesClusterNetworkProfileArgs
                    NetworkPlugin    = "azure",
                    ServiceCidr      = "",
                    DnsServiceIp     = "",
                    DockerBridgeCidr = ""
                AddonProfile = new KubernetesClusterAddonProfileArgs
                    OmsAgent = new KubernetesClusterAddonProfileOmsAgentArgs
                        Enabled = true,
                        LogAnalyticsWorkspaceId = logAnalyticsWorkspace.Id
                Tags = tags

            var sqlServer = new SqlServer("pet-doctor-sql", new SqlServerArgs
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                Name                       = "petdoctorsql",
                Tags                       = tags,
                Version                    = "12.0",
                AdministratorLogin         = sqlUser,
                AdministratorLoginPassword = sqlPassword

            var sqlvnetrule = new VirtualNetworkRule("pet-doctor-sql", new VirtualNetworkRuleArgs
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                Name       = "petdoctorsql",
                ServerName = sqlServer.Name,
                SubnetId   = subnet.Id,

            var appInsights = new Insights("pet-doctor-ai", new InsightsArgs
                ApplicationType   = "web",
                Name              = "petdoctor",
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                Tags              = tags

            var provider = new Provider("pet-doctor-aks-provider", new ProviderArgs
                KubeConfig = cluster.KubeConfigRaw

            return(new AzureResourceBag
                ResourceGroup = resourceGroup,
                SqlServer = sqlServer,
                Cluster = cluster,
                ClusterProvider = provider,
                AppInsights = appInsights,
                AksServicePrincipal = clusterAdServicePrincipal,
                Subnet = subnet,
                Registry = registry,
                Tags = tags