public Tab(int scrollpos, List<Text> lines, string title, PTextBox box) { this.scrollpos = scrollpos; this.lines = lines; Title = title; tabRect = new Rect(new Rectangle(0, 0, 150, 25), Skin.skindict["tabBG"]); tabRect.Colour = Color.SteelBlue; tabText = new Text(Config.ClientSize, tabRect.Bounds.Size, Point.Empty); tabText.textFont = PTextBox.boxFont; tabText.Shadow = false; tabText.Update(title); pb = box; }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { lua = new Lua(); lua.DoString("luanet=nil"); Skin.luaInit(); /* Type ty = typeof(Config); * foreach (MethodInfo mi in ty.GetMethods()) * { * lua.RegisterFunction(mi.Name,this , mi); * Console.WriteLine(mi.Name); * }*/ conn = new Client.Connection(); conn.recvPacket += new Action <short, Client.RecievePacket>(conn_recvPacket); Pulse.Client.PacketWriter.sendCheckVersion(conn.Bw); this.Closing += new EventHandler <System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs>(Game_Closing); base.OnLoad(e); AudioManager.initBass(); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Texture2D); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha); if (Skin.MaskBursts) { Animation preloadBursts = new Animation(new Rectangle(1, 1, 1, 1), 1, "burst", 10, false, true); } blackOverlay.Colour = new Color4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.2f); toasts = new Queue <toast>(); toasttexture = new Rect(new Rectangle(0, 0, Config.ResWidth, 50), Skin.skindict["toast"]); volumeTexture = new Rect(new Rectangle((int)(Config.ResWidth * 0.26), 727, (int)(Config.ResWidth * 0.5), 43), Skin.skindict["volumecontrol"]); int toSet = (int)((Config.Volume / 100d) * (Config.ResWidth * 0.5)); volumeRect = new Rect(new Rectangle((int)(Config.ResWidth * 0.37), 739, toSet, 25)); volumeRect.Colour = Color4.Orange; t = new Text(new Size(Width, Height), new Size(Config.ResWidth, 50), new Point(50, 0)); this.Icon = DefaultSkin.pulseicon; SongLibrary.loadSongInfo(); SongLibrary.cacheSongInfo(); //for newly added songs while game wasn't onint diff = 0; m = new MediaPlayer(this); screens.Add("menuScreen", new MenuScreen(this, "Pulse Menu")); screens.Add("selectScreen", new SelectScreen(this, "Song Select")); screens.Add("sSScreen", new ScoreSelectScreen(this, "Score Select Screen")); screens.Add("editScreen", new EditorScreen(this, "Edit Mode")); screens.Add("timingScreen", new TimingScreen(this, "Timing Screen")); screens.Add("ingameScreen", new IngameScreen(this, "ingame")); screens["ingameScreen"].Hide(); screens["timingScreen"].Hide(); screens["editScreen"].Hide(); screens["selectScreen"].Hide(); screens["sSScreen"].Hide(); screens["menuScreen"].Show(); Active = screens["menuScreen"]; GL.ClearColor(Color4.SlateGray); fpsText = new Text(new Size(Width, Height), new Size(150, 35), new Point(Config.ResWidth - 120, 733)); fpsText.Update("fps: " + this.TargetRenderFrequency); fpsText.Colour = Color.Yellow; fpsText.Shadow = true; int tipIndex = new Random().Next(; addToast([tipIndex]); if (!Directory.Exists("skin")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("skin"); } fsw = new FileSystemWatcher("skin"); fsw.EnableRaisingEvents = true; fsw.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(fsw_Created); pbox = new PTextBox(game, new Rectangle(0, 768 - 300, Utils.getMX(1024), 290), "", ircl); pbox.minimize(0); // Thread check = new Thread(new ThreadStart(game.checkVersions)); // check.IsBackground = true; // check.Start(); Account.tryLoadAcc(); int x = 5; SongLibrary.findByMD5(" ", ref x); userScreen = new UserDisplayScreen(this); // n = new Notice(new Point(0, 200), 5000, "ASHASHASHASHASHASHASHASHASHASHASHASHASHASHASHASDFK;J"); }
protected override void OnUpdateFrame(FrameEventArgs e) { heartbeatTime += e.Time; //n.OnUpdateFrame(e); nm.update(e); if (heartbeatTime > 30 && conn.Bw != null) { try { Client.PacketWriter.sendClientHeartbeat(conn.Bw); heartbeatTime = 0; } catch { } } if (!screenChange) { if (!active.loaded) { active.OnLoad(null); active.loaded = true; active.switched = true; } else if (!active.switched && active.loaded) { active.onSwitched(); active.switched = true; } } if (displayUsers) { userScreen.OnUpdateFrame(e); } pbox.OnUpdateFrame(e); sleepCount++; if (sleepCount >= 10) { //need to work out a good way to use this to limit the cpu usage, or find another way to do it //skipFrame = true; sleepCount = 0; } if (verRemind) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Client version (" + Config.Version + ") out of date! Latest (" + serverVer + ") available on the updater."); verRemind = false; } if (pressedKey.Contains(Key.F3) && userToggle) { userToggle = false; displayUsers = !displayUsers; if (displayUsers) { if (ircl != null) { string userss = ""; foreach (string i in ircl.pulseUsers) { userss += i.Split('|')[1] + ";"; } // Console.WriteLine(userss); Client.PacketWriter.sendUserRequest(Game.conn.Bw, userss); } } } else if (!pressedKey.Contains(Key.F3)) { userToggle = true; } if (Keyboard[OpenTK.Input.Key.AltLeft] && Keyboard[OpenTK.Input.Key.F4]) { this.Exit(); } if (toasts.Count > 0 && activeToast == null) { activeToast = toasts.Dequeue(); t.Update(activeToast.text); } if (activeToast != null) { if (activeToast.y < 0 && activeToast.DisplayTime > 0) { activeToast.y += 2; toasttexture.Bounds = new Rectangle(0, activeToast.y, Config.ResWidth, 50); t.Location = new Point(50, activeToast.y); } if (activeToast.y == 0) { activeToast.DisplayTime--; } if (activeToast.DisplayTime <= 0) { activeToast.y -= 2; toasttexture.Bounds = new Rectangle(0, activeToast.y, Config.ResWidth, 50); t.Location = new Point(50, activeToast.y); } if (activeToast.y <= -50) { activeToast = null; toasttexture.Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, Config.ResWidth, 50); t.Location = new Point(50, 0); } } base.OnUpdateFrame(e); time += e.Time; if (Config.DisplayFps) { if (time > 0.25) { time = 0; fpsText.Update("fps: " + frameCount * 4); frameCount = 0; } } if (volumeLife > 0) { volumeLife -= (int)(e.Time * 1000); if (volumeTexture.Bounds.Y > 730) { volumeTexture.Bounds = new Rectangle(volumeTexture.Bounds.X, volumeTexture.Bounds.Y - 5, volumeTexture.Bounds.Width, volumeTexture.Bounds.Height); volumeRect.Bounds = new Rectangle(volumeRect.Bounds.X, volumeRect.Bounds.Y - 5, volumeRect.Bounds.Width, volumeRect.Bounds.Height); } } if (volumeLife <= 0 && volumeTexture.Bounds.Y < 768) { volumeTexture.Bounds = new Rectangle(volumeTexture.Bounds.X, volumeTexture.Bounds.Y + 5, volumeTexture.Bounds.Width, volumeTexture.Bounds.Height); volumeRect.Bounds = new Rectangle(volumeRect.Bounds.X, volumeRect.Bounds.Y + 5, volumeRect.Bounds.Width, volumeRect.Bounds.Height); } lock (ircLock) { if (ircl != null) { while (ircl.recieved.Count > 0) { Client.irc.IrcMessage msg = ircl.recieved.Dequeue(); string now = DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString("D2") + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString("D2") + " "; if (msg.HLed) { if (!pbox.expanded) { addToast("You have received a highlight, press F2 to open chat"); } pbox.addLine((msg.timestamp ? now : "") + msg.Msg, Color.Green, msg.Target); if (Config.ChatSounds) {; } if (pbox.tabs.ContainsKey(" " + msg.Target + " ")) { pbox.tabs[msg.Target].Alert = true; } if (!pbox.tabs.ContainsKey("#highlight")) { pbox.addTab("#highlight"); } pbox.addLine((msg.timestamp ? now : "") + "(" + msg.Target + ") " + msg.Msg, col, "#highlight"); pbox.tabs["#highlight"].Alert = true; } else { if (msg.Target.Equals(ircl.realNick) && !game.Focused && Config.ChatSounds) { if (!pbox.expanded) { addToast("You have recieved a private message, press F2 to open chat"); }; } if (msg.customColor) { pbox.addLine((msg.timestamp ? now : "") + msg.Msg, msg.col, msg.Target); } else { string toadd = (msg.timestamp ? now : "") + msg.Msg; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.sender)) { Dictionary <Pair <int, int>, Color> colors = new Dictionary <Pair <int, int>, Color>(); int index = toadd.IndexOf(msg.sender); colors.Add(new Pair <int, int>(0, index), col); colors.Add(new Pair <int, int>(index, index + msg.sender.Length), msg.sendercolor); colors.Add(new Pair <int, int>(index + msg.sender.Length, toadd.Length), col); pbox.addLine(toadd, colors, msg.Target); } else { /* if (msg.Msg.Length > 115) * { * Dictionary<Pair<int, int>, Color> colors = new Dictionary<Pair<int, int>, Color>(); * colors.Add(new Pair<int, int>(0, 100), Color.White); * colors.Add(new Pair<int, int>(100, 110), Color.Blue); * colors.Add(new Pair<int, int>(110, msg.Msg.Length), Color.White); * pbox.addLine(toadd, colors, msg.Target); * } * else * {*/ pbox.addLine(toadd, col, msg.Target); //} } } if (pbox.activeTab.Title != msg.Target && pbox.tabs.ContainsKey(msg.Target)) { pbox.tabs[msg.Target].Alert = true; } } } } } if (!Config.DisableMousewheel) { float nowMouse = Mouse.WheelPrecise; float delta = nowMouse - previousMouse; if (delta != 0) { previousMouse = nowMouse; if (Active != screens["selectScreen"] && active != screens["editScreen"] && !pbox.expanded) { delta *= 15; int result = volumeRect.Bounds.Width + (int)delta; if (result < 0) { result = 0; } else if (result > 370) { result = 370; } volumeRect.Bounds = new Rectangle(volumeRect.Bounds.X, volumeRect.Bounds.Y, result, volumeRect.Bounds.Height); int percent = (int)((result / 370d) * 100); Config.Volume = percent; volumeLife = 1000; } } } if (active != null && active.Enabled) { active.OnUpdateFrame(e); } if (screenChange && !transIn) { screenChange = false; active.Hide(); if (active.Music != null && !(tempScreen is MenuScreen)) { active.Music.stop(); } Active = tempScreen; tempScreen = null; active.Show(); } if (transitioning) { if (transIn) { blackOverlay.Alpha += 0.1f; if (blackOverlay.Alpha >= 1f) { transIn = false; } } else { blackOverlay.Alpha -= 0.1f; if (blackOverlay.Alpha <= 0f) { transitioning = false; transIn = true; } } } if (m.Enabled) { m.onUpdateFrame(e); } lClickFrame = false; }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { lua = new Lua(); lua.DoString("luanet=nil"); Skin.luaInit(); /* Type ty = typeof(Config); foreach (MethodInfo mi in ty.GetMethods()) { lua.RegisterFunction(mi.Name,this , mi); Console.WriteLine(mi.Name); }*/ conn = new Client.Connection(); conn.recvPacket += new Action<short, Client.RecievePacket>(conn_recvPacket); Pulse.Client.PacketWriter.sendCheckVersion(conn.Bw); this.Closing += new EventHandler<System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs>(Game_Closing); base.OnLoad(e); AudioManager.initBass(); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Texture2D); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha); if (Skin.MaskBursts) { Animation preloadBursts = new Animation(new Rectangle(1, 1, 1, 1), 1, "burst", 10, false, true); } blackOverlay.Colour = new Color4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.2f); toasts = new Queue<toast>(); toasttexture = new Rect(new Rectangle(0, 0, Config.ResWidth, 50), Skin.skindict["toast"]); volumeTexture = new Rect(new Rectangle((int)(Config.ResWidth * 0.26), 727, (int)(Config.ResWidth * 0.5), 43), Skin.skindict["volumecontrol"]); int toSet = (int)((Config.Volume / 100d) * (Config.ResWidth * 0.5)); volumeRect = new Rect(new Rectangle((int)(Config.ResWidth * 0.37), 739, toSet, 25)); volumeRect.Colour = Color4.Orange; t = new Text(new Size(Width, Height), new Size(Config.ResWidth, 50), new Point(50, 0)); this.Icon = DefaultSkin.pulseicon; SongLibrary.loadSongInfo(); SongLibrary.cacheSongInfo(); //for newly added songs while game wasn't onint diff = 0; m = new MediaPlayer(this); screens.Add("menuScreen", new MenuScreen(this, "Pulse Menu")); screens.Add("selectScreen", new SelectScreen(this, "Song Select")); screens.Add("sSScreen", new ScoreSelectScreen(this, "Score Select Screen")); screens.Add("editScreen", new EditorScreen(this, "Edit Mode")); screens.Add("timingScreen", new TimingScreen(this, "Timing Screen")); screens.Add("ingameScreen", new IngameScreen(this, "ingame")); screens["ingameScreen"].Hide(); screens["timingScreen"].Hide(); screens["editScreen"].Hide(); screens["selectScreen"].Hide(); screens["sSScreen"].Hide(); screens["menuScreen"].Show(); Active = screens["menuScreen"]; GL.ClearColor(Color4.SlateGray); fpsText = new Text(new Size(Width, Height), new Size(150, 35), new Point(Config.ResWidth - 120, 733)); fpsText.Update("fps: " + this.TargetRenderFrequency); fpsText.Colour = Color.Yellow; fpsText.Shadow = true; int tipIndex = new Random().Next(; addToast([tipIndex]); if (!Directory.Exists("skin")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("skin"); } fsw = new FileSystemWatcher("skin"); fsw.EnableRaisingEvents = true; fsw.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(fsw_Created); pbox = new PTextBox(game, new Rectangle(0, 768 - 300, Utils.getMX(1024), 290), "", ircl); pbox.minimize(0); // Thread check = new Thread(new ThreadStart(game.checkVersions)); // check.IsBackground = true; // check.Start(); Account.tryLoadAcc(); int x = 5; SongLibrary.findByMD5(" ", ref x); userScreen = new UserDisplayScreen(this); // n = new Notice(new Point(0, 200), 5000, "ASHASHASHASHASHASHASHASHASHASHASHASHASHASHASHASDFK;J"); }