/// <summary> /// creates an asteroid that will collide with the given entity on the given date. /// </summary> /// <param name="starSys"></param> /// <param name="target"></param> /// <param name="collisionDate"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Entity CreateAsteroid(StarSystem starSys, Entity target, DateTime collisionDate, double asteroidMass = -1.0) { //todo rand these a bit. double radius = Distance.KmToAU(0.5); double mass; if (asteroidMass == -1.0) { mass = 1.5e+12; //about 1.5 billion tonne } else { mass = asteroidMass; } Vector3 velocity = new Vector3(8, 7, 0); var position = new PositionDB(0, 0, 0, Guid.Empty); var massVolume = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius(mass, radius); var planetInfo = new SystemBodyInfoDB(); var balisticTraj = new NewtonBalisticDB(target.Guid, collisionDate); var name = new NameDB("Ellie"); var AsteroidDmg = new AsteroidDamageDB(); var sensorPfil = new SensorProfileDB(); planetInfo.SupportsPopulations = false; planetInfo.BodyType = BodyType.Asteroid; Vector3 targetPos = OrbitProcessor.GetAbsolutePosition_AU(target.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>(), collisionDate); TimeSpan timeToCollision = collisionDate - StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime; Vector3 offset = velocity * timeToCollision.TotalSeconds; targetPos -= Distance.KmToAU(offset); position.AbsolutePosition_AU = targetPos; position.SystemGuid = starSys.Guid; balisticTraj.CurrentSpeed = velocity; var planetDBs = new List <BaseDataBlob> { position, massVolume, planetInfo, name, balisticTraj, AsteroidDmg, sensorPfil }; Entity newELE = new Entity(starSys, planetDBs); return(newELE); }
public static Entity CreateAsteroid4(Vector3 position, OrbitDB origOrbit, DateTime atDateTime, double asteroidMass = -1.0) { //todo rand these a bit. double radius = Distance.KmToAU(0.5); double mass; if (asteroidMass == -1.0) { mass = 1.5e+12; //about 1.5 billion tonne } else { mass = asteroidMass; } var speed = Distance.KmToAU(40); Vector3 velocity = new Vector3(speed, 0, 0); var massVolume = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius_AU(mass, radius); var planetInfo = new SystemBodyInfoDB(); var name = new NameDB("Ellie"); var AsteroidDmg = new AsteroidDamageDB(); AsteroidDmg.FractureChance = new PercentValue(0.75f); var dmgPfl = EntityDamageProfileDB.AsteroidDamageProfile(massVolume.Volume_km3, massVolume.Density, massVolume.RadiusInM, 50); var sensorPfil = new SensorProfileDB(); planetInfo.SupportsPopulations = false; planetInfo.BodyType = BodyType.Asteroid; var parent = origOrbit.Parent; var parentMass = parent.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().Mass; var myMass = massVolume.Mass; double sgp = GameConstants.Science.GravitationalConstant * (parentMass + myMass) / 3.347928976e33; //OrbitDB orbit = OrbitDB.FromVector(parent, myMass, parentMass, sgp, position, velocity, atDateTime); //OrbitDB orbit = (OrbitDB)origOrbit.Clone(); OrbitDB orbit = new OrbitDB(origOrbit.Parent, parentMass, myMass, origOrbit.SemiMajorAxis_AU, origOrbit.Eccentricity, origOrbit.Inclination_Degrees, origOrbit.LongitudeOfAscendingNode_Degrees, origOrbit.ArgumentOfPeriapsis_Degrees, origOrbit.MeanMotion_DegreesSec, origOrbit.Epoch); var posDB = new PositionDB(position.X, position.Y, position.Z, parent.Manager.ManagerGuid, parent); var planetDBs = new List <BaseDataBlob> { posDB, massVolume, planetInfo, name, orbit, AsteroidDmg, dmgPfl, sensorPfil }; Entity newELE = new Entity(origOrbit.OwningEntity.Manager, planetDBs); return(newELE); }
/// <summary> /// creates an asteroid that will collide with the given entity on the given date. /// </summary> /// <param name="starSys"></param> /// <param name="target"></param> /// <param name="collisionDate"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Entity CreateAsteroid(StarSystem starSys, Entity target, DateTime collisionDate, double asteroidMass = -1.0) { //todo rand these a bit. double radius = Distance.KmToAU(0.5); double mass; if (asteroidMass < 0) { mass = 1.5e+12; //about 1.5 billion tonne } else { mass = asteroidMass; } var speed = 40000; Vector3 velocity = new Vector3(speed, 0, 0); var massVolume = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius_AU(mass, radius); var planetInfo = new SystemBodyInfoDB(); var name = new NameDB("Ellie"); var AsteroidDmg = new AsteroidDamageDB(); AsteroidDmg.FractureChance = new PercentValue(0.75f); var dmgPfl = EntityDamageProfileDB.AsteroidDamageProfile(massVolume.Volume_km3, massVolume.Density, massVolume.RadiusInM, 50); var sensorPfil = new SensorProfileDB(); planetInfo.SupportsPopulations = false; planetInfo.BodyType = BodyType.Asteroid; Vector3 targetPos = OrbitProcessor.GetAbsolutePosition_m(target.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>(), collisionDate); TimeSpan timeToCollision = collisionDate - StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime; var parent = target.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>().Parent; var parentMass = parent.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().Mass; var myMass = massVolume.Mass; double sgp = OrbitMath.CalculateStandardGravityParameterInM3S2(myMass, parentMass); OrbitDB orbit = OrbitDB.FromVector(parent, myMass, parentMass, sgp, targetPos, velocity, collisionDate); var currentpos = OrbitProcessor.GetAbsolutePosition_AU(orbit, StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime); var posDB = new PositionDB(currentpos.X, currentpos.Y, currentpos.Z, parent.Manager.ManagerGuid, parent); var planetDBs = new List <BaseDataBlob> { posDB, massVolume, planetInfo, name, orbit, AsteroidDmg, dmgPfl, sensorPfil }; Entity newELE = new Entity(starSys, planetDBs); return(newELE); }
/// <summary> /// Deep copy constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="clone"></param> public AsteroidDamageDB(AsteroidDamageDB clone) { _health = clone._health; }
/// <summary> /// This will work for missiles, ships, asteroids, and populations at some point. /// Damage type may eventually be required. /// </summary> /// <param name="damageableEntity"></param> /// <param name="damageAmount"></param> public static void OnTakingDamage(Entity damageableEntity, int damageAmount, DateTime atDateTime) { if (damageableEntity.HasDataBlob <AsteroidDamageDB>()) { AsteroidDamageDB AstDmgDB = damageableEntity.GetDataBlob <AsteroidDamageDB>(); AstDmgDB.Health = AstDmgDB.Health - damageAmount; if (AstDmgDB.Health <= 0) { SpawnSubAsteroids(damageableEntity, atDateTime); } } else if (damageableEntity.HasDataBlob <ShipInfoDB>()) { //do shield damage //do armor damage //for components: Game game = damageableEntity.Manager.Game; PositionDB ShipPosition = damageableEntity.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>(); StarSystem mySystem; if (!game.Systems.TryGetValue(ShipPosition.SystemGuid, out mySystem)) { throw new GuidNotFoundException(ShipPosition.SystemGuid); } ComponentInstancesDB ShipInst = damageableEntity.GetDataBlob <ComponentInstancesDB>(); //These are ship components in this context int damageAttempt = 0; while (damageAmount > 0) { int randValue = mySystem.RNG.Next((int)(damageableEntity.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().VolumeM3)); //volume in m^3 foreach (KeyValuePair <Entity, double> pair in ShipInst.ComponentDictionary) { if (pair.Value > randValue) { //check if this component is destroyed //if it isn't get density MassVolumeDB mvDB = pair.Key.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>(); double DensityThreshold = 1.0; //what should this be? double dmgPercent = DensityThreshold * mvDB.Density * 1000; int dmgDone = (int)(damageAmount * dmgPercent); ComponentInfoDB ciDB = pair.Key.GetDataBlob <ComponentInfoDB>(); ComponentInstanceInfoDB ciiDB = pair.Key.GetDataBlob <ComponentInstanceInfoDB>(); if (ciiDB.HTKRemaining > 0) //component is not destroyed yet { if (dmgDone >= ciiDB.HTKRemaining) //component is definitely wrecked { damageAmount = damageAmount - ciiDB.HTKRemaining; ciiDB.HTKRemaining = 0; } else { ciiDB.HTKRemaining = ciiDB.HTKRemaining - damageAmount; damageAmount = 0; } } else { damageAttempt++; if (damageAttempt == 20) // Aurora default, seems like an ok number to use for now. { break; } /// <summary> /// Need to pick a new component to try and destroy. /// Should any damage get absorbed by the wreck? /// How many of these failures should I run into before declaring the ship destroyed? /// Should ship distruction happen differently? /// </summary> continue; } //compare this density to some density value to calculate how much to modify damage by //if damage is greater than the HTK then the component is destroyed. modify damageAmount and move onto the next component. //leave this loop if damage is zero. break; } } if (damageAttempt == 20) // need to copy this to fully break out of the loop; { break; } } if (damageAttempt == 20) // the ship is destroyed. how to mark it as such? { SpawnWreck(damageableEntity); } else { ReCalcProcessor.ReCalcAbilities(damageableEntity); } } else if (damageableEntity.HasDataBlob <ColonyInfoDB>()) { //Think about how to unify this one and shipInfoDB if possible. //do Terraforming/Infra/Pop damage Game game = damageableEntity.Manager.Game; ColonyInfoDB ColIDB = damageableEntity.GetDataBlob <ColonyInfoDB>(); SystemBodyInfoDB SysInfoDB = ColIDB.PlanetEntity.GetDataBlob <SystemBodyInfoDB>(); PositionDB ColonyPosition = ColIDB.PlanetEntity.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>(); StarSystem mySystem; //I need all of this to get to the rng. if (!game.Systems.TryGetValue(ColonyPosition.SystemGuid, out mySystem)) { throw new GuidNotFoundException(ColonyPosition.SystemGuid); } //How should damage work here? //quarter million dead per strength of nuclear attack? 1 radiation/1 dust per strength? //Same chance to destroy components as ship destruction? //I need damage type for these. Missiles/bombs(missile damage but no engine basically) will be the only thing that causes this damage. //ColIDB.Population //SysInfoDB.AtmosphericDust //SysInfoDB.RadiationLevel //Installation Damage section: ComponentInstancesDB ColInst = damageableEntity.GetDataBlob <ComponentInstancesDB>(); //These are installations in this context int damageAttempt = 0; while (damageAmount > 0) { int randValue = mySystem.RNG.Next((int)damageableEntity.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().Volume); foreach (KeyValuePair <Entity, double> pair in ColInst.ComponentDictionary) { if (pair.Value > randValue) //This installation was targeted { //check if this Installation is destroyed //if it isn't get density MassVolumeDB mvDB = pair.Key.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>(); double DensityThreshold = 1.0; //what should this be? double dmgPercent = DensityThreshold * mvDB.Density; int dmgDone = (int)(damageAmount * dmgPercent); ComponentInfoDB ciDB = pair.Key.GetDataBlob <ComponentInfoDB>(); ComponentInstanceInfoDB ciiDB = pair.Key.GetDataBlob <ComponentInstanceInfoDB>(); if (ciiDB.HTKRemaining > 0) //Installation is not destroyed yet { if (dmgDone >= ciiDB.HTKRemaining) //Installation is definitely wrecked { damageAmount = damageAmount - ciiDB.HTKRemaining; ciiDB.HTKRemaining = 0; } else { ciiDB.HTKRemaining = ciiDB.HTKRemaining - damageAmount; damageAmount = 0; } } else { damageAttempt++; if (damageAttempt == 20) // The planet won't blow up because of this, but no more attempts to damage installations should be made here. { break; } continue; } } } if (damageAttempt == 20) // need to copy this to fully break out of the loop; { break; } } //This will need to be updated to deal with colonies. ReCalcProcessor.ReCalcAbilities(damageableEntity); } }
public static Entity CreateAsteroid2(StarSystem starSys, Entity target, DateTime collisionDate, double asteroidMass = -1.0) { //todo rand these a bit. double radius = Distance.KmToAU(0.5); double mass; if (asteroidMass == -1.0) { mass = 1.5e+12; //about 1.5 billion tonne } else { mass = asteroidMass; } Vector3 velocity = new Vector3(8, 7, 0); var position = new PositionDB(0, 0, 0, Guid.Empty); var massVolume = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius(mass, radius); var planetInfo = new SystemBodyInfoDB(); var balisticTraj = new NewtonBalisticDB(target.Guid, collisionDate); var name = new NameDB("Ellie"); var AsteroidDmg = new AsteroidDamageDB(); var sensorPfil = new SensorProfileDB(); planetInfo.SupportsPopulations = false; planetInfo.BodyType = BodyType.Asteroid; Vector3 targetPos = OrbitProcessor.GetAbsolutePosition_AU(target.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>(), collisionDate); TimeSpan timeToCollision = collisionDate - StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime; Vector3 offset = velocity * timeToCollision.TotalSeconds; targetPos -= Distance.KmToAU(offset); position.AbsolutePosition_AU = targetPos; position.SystemGuid = starSys.Guid; balisticTraj.CurrentSpeed = velocity; var parent = target.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>().Parent; var parentMass = parent.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().Mass; var myMass = massVolume.Mass; var mySemiMajorAxis = 5.055; var myEccentricity = 0.8; var myInclination = 0; var myLoAN = 0; var myAoP = -10; //var EccentricAnomaly = Math.Atan2() //var meanAnomaly =; double myLoP = 0; double myMeanLongd = 355.5; //OrbitDB orbit = OrbitDB.FromAsteroidFormat(parent, parentMass, myMass, mySemiMajorAxis, myEccentricity, myInclination, myLoAN, myAoP, meanAnomaly, starSys.Game.CurrentDateTime); OrbitDB orbit = OrbitDB.FromMajorPlanetFormat(parent, parentMass, myMass, mySemiMajorAxis, myEccentricity, myInclination, myLoAN, myLoP, myMeanLongd, StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime); var planetDBs = new List <BaseDataBlob> { position, massVolume, planetInfo, name, orbit, AsteroidDmg, sensorPfil }; Entity newELE = new Entity(starSys, planetDBs); return(newELE); }