        public string GetXML(string BillingPeriodId, string busUnit)
            string DBConnection = Properties.Settings.Default.DBConnection;
            string connStr      = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[DBConnection].ConnectionString;
            // Create our DB connection.
            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr);

            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("[dbo].[generateInvoicesByBillingPeriod]", conn);

            cmd.CommandTimeout = 300;
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            SqlDataAdapter a  = new SqlDataAdapter();
            DataTable      dt = new DataTable();

            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@BillingPeriodId", BillingPeriodId));
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@BusUnit", busUnit));
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            a.SelectCommand = cmd;
            string responseText = "";

            // Use a DataAdapter to fill the dataset with four tables at once
            //SqlDataAdapter a = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
            //for testing

            /*using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
             * using (var xmlTextWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter))
             * {
             *  ds.DataSetName = "Transaction";
             *  ds.Tables[0].TableName = "N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR";
             *  ds.WriteXml(xmlTextWriter);
             *  xmlTextWriter.Close();
             *  XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
             *  string dsXML = ds.GetXml();
             * }*/

            // These tables are returned from our stored proc
            DataTable tblHeaders = ds.Tables[0];

            tblHeaders.TableName = "JournalHeaders";
            DataTable tblItems = ds.Tables[1];

            tblItems.TableName = "JournalLineItems";

            /*if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count == 0)
             * {
             *  return "No Journal Sent!";
             *  //throw new SoapException("No Journals Sent.", SoapException.ServerFaultCode);
             * }*/

            /*DataRelation relHeaderItems = new DataRelation(
             * "relHeaderItems",                          // relation name
             * tblHeaders.Columns["JournalHeaderId"],     // parent column
             * tblItems.Columns["HeaderId"]); // child column
             * */
            DataRelation relHeaderItems = new DataRelation(
                "relHeaderItems",                        // relation name
                tblHeaders.Columns["Billing_Period_Id"], // parent column
                tblItems.Columns["Billing_Period_Id"]);  // child column

            // Set the "Nested" property on all the relations we created

            //no more check  box, always true.....
            //relHeaderItems.Nested = cbNestedRelation.Checked;
            relHeaderItems.Nested = true;

            // Lastly, add the relations to the dataset

            using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
                using (var xmlTextWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter))
                    ds.DataSetName         = "Transaction";
                    ds.Tables[0].TableName = "N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR";

                    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

                    string dsXML = ds.GetXml();

                    XmlDocument tempDoc = new XmlDocument();

                    var headers = doc.SelectNodes("//N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR");//count headers in ds, alway 1 in this case

                     * tempDoc.Load("c:\\DLAR_JOURNAL_TEMP.xml");//load psoft xml file
                     * var tempHeader = tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR");
                     * var tempJournalLine = tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//N_DLAR_JRNL_LIN ");
                     * */

                    //Deal with the dataset
                    //Journal Headers variable for both ds xml and template
                    var businessUnit = doc.SelectNodes("//BUSINESS_UNIT");
                    //var tempBusinessUnit = tempDoc.SelectNodes("//BUSINESS_UNIT");//BUSINESS_UNIT FROM TEMPLATE
                    var journalDate = doc.SelectNodes("//JOURNAL_DATE");
                    //var tempJournalDate = tempDoc.SelectNodes("//JOURNAL_DATE");
                    var ledgerGroup = doc.SelectNodes("//LEDGER_GROUP");
                    //var tempLedgerGroup = tempDoc.SelectNodes("//LEDGER_GROUP");
                    var ledger = doc.SelectNodes("//LEDGER");
                    //var tempLedger = tempDoc.SelectNodes("//LEDGER");
                    var descr = doc.SelectNodes("//DESCR");
                    //var tempDescr = tempDoc.SelectNodes("//DESCR");
                    string[] headersString = new string[headers.Count];
                    //hard coded business unit

                    string[] journalDateString = new string[headers.Count];
                    string[] ledgerGroupString = new string[headers.Count];
                    string[] ledgerString      = new string[headers.Count];
                    string[] descrString       = new string[headers.Count];

                    /*tempDoc.Load("c:\\DLAR_JOURNAL_TEMP.xml");//load psoft xml file
                     * var tempHeader = tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR");
                     * var tempJournalLine = tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//N_DLAR_JRNL_LIN ");
                     * XmlDocument header = new XmlDocument();
                     * String headerOuterXml = headers[0].OuterXml;
                     * header.LoadXml(headerOuterXml);*/
                    //see if there is HOS01 in the dataset
                    //string[] businessUnitString = new string[2] { "SOM01", "HOS01" };
                    //ArrayList businessUnitString = new ArrayList();
                    //only one business unit is allowed at once for pSoft
                    //List<string> businessUnitString = new List<string>{"HOS01"};
                    List <string> businessUnitString = new List <string> {
                    XMLToString xmlToString = new XMLToString();

                    /*bool hasHOS01 = false;
                     * for (int c= 0; c < businessUnit.Count; c++)
                     * {
                     *  if (businessUnit[c].InnerXml == "HOS01")
                     *  {
                     *      hasHOS01 = true;
                     *      //break;
                     *  }
                     * }
                     * if (hasHOS01 == true)
                     * {
                     *  businessUnitString = new List<string>(new string[] { "SOM01", "HOS01" });
                     * }
                    //for (int i = 0; i < headers.Count; i++)

                    //string responseText = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < businessUnitString.Count; i++)

                        tempDoc.Load("c:\\SendVouchers\\DLAR_JOURNAL_TEMP.xml");//load psoft xml file

                        var         tempHeader      = tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR");
                        var         tempJournalLine = tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//N_DLAR_JRNL_LIN ");
                        XmlDocument header          = new XmlDocument();
                        if (headers[i].InnerXml == "")
                            responseText = "No journals sent.";
                        String headerOuterXml = headers[i].OuterXml;


                        //Insert Journal Header values to the template
                        //tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//BUSINESS_UNIT").InnerXml = businessUnit[i].InnerXml;
                        //Now hard coded Business Unit for the header

                        tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//BUSINESS_UNIT").InnerXml = businessUnitString[i];
                        if (journalDate.Count != 0)
                            tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//JOURNAL_DATE").InnerXml = journalDate[0].InnerXml;
                            tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//JOURNAL_DATE").InnerXml = "";
                        if (ledgerGroup.Count != 0)
                            tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//LEDGER_GROUP").InnerXml = ledgerGroup[0].InnerXml;
                            tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//LEDGER_GROUP").InnerXml = "";
                        if (ledger.Count != 0)
                            tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//LEDGER").InnerXml = ledger[0].InnerXml;
                            tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//LEDGER").InnerXml = "";
                        if (descr.Count != 0)
                            tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//DESCR").InnerXml = descr[0].InnerXml;
                            tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//DESCR").InnerXml = "";
                        //}//if (businessUnitString.Length < 1)

                        //Journal Items
                        var businessUnits = header.SelectNodes("//BUSINESS_UNIT");
                        var accounts       = header.SelectNodes("//ACCOUNT");
                        var glaccounts     = header.SelectNodes("//glAccount");
                        var deptIds        = header.SelectNodes("//DEPTID");
                        var operatingUnits = header.SelectNodes("//OPERATING_UNIT");
                        var fundCodes      = header.SelectNodes("//FUND_CODE");
                        var programCodes   = header.SelectNodes("//PROGRAM_CODE");
                        var projectIds     = header.SelectNodes("//PROJECT_ID");
                        var amounts        = header.SelectNodes("//MONETARY_AMOUNT");
                        var lines          = header.SelectNodes("//LINE_DESCR");
                        //var currencies = header.SelectNodes("//CURRENCY_CD");
                        //var lineDescrs = header.SelectNodes("//LINE_DESCR");
                        string[] accountsString       = new string[accounts.Count];
                        string[] deptIdsString        = new string[deptIds.Count];
                        string[] operatingUnitsString = new string[operatingUnits.Count];
                        string[] fundCodesString      = new string[fundCodes.Count];
                        string[] programCodesString   = new string[programCodes.Count];
                        string[] projectIdsString     = new string[projectIds.Count];
                        string[] amountsString        = new string[amounts.Count];
                        //string[] currenciesString = new string[currencies.Count];
                        //string[] lineDescrsString = new string[lineDescrs.Count];
                        //we have to know how many headers to clone in the tempDoc
                        //and append ADDITIONAL journal line items to temp
                        var      tempAccounts       = header.SelectNodes("//ACCOUNT");
                        string[] tempAccountsString = new string[tempAccounts.Count];
                        //Append line items!!!!

                        XmlDocument soapRequest = new XmlDocument();
                        //XMLToString xmlToString = new XMLToString();
                        var headerNodes = doc.SelectNodes("//N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR");
                        // traditional approach
                        string[] transactions = new string[headerNodes.Count];
                        string[] responses    = new string[headerNodes.Count];
                        for (int y = 0; y < glaccounts.Count; y++)
                            if (businessUnits[y].InnerXml == businessUnitString[i])
                                //accountsString[y] = accounts[y].InnerXml;
                                //tempAccounts[y].InnerXml = accounts[y].InnerXml;
                                var accountInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//ACCOUNT");
                                if (accounts.Count != 0)
                                    accountInLine.InnerXml = accounts[y].InnerXml;
                                    accountInLine.InnerXml = "";
                                var deptIdInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//DEPTID");
                                if (deptIds.Count != 0)
                                    deptIdInLine.InnerXml = deptIds[y].InnerXml;
                                    deptIdInLine.InnerXml = "";

                                var operatingUnitInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//OPERATING_UNIT");
                                if (operatingUnits.Count != 0)
                                    operatingUnitInLine.InnerXml = operatingUnits[y].InnerXml;
                                    operatingUnitInLine.InnerXml = "";

                                var fundCodeInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//FUND_CODE");
                                if (fundCodes.Count != 0)
                                    fundCodeInLine.InnerXml = fundCodes[y].InnerXml;
                                    fundCodeInLine.InnerXml = "";
                                var programCodeInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//PROGRAM_CODE");
                                if (programCodes.Count != 0)
                                    programCodeInLine.InnerXml = programCodes[y].InnerXml;
                                    programCodeInLine.InnerXml = "";
                                var projectIdInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//PROJECT_ID");
                                if (projectIds.Count != 0)
                                    projectIdInLine.InnerXml = projectIds[y].InnerXml;
                                    projectIdInLine.InnerXml = "";
                                var amountInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//MONETARY_AMOUNT");
                                if (amounts.Count != 0)
                                    amountInLine.InnerXml = amounts[y].InnerXml;
                                    amountInLine.InnerXml = "";
                                var currencyInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//CURRENCY_CD");
                                //hard coded for currency and Line Description
                                //currencyInLine.InnerXml = currencies[y].InnerXml;
                                currencyInLine.InnerXml = "USD";
                                var lineDescrInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//LINE_DESCR");
                                if (lines.Count != 0)
                                    lineDescrInLine.InnerXml = lines[y].InnerXml;
                                    lineDescrInLine.InnerXml = "";
                                //lineDescrInLine.InnerXml = lineDescrs[y].InnerXml;
                                //lineDescrInLine.InnerXml = "Line Description";
                                var cloneJournalLineNode = tempJournalLine.Clone();
                            }//if (businessUnits[y].InnerXml == businessUnitString[i])

                        var journalLinesInTemp = tempDoc.SelectNodes("//N_DLAR_JRNL_LIN");

                        //VERY IMPORTEANT:REMOVE THE VERY FIRST LINE IN tempDoc!!!!
                        for (int z = 0; z < journalLinesInTemp.Count; z++)
                            if (z == 0)
                        //Now we have the temp xml doc ready we can insert the values from the string arrays above to
                        //the corresponding nodes in the temp xml doc

                        //Now we have to know how many items to append to each header

                        transactions[i] = headerNodes[i].ParentNode.InnerXml;
                        //soapRequest.GetElementsByTagName("Transaction").Item(0).InnerXml = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Transaction").Item(0).InnerXml;
                        soapRequest.GetElementsByTagName("Transaction").Item(0).InnerXml = transactions[i];
                        //soapRequest.GetElementsByTagName("N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR").Item(0).InnerXml = headerNodes[i].InnerXml;
                        //Now we can send the soap request transaction by transaction
                        XmlDocument XMLResponse = new XmlDocument();
                        string      xmlRequest  = xmlToString.GetXMLAsString(soapRequest);
                        //Log Sent Soap Message to file
                        string msg  = xmlRequest;
                        string path = ("C:\\SendVouchers\\");
                        //System.IO.StreamWriter sw = System.IO.File.AppendText(
                        //GetTempPath() + "My Log File.txt");
                        System.IO.StreamWriter sw = System.IO.File.AppendText(
                            path + "Send Journals Message Log File.txt");
                            string logLine = System.String.Format(
                                "{0:G}: {1}.", System.DateTime.Now, msg);
                        string endPoint = Properties.Settings.Default.EndPoint;

                        //string endPointUrl = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[devType].ConnectionString;
                        string endPointUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[endPoint];
                        PsoftGetSoapXmlResponse psoftGetSoapXmlResponse = new PsoftGetSoapXmlResponse();
                        //XMLResponse = PsoftGetSoapXmlResponse.PostXMLTransaction("http://pfwlcdcdvm003.nyumc.org:7710/PSIGW/PeopleSoftServiceListeningConnector", "N_DLAR_JOURNAL.v1", "c:\\DLAR_JOURNAL_MSG.xml");
                        //NEW UAT
                        //XMLResponse = PsoftGetSoapXmlResponse.PostXMLTransaction("http://peoplesoftfscmuat.nyumc.org:8115/PSIGW/PeopleSoftServiceListeningConnector", "N_DLAR_JOURNAL.v1", "c:\\DLAR_JOURNAL_MSG.xml");
                        XMLResponse = PsoftGetSoapXmlResponse.PostXMLTransaction(endPointUrl, "N_DLAR_JOURNAL.v1", "c:\\SendVouchers\\DLAR_JOURNAL_MSG.xml");

                        //Now traverse through the Response Document to get the message we need

                        if (XMLResponse != null)
                            XmlNodeList node = XMLResponse.GetElementsByTagName("MsgData");

                            XmlNodeList ComboValidFalgNodes = XMLResponse.GetElementsByTagName("DESCR20");//Returns "Journal Received"
                            if (ComboValidFalgNodes.Count == 0)
                                responseText = "Peoplesoft service is down. Please try again later.";
                            //responses[i] = ComboValidFalgNodes[1].InnerText;
                            responseText = ComboValidFalgNodes[1].InnerText;
                            //int x = i + 1;
                            //txtOutput.Text = ComboValidFalgNodes[1].InnerText;
                            //txtOutput.Text = i+1 + " " + ComboValidFalgNodes[1].InnerText;
                            //txtOutput.Text = responses[i] + "\r\n" + i + 1 + " Journal Entries Received.";
                            //txtOutput.AppendText (ComboValidFalgNodes[1].InnerText);

                            //NO OUTPUT, BELOW IS FOR WIN FORM APP
                            //txtOutput.AppendText(x + " " + responses[i] + "\r\n");
                            //save the response in log?????
                            string responseMsg  = responseText;
                            string responsePath = ("C:\\SendVouchers\\");
                            //System.IO.StreamWriter sw = System.IO.File.AppendText(
                            //GetTempPath() + "My Log File.txt");
                            System.IO.StreamWriter swR = System.IO.File.AppendText(
                                responsePath + "Journal Response Message Log File.txt");
                                string logLine = System.String.Format(
                                    "{0:G}: {1}.", System.DateTime.Now, responseMsg);
                            //ResultText.Text = "no value";
                            throw new ApplicationException("Something wrong happened while writing the XML content to the request stream: ");
                    }//for (int i = 0; i < businessUnitString.Length; i++)
                    //NO OUTPUT, BELOW IS FOR WIN FORM APP
                    //txtOutput.AppendText("Total " + headers.Count + " Journal Entries Received.");
                }// using (var xmlTextWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter))
        }//end GetXML
        private void GetXML()
            // This a connection string to our database (located in App.Config)
            string connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["laptop"].ConnectionString;

            // Create our DB connection.
            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr);

            // This stored procedure returns four tables (Customer, Orders,
            // OrderItems and CustNotes) [SEE NOTE AT TOP OF FILE]
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("[sp_GetDataForXml2]", conn);
            DataSet    ds  = new DataSet();

            // Use a DataAdapter to fill the dataset with four tables at once
            SqlDataAdapter a = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);


            // These tables are returned from our stored proc
            DataTable tblHeaders = ds.Tables[0];

            tblHeaders.TableName = "JournalHeaders";
            DataTable tblItems = ds.Tables[1];

            tblItems.TableName = "JournalLineItems";

            // For the purposes of this demo, we can choose to create or not
            // create the nested relations altogether.

            /*if (cbNestedRelation.Checked)
             * {
             *  // We want to create relations.
             *  // We have an "Include Wrappers" options to illustrate some
             *  // programming options.
             *  if (cbIncludeWrappers.Checked)
             *  {
             *      CreateNestedRelationsWithWrappers(ds);
             *  }
             *  else
             *  {
             *      CreateNestedRelationsNoWrappers(ds);
             *  }
             * }*/

            // Now display the XML generated by the dataset and replace <NewDataSet> with <MsgData>

            using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
                using (var xmlTextWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter))
                    ds.DataSetName         = "Transaction";
                    ds.Tables[0].TableName = "N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR";

                    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

                    string dsXML = ds.GetXml();

                    XmlDocument tempDoc = new XmlDocument();

                    var headers = doc.SelectNodes("//N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR");//count headers in ds

                     * tempDoc.Load("c:\\DLAR_JOURNAL_TEMP.xml");//load psoft xml file
                     * var tempHeader = tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR");
                     * var tempJournalLine = tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//N_DLAR_JRNL_LIN ");
                     * */

                    //Deal with the dataset
                    //Journal Headers variable for both ds xml and template
                    var businessUnit = doc.SelectNodes("//BUSINESS_UNIT");
                    //var tempBusinessUnit = tempDoc.SelectNodes("//BUSINESS_UNIT");//BUSINESS_UNIT FROM TEMPLATE
                    var journalDate = doc.SelectNodes("//JOURNAL_DATE");
                    //var tempJournalDate = tempDoc.SelectNodes("//JOURNAL_DATE");
                    var ledgerGroup = doc.SelectNodes("//LEDGER_GROUP");
                    //var tempLedgerGroup = tempDoc.SelectNodes("//LEDGER_GROUP");
                    var ledger = doc.SelectNodes("//LEDGER");
                    //var tempLedger = tempDoc.SelectNodes("//LEDGER");
                    var descr = doc.SelectNodes("//DESCR");
                    //var tempDescr = tempDoc.SelectNodes("//DESCR");
                    string[] headersString      = new string[headers.Count];
                    string[] businessUnitString = new string[headers.Count];
                    string[] journalDateString  = new string[headers.Count];
                    string[] ledgerGroupString  = new string[headers.Count];
                    string[] ledgerString       = new string[headers.Count];
                    string[] descrString        = new string[headers.Count];

                    for (int i = 0; i < headers.Count; i++)
                        tempDoc.Load("c:\\DLAR_JOURNAL_TEMP.xml");//load psoft xml file

                        var         tempHeader      = tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR");
                        var         tempJournalLine = tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//N_DLAR_JRNL_LIN ");
                        XmlDocument header          = new XmlDocument();
                        String      headerOuterXml  = headers[i].OuterXml;
                        //Insert Journal Header values to the template
                        tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//BUSINESS_UNIT").InnerXml = businessUnit[i].InnerXml;
                        tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//JOURNAL_DATE").InnerXml  = journalDate[i].InnerXml;
                        tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//LEDGER_GROUP").InnerXml  = ledgerGroup[i].InnerXml;
                        tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//LEDGER").InnerXml        = ledger[i].InnerXml;
                        tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//DESCR").InnerXml         = descr[i].InnerXml;

                        //Journal Items
                        var      accounts             = header.SelectNodes("//ACCOUNT");
                        var      deptIds              = header.SelectNodes("//DEPTID");
                        var      operatingUnits       = header.SelectNodes("//OPERATING_UNIT");
                        var      fundCodes            = header.SelectNodes("//FUND_CODE");
                        var      programCodes         = header.SelectNodes("//PROGRAM_CODE");
                        var      projectIds           = header.SelectNodes("//PROJECT_ID");
                        var      amounts              = header.SelectNodes("//MONETARY_AMOUNT");
                        var      currencies           = header.SelectNodes("//CURRENCY_CD");
                        var      lineDescrs           = header.SelectNodes("//LINE_DESCR");
                        string[] accountsString       = new string[accounts.Count];
                        string[] deptIdsString        = new string[deptIds.Count];
                        string[] operatingUnitsString = new string[operatingUnits.Count];
                        string[] fundCodesString      = new string[fundCodes.Count];
                        string[] programCodesString   = new string[programCodes.Count];
                        string[] projectIdsString     = new string[projectIds.Count];
                        string[] amountsString        = new string[amounts.Count];
                        string[] currenciesString     = new string[currencies.Count];
                        string[] lineDescrsString     = new string[lineDescrs.Count];
                        //we have to know how many headers to clone in the tempDoc
                        //and append ADDITIONAL journal line items to temp
                        var      tempAccounts       = header.SelectNodes("//ACCOUNT");
                        string[] tempAccountsString = new string[tempAccounts.Count];
                        //Append line items!!!!

                        XmlDocument soapRequest = new XmlDocument();
                        XMLToString xmlToString = new XMLToString();
                        var         headerNodes = doc.SelectNodes("//N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR");
                        // traditional approach
                        string[] transactions = new string[headerNodes.Count];
                        string[] responses    = new string[headerNodes.Count];
                        for (int y = 0; y < accounts.Count; y++)
                            //accountsString[y] = accounts[y].InnerXml;
                            //tempAccounts[y].InnerXml = accounts[y].InnerXml;
                            var accountInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//ACCOUNT");
                            accountInLine.InnerXml = accounts[y].InnerXml;
                            var deptIdInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//DEPTID");
                            deptIdInLine.InnerXml = deptIds[y].InnerXml;
                            var operatingUnitInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//OPERATING_UNIT");
                            operatingUnitInLine.InnerXml = operatingUnits[y].InnerXml;
                            var fundCodeInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//FUND_CODE");
                            fundCodeInLine.InnerXml = fundCodes[y].InnerXml;
                            var programCodeInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//PROGRAM_CODE");
                            programCodeInLine.InnerXml = programCodes[y].InnerXml;
                            var projectIdInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//PROJECT_ID");
                            projectIdInLine.InnerXml = projectIds[y].InnerXml;
                            var amountInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//MONETARY_AMOUNT");
                            amountInLine.InnerXml = amounts[y].InnerXml;
                            var currencyInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//CURRENCY_CD");
                            currencyInLine.InnerXml = currencies[y].InnerXml;
                            var lineDescrInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//LINE_DESCR");
                            lineDescrInLine.InnerXml = lineDescrs[y].InnerXml;
                            var cloneJournalLineNode = tempJournalLine.Clone();

                        var journalLinesInTemp = tempDoc.SelectNodes("//N_DLAR_JRNL_LIN");

                        //VERY IMPORTEANT:REMOVE THE VERY FIRST LINE IN tempDoc!!!!
                        for (int z = 0; z < journalLinesInTemp.Count; z++)
                            if (z == 0)
                        //Now we have the temp xml doc ready we can insert the values from the string arrays above to
                        //the corresponding nodes in the temp xml doc

                        //Now we have to know how many items to append to each header

                        transactions[i] = headerNodes[i].ParentNode.InnerXml;
                        //soapRequest.GetElementsByTagName("Transaction").Item(0).InnerXml = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Transaction").Item(0).InnerXml;
                        soapRequest.GetElementsByTagName("Transaction").Item(0).InnerXml = transactions[i];
                        //soapRequest.GetElementsByTagName("N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR").Item(0).InnerXml = headerNodes[i].InnerXml;
                        //Now we can send the soap request transaction by transaction
                        XmlDocument XMLResponse = new XmlDocument();
                        string      xmlRequest  = xmlToString.GetXMLAsString(soapRequest);
                        PsoftGetSoapXmlResponse psoftGetSoapXmlResponse = new PsoftGetSoapXmlResponse();
                        XMLResponse = PsoftGetSoapXmlResponse.PostXMLTransaction("http://pfwlcdcdvm003.nyumc.org:7710/PSIGW/PeopleSoftServiceListeningConnector", "N_DLAR_JOURNAL.v1", "c:\\DLAR_JOURNAL_MSG.xml");

                        //Now traverse through the Response Document to get the message we need

                        if (XMLResponse != null)
                            XmlNodeList node = XMLResponse.GetElementsByTagName("MsgData");

                            XmlNodeList ComboValidFalgNodes = XMLResponse.GetElementsByTagName("DESCR20");//Returns "Journal Received"
                            responses[i] = ComboValidFalgNodes[1].InnerText;
                            int x = i + 1;
                            //txtOutput.Text = ComboValidFalgNodes[1].InnerText;
                            //txtOutput.Text = i+1 + " " + ComboValidFalgNodes[1].InnerText;
                            //txtOutput.Text = responses[i] + "\r\n" + i + 1 + " Journal Entries Received.";
                            //txtOutput.AppendText (ComboValidFalgNodes[1].InnerText);

                            //this line is necessary in the win form app
                            //txtOutput.AppendText(x + " " + responses[i] + "\r\n");
                            //ResultText.Text = "no value";
                            throw new ApplicationException("Something wrong happened while writing the XML content to the request stream: ");
                    }//for (int i = 0; i < headers.Count; i++)
                     //necessary in the win form app
                     //txtOutput.AppendText("Total " + headers.Count + " Journal Entries Received.");
                }// using (var xmlTextWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter))
        }//end getXML
        public void GetXML()
            string connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Default"].ConnectionString;

            // Create our DB connection.
            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr);

            // This stored procedure returns four tables (Customer, Orders,
            // OrderItems and CustNotes) [SEE NOTE AT TOP OF FILE]
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("[sp_GetDataForXml2]", conn);
            DataSet    ds  = new DataSet();

            // Use a DataAdapter to fill the dataset with four tables at once
            SqlDataAdapter a = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);


            // These tables are returned from our stored proc
            DataTable tblHeaders = ds.Tables[0];

            tblHeaders.TableName = "JournalHeaders";
            DataTable tblItems = ds.Tables[1];

            tblItems.TableName = "JournalLineItems";
            DataRelation relHeaderItems = new DataRelation(
                "relHeaderItems",                      // relation name
                tblHeaders.Columns["JournalHeaderId"], // parent column
                tblItems.Columns["HeaderId"]);         // child column

            // Set the "Nested" property on all the relations we created

            //no more check  box, always true.....
            //relHeaderItems.Nested = cbNestedRelation.Checked;
            relHeaderItems.Nested = true;

            // Lastly, add the relations to the dataset

            using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
                using (var xmlTextWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter))
                    ds.DataSetName         = "Transaction";
                    ds.Tables[0].TableName = "N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR";

                    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

                    string dsXML = ds.GetXml();

                    XmlDocument tempDoc = new XmlDocument();

                    var headers = doc.SelectNodes("//N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR");//count headers in ds

                     * tempDoc.Load("c:\\DLAR_JOURNAL_TEMP.xml");//load psoft xml file
                     * var tempHeader = tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR");
                     * var tempJournalLine = tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//N_DLAR_JRNL_LIN ");
                     * */

                    //Deal with the dataset
                    //Journal Headers variable for both ds xml and template
                    var businessUnit = doc.SelectNodes("//BUSINESS_UNIT");
                    //var tempBusinessUnit = tempDoc.SelectNodes("//BUSINESS_UNIT");//BUSINESS_UNIT FROM TEMPLATE
                    var journalDate = doc.SelectNodes("//JOURNAL_DATE");
                    //var tempJournalDate = tempDoc.SelectNodes("//JOURNAL_DATE");
                    var ledgerGroup = doc.SelectNodes("//LEDGER_GROUP");
                    //var tempLedgerGroup = tempDoc.SelectNodes("//LEDGER_GROUP");
                    var ledger = doc.SelectNodes("//LEDGER");
                    //var tempLedger = tempDoc.SelectNodes("//LEDGER");
                    var descr = doc.SelectNodes("//DESCR");
                    //var tempDescr = tempDoc.SelectNodes("//DESCR");
                    string[] headersString      = new string[headers.Count];
                    string[] businessUnitString = new string[headers.Count];
                    string[] journalDateString  = new string[headers.Count];
                    string[] ledgerGroupString  = new string[headers.Count];
                    string[] ledgerString       = new string[headers.Count];
                    string[] descrString        = new string[headers.Count];

                    for (int i = 0; i < headers.Count; i++)
                        tempDoc.Load("c:\\DLAR_JOURNAL_TEMP.xml");//load psoft xml file

                        var         tempHeader      = tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR");
                        var         tempJournalLine = tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//N_DLAR_JRNL_LIN ");
                        XmlDocument header          = new XmlDocument();
                        String      headerOuterXml  = headers[i].OuterXml;
                        //Insert Journal Header values to the template
                        tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//BUSINESS_UNIT").InnerXml = businessUnit[i].InnerXml;
                        tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//JOURNAL_DATE").InnerXml  = journalDate[i].InnerXml;
                        tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//LEDGER_GROUP").InnerXml  = ledgerGroup[i].InnerXml;
                        tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//LEDGER").InnerXml        = ledger[i].InnerXml;
                        tempDoc.SelectSingleNode("//DESCR").InnerXml         = descr[i].InnerXml;

                        //Journal Items
                        var      accounts             = header.SelectNodes("//ACCOUNT");
                        var      deptIds              = header.SelectNodes("//DEPTID");
                        var      operatingUnits       = header.SelectNodes("//OPERATING_UNIT");
                        var      fundCodes            = header.SelectNodes("//FUND_CODE");
                        var      programCodes         = header.SelectNodes("//PROGRAM_CODE");
                        var      projectIds           = header.SelectNodes("//PROJECT_ID");
                        var      amounts              = header.SelectNodes("//MONETARY_AMOUNT");
                        var      currencies           = header.SelectNodes("//CURRENCY_CD");
                        var      lineDescrs           = header.SelectNodes("//LINE_DESCR");
                        string[] accountsString       = new string[accounts.Count];
                        string[] deptIdsString        = new string[deptIds.Count];
                        string[] operatingUnitsString = new string[operatingUnits.Count];
                        string[] fundCodesString      = new string[fundCodes.Count];
                        string[] programCodesString   = new string[programCodes.Count];
                        string[] projectIdsString     = new string[projectIds.Count];
                        string[] amountsString        = new string[amounts.Count];
                        string[] currenciesString     = new string[currencies.Count];
                        string[] lineDescrsString     = new string[lineDescrs.Count];
                        //we have to know how many headers to clone in the tempDoc
                        //and append ADDITIONAL journal line items to temp
                        var      tempAccounts       = header.SelectNodes("//ACCOUNT");
                        string[] tempAccountsString = new string[tempAccounts.Count];
                        //Append line items!!!!

                        XmlDocument soapRequest = new XmlDocument();
                        XMLToString xmlToString = new XMLToString();
                        var         headerNodes = doc.SelectNodes("//N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR");
                        // traditional approach
                        string[] transactions = new string[headerNodes.Count];
                        string[] responses    = new string[headerNodes.Count];
                        for (int y = 0; y < accounts.Count; y++)
                            //accountsString[y] = accounts[y].InnerXml;
                            //tempAccounts[y].InnerXml = accounts[y].InnerXml;
                            var accountInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//ACCOUNT");
                            accountInLine.InnerXml = accounts[y].InnerXml;
                            var deptIdInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//DEPTID");
                            deptIdInLine.InnerXml = deptIds[y].InnerXml;
                            var operatingUnitInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//OPERATING_UNIT");
                            operatingUnitInLine.InnerXml = operatingUnits[y].InnerXml;
                            var fundCodeInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//FUND_CODE");
                            fundCodeInLine.InnerXml = fundCodes[y].InnerXml;
                            var programCodeInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//PROGRAM_CODE");
                            programCodeInLine.InnerXml = programCodes[y].InnerXml;
                            var projectIdInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//PROJECT_ID");
                            projectIdInLine.InnerXml = projectIds[y].InnerXml;
                            var amountInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//MONETARY_AMOUNT");
                            amountInLine.InnerXml = amounts[y].InnerXml;
                            var currencyInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//CURRENCY_CD");
                            currencyInLine.InnerXml = currencies[y].InnerXml;
                            var lineDescrInLine = tempJournalLine.SelectSingleNode("//LINE_DESCR");
                            lineDescrInLine.InnerXml = lineDescrs[y].InnerXml;
                            var cloneJournalLineNode = tempJournalLine.Clone();

                        var journalLinesInTemp = tempDoc.SelectNodes("//N_DLAR_JRNL_LIN");

                        //VERY IMPORTEANT:REMOVE THE VERY FIRST LINE IN tempDoc!!!!
                        for (int z = 0; z < journalLinesInTemp.Count; z++)
                            if (z == 0)
                        //Now we have the temp xml doc ready we can insert the values from the string arrays above to
                        //the corresponding nodes in the temp xml doc

                        //Now we have to know how many items to append to each header

                        transactions[i] = headerNodes[i].ParentNode.InnerXml;
                        //soapRequest.GetElementsByTagName("Transaction").Item(0).InnerXml = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Transaction").Item(0).InnerXml;
                        soapRequest.GetElementsByTagName("Transaction").Item(0).InnerXml = transactions[i];
                        //soapRequest.GetElementsByTagName("N_DLAR_JRNL_HDR").Item(0).InnerXml = headerNodes[i].InnerXml;
                        //Now we can send the soap request transaction by transaction
                        XmlDocument XMLResponse = new XmlDocument();
                        string      xmlRequest  = xmlToString.GetXMLAsString(soapRequest);
                        //Log Sent Soap Message to file
                        string msg  = xmlRequest;
                        string path = ("C:\\");
                        //System.IO.StreamWriter sw = System.IO.File.AppendText(
                        //GetTempPath() + "My Log File.txt");
                        System.IO.StreamWriter sw = System.IO.File.AppendText(
                            path + "My Log File.txt");
                            string logLine = System.String.Format(
                                "{0:G}: {1}.", System.DateTime.Now, msg);

                        PsoftGetSoapXmlResponse psoftGetSoapXmlResponse = new PsoftGetSoapXmlResponse();
                        XMLResponse = PsoftGetSoapXmlResponse.PostXMLTransaction("http://pfwlcdcdvm003.nyumc.org:7710/PSIGW/PeopleSoftServiceListeningConnector", "N_DLAR_JOURNAL.v1", "c:\\DLAR_JOURNAL_MSG.xml");

                        //Now traverse through the Response Document to get the message we need

                        if (XMLResponse != null)
                            XmlNodeList node = XMLResponse.GetElementsByTagName("MsgData");

                            XmlNodeList ComboValidFalgNodes = XMLResponse.GetElementsByTagName("DESCR20");//Returns "Journal Received"
                            responses[i] = ComboValidFalgNodes[1].InnerText;
                            int x = i + 1;
                            //txtOutput.Text = ComboValidFalgNodes[1].InnerText;
                            //txtOutput.Text = i+1 + " " + ComboValidFalgNodes[1].InnerText;
                            //txtOutput.Text = responses[i] + "\r\n" + i + 1 + " Journal Entries Received.";
                            //txtOutput.AppendText (ComboValidFalgNodes[1].InnerText);

                            //NO OUTPUT, BELOW IS FOR WIN FORM APP
                            //txtOutput.AppendText(x + " " + responses[i] + "\r\n");
                            //ResultText.Text = "no value";
                            throw new ApplicationException("Something wrong happened while writing the XML content to the request stream: ");
                    }//for (int i = 0; i < headers.Count; i++)
                     //NO OUTPUT, BELOW IS FOR WIN FORM APP
                     //txtOutput.AppendText("Total " + headers.Count + " Journal Entries Received.");
                }// using (var xmlTextWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter))
        }//end GetXML