        public void Defect_1467570_Crash_In_Debug_Mode()
            string src = @" 
class Test 
    IntArray : int[]; 
    constructor FirstApproach(intArray : int[]) 
        IntArray = intArray; 
    def Transform(adjust : int) 
        return = Test.FirstApproach(this.IntArray + adjust); 
myTest = Test.FirstApproach({ 1, 2 }); 
myNeTwst = myTest.Transform(1); 
            fsr.PreStart(src, runnerConfig);
            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.Step();   // myTest = Test.FirstApproach({ 1, 2 });
            ProtoCore.CodeModel.CodePoint cp = new ProtoCore.CodeModel.CodePoint
                LineNo = 15,
                CharNo = 5
            public ProtoCore.Mirror.RuntimeMirror LookupName(string name, int blockID)
                // TODO Jun: The expression interpreter must be integrated into the mirror
                core.DebugProps.CurrentBlockId = blockID;
                ProtoScript.Runners.ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core);

                List <ProtoCore.Core.CodeBlockCompilationSnapshot> snapShots = null;

                if (core.Options.IsDeltaExecution)
                    snapShots = ProtoCore.Core.CodeBlockCompilationSnapshot.CaptureCoreCompileState(core);
                ProtoCore.DSASM.Mirror.ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(name);
                if (core.Options.IsDeltaExecution && snapShots != null)
                ProtoCore.Lang.Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                ProtoCore.Mirror.RuntimeMirror runtimeMirror = new ProtoCore.Mirror.RuntimeMirror(new ProtoCore.Mirror.MirrorData(core, objExecVal.DsasmValue), core, core);
                Validity.Assert(runtimeMirror != null);

        public void cyclicdependancy_726()
            string src =
            @"a = 1..3;
                c = a;

                b = [ Imperative ]
                    count = 0;
                        for ( i in a )
                            if ( i > 0 )
                                    a[count] = i + 1;
                                count = count+1;
                        return = a;

                d = [ Imperative ]
                    count2 = 0;
                        while (count2 <= 2 )
                            if ( a[count2] > 0 )
                                    a[count2] = a[count2] + 1;
                                count2 = count2+1;
                        return = a;

                e = b;";
            fsr.PreStart(src, runnerConfig);
            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.Step();

            Assert.AreEqual(fsr.isEnded, true);
            ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core);
            ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
            TestFrameWork.Verify(mirror, "b", null, 0);
        public void TestWatchExpression1()
            // Execute and verify the main script in a debug session

a = 1;
b = 20;

            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.Step();
            vms = fsr.Step();

            // Execute and verify the watch window expression script
            ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            Assert.Throws(typeof(ProtoCore.Exceptions.CompileErrorsOccured), () =>

            watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
            Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)objExecVal.Payload == 1);

            vms = fsr.Step();

            // Execute and verify the watch window expression script
            watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            Assert.Throws(typeof(ProtoCore.Exceptions.CompileErrorsOccured), () =>

            watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
            objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)objExecVal.Payload == 20);
        public void Defect_IDE_464()
            string src =
        @"class A
                a : int[];
            def foo(x1 : A)
                x1.a = -1;
                return = x1;
            a1 = A.A();
            a1.a = { 1, 2 };
            b = a1.a;
            a1.a = -1;";

            fsr.Step(); // a1 = A.A();

            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.Step();   // a : int[];
            vms = fsr.Step();   // a1.a = -1;

            ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b[0]");
            Obj o1 = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.AreEqual(1, (Int64)o1.Payload);

            watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b[1]");
            o1 = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.AreEqual(2, (Int64)o1.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();

            watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b[0]");
            o1 = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, (Int64)o1.Payload);
        public void TestWatchExpression2()
            // Execute and verify the main script in a debug session
class Vector
    x : var;
    y : var;
    constructor Vector()
        x = 10;
        y = 20;

p = Vector.Vector();

            // Tracked by: http://adsk-oss.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/MAGN-3990
            string defectID = "MAGN-3990 Expression interpreter returns null when evaluates expression at end of script";

            // Highlights "p = Vector.Vector()".
            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.Step();
            Assert.AreEqual(13, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(13, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(21, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            vms = fsr.Step(); // Highlight "x = 10;".
            Assert.AreEqual(8, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(8, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(16, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            vms = fsr.Step(); // Highlight "y = 20;".
            Assert.AreEqual(9, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(16, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            vms = fsr.Step(); // Highlight the closing bracket of constructor "}".
            Assert.AreEqual(10, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            vms = fsr.Step(); // Highlight the "p = Vector.Vector();".
            Assert.AreEqual(13, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(13, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(21, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            vms = fsr.Step(); // Ends execution.

            Assert.AreEqual(true, vms.isEnded);

            // Execute and verify the watch window expression script
            ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute("p.x");
            Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal, defectID);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)objExecVal.Payload == 10, defectID);
        public void UseCase_Robert_simple_numeric_associative_2()
            // Execute and verify the main script in a debug session

a : int;
b : int;

    a = 10;
    b = 2 * a;
    a = a + 1;

            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.Step();

            ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
            TestFrameWork.Verify(mirror, "a", null, 0);

            vms = fsr.StepOver();

            TestFrameWork.Verify(mirror, "a", 10, 0);

            vms = fsr.Step();
            TestFrameWork.Verify(mirror, "b", 20, 0);

            vms = fsr.Step();
            TestFrameWork.Verify(mirror, "a", 11, 0);

            vms = fsr.Step();
            TestFrameWork.Verify(mirror, "b", 22, 0);

        public void TestWatchExpressionImperative3()
            // Execute and verify the main script in a debug session
class Vector
    x : var;
    y : var;
    constructor Vector()
        x = 10;
        y = 20;

    p = Vector.Vector();
    t = 0;


            // Highlights "p = Vector.Vector()".
            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.Step();
            Assert.AreEqual(15, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(15, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(25, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            vms = fsr.Step(); // Highlight "x = 10;".
            Assert.AreEqual(8, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(8, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(16, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            vms = fsr.Step(); // Highlight "y = 20;".
            Assert.AreEqual(9, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(16, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            vms = fsr.Step(); // Highlight the closing bracket of constructor "}".
            Assert.AreEqual(10, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            vms = fsr.Step(); // Highlight the "p = Vector.Vector();".
            Assert.AreEqual(15, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(15, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(25, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            vms = fsr.Step(); // Highlight the "t = 0;"
            Assert.AreEqual(16, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(16, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(11, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            vms = fsr.Step(); // Highlight "}" of the "Imperative" block
            Assert.AreEqual(17, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(17, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            // Execute and verify the watch window expression script
            ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"p.x");
            Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)objExecVal.Payload == 10);
        public void StepIn_inlineconditional_Imperative_722_3()
            string src =
                    def foo : int(a : int, b : int)
                        return = x = a > b ? a : b;
                    c1 = foo(10, 3);
            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.Step();

            vms = fsr.Step();


                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();
                //TestFrameWork.Verify(mirror, "a", 10, 2);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(10, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);


                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner2 = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror2 = watchRunner2.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal2 = mirror2.GetWatchValue();
                //TestFrameWork.Verify(mirror2, "b", 3, 2);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal2);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, (Int64)objExecVal2.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();
            vms = fsr.Step();
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner3 = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror3 = watchRunner3.Execute(@"x");
                Obj objExecVal3 = mirror3.GetWatchValue();
                //TestFrameWork.Verify(mirror3, "x", 10, 2);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal3);
                Assert.AreEqual(10, (Int64)objExecVal3.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();
            vms = fsr.Step();

                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner4 = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror4 = watchRunner4.Execute(@"c1");
                Obj objExecVal4 = mirror4.GetWatchValue();
                TestFrameWork.Verify(mirror4, "c1", 10, 1);

        public void TestWatchExpressionInNestedBlock2_519_2()
            // Execute and verify the defect IDE-519
            @"class test
                    constructor test()
                                i = 3;
                    // The value of 'i' cannot be inspected here.
                    // If this line is removed, then 'i' can be inspected.    
                            f = i;

                a = test.test();
                b = a.f;


            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.StepOver();//Line 5

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 6
            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 6

                // Get the value of "i".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"i");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);
            vms = fsr.Step();
            vms = fsr.Step();
            vms = fsr.Step();
            vms = fsr.Step();
            vms = fsr.Step();
            vms = fsr.Step();
            //Line 7
                // Get the value of "i".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();
                // It should not be available.

                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

        public void TestWatchExpressionInClassMember1()
            // Execute and verify the defect IDE-476
@"class A //line 1
    a : var;
    a2 : var;
    a4 : var;
    constructor A(x : var)
        a2 = 3;
        a = x;
    def update(x : var)
        a = {
            x => a1;
            a1 > 10 ? true : false => a4;
        return = x;

a1 = A.A(0);
a1 = A.A();
x = a1.update(1);
y = { a1.a1, a1.a4 };

            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.StepOver();//Line 24

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 10

            // Get the value of "a2".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a2");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 11

            // Get the value of "a2".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a2");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreEqual((Int64)objExecVal.Payload, 3);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 12

            // Get the value of "a2".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a2");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreEqual((Int64)objExecVal.Payload, 3);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 24

            // Get the value of "a2".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a2");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 25

            // Get the value of "a2".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a2");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 25

            // Get the value of "a2".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a2");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 26

            // Get the value of "a2".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a2");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 16

            // Get the value of "a2".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a2");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 17

            // Get the value of "a2".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a2");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 15

            // Get the value of "a2".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a2");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 20

            // Get the value of "a2".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a2");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 21

            // Get the value of "a2".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a2");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 26

            // Get the value of "a2".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a2");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 27

            // Get the value of "a2".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a2");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//ended

            // Get the value of "a2".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a2");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);
        public void SteppingOverinline_Imperative_723_6()
            string src =
                x = -330;
                    a = x > 1 ? Math.Cos(60) : Math.Cos(45);
                    b = 22;
            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.Step();

            vms = fsr.StepOver();
            vms = fsr.StepOver();


                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();
                TestFrameWork.Verify(mirror, "a", 0.707106, 1);

            vms = fsr.StepOver();
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();
                TestFrameWork.Verify(mirror, "b", 22, 1);

        public void HighlightingFunctionsInArrayAssociative2_Defect_IDE_578()
            string src =
        @"class Dummy
    value : var;
    constructor Dummy()
        value = 5;

def GetValue(d : Dummy)
    return = d.value;

arr = {Dummy.Dummy(), Dummy.Dummy(), Dummy.Dummy(), Dummy.Dummy()};
val = GetValue(arr);";

            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.Step();

            Assert.AreEqual(15, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(15, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(68, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            vms = fsr.StepOver();

            ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"arr[0].value");
            Obj o1 = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.AreEqual(5, (Int64)o1.Payload);

            watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"arr[1].value");
            o1 = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.AreEqual(5, (Int64)o1.Payload);

            watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"arr[2].value");
            o1 = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.AreEqual(5, (Int64)o1.Payload);

            watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"arr[3].value");
            o1 = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.AreEqual(5, (Int64)o1.Payload);
        public void TestWatchExpressionImperative4()
            // Execute and verify the main script in a debug session

    eee = 43420;

            // First step should highlight closing bracket of "Associative" block.
            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.StepOver();
            Assert.AreEqual(4, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            vms = fsr.StepOver(); // Highlight "eee = 43420;"
            Assert.AreEqual(8, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(8, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(17, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            // Get the value of "eee".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"eee");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.StepOver(); // Highlight closing bracket of "Imperative" block.
            Assert.AreEqual(9, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            // Get the value of "eee".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"eee");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);
                Assert.AreEqual("43420", objExecVal.Payload.ToString());
        public void TestWatchExpressionInFunction()
            // Execute and verify the main script in a debug session
def foo()
    aaa = 4;
    return = null;

bbb = foo();

            // First step should bring the exec cursor to "bbb = foo()".
            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.StepOver();
            Assert.AreEqual(8, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(8, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(13, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            vms = fsr.Step(); // Highlight "aaa = 4;"
            Assert.AreEqual(4, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(13, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            // Get the value of "aaa".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"aaa");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.StepOver(); // Highlight "return = null;"
            Assert.AreEqual(5, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(19, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            // Get the value of "aaa".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"aaa");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);
                Assert.AreEqual("4", objExecVal.Payload.ToString());
        public void TestWatchExpression5()
            string sourceCode = @"
a = { 1, 0, 0.0 };  // Line 2
b = { a, 1 };       // Line 3

[Imperative]        // Line 5
    a[1] = 1;       // Line 7
    m = a;          // Line 8
}                   // Line 9
            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.StepOver();
            Assert.AreEqual(2, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            vms = fsr.StepOver();
            Assert.AreEqual(3, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            vms = fsr.StepOver();
            Assert.AreEqual(7, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            vms = fsr.StepOver();
            Assert.AreEqual(8, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            vms = fsr.StepOver();
            Assert.AreEqual(9, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);

            // Get the value of "m[0]".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"m[0]");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should be "1".
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);
                Assert.AreEqual("1", objExecVal.Payload.ToString());

            vms = fsr.StepOver(); // Causes "b = { a, 1 };" to execute.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);

            // Get the value of "m[0]".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"m[0]");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should still be "1".
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                // Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);
        public void TestWatchExpression4()
            // Execute and verify the main script in a debug session
def f : int(i : int, j : int)
    a = 5;
    return = 7;

a = f(1, 2);
b = 2;
c = 3;

            // First step should bring the exec cursor to "a = f(1, 2)".
            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.StepOver();

                // This is to simulate the event when "a" is added into the watch window
                // before it gets assigned a value. This should not cause subsequent stepping
                // to go wrong.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // This should not return a value since "a" is unassigned now.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            // Second step should bring it to "b = 2;".
            vms = fsr.StepOver();

                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // Now "a" should be "7" as the result of assignment from return value of "f".
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);
                Assert.AreEqual("7", objExecVal.Payload.ToString());

            // Third step should bring it to "c = 3;".
            vms = fsr.StepOver();

            // Final step ends the debug session.
            vms = fsr.StepOver();
            Assert.AreEqual(true, vms.isEnded);
        public void TestWatchExpressionInNestedBlock1()
            // Execute and verify the defect IDE-487
@"class test { a = 1; } //line 1

c1 = [Imperative]
    a = test.test();
    b = [Associative]
        return = test.test();
    c = a.a + b.a;
    return = c;

c2 = [Associative]
    a = test.test();
    b = [Imperative]
        return = test.test();
    c = a.a + b.a;
    return = c;

            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.StepOver();//Line 5

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 1

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 5

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 8

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 1

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 8

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 9

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 6

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 11

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 12

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual((Int64)objExecVal.Payload, 2);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 13

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual((Int64)objExecVal.Payload, 2);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 3

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 17

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 1

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 17

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 20

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 1

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 20

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 21

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 18

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 23

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 24

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual((Int64)objExecVal.Payload, 2);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 25

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(objExecVal);
                Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os["a"].Payload == 1);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual((Int64)objExecVal.Payload, 2);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 15

                // 1. Get the value of "a".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 2. Get the value of "b".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

                // 3.Get the value of "c".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"c");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);
        public void Simple_debug()
            // Execute and verify the main script in a debug session
class Tuple4



    public def Equals : bool (other : Tuple4)


        return =true;


t1 = Tuple4.Tuple4();
t2 = Tuple4.Tuple4();
b = t1.Equals(t2);

            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.Step();

            vms = fsr.StepOver();
            vms = fsr.StepOver();
            vms = fsr.StepOver();

            ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
            Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            TestFrameWork.Verify(mirror, "b", true, 0);

        public void HighlightingFunctionsInArrayImperative_Defect_IDE_578()
            string src =
def f(a : int)
    return = a;

    arr = { f(99), f(87) };
    b = 2;
            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.Step();

            Assert.AreEqual(9, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(28, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

            vms = fsr.StepOver();

            ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"arr[0]");
            Obj o1 = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.AreEqual(99, (Int64)o1.Payload);

            watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"arr[1]");
            o1 = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.AreEqual(87, (Int64)o1.Payload);

            Assert.AreEqual(10, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(11, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);
        public void TestWatchExpressionInFunctionNestedInImperativeBlock()
            // This comes from IDE-538
@"z=[Imperative] //Line 1
    def GetNumberSquare(test:int)
        result = test * test;
        return = result;    
    x = GetNumberSquare(5);
    return = x;

            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.StepOver();//Line 8

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 5

            // Get the value of "result".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"result");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            // Get the value of "test".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"test");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(5, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 6

            // Get the value of "result".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"result");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(25, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);

            // Get the value of "test".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"test");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(5, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 7

            // Get the value of "result".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"result");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(25, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);

            // Get the value of "test".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"test");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(5, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 8

            // Get the value of "result".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"result");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            // Get the value of "test".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"test");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);
        public void SteppingOverinline_Imperative_723_2()
            string src =
            @"x = 30;

            def foo(y : int)
                return = y + 222;
                a = x > foo(20) ? 44 : foo(55); //Line 10
                b = 2;
            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.Step();

            vms = fsr.StepOver();
            vms = fsr.StepOver();


                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();
                TestFrameWork.Verify(mirror, "a", 277, 1);

            vms = fsr.StepOver();
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();
                TestFrameWork.Verify(mirror, "b", 2, 1);

        public void TestWatchExpressionInFunctionNestedWithImperativeBlock()
            // This comes from IDE-544
@"def func(d : int) //Line 1
    m : int;
    m = 10;
    temp = 0; // Line #5
        temp = m; // Line #8
    return = temp; // Line #10

n = func(1);

            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.StepOver();//Line 13

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 4

            // Get the value of "m".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"m");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            // Get the value of "temp".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"temp");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 5

            // Get the value of "m".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"m");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(10, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);

            // Get the value of "temp".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"temp");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 8

            // Get the value of "m".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"m");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(10, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);

            // Get the value of "temp".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"temp");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 9

            // Get the value of "m".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"m");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(10, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);

            // Get the value of "temp".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"temp");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(10, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 10

            // Get the value of "m".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"m");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(10, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);

            // Get the value of "temp".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"temp");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(10, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);
        public void SteppingOverinline_Imperative_723_4()
            string src =
            @"x = 10;

              def foo(y : int)
                  return = y + 222;
                    a = x > 20 ? foo(44) : foo(55); //Line 10
                    b = 2;
            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.Step();

            vms = fsr.StepOver();
            vms = fsr.StepOver();


                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();
                //TestFrameWork.Verify(mirror, "a", 277, 1);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(277, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.StepOver();
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();
                //TestFrameWork.Verify(mirror, "b", 2, 1);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);

        public void TestUpdateStaticMemberInClass()
            String code =
class A
    static count : var = 0;
    constructor A()
        count = count + 1;


class B
    static count : var = 0;
    constructor B()
        count = count + 1;


a1 = A.A();

            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.Step();
            vms = fsr.Step();
            vms = fsr.Step();
            vms = fsr.Step();
            vms = fsr.Step();
            vms = fsr.Step();

            ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a1.count");
            Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)objExecVal.Payload == 1);

            Obj o = vms.mirror.GetDebugValue("a1");
            string type = vms.mirror.GetType("a1");

            Dictionary<string, Obj> os = vms.mirror.GetProperties(o);
            Assert.IsTrue(type == "A");
            Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 1);
        public void TestStepInSimpleFunction()
            string src =
              @"def foo : int(a : int)
                    return = a;
                c1 = foo(10);";

            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.Step();   // c1 = foo(10);

            vms = fsr.Step();  // return = a;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(10, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);

        public void TestWatchExpressionImperative1()
            // Execute and verify the main script in a debug session
    first = 1;
    second = 2;
    third = 3;
    fourth = 4;
    fifth = 5;

            // First step should bring the exec cursor to "first = 1;".
            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.StepOver();
            Assert.AreEqual(4, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(15, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

                // This is to simulate the event when "first" is added into the watch window
                // before it gets assigned a value. This should not cause subsequent stepping
                // to go wrong.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"first");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // This should not return a valid payload as "first" is unassigned now.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);

            // Second step should bring it to "second = 2;".
            vms = fsr.StepOver();
            Assert.AreEqual(5, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(16, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"first");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // This time "first" gets assigned a value of "1"...
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);
                Assert.AreEqual("1", objExecVal.Payload.ToString());

            // Third step should bring it to "third = 3;".
            vms = fsr.StepOver();
            Assert.AreEqual(6, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(15, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);

                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"second");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // This time "second" gets assigned a value of "2"...
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal.Payload);
                Assert.AreEqual("2", objExecVal.Payload.ToString());

            // Third step should bring it to "fourth = 4;".
            vms = fsr.StepOver();
            Assert.AreEqual(7, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.CharNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(7, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.LineNo);
            Assert.AreEqual(16, vms.ExecutionCursor.EndExclusive.CharNo);
        public void TestWatchExpressionInNestedBlock2_519()
            // Execute and verify the defect IDE-519
        i = 3;

    f = i;
    c = f;

            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.Step();//Line 5

            vms = fsr.StepOver();//Line 6

                // Get the value of "i".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"i");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);

            vms = fsr.StepOver();//Line 7

                // Get the value of "i".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"i");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();
                // It should not be available.
                object o = vms.mirror.GetDebugValue("f");
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);

        public void TestWatchExpressionImperative2()
            // Execute and verify the main script in a debug session
    a = 1;
    b = 20;

            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.Step();
            vms = fsr.Step();

            // Execute and verify the watch window expression script
            ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
            Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)objExecVal.Payload == 1);

            vms = fsr.Step();

            // Execute and verify the watch window expression script
            watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"b");
            objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)objExecVal.Payload == 20);
        public void Testprivatememberpropertyinwatch_476_3()
            // Execute and verify the defect IDE-519
            @"class A
                    private a : var;
                    a2 : var;
                    a4 : var;
                    constructor A(x : var)
                        a = x;
                    def update(x : var)
                        a = { x => a1;
                        a1 > 10 ? true : false => a4;
                        return = x;
                AA = A.A(0);
                AA1 = A.A();
                x = AA1.update(1);
                y = { AA1.a, AA1.a4 };


            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.StepOver();//Line 5

            vms = fsr.Step();//Line 6
            vms = fsr.Step();

                // Get the value of "i".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"a");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();

                // It should not be available.
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, objExecVal);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);
            vms = fsr.Step();
            vms = fsr.Step();
            vms = fsr.Step();
            vms = fsr.Step();
            vms = fsr.Step();
            vms = fsr.Step();
            //Line 7
                // Get the value of "i".
                // This is to simulate the refresh of watch window as a result of "Step" button.
                ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
                ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"x");
                Obj objExecVal = mirror.GetWatchValue();
                // It should not be available.

                Assert.AreEqual(1, (Int64)objExecVal.Payload);

        public void LanguageBlockInsideFunction5()
            string src =
@"gg = 0;

def foo ()
    arr = { { } };

        for(i in {0, 1})
                gg = i;
                arr[i] = {1, 2};
    return = arr;
test = foo();";

            fsr.Step(); // gg = 0;

            DebugRunner.VMState vms = fsr.Step();   // test = foo();
            //Obj o = vms.mirror.GetDebugValue("gg");
            ExpressionInterpreterRunner watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            ExecutionMirror mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"gg");
            Obj o = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)o.Payload == 0);

            fsr.Step(); // arr = { { } };

            vms = fsr.Step();
            //o = vms.mirror.GetDebugValue("arr");
            watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"arr");
            //Assert.IsTrue(vms.mirror.GetType("arr") == "array");
            Assert.IsTrue(mirror.GetType("arr") == "array");


            vms = fsr.Step();   // gg = i;
            //o = vms.mirror.GetDebugValue("i");
            watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"i");
            o = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)o.Payload == 0);

            vms = fsr.Step();   // arr[i] = {1, 2};
            //o = vms.mirror.GetDebugValue("gg");
            watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"gg");
            o = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)o.Payload == 0);

            vms = fsr.Step();
            //o = vms.mirror.GetDebugValue("arr");
            watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"arr");
            o = mirror.GetWatchValue();

            List<Obj> ol = mirror.GetArrayElements(o);
            Assert.IsTrue(ol.Count == 1);
            List<Obj> ol_1 = mirror.GetArrayElements(ol[0]);
            Assert.IsTrue(ol_1.Count == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)ol_1[0].Payload == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)ol_1[1].Payload == 2);


            vms = fsr.Step();
            fsr.Step();     // gg = i;
            //o = vms.mirror.GetDebugValue("i");
            watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"i");
            o = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)o.Payload == 1);

            vms = fsr.Step();   // arr[i] = {1, 2};
            //o = vms.mirror.GetDebugValue("gg");
            watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"gg");
            o = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)o.Payload == 1);

            vms = fsr.Step();
            //o = vms.mirror.GetDebugValue("arr");
            watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"arr");
            o = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            ol = vms.mirror.GetArrayElements(o);
            //Assert.IsTrue(ol.Count == 2);
            List<Obj> ol_2 = vms.mirror.GetArrayElements(ol[1]);
            Assert.IsTrue(ol_2.Count == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)ol_2[0].Payload == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)ol_2[1].Payload == 2);


            vms = fsr.Step();
            //o = vms.mirror.GetDebugValue("test");
            watchRunner = new ExpressionInterpreterRunner(core, fsr.runtimeCore);
            mirror = watchRunner.Execute(@"test");
            o = mirror.GetWatchValue();
            ol = vms.mirror.GetArrayElements(o);
            Assert.IsTrue(ol.Count == 2);

            ol_1 = vms.mirror.GetArrayElements(ol[0]);
            Assert.IsTrue(ol_1.Count == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)ol_1[0].Payload == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)ol_1[1].Payload == 2);

            ol_2 = vms.mirror.GetArrayElements(ol[1]);
            Assert.IsTrue(ol_2.Count == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)ol_2[0].Payload == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)ol_2[1].Payload == 2);