internal MetaType(RuntimeTypeModel model, Type type) { if (model == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("model"); } if (type == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("type"); } WireType defaultWireType; IProtoSerializer coreSerializer = ValueMember.TryGetCoreSerializer(null, DataFormat.Default, type, out defaultWireType, false, false); if (coreSerializer != null) { throw new ArgumentException("Data of this type has inbuilt behaviour, and cannot be added to a model in this way: " + type.FullName); } this.type = type; this.model = model; if (type.IsEnum) { EnumPassthru = type.IsDefined(typeof(FlagsAttribute), false); } }
private void CascadeDependents(BasicList list, MetaType metaType) { MetaType surrogateOrBaseOrSelf; if (metaType.IsList) { Type listItemType = TypeModel.GetListItemType(this, metaType.Type); if (ValueMember.TryGetCoreSerializer(this, DataFormat.Default, listItemType, out WireType _, asReference: false, dynamicType: false, overwriteList: false, allowComplexTypes: false) != null) { return; } int num = FindOrAddAuto(listItemType, demand: false, addWithContractOnly: false, addEvenIfAutoDisabled: false); if (num >= 0) { surrogateOrBaseOrSelf = ((MetaType)types[num]).GetSurrogateOrBaseOrSelf(deep: false); if (!list.Contains(surrogateOrBaseOrSelf)) { list.Add(surrogateOrBaseOrSelf); CascadeDependents(list, surrogateOrBaseOrSelf); } } return; } if (metaType.IsAutoTuple) { if (MetaType.ResolveTupleConstructor(metaType.Type, out MemberInfo[] mappedMembers) != null)
// Token: 0x060003F5 RID: 1013 RVA: 0x00014D68 File Offset: 0x00012F68 public ValueMember(RuntimeTypeModel model, Type parentType, int fieldNumber, MemberInfo member, Type memberType, Type itemType, Type defaultType, DataFormat dataFormat, object defaultValue) : this(model, fieldNumber, memberType, itemType, defaultType, dataFormat) { if (member == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("member"); } if (parentType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("parentType"); } if (fieldNumber < 1 && !Helpers.IsEnum(parentType)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("fieldNumber"); } this.member = member; this.parentType = parentType; if (fieldNumber < 1 && !Helpers.IsEnum(parentType)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("fieldNumber"); } if (defaultValue != null && model.MapType(defaultValue.GetType()) != memberType) { defaultValue = ValueMember.ParseDefaultValue(memberType, defaultValue); } this.defaultValue = defaultValue; MetaType metaType = model.FindWithoutAdd(memberType); if (metaType != null) { this.asReference = metaType.AsReferenceDefault; return; } this.asReference = MetaType.GetAsReferenceDefault(model, memberType); }
private void CascadeDependents(BasicList list, MetaType metaType) { if (metaType.IsList) { Type listItemType = TypeModel.GetListItemType(this, metaType.Type); if (ValueMember.TryGetCoreSerializer(this, DataFormat.Default, listItemType, out WireType _, false, false, false, false) == null) { int num = FindOrAddAuto(listItemType, false, false, false); if (num >= 0) { MetaType surrogateOrBaseOrSelf = ((MetaType)types[num]).GetSurrogateOrBaseOrSelf(false); if (!list.Contains(surrogateOrBaseOrSelf)) { list.Add(surrogateOrBaseOrSelf); CascadeDependents(list, surrogateOrBaseOrSelf); } } } } else { MetaType surrogateOrBaseOrSelf; if (metaType.IsAutoTuple) { if (MetaType.ResolveTupleConstructor(metaType.Type, out MemberInfo[] array) != (ConstructorInfo)null)
private void Add(ValueMember member) { lock (fields) { ThrowIfFrozen(); fields.Add(member); } }
private void SetFlag(byte flag, bool value, bool throwIfFrozen) { if (throwIfFrozen && this.HasFlag(flag) != value) { this.ThrowIfFrozen(); } if (value) { ValueMember valueMember = this; valueMember.flags = (byte)(valueMember.flags | flag); return; } this.flags = (byte)(this.flags & ~flag); }
internal EnumSerializer.EnumPair[] GetEnumMap() { if (enumPassthru) { return(null); } EnumSerializer.EnumPair[] result = new EnumSerializer.EnumPair[fields.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++) { ValueMember member = (ValueMember)fields[i]; int wireValue = member.FieldNumber; Enum value = member.GetEnumValue(); result[i] = new EnumSerializer.EnumPair(wireValue, value); } return(result); }
internal IProtoSerializer TryGetBasicTypeSerializer(Type type) { int num = this.basicTypes.IndexOf(RuntimeTypeModel.BasicTypeFinder, type); if (num >= 0) { return(((RuntimeTypeModel.BasicType) this.basicTypes[num]).Serializer); } BasicList basicList = this.basicTypes; IProtoSerializer result; lock (basicList) { num = this.basicTypes.IndexOf(RuntimeTypeModel.BasicTypeFinder, type); if (num >= 0) { result = ((RuntimeTypeModel.BasicType) this.basicTypes[num]).Serializer; } else { IProtoSerializer arg_9A_0; if (MetaType.GetContractFamily(this, type, null) == MetaType.AttributeFamily.None) { WireType wireType; IProtoSerializer protoSerializer = ValueMember.TryGetCoreSerializer(this, DataFormat.Default, type, out wireType, false, false, false, false); arg_9A_0 = protoSerializer; } else { arg_9A_0 = null; } IProtoSerializer protoSerializer2 = arg_9A_0; if (protoSerializer2 != null) { this.basicTypes.Add(new RuntimeTypeModel.BasicType(type, protoSerializer2)); } result = protoSerializer2; } } return(result); }
private ValueMember ApplyDefaultBehaviour(bool isEnum, AttributeFamily family, MemberInfo member, BasicList partialMembers) { if (member == null || (family == AttributeFamily.None && !isEnum)) { return(null); // nix } Type effectiveType; switch (member.MemberType) { case MemberTypes.Field: effectiveType = ((FieldInfo)member).FieldType; break; case MemberTypes.Property: effectiveType = ((PropertyInfo)member).PropertyType; break; default: return(null); // nothing doing } int fieldNumber = 0; bool isPacked = false; string name = null; bool isRequired = false; Type itemType = null; Type defaultType = null; ResolveListTypes(effectiveType, ref itemType, ref defaultType); object[] attribs = member.GetCustomAttributes(true); Attribute attrib; DataFormat dataFormat = DataFormat.Default; bool ignore = false; object defaultValue = null; // implicit zero default switch (Type.GetTypeCode(effectiveType)) { case TypeCode.Boolean: defaultValue = false; break; case TypeCode.Decimal: defaultValue = (decimal)0; break; case TypeCode.Single: defaultValue = (float)0; break; case TypeCode.Double: defaultValue = (double)0; break; case TypeCode.Byte: defaultValue = (byte)0; break; case TypeCode.Char: defaultValue = (char)0; break; case TypeCode.Int16: defaultValue = (short)0; break; case TypeCode.Int32: defaultValue = (int)0; break; case TypeCode.Int64: defaultValue = (long)0; break; case TypeCode.SByte: defaultValue = (sbyte)0; break; case TypeCode.UInt16: defaultValue = (ushort)0; break; case TypeCode.UInt32: defaultValue = (uint)0; break; case TypeCode.UInt64: defaultValue = (ulong)0; break; default: if (effectiveType == typeof(TimeSpan)) { defaultValue = TimeSpan.Zero; } if (effectiveType == typeof(Guid)) { defaultValue = Guid.Empty; } break; } bool done = false; if (isEnum) { attrib = GetAttribute(attribs, "ProtoBuf.ProtoIgnoreAttribute"); if (attrib != null) { ignore = true; } else { attrib = GetAttribute(attribs, "ProtoBuf.ProtoEnumAttribute"); fieldNumber = Convert.ToInt32(((FieldInfo)member).GetValue(null)); if (attrib != null) { GetFieldName(ref name, attrib, "Name"); if ((bool)attrib.GetType().GetMethod("HasValue").Invoke(attrib, null)) { fieldNumber = (int)GetMemberValue(attrib, "Value"); } } } done = true; } if (!ignore && !done) // always consider ProtoMember { attrib = GetAttribute(attribs, "ProtoBuf.ProtoMemberAttribute"); GetIgnore(ref ignore, attrib, attribs, "ProtoBuf.ProtoIgnoreAttribute"); if (!ignore) { GetFieldNumber(ref fieldNumber, attrib, "Tag"); GetFieldName(ref name, attrib, "Name"); GetFieldBoolean(ref isRequired, attrib, "IsRequired"); GetFieldBoolean(ref isPacked, attrib, "IsPacked"); GetDataFormat(ref dataFormat, attrib, "DataFormat"); done = fieldNumber > 0; } if (!done && partialMembers != null) { foreach (ProtoPartialMemberAttribute ppma in partialMembers) { if (ppma.MemberName == member.Name) { GetFieldNumber(ref fieldNumber, ppma, "Tag"); GetFieldName(ref name, ppma, "Name"); GetFieldBoolean(ref isRequired, ppma, "IsRequired"); GetFieldBoolean(ref isPacked, ppma, "IsPacked"); GetDataFormat(ref dataFormat, ppma, "DataFormat"); if (done = fieldNumber > 0) { break; } } } } } if (!ignore && !done && HasFamily(family, AttributeFamily.DataContractSerialier)) { attrib = GetAttribute(attribs, "System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute"); GetFieldNumber(ref fieldNumber, attrib, "Order"); GetFieldName(ref name, attrib, "Name"); GetFieldBoolean(ref isRequired, attrib, "IsRequired"); done = fieldNumber > 0; } if (!ignore && !done && HasFamily(family, AttributeFamily.XmlSerializer)) { attrib = GetAttribute(attribs, "System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute"); GetIgnore(ref ignore, attrib, attribs, "System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute"); if (!ignore) { GetFieldNumber(ref fieldNumber, attrib, "Order"); GetFieldName(ref name, attrib, "ElementName"); } attrib = GetAttribute(attribs, "System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayAttribute"); GetIgnore(ref ignore, attrib, attribs, "ProtoBuf.XmlIgnoreAttribute"); if (!ignore) { GetFieldNumber(ref fieldNumber, attrib, "Order"); GetFieldName(ref name, attrib, "ElementName"); } done = fieldNumber > 0; } if (!ignore && (attrib = GetAttribute(attribs, "System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute")) != null) { defaultValue = GetMemberValue(attrib, "Value"); } ValueMember vm = ((isEnum || fieldNumber > 0) && !ignore) ? new ValueMember(model, type, fieldNumber, member, effectiveType, itemType, defaultType, dataFormat, defaultValue) : null; if (vm != null) { PropertyInfo prop = type.GetProperty(member.Name + "Specified", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public, null, typeof(bool), Helpers.EmptyTypes, null); if (prop != null) { vm.SetSpecified(prop.GetGetMethod(true), prop.GetSetMethod(true)); } else { MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod("ShouldSerialize" + member.Name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public, null, Helpers.EmptyTypes, null); if (method != null && method.ReturnType == typeof(bool)) { vm.SetSpecified(method, null); } } if (!Helpers.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { vm.SetName(name); } vm.IsPacked = isPacked; vm.IsRequired = isRequired; } return(vm); }
internal void ApplyDefaultBehaviour() { if (model.FindWithoutAdd(type.BaseType) == null && GetContractFamily(type.BaseType, null) != MetaType.AttributeFamily.None) { model.FindOrAddAuto(type.BaseType, true, false, false); } object[] typeAttribs = type.GetCustomAttributes(true); AttributeFamily family = GetContractFamily(type, typeAttribs); bool isEnum = type.IsEnum; if (family == AttributeFamily.None && !isEnum) { return; // and you'd like me to do what, exactly? } BasicList partialIgnores = null, partialMembers = null; for (int i = 0; i < typeAttribs.Length; i++) { if (!isEnum && typeAttribs[i] is ProtoIncludeAttribute) { ProtoIncludeAttribute pia = (ProtoIncludeAttribute)typeAttribs[i]; AddSubType(pia.Tag, pia.KnownType); } if (typeAttribs[i] is ProtoPartialIgnoreAttribute) { if (partialIgnores == null) { partialIgnores = new BasicList(); } partialIgnores.Add(((ProtoPartialIgnoreAttribute)typeAttribs[i]).MemberName); } if (!isEnum && typeAttribs[i] is ProtoPartialMemberAttribute) { if (partialMembers == null) { partialMembers = new BasicList(); } partialMembers.Add(typeAttribs[i]); } } MethodInfo[] callbacks = null; foreach (MemberInfo member in type.GetMembers(isEnum ? BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static : BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)) { if (member.DeclaringType != type) { continue; } if (member.IsDefined(typeof(ProtoIgnoreAttribute), true)) { continue; } if (partialIgnores != null && partialIgnores.Contains(member.Name)) { continue; } switch (member.MemberType) { case MemberTypes.Property: case MemberTypes.Field: ValueMember vm = ApplyDefaultBehaviour(isEnum, family, member, partialMembers); if (vm != null) { Add(vm); } break; case MemberTypes.Method: if (isEnum) { continue; } MethodInfo method = (MethodInfo)member; object[] memberAttribs = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(method); if (memberAttribs != null && memberAttribs.Length > 0) { CheckForCallback(method, memberAttribs, "ProtoBuf.ProtoBeforeSerializationAttribute", ref callbacks, 0); CheckForCallback(method, memberAttribs, "ProtoBuf.ProtoAfterSerializationAttribute", ref callbacks, 1); CheckForCallback(method, memberAttribs, "ProtoBuf.ProtoBeforeDeserializationAttribute", ref callbacks, 2); CheckForCallback(method, memberAttribs, "ProtoBuf.ProtoAfterDeserializationAttribute", ref callbacks, 3); CheckForCallback(method, memberAttribs, "System.Runtime.Serialization.OnSerializingAttribute", ref callbacks, 4); CheckForCallback(method, memberAttribs, "System.Runtime.Serialization.OnSerializedAttribute", ref callbacks, 5); CheckForCallback(method, memberAttribs, "System.Runtime.Serialization.OnDeserializingAttribute", ref callbacks, 6); CheckForCallback(method, memberAttribs, "System.Runtime.Serialization.OnDeserializedAttribute", ref callbacks, 7); } break; } } if (callbacks != null) { SetCallbacks(callbacks[0] ?? callbacks[4], callbacks[1] ?? callbacks[5], callbacks[2] ?? callbacks[6], callbacks[3] ?? callbacks[7]); } }
// Token: 0x06000389 RID: 905 RVA: 0x00013428 File Offset: 0x00011628 internal string GetSchemaTypeName(Type effectiveType, DataFormat dataFormat, bool asReference, bool dynamicType, ref bool requiresBclImport) { Type underlyingType = Helpers.GetUnderlyingType(effectiveType); if (underlyingType != null) { effectiveType = underlyingType; } if (effectiveType == base.MapType(typeof(byte[]))) { return("bytes"); } WireType wireType; IProtoSerializer protoSerializer = ValueMember.TryGetCoreSerializer(this, dataFormat, effectiveType, out wireType, false, false, false, false); if (protoSerializer == null) { if (asReference || dynamicType) { requiresBclImport = true; return("bcl.NetObjectProxy"); } return(this[effectiveType].GetSurrogateOrBaseOrSelf(true).GetSchemaTypeName()); } else { if (!(protoSerializer is ParseableSerializer)) { ProtoTypeCode typeCode = Helpers.GetTypeCode(effectiveType); switch (typeCode) { case ProtoTypeCode.Boolean: return("bool"); case ProtoTypeCode.Char: case ProtoTypeCode.Byte: case ProtoTypeCode.UInt16: case ProtoTypeCode.UInt32: if (dataFormat == DataFormat.FixedSize) { return("fixed32"); } return("uint32"); case ProtoTypeCode.SByte: case ProtoTypeCode.Int16: case ProtoTypeCode.Int32: if (dataFormat == DataFormat.ZigZag) { return("sint32"); } if (dataFormat != DataFormat.FixedSize) { return("int32"); } return("sfixed32"); case ProtoTypeCode.Int64: if (dataFormat == DataFormat.ZigZag) { return("sint64"); } if (dataFormat != DataFormat.FixedSize) { return("int64"); } return("sfixed64"); case ProtoTypeCode.UInt64: if (dataFormat == DataFormat.FixedSize) { return("fixed64"); } return("uint64"); case ProtoTypeCode.Single: return("float"); case ProtoTypeCode.Double: return("double"); case ProtoTypeCode.Decimal: requiresBclImport = true; return("bcl.Decimal"); case ProtoTypeCode.DateTime: requiresBclImport = true; return("bcl.DateTime"); case (ProtoTypeCode)17: break; case ProtoTypeCode.String: if (asReference) { requiresBclImport = true; } if (!asReference) { return("string"); } return("bcl.NetObjectProxy"); default: if (typeCode == ProtoTypeCode.TimeSpan) { requiresBclImport = true; return("bcl.TimeSpan"); } if (typeCode == ProtoTypeCode.Guid) { requiresBclImport = true; return("bcl.Guid"); } break; } throw new NotSupportedException("No .proto map found for: " + effectiveType.FullName); } if (asReference) { requiresBclImport = true; } if (!asReference) { return("string"); } return("bcl.NetObjectProxy"); } }
// Token: 0x0600036A RID: 874 RVA: 0x00012A1C File Offset: 0x00010C1C private void CascadeDependents(BasicList list, MetaType metaType) { if (metaType.IsList) { Type listItemType = TypeModel.GetListItemType(this, metaType.Type); WireType wireType; if (ValueMember.TryGetCoreSerializer(this, DataFormat.Default, listItemType, out wireType, false, false, false, false) == null) { int num = this.FindOrAddAuto(listItemType, false, false, false); if (num >= 0) { MetaType metaType2 = ((MetaType)this.types[num]).GetSurrogateOrBaseOrSelf(false); if (!list.Contains(metaType2)) { list.Add(metaType2); this.CascadeDependents(list, metaType2); return; } } } } else { MetaType metaType2; if (metaType.IsAutoTuple) { MemberInfo[] array; if (MetaType.ResolveTupleConstructor(metaType.Type, out array) != null) { for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Type type = null; if (array[i] is PropertyInfo) { type = ((PropertyInfo)array[i]).PropertyType; } else if (array[i] is FieldInfo) { type = ((FieldInfo)array[i]).FieldType; } WireType wireType2; if (ValueMember.TryGetCoreSerializer(this, DataFormat.Default, type, out wireType2, false, false, false, false) == null) { int num2 = this.FindOrAddAuto(type, false, false, false); if (num2 >= 0) { metaType2 = ((MetaType)this.types[num2]).GetSurrogateOrBaseOrSelf(false); if (!list.Contains(metaType2)) { list.Add(metaType2); this.CascadeDependents(list, metaType2); } } } } } } else { foreach (object obj in metaType.Fields) { ValueMember valueMember = (ValueMember)obj; Type type2 = valueMember.ItemType; if (type2 == null) { type2 = valueMember.MemberType; } WireType wireType3; if (ValueMember.TryGetCoreSerializer(this, DataFormat.Default, type2, out wireType3, false, false, false, false) == null) { int num3 = this.FindOrAddAuto(type2, false, false, false); if (num3 >= 0) { metaType2 = ((MetaType)this.types[num3]).GetSurrogateOrBaseOrSelf(false); if (!list.Contains(metaType2)) { list.Add(metaType2); this.CascadeDependents(list, metaType2); } } } } } if (metaType.HasSubtypes) { SubType[] subtypes = metaType.GetSubtypes(); for (int j = 0; j < subtypes.Length; j++) { metaType2 = subtypes[j].DerivedType.GetSurrogateOrSelf(); if (!list.Contains(metaType2)) { list.Add(metaType2); this.CascadeDependents(list, metaType2); } } } metaType2 = metaType.BaseType; if (metaType2 != null) { metaType2 = metaType2.GetSurrogateOrSelf(); } if (metaType2 != null && !list.Contains(metaType2)) { list.Add(metaType2); this.CascadeDependents(list, metaType2); } } }
// Token: 0x06000369 RID: 873 RVA: 0x00012780 File Offset: 0x00010980 public override string GetSchema(Type type) { BasicList basicList = new BasicList(); MetaType metaType = null; bool flag = false; if (type == null) { foreach (object obj in this.types) { MetaType surrogateOrBaseOrSelf = ((MetaType)obj).GetSurrogateOrBaseOrSelf(false); if (!basicList.Contains(surrogateOrBaseOrSelf)) { basicList.Add(surrogateOrBaseOrSelf); this.CascadeDependents(basicList, surrogateOrBaseOrSelf); } } } else { Type underlyingType = Helpers.GetUnderlyingType(type); if (underlyingType != null) { type = underlyingType; } WireType wireType; flag = (ValueMember.TryGetCoreSerializer(this, DataFormat.Default, type, out wireType, false, false, false, false) != null); if (!flag) { int num = this.FindOrAddAuto(type, false, false, false); if (num < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("The type specified is not a contract-type", "type"); } metaType = ((MetaType)this.types[num]).GetSurrogateOrBaseOrSelf(false); basicList.Add(metaType); this.CascadeDependents(basicList, metaType); } } StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); string text = null; if (!flag) { foreach (object obj2 in ((IEnumerable)((metaType == null) ? this.types : basicList))) { MetaType metaType2 = (MetaType)obj2; if (!metaType2.IsList) { string @namespace = metaType2.Type.Namespace; if (!Helpers.IsNullOrEmpty(@namespace) && [email protected]("System.")) { if (text == null) { text = @namespace; } else if (!(text == @namespace)) { text = null; break; } } } } } if (!Helpers.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { stringBuilder.Append("package ").Append(text).Append(';'); Helpers.AppendLine(stringBuilder); } bool flag2 = false; StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder(); MetaType[] array = new MetaType[basicList.Count]; basicList.CopyTo(array, 0); Array.Sort <MetaType>(array, MetaType.Comparer.Default); if (flag) { Helpers.AppendLine(stringBuilder2).Append("message ").Append(type.Name).Append(" {"); MetaType.NewLine(stringBuilder2, 1).Append("optional ").Append(this.GetSchemaTypeName(type, DataFormat.Default, false, false, ref flag2)).Append(" value = 1;"); Helpers.AppendLine(stringBuilder2).Append('}'); } else { foreach (MetaType metaType3 in array) { if (!metaType3.IsList || metaType3 == metaType) { metaType3.WriteSchema(stringBuilder2, 0, ref flag2); } } } if (flag2) { stringBuilder.Append("import \"bcl.proto\"; // schema for protobuf-net's handling of core .NET types"); Helpers.AppendLine(stringBuilder); } return(Helpers.AppendLine(stringBuilder.Append(stringBuilder2)).ToString()); }
public override string GetSchema(Type type) { BasicList basicList = new BasicList(); MetaType metaType = null; bool flag = false; if (type == null) { BasicList.NodeEnumerator enumerator = this.types.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { MetaType metaType2 = (MetaType)enumerator.Current; MetaType surrogateOrBaseOrSelf = metaType2.GetSurrogateOrBaseOrSelf(false); if (!basicList.Contains(surrogateOrBaseOrSelf)) { basicList.Add(surrogateOrBaseOrSelf); this.CascadeDependents(basicList, surrogateOrBaseOrSelf); } } } else { Type underlyingType = Helpers.GetUnderlyingType(type); if (underlyingType != null) { type = underlyingType; } WireType wireType; flag = (ValueMember.TryGetCoreSerializer(this, DataFormat.Default, type, out wireType, false, false, false, false) != null); if (!flag) { int num = this.FindOrAddAuto(type, false, false, false); if (num < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("The type specified is not a contract-type", "type"); } metaType = ((MetaType)this.types[num]).GetSurrogateOrBaseOrSelf(false); basicList.Add(metaType); this.CascadeDependents(basicList, metaType); } } StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); string text = null; if (!flag) { IEnumerable enumerable = (metaType != null) ? basicList : this.types; IEnumerator enumerator2 = enumerable.GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { MetaType metaType3 = (MetaType)enumerator2.get_Current(); if (!metaType3.IsList) { string @namespace = metaType3.Type.get_Namespace(); if (!Helpers.IsNullOrEmpty(@namespace)) { if ([email protected]("System.")) { if (text == null) { text = @namespace; } else if (!(text == @namespace)) { text = null; break; } } } } } } finally { IDisposable disposable = enumerator2 as IDisposable; if (disposable != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } } if (!Helpers.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { stringBuilder.Append("package ").Append(text).Append(';'); Helpers.AppendLine(stringBuilder); } bool flag2 = false; StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder(); MetaType[] array = new MetaType[basicList.Count]; basicList.CopyTo(array, 0); Array.Sort <MetaType>(array, MetaType.Comparer.Default); if (flag) { Helpers.AppendLine(stringBuilder2).Append("message ").Append(type.get_Name()).Append(" {"); MetaType.NewLine(stringBuilder2, 1).Append("optional ").Append(this.GetSchemaTypeName(type, DataFormat.Default, false, false, ref flag2)).Append(" value = 1;"); Helpers.AppendLine(stringBuilder2).Append('}'); } else { for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { MetaType metaType4 = array[i]; if (!metaType4.IsList || metaType4 == metaType) { metaType4.WriteSchema(stringBuilder2, 0, ref flag2); } } } if (flag2) { stringBuilder.Append("import \"bcl.proto\"; // schema for protobuf-net's handling of core .NET types"); Helpers.AppendLine(stringBuilder); } return(Helpers.AppendLine(stringBuilder.Append(stringBuilder2)).ToString()); }
private IProtoTypeSerializer BuildSerializer() { if (type.IsEnum) { //return new TagDecorator(ProtoBuf.Serializer.ListItemTag, WireType.Variant, false, new EnumSerializer(type, GetEnumMap())); return new TypeSerializer(type, new int[] { ProtoBuf.Serializer.ListItemTag }, new IProtoSerializer[] { new TagDecorator(ProtoBuf.Serializer.ListItemTag, WireType.Variant, false, new EnumSerializer(type, GetEnumMap())) }, null, true, true, null, constructType); } if (surrogate != null) { MetaType mt = model[surrogate], mtBase; while ((mtBase = mt.baseType) != null) { mt = mtBase; } return new SurrogateSerializer(type, surrogate, mt.Serializer); } Type itemType = TypeModel.GetListItemType(type); if (itemType != null) { ValueMember fakeMember = new ValueMember(model, ProtoBuf.Serializer.ListItemTag, type, itemType, type, DataFormat.Default); return new TypeSerializer(type, new int[] { ProtoBuf.Serializer.ListItemTag }, new IProtoSerializer[] { fakeMember.Serializer }, null, true, true, null, constructType); } fields.Trim(); int fieldCount = fields.Count; int subTypeCount = subTypes == null ? 0 : subTypes.Count; int[] fieldNumbers = new int[fieldCount + subTypeCount]; IProtoSerializer[] serializers = new IProtoSerializer[fieldCount + subTypeCount]; int i = 0; if (subTypeCount != 0) { foreach (SubType subType in subTypes) { fieldNumbers[i] = subType.FieldNumber; serializers[i++] = subType.Serializer; } } if (fieldCount != 0) { foreach (ValueMember member in fields) { fieldNumbers[i] = member.FieldNumber; serializers[i++] = member.Serializer; } } BasicList baseCtorCallbacks = null; MetaType tmp = BaseType; while (tmp != null) { MethodInfo method = tmp.HasCallbacks ? tmp.Callbacks.BeforeDeserialize : null; if (method != null) { if (baseCtorCallbacks == null) baseCtorCallbacks = new BasicList(); baseCtorCallbacks.Add(method); } tmp = tmp.BaseType; } MethodInfo[] arr = null; if (baseCtorCallbacks != null) { arr = new MethodInfo[baseCtorCallbacks.Count]; baseCtorCallbacks.CopyTo(arr, 0); Array.Reverse(arr); } return new TypeSerializer(type, fieldNumbers, serializers, arr, baseType == null, UseConstructor, callbacks, constructType); }
private ValueMember ApplyDefaultBehaviour(bool isEnum, ProtoMemberAttribute normalizedAttribute) { MemberInfo member; if (normalizedAttribute == null || (member = normalizedAttribute.Member) == null) { return(null); // nix } Type effectiveType; switch (member.MemberType) { case MemberTypes.Field: effectiveType = ((FieldInfo)member).FieldType; break; case MemberTypes.Property: effectiveType = ((PropertyInfo)member).PropertyType; break; default: return(null); // nothing doing } Type itemType = null; Type defaultType = null; ResolveListTypes(effectiveType, ref itemType, ref defaultType); object[] attribs = member.GetCustomAttributes(true); Attribute attrib; object defaultValue = null; // implicit zero default switch (Type.GetTypeCode(effectiveType)) { case TypeCode.Boolean: defaultValue = false; break; case TypeCode.Decimal: defaultValue = (decimal)0; break; case TypeCode.Single: defaultValue = (float)0; break; case TypeCode.Double: defaultValue = (double)0; break; case TypeCode.Byte: defaultValue = (byte)0; break; case TypeCode.Char: defaultValue = (char)0; break; case TypeCode.Int16: defaultValue = (short)0; break; case TypeCode.Int32: defaultValue = (int)0; break; case TypeCode.Int64: defaultValue = (long)0; break; case TypeCode.SByte: defaultValue = (sbyte)0; break; case TypeCode.UInt16: defaultValue = (ushort)0; break; case TypeCode.UInt32: defaultValue = (uint)0; break; case TypeCode.UInt64: defaultValue = (ulong)0; break; default: if (effectiveType == typeof(TimeSpan)) { defaultValue = TimeSpan.Zero; } if (effectiveType == typeof(Guid)) { defaultValue = Guid.Empty; } break; } if ((attrib = GetAttribute(attribs, "System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute")) != null) { defaultValue = GetMemberValue(attrib, "Value"); } ValueMember vm = ((isEnum || normalizedAttribute.Tag > 0)) ? new ValueMember(model, type, normalizedAttribute.Tag, member, effectiveType, itemType, defaultType, normalizedAttribute.DataFormat, defaultValue) : null; if (vm != null) { PropertyInfo prop = type.GetProperty(member.Name + "Specified", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public, null, typeof(bool), Helpers.EmptyTypes, null); if (prop != null) { vm.SetSpecified(prop.GetGetMethod(true), prop.GetSetMethod(true)); } else { MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod("ShouldSerialize" + member.Name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public, null, Helpers.EmptyTypes, null); if (method != null && method.ReturnType == typeof(bool)) { vm.SetSpecified(method, null); } } if (!Helpers.IsNullOrEmpty(normalizedAttribute.Name)) { vm.SetName(normalizedAttribute.Name); } vm.IsPacked = normalizedAttribute.IsPacked; vm.IsRequired = normalizedAttribute.IsRequired; vm.OverwriteList = normalizedAttribute.OverwriteList; vm.AsReference = normalizedAttribute.AsReference; vm.DynamicType = normalizedAttribute.DynamicType; } return(vm); }
internal void ApplyDefaultBehaviour() { if (type.BaseType != null && model.FindWithoutAdd(type.BaseType) == null && GetContractFamily(type.BaseType, null) != MetaType.AttributeFamily.None) { model.FindOrAddAuto(type.BaseType, true, false, false); } object[] typeAttribs = type.GetCustomAttributes(true); AttributeFamily family = GetContractFamily(type, typeAttribs); bool isEnum = type.IsEnum; if (family == AttributeFamily.None && !isEnum) { return; // and you'd like me to do what, exactly? } BasicList partialIgnores = null, partialMembers = null; int dataMemberOffset = 0, implicitFirstTag = 1; bool inferTagByName = model.InferTagFromNameDefault; ImplicitFields implicitMode = ImplicitFields.None; for (int i = 0; i < typeAttribs.Length; i++) { Attribute item = (Attribute)typeAttribs[i]; if (!isEnum && item is ProtoIncludeAttribute) { ProtoIncludeAttribute pia = (ProtoIncludeAttribute)item; AddSubType(pia.Tag, pia.KnownType); } if (item is ProtoPartialIgnoreAttribute) { if (partialIgnores == null) { partialIgnores = new BasicList(); } partialIgnores.Add(((ProtoPartialIgnoreAttribute)item).MemberName); } if (!isEnum && item is ProtoPartialMemberAttribute) { if (partialMembers == null) { partialMembers = new BasicList(); } partialMembers.Add(item); } if (!isEnum && item is ProtoContractAttribute) { ProtoContractAttribute pca = (ProtoContractAttribute)item; dataMemberOffset = pca.DataMemberOffset; if (pca.InferTagFromNameHasValue) { inferTagByName = pca.InferTagFromName; } implicitMode = pca.ImplicitFields; UseConstructor = !pca.SkipConstructor; if (pca.ImplicitFirstTag > 0) { implicitFirstTag = pca.ImplicitFirstTag; } } } if (implicitMode != ImplicitFields.None) { family &= AttributeFamily.ProtoBuf; // with implicit fields, **only** proto attributes are important } MethodInfo[] callbacks = null; BasicList members = new BasicList(); foreach (MemberInfo member in type.GetMembers(isEnum ? BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static : BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)) { if (member.DeclaringType != type) { continue; } if (member.IsDefined(typeof(ProtoIgnoreAttribute), true)) { continue; } if (partialIgnores != null && partialIgnores.Contains(member.Name)) { continue; } bool forced = false, isPublic, isField; Type effectiveType; switch (member.MemberType) { case MemberTypes.Property: PropertyInfo property = (PropertyInfo)member; effectiveType = property.PropertyType; isPublic = property.GetGetMethod(false) != null; isField = false; goto ProcessMember; case MemberTypes.Field: FieldInfo field = (FieldInfo)member; effectiveType = field.FieldType; isPublic = field.IsPublic; isField = true; ProcessMember: switch (implicitMode) { case ImplicitFields.AllFields: if (isField) { forced = true; } break; case ImplicitFields.AllPublic: if (isPublic) { forced = true; } break; } if (effectiveType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Delegate))) { continue; // we just don't like delegate types ;p } ProtoMemberAttribute normalizedAttribute = NormalizeProtoMember(member, family, forced, isEnum, partialMembers, dataMemberOffset, inferTagByName); if (normalizedAttribute != null) { members.Add(normalizedAttribute); } break; case MemberTypes.Method: if (isEnum) { continue; } MethodInfo method = (MethodInfo)member; object[] memberAttribs = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(method); if (memberAttribs != null && memberAttribs.Length > 0) { CheckForCallback(method, memberAttribs, "ProtoBuf.ProtoBeforeSerializationAttribute", ref callbacks, 0); CheckForCallback(method, memberAttribs, "ProtoBuf.ProtoAfterSerializationAttribute", ref callbacks, 1); CheckForCallback(method, memberAttribs, "ProtoBuf.ProtoBeforeDeserializationAttribute", ref callbacks, 2); CheckForCallback(method, memberAttribs, "ProtoBuf.ProtoAfterDeserializationAttribute", ref callbacks, 3); CheckForCallback(method, memberAttribs, "System.Runtime.Serialization.OnSerializingAttribute", ref callbacks, 4); CheckForCallback(method, memberAttribs, "System.Runtime.Serialization.OnSerializedAttribute", ref callbacks, 5); CheckForCallback(method, memberAttribs, "System.Runtime.Serialization.OnDeserializingAttribute", ref callbacks, 6); CheckForCallback(method, memberAttribs, "System.Runtime.Serialization.OnDeserializedAttribute", ref callbacks, 7); } break; } } ProtoMemberAttribute[] arr = new ProtoMemberAttribute[members.Count]; members.CopyTo(arr, 0); if (inferTagByName || implicitMode != ImplicitFields.None) { Array.Sort(arr); int nextTag = implicitFirstTag; foreach (ProtoMemberAttribute normalizedAttribute in arr) { if (!normalizedAttribute.TagIsPinned) // if ProtoMember etc sets a tag, we'll trust it { normalizedAttribute.Rebase(nextTag++); } } } foreach (ProtoMemberAttribute normalizedAttribute in arr) { ValueMember vm = ApplyDefaultBehaviour(isEnum, normalizedAttribute); if (vm != null) { Add(vm); } } if (callbacks != null) { SetCallbacks(Coalesce(callbacks, 0, 4), Coalesce(callbacks, 1, 5), Coalesce(callbacks, 2, 6), Coalesce(callbacks, 3, 7)); } }
public override string GetSchema(Type type) { BasicList basicList = new BasicList(); MetaType metaType = null; bool flag = false; if (type == null) { BasicList.NodeEnumerator enumerator = types.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { MetaType surrogateOrBaseOrSelf = ((MetaType)enumerator.Current).GetSurrogateOrBaseOrSelf(deep: false); if (!basicList.Contains(surrogateOrBaseOrSelf)) { basicList.Add(surrogateOrBaseOrSelf); CascadeDependents(basicList, surrogateOrBaseOrSelf); } } } else { Type underlyingType = Helpers.GetUnderlyingType(type); if (underlyingType != null) { type = underlyingType; } flag = (ValueMember.TryGetCoreSerializer(this, DataFormat.Default, type, out WireType _, asReference: false, dynamicType: false, overwriteList: false, allowComplexTypes: false) != null); if (!flag) { int num = FindOrAddAuto(type, demand: false, addWithContractOnly: false, addEvenIfAutoDisabled: false); if (num < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("The type specified is not a contract-type", "type"); } metaType = ((MetaType)types[num]).GetSurrogateOrBaseOrSelf(deep: false); basicList.Add(metaType); CascadeDependents(basicList, metaType); } } StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); string text = null; if (!flag) { foreach (MetaType item in (IEnumerable)((metaType == null) ? types : basicList)) { if (!item.IsList) { string @namespace = item.Type.Namespace; if (!Helpers.IsNullOrEmpty(@namespace) && [email protected]("System.")) { if (text == null) { text = @namespace; } else if (!(text == @namespace)) { text = null; break; } } } } } if (!Helpers.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { stringBuilder.Append("package ").Append(text).Append(';'); Helpers.AppendLine(stringBuilder); } bool requiresBclImport = false; StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder(); MetaType[] array = new MetaType[basicList.Count]; basicList.CopyTo(array, 0); Array.Sort(array, MetaType.Comparer.Default); if (flag) { Helpers.AppendLine(stringBuilder2).Append("message ").Append(type.Name) .Append(" {"); MetaType.NewLine(stringBuilder2, 1).Append("optional ").Append(GetSchemaTypeName(type, DataFormat.Default, asReference: false, dynamicType: false, ref requiresBclImport)) .Append(" value = 1;"); Helpers.AppendLine(stringBuilder2).Append('}'); } else { foreach (MetaType metaType3 in array) { if (!metaType3.IsList || metaType3 == metaType) { metaType3.WriteSchema(stringBuilder2, 0, ref requiresBclImport); } } } if (requiresBclImport) { stringBuilder.Append("import \"bcl.proto\"; // schema for protobuf-net's handling of core .NET types"); Helpers.AppendLine(stringBuilder); } return(Helpers.AppendLine(stringBuilder.Append(stringBuilder2)).ToString()); }
// Token: 0x0600040A RID: 1034 RVA: 0x00015168 File Offset: 0x00013368 private IProtoSerializer BuildSerializer() { int opaqueToken = 0; IProtoSerializer result; try { this.model.TakeLock(ref opaqueToken); Type type = (this.itemType == null) ? this.memberType : this.itemType; WireType wireType; IProtoSerializer protoSerializer = ValueMember.TryGetCoreSerializer(this.model, this.dataFormat, type, out wireType, this.asReference, this.dynamicType, this.OverwriteList, true); if (protoSerializer == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No serializer defined for type: " + type.FullName); } if (this.itemType != null && this.SupportNull) { if (this.IsPacked) { throw new NotSupportedException("Packed encodings cannot support null values"); } protoSerializer = new TagDecorator(1, wireType, this.IsStrict, protoSerializer); protoSerializer = new NullDecorator(this.model, protoSerializer); protoSerializer = new TagDecorator(this.fieldNumber, WireType.StartGroup, false, protoSerializer); } else { protoSerializer = new TagDecorator(this.fieldNumber, wireType, this.IsStrict, protoSerializer); } if (this.itemType != null) { if (!this.SupportNull) { if (Helpers.GetUnderlyingType(this.itemType) == null) { Type type2 = this.itemType; } } else { Type type3 = this.itemType; } if (this.memberType.IsArray) { protoSerializer = new ArrayDecorator(this.model, protoSerializer, this.fieldNumber, this.IsPacked, wireType, this.memberType, this.OverwriteList, this.SupportNull); } else { protoSerializer = ListDecorator.Create(this.model, this.memberType, this.defaultType, protoSerializer, this.fieldNumber, this.IsPacked, wireType, this.member != null && PropertyDecorator.CanWrite(this.model, this.member), this.OverwriteList, this.SupportNull); } } else if (this.defaultValue != null && !this.IsRequired && this.getSpecified == null) { protoSerializer = new DefaultValueDecorator(this.model, this.defaultValue, protoSerializer); } if (this.memberType == this.model.MapType(typeof(Uri))) { protoSerializer = new UriDecorator(this.model, protoSerializer); } if (this.member != null) { if (this.member is PropertyInfo) { protoSerializer = new PropertyDecorator(this.model, this.parentType, (PropertyInfo)this.member, protoSerializer); } else { if (!(this.member is FieldInfo)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } protoSerializer = new FieldDecorator(this.parentType, (FieldInfo)this.member, protoSerializer); } if (this.getSpecified != null || this.setSpecified != null) { protoSerializer = new MemberSpecifiedDecorator(this.getSpecified, this.setSpecified, protoSerializer); } } result = protoSerializer; } finally { this.model.ReleaseLock(opaqueToken); } return(result); }
private void CascadeDependents(BasicList list, MetaType metaType) { if (metaType.IsList) { Type listItemType = TypeModel.GetListItemType(this, metaType.Type); WireType wireType; if (ValueMember.TryGetCoreSerializer(this, DataFormat.Default, listItemType, out wireType, false, false, false, false) == null) { int num = this.FindOrAddAuto(listItemType, false, false, false); if (num >= 0) { MetaType metaType2 = ((MetaType)this.types[num]).GetSurrogateOrBaseOrSelf(false); if (!list.Contains(metaType2)) { list.Add(metaType2); this.CascadeDependents(list, metaType2); } } } } else { MetaType metaType2; if (metaType.IsAutoTuple) { MemberInfo[] array; if (MetaType.ResolveTupleConstructor(metaType.Type, out array) != null) { for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Type type = null; if (array[i] is PropertyInfo) { type = ((PropertyInfo)array[i]).get_PropertyType(); } else if (array[i] is FieldInfo) { type = ((FieldInfo)array[i]).get_FieldType(); } WireType wireType2; if (ValueMember.TryGetCoreSerializer(this, DataFormat.Default, type, out wireType2, false, false, false, false) == null) { int num2 = this.FindOrAddAuto(type, false, false, false); if (num2 >= 0) { metaType2 = ((MetaType)this.types[num2]).GetSurrogateOrBaseOrSelf(false); if (!list.Contains(metaType2)) { list.Add(metaType2); this.CascadeDependents(list, metaType2); } } } } } } else { IEnumerator enumerator = metaType.Fields.GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { ValueMember valueMember = (ValueMember)enumerator.get_Current(); Type type2 = valueMember.ItemType; if (type2 == null) { type2 = valueMember.MemberType; } WireType wireType3; if (ValueMember.TryGetCoreSerializer(this, DataFormat.Default, type2, out wireType3, false, false, false, false) == null) { int num3 = this.FindOrAddAuto(type2, false, false, false); if (num3 >= 0) { metaType2 = ((MetaType)this.types[num3]).GetSurrogateOrBaseOrSelf(false); if (!list.Contains(metaType2)) { list.Add(metaType2); this.CascadeDependents(list, metaType2); } } } } } finally { IDisposable disposable = enumerator as IDisposable; if (disposable != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } } if (metaType.HasSubtypes) { SubType[] subtypes = metaType.GetSubtypes(); for (int j = 0; j < subtypes.Length; j++) { SubType subType = subtypes[j]; metaType2 = subType.DerivedType.GetSurrogateOrSelf(); if (!list.Contains(metaType2)) { list.Add(metaType2); this.CascadeDependents(list, metaType2); } } } metaType2 = metaType.BaseType; if (metaType2 != null) { metaType2 = metaType2.GetSurrogateOrSelf(); } if (metaType2 != null && !list.Contains(metaType2)) { list.Add(metaType2); this.CascadeDependents(list, metaType2); } } }
internal static IProtoSerializer TryGetCoreSerializer(RuntimeTypeModel model, ProtoBuf.DataFormat dataFormat, Type type, out WireType defaultWireType, bool asReference, bool dynamicType, bool overwriteList, bool allowComplexTypes) { IProtoSerializer protoSerializer; Type underlyingType = Helpers.GetUnderlyingType(type); if (underlyingType != null) { type = underlyingType; } if (Helpers.IsEnum(type)) { if (!allowComplexTypes || model == null) { defaultWireType = WireType.None; return(null); } defaultWireType = WireType.Variant; return(new EnumSerializer(type, model.GetEnumMap(type))); } ProtoTypeCode typeCode = Helpers.GetTypeCode(type); switch (typeCode) { case ProtoTypeCode.Boolean: { defaultWireType = WireType.Variant; return(new BooleanSerializer(model)); } case ProtoTypeCode.Char: { defaultWireType = WireType.Variant; return(new CharSerializer(model)); } case ProtoTypeCode.SByte: { defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetIntWireType(dataFormat, 32); return(new SByteSerializer(model)); } case ProtoTypeCode.Byte: { defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetIntWireType(dataFormat, 32); return(new ByteSerializer(model)); } case ProtoTypeCode.Int16: { defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetIntWireType(dataFormat, 32); return(new Int16Serializer(model)); } case ProtoTypeCode.UInt16: { defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetIntWireType(dataFormat, 32); return(new UInt16Serializer(model)); } case ProtoTypeCode.Int32: { defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetIntWireType(dataFormat, 32); return(new Int32Serializer(model)); } case ProtoTypeCode.UInt32: { defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetIntWireType(dataFormat, 32); return(new UInt32Serializer(model)); } case ProtoTypeCode.Int64: { defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetIntWireType(dataFormat, 64); return(new Int64Serializer(model)); } case ProtoTypeCode.UInt64: { defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetIntWireType(dataFormat, 64); return(new UInt64Serializer(model)); } case ProtoTypeCode.Single: { defaultWireType = WireType.Fixed32; return(new SingleSerializer(model)); } case ProtoTypeCode.Double: { defaultWireType = WireType.Fixed64; return(new DoubleSerializer(model)); } case ProtoTypeCode.Decimal: { defaultWireType = WireType.String; return(new DecimalSerializer(model)); } case ProtoTypeCode.DateTime: { defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetDateTimeWireType(dataFormat); return(new DateTimeSerializer(model)); } case ProtoTypeCode.Unknown | ProtoTypeCode.DateTime: { Label0: if (model.AllowParseableTypes) { protoSerializer = ParseableSerializer.TryCreate(type, model); } else { protoSerializer = null; } IProtoSerializer protoSerializer1 = protoSerializer; if (protoSerializer1 != null) { defaultWireType = WireType.String; return(protoSerializer1); } if (allowComplexTypes && model != null) { int key = model.GetKey(type, false, true); if (asReference || dynamicType) { defaultWireType = (dataFormat == ProtoBuf.DataFormat.Group ? WireType.StartGroup : WireType.String); BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions netObjectOption = BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions.None; if (asReference) { netObjectOption = (BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions)((byte)(netObjectOption | BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions.AsReference)); } if (dynamicType) { netObjectOption = (BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions)((byte)(netObjectOption | BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions.DynamicType)); } if (key >= 0) { if (asReference && Helpers.IsValueType(type)) { string str = "AsReference cannot be used with value-types"; str = (type.Name != "KeyValuePair`2" ? string.Concat(str, ": ", type.FullName) : string.Concat(str, "; please see")); throw new InvalidOperationException(str); } MetaType item = model[type]; if (asReference && item.IsAutoTuple) { netObjectOption = (BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions)((byte)(netObjectOption | BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions.LateSet)); } if (item.UseConstructor) { netObjectOption = (BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions)((byte)(netObjectOption | BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions.UseConstructor)); } } return(new NetObjectSerializer(model, type, key, netObjectOption)); } if (key >= 0) { defaultWireType = (dataFormat == ProtoBuf.DataFormat.Group ? WireType.StartGroup : WireType.String); return(new SubItemSerializer(type, key, model[type], true)); } } defaultWireType = WireType.None; return(null); } case ProtoTypeCode.String: { defaultWireType = WireType.String; if (!asReference) { return(new StringSerializer(model)); } return(new NetObjectSerializer(model, model.MapType(typeof(string)), 0, BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions.AsReference)); } default: { switch (typeCode) { case ProtoTypeCode.TimeSpan: { defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetDateTimeWireType(dataFormat); return(new TimeSpanSerializer(model)); } case ProtoTypeCode.ByteArray: { defaultWireType = WireType.String; return(new BlobSerializer(model, overwriteList)); } case ProtoTypeCode.Guid: { defaultWireType = WireType.String; return(new GuidSerializer(model)); } case ProtoTypeCode.Uri: { defaultWireType = WireType.String; return(new StringSerializer(model)); } case ProtoTypeCode.Type: { defaultWireType = WireType.String; return(new SystemTypeSerializer(model)); } default: { goto Label0; } } break; } } }
private ValueMember AddField(int fieldNumber, string memberName, Type itemType, Type defaultType, object defaultValue) { MemberInfo[] members = type.GetMember(memberName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if(members == null || members.Length != 1) throw new ArgumentException("Unable to determine member: " + memberName, "memberName"); MemberInfo mi = members[0]; Type miType; switch (mi.MemberType) { case MemberTypes.Field: miType = ((FieldInfo)mi).FieldType; break; case MemberTypes.Property: miType = ((PropertyInfo)mi).PropertyType; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(mi.MemberType.ToString()); } ResolveListTypes(miType, ref itemType, ref defaultType); ValueMember newField = new ValueMember(model, type, fieldNumber, mi, miType, itemType, defaultType, DataFormat.Default, defaultValue); Add(newField); return newField; }
private IProtoTypeSerializer BuildSerializer() { if (surrogate != null) { MetaType mt = model[surrogate], mtBase; while ((mtBase = mt.baseType) != null) { mt = mtBase; } return(new SurrogateSerializer(type, surrogate, mt.Serializer)); } Type itemType = TypeModel.GetListItemType(type); if (itemType != null) { ValueMember fakeMember = new ValueMember(model, 1, type, itemType, type, DataFormat.Default); return(new TypeSerializer(type, new int[] { 1 }, new IProtoSerializer[] { fakeMember.Serializer }, null, true, true, null, constructType)); } fields.Trim(); int fieldCount = fields.Count; int subTypeCount = subTypes == null ? 0 : subTypes.Count; int[] fieldNumbers = new int[fieldCount + subTypeCount]; IProtoSerializer[] serializers = new IProtoSerializer[fieldCount + subTypeCount]; int i = 0; if (subTypeCount != 0) { foreach (SubType subType in subTypes) { fieldNumbers[i] = subType.FieldNumber; serializers[i++] = subType.Serializer; } } if (fieldCount != 0) { foreach (ValueMember member in fields) { fieldNumbers[i] = member.FieldNumber; serializers[i++] = member.Serializer; } } BasicList baseCtorCallbacks = null; MetaType tmp = BaseType; while (tmp != null) { MethodInfo method = tmp.HasCallbacks ? tmp.Callbacks.BeforeDeserialize : null; if (method != null) { if (baseCtorCallbacks == null) { baseCtorCallbacks = new BasicList(); } baseCtorCallbacks.Add(method); } tmp = tmp.BaseType; } MethodInfo[] arr = null; if (baseCtorCallbacks != null) { arr = new MethodInfo[baseCtorCallbacks.Count]; baseCtorCallbacks.CopyTo(arr, 0); Array.Reverse(arr); } return(new TypeSerializer(type, fieldNumbers, serializers, arr, baseType == null, UseConstructor, callbacks, constructType)); }
// Token: 0x0600040D RID: 1037 RVA: 0x00015408 File Offset: 0x00013608 internal static IProtoSerializer TryGetCoreSerializer(RuntimeTypeModel model, DataFormat dataFormat, Type type, out WireType defaultWireType, bool asReference, bool dynamicType, bool overwriteList, bool allowComplexTypes) { Type underlyingType = Helpers.GetUnderlyingType(type); if (underlyingType != null) { type = underlyingType; } if (Helpers.IsEnum(type)) { if (allowComplexTypes && model != null) { defaultWireType = WireType.Variant; return(new EnumSerializer(type, model.GetEnumMap(type))); } defaultWireType = WireType.None; return(null); } else { ProtoTypeCode typeCode = Helpers.GetTypeCode(type); switch (typeCode) { case ProtoTypeCode.Boolean: defaultWireType = WireType.Variant; return(new BooleanSerializer(model)); case ProtoTypeCode.Char: defaultWireType = WireType.Variant; return(new CharSerializer(model)); case ProtoTypeCode.SByte: defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetIntWireType(dataFormat, 32); return(new SByteSerializer(model)); case ProtoTypeCode.Byte: defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetIntWireType(dataFormat, 32); return(new ByteSerializer(model)); case ProtoTypeCode.Int16: defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetIntWireType(dataFormat, 32); return(new Int16Serializer(model)); case ProtoTypeCode.UInt16: defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetIntWireType(dataFormat, 32); return(new UInt16Serializer(model)); case ProtoTypeCode.Int32: defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetIntWireType(dataFormat, 32); return(new Int32Serializer(model)); case ProtoTypeCode.UInt32: defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetIntWireType(dataFormat, 32); return(new UInt32Serializer(model)); case ProtoTypeCode.Int64: defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetIntWireType(dataFormat, 64); return(new Int64Serializer(model)); case ProtoTypeCode.UInt64: defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetIntWireType(dataFormat, 64); return(new UInt64Serializer(model)); case ProtoTypeCode.Single: defaultWireType = WireType.Fixed32; return(new SingleSerializer(model)); case ProtoTypeCode.Double: defaultWireType = WireType.Fixed64; return(new DoubleSerializer(model)); case ProtoTypeCode.Decimal: defaultWireType = WireType.String; return(new DecimalSerializer(model)); case ProtoTypeCode.DateTime: defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetDateTimeWireType(dataFormat); return(new DateTimeSerializer(model)); case (ProtoTypeCode)17: break; case ProtoTypeCode.String: defaultWireType = WireType.String; if (asReference) { return(new NetObjectSerializer(model, model.MapType(typeof(string)), 0, BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions.AsReference)); } return(new StringSerializer(model)); default: switch (typeCode) { case ProtoTypeCode.TimeSpan: defaultWireType = ValueMember.GetDateTimeWireType(dataFormat); return(new TimeSpanSerializer(model)); case ProtoTypeCode.ByteArray: defaultWireType = WireType.String; return(new BlobSerializer(model, overwriteList)); case ProtoTypeCode.Guid: defaultWireType = WireType.String; return(new GuidSerializer(model)); case ProtoTypeCode.Uri: defaultWireType = WireType.String; return(new StringSerializer(model)); case ProtoTypeCode.Type: defaultWireType = WireType.String; return(new SystemTypeSerializer(model)); } break; } IProtoSerializer protoSerializer = model.AllowParseableTypes ? ParseableSerializer.TryCreate(type, model) : null; if (protoSerializer != null) { defaultWireType = WireType.String; return(protoSerializer); } if (allowComplexTypes && model != null) { int key = model.GetKey(type, false, true); if (asReference || dynamicType) { defaultWireType = ((dataFormat == DataFormat.Group) ? WireType.StartGroup : WireType.String); BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions netObjectOptions = BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions.None; if (asReference) { netObjectOptions |= BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions.AsReference; } if (dynamicType) { netObjectOptions |= BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions.DynamicType; } if (key >= 0) { if (asReference && Helpers.IsValueType(type)) { string text = "AsReference cannot be used with value-types"; if (type.Name == "KeyValuePair`2") { text += "; please see"; } else { text = text + ": " + type.FullName; } throw new InvalidOperationException(text); } MetaType metaType = model[type]; if (asReference && metaType.IsAutoTuple) { netObjectOptions |= BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions.LateSet; } if (metaType.UseConstructor) { netObjectOptions |= BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions.UseConstructor; } } return(new NetObjectSerializer(model, type, key, netObjectOptions)); } if (key >= 0) { defaultWireType = ((dataFormat == DataFormat.Group) ? WireType.StartGroup : WireType.String); return(new SubItemSerializer(type, key, model[type], true)); } } defaultWireType = WireType.None; return(null); } }