        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the schema against the database and throws exceptions if differences exist.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schemaFilename">The schema filename.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">Differences exist between the schema file and the database that must be resolved before running test(s).
        /// </exception>
        protected void ValidateSchemaAgainstDatabase(string schemaFilename)

            ISchemaValidator validator;

            switch (_databaseClientType)
            case DatabaseClientType.SqlClient:
                validator = new SqlClientSchemaValidator(schemaFilename, DatabaseConnectionString);

            case DatabaseClientType.SqliteClient:
            case DatabaseClientType.OleDBClient:
            case DatabaseClientType.MySqlClient:
            case DatabaseClientType.SqlCeClient:
            case DatabaseClientType.OracleClient:
                validator = new NullSchemaValidator();

                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Unsupported Database client type: {0}", _databaseClientType.ToString()));

            SchemaComparisonReport compareResults = validator.Validate();

            foreach (string errorReport in compareResults.Errors)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("SCHEMA_VALIDATION_ERROR ({0}): {1}", schemaFilename, errorReport));

            foreach (string warnReport in compareResults.Warnings)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("SCHEMA_VALIDATION_WARNING ({0}): {1}", schemaFilename, warnReport));
            foreach (string infoReport in compareResults.Information)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("SCHEMA_VALIDATION_INFO ({0}): {1}", schemaFilename, infoReport));

            if (compareResults.Errors.Count > 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Cannot validate XSD Schema file {0} against existing database schema.\nTests cannot continue else data may be lost.\nCorrect errors in schema file and attempt tests again.", schemaFilename));
        public SchemaComparisonReport Validate()

            using (DataSet dsSchema = new DataSet())
                SchemaComparisonReport compareResults = new SchemaComparisonReport();


                var encoder = new TableNameEncoder();

                string tblName;
                string colName;
                string assemblyName;

                IDbConnection databaseConnection;
                IDbDataAdapter dataAdapter;

                assemblyName = "System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089";
                databaseConnection = DatabaseSpecificTypeFactory.CreateIDbConnection("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection", assemblyName, _connectionString);
                dataAdapter = DatabaseSpecificTypeFactory.CreateIDbDataAdapter("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter", assemblyName, _connectionString); ;

                using (DataSet dsDB = new DataSet())
                    DataTable dtDB;
                    DataColumn dcDB;
                    foreach (DataTable dtSchema in dsSchema.Tables)
                        tblName = encoder.Encode(dtSchema.TableName);
                        dataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = string.Format("select top 1 * from {0}", tblName);
                            // determine if the table exists in the database
                            dataAdapter.FillSchema(dsDB, SchemaType.Source);
                            dsDB.Tables[dsDB.Tables.Count - 1].TableName = tblName;
                            dtDB = dsDB.Tables[tblName];
                            // determine if there are any differences between the columns in the xsd and the database
                            foreach (DataColumn dcSchema1 in dtSchema.Columns)
                                colName = dcSchema1.ColumnName;
                                dcDB = dtDB.Columns[colName];
                                if (dcDB == null)
                                    // does the column exist in the database
                                    compareResults.Errors.Add(String.Format("{0}.{1}  :  Column does not exist in database.", tblName, colName));
                                    if (dcSchema1.DataType != dcDB.DataType)
                                        // do the datatypes match
                                        compareResults.Errors.Add(String.Format("{0}.{1}  :  Column's datatype does not match (Db = {2},  Xsd = {3})", tblName, colName, dcDB.DataType.FullName, dcSchema1.DataType.FullName));
                                        if (dcSchema1.DataType == typeof(string) && dcSchema1.MaxLength != dcDB.MaxLength)
                                            // if the column is a string, compare the maximum length
                                            compareResults.Errors.Add(String.Format("{0}.{1}  : Column of type String has different maximum length (Db = {2},  Xsd = {3})", tblName, colName, dcDB.MaxLength, dcSchema1.MaxLength));
                                // do we want to compare: AutoIncrement, AutoIncrementSeed, AutoIncrementStep?
                            // determine if new columns have been added to database
                            DataColumn dcSchema2;
                            foreach (DataColumn dcDB2 in dtDB.Columns)
                                colName = dcDB2.ColumnName;
                                dcSchema2 = dtSchema.Columns[colName];
                                if (dcSchema2 == null)
                                    if (dcDB2.AllowDBNull == false)
                                        if (dcDB2.AutoIncrement == true)
                                            compareResults.Information.Add(String.Format("{0}.{1}  :  Column does not exist in test schema and Db column does not allow null values, but should be okay because Db column is set to auto increment (Identity).", tblName, colName));
                                            /*If we've gotten here, there is no way to determine what will happen if the test data is inserted into the database because there is not enough information to determine
                                              whether the database insert command will fail due to null values.
                                              The database column contains a DefaultValue property but it is misleading because it does not reflect the actual default value in the database.
                                              The only accurate way to determine the default value of a database column is to query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA which only works with MS SQL Server.
                                              Since we are trying to make this database agnostic, we need to avoid querying the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.
                                            compareResults.Warnings.Add(String.Format("{0}.{1}  :  Column does not exist in test schema, Db column does not allow null values, Db Column is not set to Auto Increment (Identity), and there is no way to determine if Db column has a default value therefore SqlExceptions may occur when test data is inserted into database.", tblName, colName));
                                        compareResults.Information.Add(String.Format("{0}.{1}  :  Column does not exist in test schema, but should be okay because Db column allows null values.", tblName, colName));
                        catch (SqlException ex)
                            compareResults.Errors.Add(String.Format("{0}  :  Table does not exist in database.", tblName));

                return compareResults;

        public SchemaComparisonReport Validate()
            using (DataSet dsSchema = new DataSet())
                SchemaComparisonReport compareResults = new SchemaComparisonReport();


                var encoder = new TableNameEncoder();

                string tblName;
                string colName;
                string assemblyName;

                IDbConnection  databaseConnection;
                IDbDataAdapter dataAdapter;

                assemblyName       = "System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089";
                databaseConnection = DatabaseSpecificTypeFactory.CreateIDbConnection("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection", assemblyName, _connectionString);
                dataAdapter        = DatabaseSpecificTypeFactory.CreateIDbDataAdapter("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter", assemblyName, _connectionString);;

                using (DataSet dsDB = new DataSet())
                    DataTable  dtDB;
                    DataColumn dcDB;
                    foreach (DataTable dtSchema in dsSchema.Tables)
                        tblName = encoder.Encode(dtSchema.TableName);
                        dataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = string.Format("select top 1 * from {0}", tblName);
                            // determine if the table exists in the database
                            dataAdapter.FillSchema(dsDB, SchemaType.Source);
                            dsDB.Tables[dsDB.Tables.Count - 1].TableName = tblName;
                            dtDB = dsDB.Tables[tblName];
                            // determine if there are any differences between the columns in the xsd and the database
                            foreach (DataColumn dcSchema1 in dtSchema.Columns)
                                colName = dcSchema1.ColumnName;
                                dcDB    = dtDB.Columns[colName];
                                if (dcDB == null)
                                    // does the column exist in the database
                                    compareResults.Errors.Add(String.Format("{0}.{1}  :  Column does not exist in database.", tblName, colName));
                                if (dcSchema1.DataType != dcDB.DataType)
                                    // do the datatypes match
                                    compareResults.Errors.Add(String.Format("{0}.{1}  :  Column's datatype does not match (Db = {2},  Xsd = {3})", tblName, colName, dcDB.DataType.FullName, dcSchema1.DataType.FullName));
                                if (dcSchema1.DataType == typeof(string) && dcSchema1.MaxLength != dcDB.MaxLength)
                                    // if the column is a string, compare the maximum length
                                    compareResults.Errors.Add(String.Format("{0}.{1}  : Column of type String has different maximum length (Db = {2},  Xsd = {3})", tblName, colName, dcDB.MaxLength, dcSchema1.MaxLength));
                                // do we want to compare: AutoIncrement, AutoIncrementSeed, AutoIncrementStep?
                            // determine if new columns have been added to database
                            DataColumn dcSchema2;
                            foreach (DataColumn dcDB2 in dtDB.Columns)
                                colName   = dcDB2.ColumnName;
                                dcSchema2 = dtSchema.Columns[colName];
                                if (dcSchema2 == null)
                                    if (dcDB2.AllowDBNull == false)
                                        if (dcDB2.AutoIncrement == true)
                                            compareResults.Information.Add(String.Format("{0}.{1}  :  Column does not exist in test schema and Db column does not allow null values, but should be okay because Db column is set to auto increment (Identity).", tblName, colName));
                                            /*If we've gotten here, there is no way to determine what will happen if the test data is inserted into the database because there is not enough information to determine
                                             * whether the database insert command will fail due to null values.
                                             * The database column contains a DefaultValue property but it is misleading because it does not reflect the actual default value in the database.
                                             * The only accurate way to determine the default value of a database column is to query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA which only works with MS SQL Server.
                                             * Since we are trying to make this database agnostic, we need to avoid querying the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.
                                            compareResults.Warnings.Add(String.Format("{0}.{1}  :  Column does not exist in test schema, Db column does not allow null values, Db Column is not set to Auto Increment (Identity), and there is no way to determine if Db column has a default value therefore SqlExceptions may occur when test data is inserted into database.", tblName, colName));
                                        compareResults.Information.Add(String.Format("{0}.{1}  :  Column does not exist in test schema, but should be okay because Db column allows null values.", tblName, colName));
                        catch (SqlException ex)
                            compareResults.Errors.Add(String.Format("{0}  :  Table does not exist in database.", tblName));
