public ArrayList UpdateFrustumSelection(Instance3DCollection InstanceList)
            ArrayList selected_items = new ArrayList();

            Plane[] fplanes;
            MdxRender.Camera.GetFrustumPlanes(selectionBoxStartX, selectionBoxStartY,
                                              selectionBoxEndX, selectionBoxEndY, out fplanes);

            float test;

            //there seems to be a little bit of a plane calculation bug, objects within the bounding box are
            //not always selected perfectly
            bool bInsideFrustum = false;
            int  sel_count      = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < InstanceList.Count; i++)
                bInsideFrustum = true;
                for (int p = 0; p < fplanes.Length; p++)
                //for(int p=0; p<2; p++)
                    test = InstanceList[i].Translation.X * fplanes[p].A +
                           InstanceList[i].Translation.Y * fplanes[p].B +
                           InstanceList[i].Translation.Z * fplanes[p].C +

                    if (test < 0) //test for behind plane (outside of frustum) (normals point to inside of frustum)
                        bInsideFrustum = false;

                InstanceList[i].Selected = bInsideFrustum;
                if (bInsideFrustum)
            //Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("selected:  {0}/{1}", sel_count, this.Count));
            //Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("near   Nx={0:N3}   Ny={1:N3}   Nz={2:N3}   D={3:N3}", fplanes[0].A, fplanes[0].B, fplanes[0].C, fplanes[0].D));
            //Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("far    Nx={0:N3}   Ny={1:N3}   Nz={2:N3}   D={3:N3}", fplanes[1].A, fplanes[1].B, fplanes[1].C, fplanes[1].D));
            //Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("right  Nx={0:N3}   Ny={1:N3}   Nz={2:N3}   D={3:N3}", fplanes[2].A, fplanes[2].B, fplanes[2].C, fplanes[2].D));
            //Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("left   Nx={0:N3}   Ny={1:N3}   Nz={2:N3}   D={3:N3}", fplanes[3].A, fplanes[3].B, fplanes[3].C, fplanes[3].D));
            //Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("top    Nx={0:N3}   Ny={1:N3}   Nz={2:N3}   D={3:N3}", fplanes[4].A, fplanes[4].B, fplanes[4].C, fplanes[4].D));
            //Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Bottom Nx={0:N3}   Ny={1:N3}   Nz={2:N3}   D={3:N3}", fplanes[5].A, fplanes[5].B, fplanes[5].C, fplanes[5].D));
        public void Render()
            // View Frustum Culling

            // Just for fun, I tried to implement frustum culling based on some code and articles
            // that I found.  Long story short - it doesn't work ;p
            // Maybe it's on the right track and would be a good base to work off of?
            //      Instance3DCollection culledObjects = new Instance3DCollection();
            //      foreach (Instance3D instance in this.InnerList)
            //      {
            //        // Looks like billboards don't have a bounding box.
            //        if (instance.Model.m_BoundingBox == null) continue;
            //        Matrix viewMatrix = MdxRender.Camera.GetViewMatrix();
            //        Vector3 min = new Vector3(instance.Model.m_BoundingBox.min[0],
            //          instance.Model.m_BoundingBox.min[1],
            //          instance.Model.m_BoundingBox.min[2]);
            //        min = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(min, MdxRender.Dev.Transform.View);
            //        Vector3 max = new Vector3(instance.Model.m_BoundingBox.max[0],
            //          instance.Model.m_BoundingBox.max[1],
            //          instance.Model.m_BoundingBox.max[2]);
            //          max = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(max, MdxRender.Dev.Transform.View);
            //        if (MdxRender.Camera.CullAABB(min, max) > 0)
            //          culledObjects.Add(instance);
            //      }

            // Implemented a more .NET approach to distance sorting.
            // Resulted in a 6fps gain on my system (AthlonXP 3000+, Radeon 9800 Pro)
            Instance3DCollection culledObjects = this;


            for (int i = culledObjects.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)

            //for(int i=0; i<Count; i++)
//      for(int i=Count-1; i>=0; i--)
//      {
//        temp = this[distanceSortArray[i]];
//        temp.Render();
//      }

